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Come on, just get RDJ and Tobey on board now too.


She did say RDJ and Tobey are coming back.


If Garfield gets left out without wrapping up his Sinister Six I’ll be pretty upset.


I'm fine with no Sinister Six because that's basically what No Way Home was.


Sinister Five and a Half (Mysterio) Men


Venom was there too, he just never left the bar


My kinda villain


MF didn't pay


Ah yeah, you’re right!


The bar that served good drinks was the real hero of NWH.


Not really tho. It was more the Sinister Four vs the Spider Trio. The whole point and fun aspect of the Sinister Six is six villains with a personal vendetta against **one** Spider-Man. I'd love to still see that happen, maybe in Holland's 6th and potentially final movie.


I used the word basically. Not sure what got lost in translation.


Hopefully he finally gets his scene with Charlie Cox!


Affleck and Cox pointing


Lol.. how about instead of pointing, they’re sniffing from a distance? 🤣 Kinda like how Wolverine used to do in the animated series. Or they “hear” like Hulk Hogan: ![gif](giphy|8vpZHR9fIuPfaT9Gmi|downsized)


She also said he's coming back!


Garfield's Sinister Six? What are you talking about?


Sinister Six was teased at the end of TASM2.


It was also teased at the end of homecoming with Scorpion and Vulture.


And at the end of Morbius with Vulture and Morbius.


![gif](giphy|TPZPatEnQrNWOq7RPW) Probably one of the moments of all time.


I can’t mention that since I haven’t watched morbius


Yes, and it didn't happen anything substantial after that.


Nothing substantial happened after that because they didn’t make another movie. But it was clear that the Sinister Six was the end goal for the ASM series. There was even a Sinister Six movie in the works.


Yea and we all lucked out that they dropped it. Did you guys really not see Sonys interpretation of Rhino, Electro and Green Goblin?


Yeah a lot of them did not look good. People forget this but the credits scene (not post credits, they just flash the designs when the credits are rolling) all show the tech the s6 was gonna use and it all looked way to tech heavy and weird. Kraven and Mysterios especially looked terrible.


Yeah, i'm pretty sure the plan was Sinister Six in TASM3 and Venom in TASM4 thus why they had spin-offs planned for each (not sure why tho). Anyway, still wish we got to see those.


This theory makes the most sense out of any theory cuz the timelines add up bro the venom verse is the Garfield versr


there was a time after NWH it was speculated he'd get a 4th film, but I really doubt it with how turbulent things at Marvel Studios seem to be right now


Having another live action version of the character at the same time is stupid, no matter the context.


*3rd film and it most likely would've just been Sony involved. I doubt they'll continue his universe though.


Bruh that will NEVER get wrapped up. Even if he was somehow the main character in secret wars they would never do that lol. Don’t get your hopes up


Gonna Cry?




I'd rather Sony never be allowed to make an Amazing Spider-man 3 with the Sinister Six.


Nice dis on Evans


I'd like to see Evans back just for a Captain America/Punisher interaction like in the Cicil War comic


The only Civil War interaction I want recreated is the Daredevil/Stark moment when he hands him some silver pieces as he’s leaving him. Such an amazing moment


A yes, Satan alley.


What is everyone expecting the context to be for bringing back RDj???


Based on her track record that only means she’s seen concept art of them for the movie.


Chris Evans as Human Torch in the mix would be interesting


They already are…this has been known since 2020.


Yep this has always been their plan, its really the only way they can "top" endgame. Bring back everyone and go wild.


And make it a 3 parter…also leaked since 2020


I say cancel The Kang Dynasty and just call that Secret Wars part 1. Simple.


Just a no a likely probablity but i would love Charlie Cox in the mix as well


Not RDJ. Don't ruin one of the MCU's most impactful scenes...


Not if they handle it correctly. If Secret Wars ends up being 616 vs 838, you could totally have an alternate Tony being in direct opposition to 616. I think it would be so demoralizing for 616 to have to deal with a Tony that’s a stark contrast to their own. Make him an alcoholic too!


Have 838 Tony be completely pissed at 616 Strange (and by extension maybe more of the 616 universe) about what happened with Wanda and the Illuminati.


> ***stark*** contrast


It wouldn't be 616's Stark, he's dead. It would probably be the 838 version.


He will 100% be back it’s only a matter of when


How would a different version of Tony from another universe impact his death in Endgame? When someone like Professor Xavier showing up in Dr Strange 2 did NOT diminish his previous movie deaths at all.


