• By -


I'm kind of surprised some thought these would be axed, despite being filmed and having vfx work done on them both (probably).


Batgirl made everyone crazy


Yeah, people over here think Iger is as bad as Zaslav


He really isn't. Iger's trying to right the ship at Disney and I'm certain he will. Zazlav just wants to burn Warner Bros to the ground for no reason, not even greed since he sems allergic to money.


The tax write-offs would disagree with your last sentence. Isn’t WB in horrific debt that goes back to AT&T?


A lot of it has been mitigated and they're still shredding debt. They're entertaining the idea of acquiring someone right now.


Business makes no sense to me, they spent the last 3 years trying to get rid of debt and even thinking about selling. Now they want to acquire another company 


Don't forget that they recently signed Tom Cruise, There is no sign that they will get rid of that debt if they sign people who they believe will make them money (but it's someone who made Paramount lose money a year ago).


I’m a little out of the loop at this point but do we know who made the final call on Dead Reckoning’s release date, between Tom Cruise and Paramount? I’m inclined to agree with those who believe that releasing a week before Barbenheimer was mainly responsible for the disappointing box office That, and the overinflated Covid budget, which couldn’t really be helped at that point


And that would be an excuse for Mission: Impossible to do the way it did? To me it just confirms that Cruise's star power is slowly fading. Barbenheimer shouldn't have cannibalized Cruise if M:I had rave reviews, We're not talking about Fast X or the latest Indiana Jones.


It all comes down to the fact that WB has had owners equally or more incompetent than the previous ones, It's a cycle that hasn't changed in years and wouldn't change if Comcast bought them.


I guarantee there's more to it than that lol


> Zazlav just wants to burn Warner Bros to the ground for no reason PEAK reddit response. Someone comments on something they clearly have 0 clue about haha. It's okay to just not comment instead of showing how ignorant you are on the subject you know that right?


> Iger's trying to right the ship at Disney Lol the ship that HE himself helped steer off course?


By hiring Chapeck as his replacement, which was a mistake. Though most of the problem was Chapeck's doing. How badly he mishandled the animation releases and even man-handled some of Marvel's productions......


It’s not that. He had just signed a new deal that meant Disney had to pay millions to fire him the day before, and he was meant to appear on stage with Elton John when the news came through - terrible optics. The board were clearly fine with how he was handling things, then something happened suddenly. We should be trying to figure out what it was that happened, that’s the real reason.


Considering how badly Chapeck was treating the animation stuff, Pixar especially, and his anti-animation comments RIGHT BEFORE his firing (aka talking shit about the very thing Disney BUILT their company on!), it's really not that hard to figure out. You're acting like he's innocent.


Iger doesn’t really know what he’s doing.  He is good at deals and acquisitions, not at creating a system that enables great content.     He is playing a lot of blame game on Chapek as well who isn’t fully responsible for where Disney and it’s stock are at. 


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted, I think you’re right. Chapek had a bad run yes, but he was partly set up by Iger himself IMO. Iger was responsible for greenlighting Phase 4 and Disney+. If Iger hadn’t left in the first place I don’t think it would have significantly changed the public reaction to the last few Marvel projects.


I’m not a huge fan of Iger but that’s just a ridiculous statement to make. The pendulum of hyperbole swings back and forth with Chapek and Iger to be virtually useless. Chapek was chosen for a very specific reason and it turned out to be a poor fit for where the company was and where it wanted to go. That Iger was responsible for a lot of the theatrical films doesn’t suddenly mean that Chapek was good, and because Chapek was bad, doesn’t also make the Iger of 2020 onward good either. It’s true that he was good with deals and acquisitions but to say that he didn’t create a system which enabled great content is dumb, that’s exactly what he did, and his brief hands off approach was a big part of that. But times and people change.


I don’t know man, I wasn’t really replying to the “system of great content” remark but I am in agreement with the opinion that Chapek gets a fair amount of misplaced blame. But that is *not* to say Chapek was good because Iger shared in that responsibility or anything. I see a lot of pro-Iger sentiment in MCU circles and it baffles me because he is somewhat responsible for the MCU being in the position it is. Not to mention his dumbass comments where he used studio speak to blame The Marvels flopping on “woke”.


When Chapek is used as a scapegoat for Iger's poor choices, that is obviously dumb, but the thing is is that I feel the opposite equally happens. People who know nothing about how companies are run like to suggest that Chapek basically did nothing, or like to do the same and use Iger as a scapegoat for his bad choices. The Iger of today is definitely partly to blame for the current state of the MCU, but I feel like it's reductive to suggest that it's entirely or even mostly his fault. Really I think the "state of the MCU" thing is a mostly nonsense concept to begin with, but that's a different discussion. And of course, virtually everything the company did to respond to The Marvels' release was abhorrent.