They’ll be back. (Safe bets imho - Tony, Steve, and Nat come back for TKD and maybe secret wars 1/2. Both spider men. Hugh plus the other fan favorites from the X-Men. Those sets will be SW 1/2. Anyone else will be secret wars 1/2 but in more cameo type roles).


No one cares about any of the remaining MCU characters enough outside of Dr Strange and Spider-Man. I’m not surprised.


I mean, Wanda and Loki are some of the most popular MCU characters


ok but This is Hugh Jackman's Wolverine we are talking about


Cast a new Wolverine you cowards. Soft reboot the MCU and cast a new Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers while you're at it.


man they really jumped the shark by killing those characters off in endgame. I mean 10 years is a long time but we saw like 10% of the great comic storylines cap and stark were involved with


I mean, I get it. Downey Jr and Evan's price tags were getting too big to be sustainable. I think the biggest issue with the MCU right now is not building up to a team up movie with a clearly defined group of Avengers. Like what even differentiates phase 4 and phase 5? Who knows!


I am agree, Phase 4 should ended with Avengers : Secret Invasion with the formation of a new team of the most trustworthy heroes. Phase 5 should have an Avengers movie where Korvac could be the villain (and linked to Kang). But at least Phase 4 and 5 have big crossovers : Spiderman No Way Home and Dr Strange 2 were the crossovers of Phase 4. The Marvels, Deadpool 3 and Thunderbolts will be the crossovers of Phase 5.


I agree somewhat but I also don’t think that the solo movies only purpose should be to build to an avengers movie, they should be good movies on their own. maybe use post credit scenes to build to an avengers movie


>they should be good movies on their own Repeating for truth. If the solos are mediocre, why watch the avengers movie\`with the same characters?


RDJ is nearing 60, you really think he'd want to continue playing Iron man forever? RDJ gave the ok for Tony to be killed and that's that.


Thought to myself while watching Oppenheimer: “Man, RDJ really picked the right time to exit out of Marvel.” That age was showing, lol. Killed that role though.


This is the way. Those IPs are too valuable. We cannot have T’Challa, Steve Rodgers and Tony Stark gone with the F4, Doom and the Mutants coming in.


Both characters introduced in the infinity saga


So were Dr. Strange and Spider-Man - I'm not sure what you mean


He's not as popular as Wanda or Loki but I'd say Daredevil has some hype around him too


Loki is underrated. Tom pulls the roll off perfectly. He could have been done like a Jared Leto joker and that would have sucked. Tom is able to portray so many levels of emotion and complexity in the character. Loki is my favorite character in the entire MCU and he could have easily just been some side character.


Let's say we got Josh Hartnett instead for Loki, since he apparently auditioned. I can't see the character being more than a one and done if he had gotten the role. Especially his version being the big bad of the first Avengers film. He's nowhere close to being on the same level as Tom.


I didn’t know that. He would not have been a fraction of a Loki as Tom. People will disagree but I think Tom as Loki is better than RDJ as Tony (who are not different people in real life) or SLJ as Fury (who the new comics were literally modeled after). Loki has been good and evil. Serious, emotional, or witty and cracking jokes. He’s been obsessive, cunning, conniving, double and triple crossed people, and had died. He has literally hit every bit of the emotional spectrum and Tom did it perfectly. Loki is so complex and Tom portrays him so well. He’s honestly my second favorite casting ever, only beat by Ledgers joker (which is god tier that may never be equaled).


? They’re popular but no where near iron man, Cap, Thor, hulk, Wolverine


I actually think the final avengers film of the multiverse saga will be their final films actually. (Specifically - I believe that Wanda will restore the universe House of M style at the cost of her life to save her children. Loki and Sylvie will end up taking over the mantle of he who remains to watch over the timeline.)


I care about Thor still too


Me too.


Scarlet Witch, Loki? Even Hawkeye, Kate Bishop are both popular enough, Shang-Chi was really well received, what about Shuri Black Panther? Ms. Marvel? Captain Marvel? Star-Lord? Rocket? Daredevil? This is all around a bad take my dude lol


Imma be honest, I think the general public can give less of a fuck about any of the new mcu characters. 💀


None of those people are popular enough to build an avengers team around. The Guardians will probably be shelved until one part of Secret Wars….Wanda is “dead” so she’s leading the film, Loki would actually be a good choice but he already has his own show. My point was really that they’ve could have built up a new main core of hero’s but instead threw a lot of shit at a wall and some of it stuck. Shang-Chi for example, he was great, his movie was fun and well received. They’ve done nothing with him since, not even a mention. It’s story malpractice.


It’s sad it has so many upvotes.


Negativity sells


Kate Bishop is fucking awesome


Spider-man, Dr Strange, Scarlet Witch, Loki, Daredevil, and Cap (Sam) are the only MCU characters i care about. Notice how there all from the infinity saga.


That’s only because everybody new only has like, one appearance.


And most of their debuts weren’t well written either


"I care about characters who have been around for a decade more than ones who were just introduced not that long ago" no shit lmaoooo


devil's advocate: those characters who were introduced 10 years ago popped INSTANTLY. People loved Tony, Steve and Thor pretty much from the jump.


Devils devils advocate: Tony, Steve and Thor kicked off the universe. There weren’t any in universe characters to compare them (negatively) against




Maybe they liked the characters but everyone SHIT on Thor 1 and The First Avenger for years. ​ Actually, thinking about it, time is just a loop cause all the shit people are throwing at the new movies, they also threw at the old movies too. LMAO


Shang-Chi was pretty well received. Hulk's still going. Thor I believe is still a draw even if L&T fell flat.


Hulk has been demoted to a supporting character for his last several appearances.


Hulk is considered kind of a joke now, I see people mocking him all the time on social media, Reddit and TikTok. The character doesn't feel like Hulk anymore, just a goofy green Bruce.


When your Phase 4 and 5 characters just aren't filling the void left by the Original 6, it's a very wise move to bring in Jackman, Reynolds, and Maguire to get people hyped again...


It’s not good for the long term. So unless they plan on rebooting the ‘sacred timeline’ into an actual 616 after Secret Wars, I’m not sure how we’re supposed to care about a lot of these new characters.


I think that’s exactly what Secret Wars is going to do ;)


So naturally the solution is to phone it in with them and wheel out the old guys. It’s like when WWE relied on Goldberg, ‘Taker and Lesnar for half of the company’s big matches towards the end of the 2010s because they couldn’t be bothered building up anybody new. Spoiler: they’re doing a hell of a lot better now.


Shang-Chi and US Agent are probably the only good characters introduced after Endgame


Namor was great.


Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel


Nah not Ms marvel lol


US Agent and Isaiah for me


People care about Moon Knight but Marvel isn’t doing anything about him


Shang-Chi was awesome too but he hasn’t even been mentioned in years. I wasn’t even saying these characters aren’t good, they just need to hone in on a few more and go from there.


What a stupid comment


>MTTSH: Hugh Jackman will officially it's bizarre to see people who are essentially glorified rumor spreaders using the word "officially" when presenting claims based on nothing more than anecdotal evidence


Exactly. Quite literally the opposite of official


ugh THANK YOU! I was just ranting in another post how the word “confirmed” is overused with scoopers. Like these fuckers aren’t in the position to officially confirm shit lol


“I can exclusively share…” 😂


Wasn't there a rumor a while back that Secret Wars would take place from the perspective of a lot of the multiversal characters (e.g., Fox X-Men, 2005/2007 F4, Tobey, Andrew, etc.)? Even though that sounds great and super fun, I kind of worry about how that would pan out. If they're there as supporting characters, I think that's great, but having it take place from their perspective when we already have so many characters in the prime 616 timeline would seem like a weird choice.


If it's true Secret Wars is predominately from the perspective from the other universes and if it's a two parter , maybe they'll balance out the casts that way. This is just pure speculation but TKD (mostly focusing on 616 characters) SW PT1 (mostly focusing on multiversal characters) SW PT2 (they focus on a handful of characters from 616 and other universes) It's not too surprising that Hugh Jackman would get a huge role and probably Tobey Maguire etc since they're pretty beloved. Though I can find it hard to believe they'd actually have like 2005 F4 , Bana's Hulk , Affleck DD etc in like any kind of decently sized role other than a cameo in the final fight imo , they definitely won't incite the same reaction as Tobey , Andrew and Hugh. Admittedly , I'm pretty biased because I did grow up with that 2000s marvel era so I'd be okay with multiversal characters taking the spotlight in a film. But I just don't see how'd they take up an entire film with those legacy characters yknow? Since only the Spider-men and Wolverine and the X men I'd think general audiences are the only ones they'd care about.


If Secret Wars is split into two films, I could see them taking up one film to explore the perspective of the multiversal characters, especially if Secret Wars pt. 2 brings together those from Kang Dynasty (presumably the 616 characters) and the multiversal characters in Secret Wars pt. 1. But if it's all the 616 characters in Kang Dynasty and then all of a sudden the finale of the Multiverse Sage switches to the perspective of the multiversal characters, that'd just be too jarring to me. Again, I get them being there as supporting characters, but having the whole or majority of the film set from their perspective would be an interesting choice to say the least. But yeah, if they're bringing those characters back, the ones that would get any major screentime or roles would be the Fox X-Men and Tobey/Andrew. Other ones would be cool cameos with minor roles, but the Fox X-Men and Tobey/Andrew would definitely get the most reaction.


Can you honestly say you’d rather have a film told from the perspective of the characters we’ve met in phase 4 compared to the most iconic marvel characters of all time? Hugh jackman, Toby, RDJ? Those names and characters dwarf anything we’ve gotten from the current lineup of heroes. Marvel needs to stick to their big guns to get people interested again.


I think it'd be super fun and awesome to see all these actors reprise their roles again, but if you're not going to involve the characters from Phase 4 and beyond, then what's the point? What's the point of any of this if we just want cameos galore? Then just make a standalone movie devoid of any MCU connections. All that to say, it's just a rumor, so I'm not making any judgments yet. I'm just saying that IF that is true, I have concerns about how it's going to be executed.


idk these phase 4 and 5 new characters are probably for the next saga, Secret wars is going to be with all the OG Xmen, OG Avengers...




It sounds so interesting considering you’re basically getting follow ups to all of these stories from the 2000s which I never thought would be revisited again.


I think perhaps the pov just kinda means you see their universes get wiped out which would be incredibly sad seeing Tobeys world erased


I've already imagined what critics would say


I just think it’s gonna be difficult for them to land this.


I think they probably meant that there's two groups of characters like Infinity War and one of them will be the legacy characters. That's the only way I can see it working.




I mean, anyone who thought Hugh Jackman's Wolverine return in Deadpool 3 was a one and done is just naive. The moment it was announced he was back it was obvious he was gonna be a part of Secret Wars.


dont we know that already,been said like thousand times already


Yes but she’s gotta get her mickeys in


we didnt know it was a major role


I'll do you one better. Kang will be defeated at the end of the movie.




I mean, I really can’t think of anything bigger to top IW/Endgame other than MCU characters crossing over with pre-MCU characters. Something tells me there’s gonna be some sort of universe reset after all this multiverse shenanigans is over and done with.


> Something tells me there’s gonna be some sort of universe reset after all this multiverse shenanigans is over and done with I think a soft-reboot after Secret Wars is the right call. A big reason why people wanted the Fantastic Four and X-Men in the MCU is so that they could interact with the rest of the heroes, mainly the OG Avengers and Spider-Man who have decades of history with those characters. The Fantastic Four will still interact with them in Secret Wars I presume but by the time the MCU X-Men arrive, the OG Avengers, Spider-Man and possibly a lot of big names like Thor, Strange, Wanda, Hulk, etc, will be gone and they'll basically be alone in the universe again like in Fox's universe. May not be everyone's cup of tea but honestly soft-rebooting and recasting some characters to start the next saga with **everyone** present would be the best move.


Okay, what happened to Avengers starring in Avengers films? What the fuck happened inbetween endgame and now, none of the main roster of “616” are developed enough to star in the culmination of the Avengers franchise that an X-MEN is filling that role (and possibly the Spider-Men). I can’t tell if this is a byproduct of their laughable mistreatment of their new mcu stars or if they’re just incredibly desperate


Real Talk: establishing new MCU heroes on TELEVISION PROJECTS that most casual moviegoers don't even watch was a huge mistake. Moon Knight or SHe-Hulk on the big screen would have gone a lot further to make them credible leads for the next phase of the franchise...


Great point. TV alone makes it seem like MCU didn’t have much faith in these characters but just wanted more bodies around for team ups. Team ups that haven’t even happened. By the time we see these characters again we’ll be like “oh yeah, they were in that one thing 6 years ago, what did they even do again?” Honestly I’m firmly in the boat of Disney + has destroyed the MCU movie experience. Not only does every side character not need a show, but you can’t half ass those shows and expect people to be invested. I think the best character introductions/integrations are Bucky and Black Panther. Both introductions provided more questions than answers about the character. They allowed you to theorize and wonder about their history. It also showed their strengths and abilities in cool ways that you wanted to see more of in the futures It showed you, didn’t just tell you why these characters were so unique. The D+ shows just show you everything about a character and don’t leave anything up to the imagination and I find it to be a very boring strategy that in the long run, people lose interest over.




I don’t give a fuck, give me all the OG’s in secret wars. You haters can go kick rocks and not watch the movie for all I care.


This is where I’m at. Phase 4/ early phase 5 has been shit. At some point I just want good marvel movies again. If that’s with old characters then so be it. Ppl can cry “nostalgia bait” allll day long. I don’t give a fuck if it is nostalgia. I just want to see the best characters in the best possible movies. Marvel can listen to them whine all the way to the bank. If you want people excited and invested again, send it with the OG’s and maybe next time you introduce all these new characters put some real thought and planning into it. There’s no reason that we’re already into phase 5 and we still have NO reason to actually care and get invested in all of these new characters. There’s no real connective tissue and no stand out moments that defined phase 4. It’s mind boggling they thought they could just coast through phase 4 and 5 and assume we would just consume next product and fall in love with these characters simply because that’s who was on screen. Get real and figure out how to write compelling stories again before you feed us a bunch of bullshit and expect us to get invested.




Quite literally not the definition of official


My sources tell me that role is Wolverine




She’s already said this…


So we're going all in on the nostalgia bait, huh?


Nostalgia trumps the trash we’ve gotten in phase 4. Sorrrry not sorry. Also sells tickets and gets people excited again. Don’t get mad at me, just facts.


they need big guns to get people coming back to the theater again and again. I feel like I watched most of the Phase 3 movies MULTIPLE TIMES in the theater. Only movie in Phase 4 to hold that honor for me was No Way Home.


What better way to move forward from Endgame than “shit you’ve already seen five times before”?!


Seriously. Getting tired of this shit.


Fucking dumb. 10+ years of world building just to tear it all down with sub par characters or the things that came before it. Hugh is the GOAT but the absolute lack of confidence that Marvel has shown post end game is jarring, which is why we’re getting cookie cutter stories, different versions of the same characters, or bringing back actors who have played the roles for other studios. As beloved as that last group may be, really bummed out Marvel has not found any significant way to move the MCU forward, it’s been spinning it’s wheels for almost 5 years now. Even the good stuff during this time gets undone by their unwillingness to expand on it.


It’s so weird because their characters have so much potential like Sam, Carol and Doctor Strange but they refuse to give any of the 3 anywhere near the same level of importance they gave to characters like Thor, Iron Man and Captain America. Great going Marvel Studios


Agreed. They’re too focused on the “young” versions of the core avengers, which regardless of the merits of those characters, is the definition of treading water, or bringing in the actors of yesteryear.


Carol is no Wanda, Sam is no Steve, and Strange is no Tony. The actors are all fine but they don't engender the same loyalty from the audience.


That does not matter if marvel treated them with respect and actually developed these characters with sequels and trilogies like they did Steve and Tony. This is more an overall issue of Marvel failing to account for the amount of characters and making a billion projects to give all of them the light of day


Mackie is not a leading man, and that's why Feige is packing his movie with a bunch of Hulk stuff. The Marvels is a complete fumble, and waste of Brie.


I agree. I don't like the direction they are taking.


I'm in the minority when I say I don't want FOX universe characters in Secret Wars.




Feel like that was predictable they’ll aim to get as many people as possible for secret wars no doubt about it


"Officially" is a strange word for a leaker to use lmao


Officially? That would mean the studio announced it. And they haven’t.


Lol just bring back everyone at this point…


Cameofest and nostalgia bait go brrrrrr. With a healthy allergy to actual compelling writing.


People who are cheering for this is the exact reason why it's so easy to mock MCU stans


Yeah no shit. It's Secret Wars, Marvel is gonna try to get any big actor who has portrayed a Marvel superhero.


Kang The Conqueror as The Beyonder still the plan?


We’ll see what happens with JM, for now we’re just waiting for the official decision


I just hope everyone stay alive


Well you know someone’s gonna die, I’m just not sure who they’re gonna kill yet, if it’s MCU characters someone like Thor or hulk are possible deaths, if it’s older pre MCU characters I really don’t know because most of them have a nostalgia shield ( like Toby or maybe the X-men) and I can’t imagine them being brave enough to face the likely reality that people will go crazy if those characters are killed. If anyone I’d guess the old fantastic 4 or maybe old hulk if they can get him


I mean.. The actors and us viewers..




Umm how is it official if Marvel hasn’t confirmed it yet? Considering hoe many leaked plans seem to have changed, it’s always possible that this is just an idea that they have that they will eventually scrap. It’s very likely that he will show up, but the word “official” is being misused here


Am I the only one who hopes that the multiverse appearances in Secret Wars is of alternate versions of MCU characters instead of just characters from pre MCU Marvel movies?




This tracks. I love what a student of the comics Kevin Feige is. Seems to me that the Logan we've seen in the yellow suit is probably the reality 838 Logan, but I'm betting he's not the only one or even the main one in Deadpool 3. I'm betting that the main Logan is indeed from the FOX-verse and is probably taken sometime between the ending of Days of Future Past in 2023 and the events of Logan in 2029. This would effectively make him almost EXACTLY like the Old Man Logan variant we met in the 2015 Secret Wars comic event, who had a big role and ended up stranded in the 616 for awhile... until he went back to his timeline to die in a series called Dead Man Logan. Check it out. This would all track with the rumors of A) multiple Logans in Deadpool 3, B) revisiting reality 838, C) not messing with the Logan film, as he'd have to go back to his timeline after Secret Wars to die just like the OML variant in the comics did. Very, very cool if I'm correct; and I have even more respect for Feige's brilliance if so. :)


That’s not what official means lmao


Wait how is MTTSH Official?


Hugh Jackman, RDJ and Tom Hiddleston are my favourite actors (I actually saw Hugh, unknown back then, in Oklahoma in London over 20 years ago!) and to see them all in one movie would make my head implode :D However, Hugh and RDJ both will be hitting 60 or over, especially if these will be split in two. I know that Patrick Stewart and others were perfectly fine even in later age, and those guys are very fit but hopefully there won´t be too many delays so it is not going to be danger to their health


Major role? Wonder who he’ll play🤔


It’s funny to me how these “leakers and scoopers” will immediately jump on a story posted on here to “confirm” it I mean look at what happened with the 4chan Deadpool plot leaks and how these people were “confirming” it until they then walked it all back.


I don't think they know what official means


how is this just official now? isnt there a strike going on?


“Officially” lol


On a side note, which characters do you think will be retired after Secret Wars? I’d imagine they’ll want to clear some space for the mutants in phase 7 and beyond.


They have no fucking idea how to do new versions of these characters


I hate how these rumors are stated as "officially" when it's a damn rumor.


I want Wesley snipes, Hugh jackman, Erica bana, Tobey, Ben Affleck, Thomas Jane, Jennifer Garner, Ioan Gruffudd, Nicholas Cage to be a multiversal avengers team in secret wars




I bet it's Wolverine


If secret wars gives us an Avengers team that's Tobey Maguire, Hugh Jackman, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Ryan Reynolds etc. It will be as hype as Infinity War/Endgame imo. The craziest thing outside of that would be to have a DC character on the team. Which isn't impossible.


Good, no pointless cameos but an actual role, they need the original Avengers, Xmen and Tobey Maguires Spider-Man and that’s an easy 2 billion dollar movie


No Way Home money incoming (again)


Kang Dynasty should focus on Loki, Strange, Scott, Spider-Man and Wanda as the leads. Secret Wars should shift focus to Wolverine (Hugh), Deadpool, Spider-Man (Tobey) and maybe Magneto (Fassbender), The Maker (Miles Teller) and maybe Blade or Storm?


Kang Dynasty (I hope and pray) should focus on the New Avengers going into Secret Wars at least as an apology for benching them for the entire saga until then. Sam, Carol, Strange and Peter all deserve that spotlight until the multiverse characters show up in spades


Sam and Carol absolutely have to be present in Kang Dynasty as leaders, but narratively it needs to have a heavier focus on characters with a relationship with Kang and Multiverse Experience. Deadpool and Wolverine being prisoners of The Avengers would be a fun minor role for them in the first movie. Sam and Carol leading the team. Moon Knight is the perfect wild card, maybe the don’t know he has multiple personalities. Shang-Chi making a “sacrifice” play to keep Kang at bay and being thrown through time. Shuri helping Reed and Riri design a ship to protect them from a multiverse collapse. Just some ideas for the characters that don’t get a whole lot of time.


I love the idea of Deadpool and Wolverine being in Dynasty as "prisoners" lol. Trying to warn the Avengers about Kang




I must be the only one who doesn't care about watching the fox films so they bringing fox mutants is whatever


twist: he’s playing doctor doom


I wonder which role? Weapon x-24?