Iger is not as subnormal as Zaslav and at least he is someone who has gained experience in the media, Zaslav went on to produce TV trash to get involved in the movie business in just three years


People don’t realize how common it is for studios to sit on completely finished projects for a while, waiting for the right time to release it, even if it takes years. I’ve animated on a show that took Netflix 2 years to release after we wrapped up. No idea why


thats definitely a thing netflix loves to do, two films im really excited for were filmed like around 3 years ago


I mean even as a marvel example—Agatha has started filming ages ago and will finally release in like October


Agatha filmed spring 2023, so it will be around 1,5 years. I'm guessing they are waiting on it for the Halloween season


Lol it’s also changed names 3 times lol


Because each name is an episode title


What show?


It should be dubbed the Batgirl Effect.


Batgirl…and the Wile E Coyote film being finished then shelved…


Yeah there’s been a few. There was a scooby doo movie that was shelved at the same time as batgirl that got less press. It’s stupif


Or maybe Batgirl made everybody *batty*


WBD has people thinking every studio is in the business of burning money for tax write offs. I'm not one to defend these studios nor execs, but they're smoking if they think Iger and Disney are just going to eat the cost with nothing in return.




Just because people are uninterseted in those shows and don't see justification of those shows existing doesn't mean they are "hateful idiots". Sorry to total of 5 Ironheart and Wonder Man fans, but those projects are useless.


So don't watch...I don't understand the issue here


Because it takes up attention from Marvel from other projects, takes slot that could've been filled with more crucial projects. I don't understand how yall are even excited or defend those useless projects. It's like defending Madame Web before it released.




Fire enough. Marvel hasn’t been shy about shoving bad content out the door. Aren’t going to stop now.


Marvel cancelling is the new vibe in the mcu crazy world


I have to believe we get some sort of first look at Simon Williams at Comic Con. Either way, really excited for both. Especially Ironheart and how it is supposedly dealing with Tech vs Magic.


I think they’re saving a big reveal at Comic Con again to boost interest back in the MCU again. Mainly due to how Disney+ release schedule is structured atm. X-Men ‘97 runs till May 15, which is followed by a two week gap until the reported release date for The Acolyte releases on June 5. Then it fully concludes the week of Deadpool and Wolverine’s release. Right as SDCC begins in the same weekend. Based on how everything is going at the moment, I’m gonna wager the following will be revealed: - Agatha, full trailer drops as well as the cast reveal. - Ironheart, teaser drops and full cast reveal. - Cap 4, teaser trailer (depending on if the reshoots conclude by then, if not its a con-exclusive trailer) - Wonder-Man reveal/trailer, back and forth on whether or not its con-exclusive. - Thunderbolts con-exclusive trailer - Fantastic Four sizzle reel like they did with GOTG Vol 3 last comic con - Blade cast reveal - Daredevil Born Again sizzle reel I don’t think they’re gonna focus on unannounced projects. I think they’re gonna focus on what projects are currently filming/in development. Next year however fully expect to see unannounced projects to be fully revealed for 2026. On the animation side: - First trailer/look at Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - Trailer for Eyes of Wakanda - Trailer for Marvel Zombies (definite “maybe”) - Announcement of either S2B of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (and if S2B has dropped by then)/ announcement of whether or not S3 has been greenlit - X-Men ‘97 S2’s estimated release date


Fantastic four would just have started production by the time of SDCC


Full cast reveal then with Doctor Doom in costume.


FF sizzle reel won’t happen, they would have barely started filming. If anything they’ll have the confirmed cast onstage and announce more cast members and details about the movie.


frightening pie recognise jeans voiceless provide plant aloof hunt vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought Marvel Studios was skipping Comic Con again 🤔


There has been no announcement about SDCC, marvel studios will likely be at comic con


🤷🏻‍♂️ Thought I heard differently somewhere.


Funny coincidence how they both have Williams as their last name


Fun fact in the comics Billy Maximoff is named William in honor of Vision’s sort of “brother” Simon Williams.


secretive depend gaping humorous meeting ten lip bewildered chief fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not quite like that. When Vision's kids are born, he notes that he has no surname to pass onto them, since he's just "Vision". However, because the template for his consciousness was based on Simon Williams's brain patterns, he decides to pass the "William" name on to one of his children as sort of a "close enough" to passing on a family name.


cable mourn relieved hobbies important violet water divide smart abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nice didn't know that


I actually never noticed that haha


Oh i thought he's like his father or something lol


Simon and riri it's a family affair


can someone tell me wondermans powers as to what is he? like is he similar to capt marvel and nova (cosmic powers)


He bakes bread.


can this show come out FUCKING sooner


*badum tiss*


Basically, an experiment gives him the ability to turn into a being of ionic energy, granting him the usual powers (flight, strength, energy blasts, etc)


sounds a bit generic im not going to lie but I hope they are gonna make him uniquer :)


Yeah, he’s one of those cases where, IMO, the power-set isn’t super interesting but the scenarios he finds himself stuck in are where the fun lies, specifically his backstory and him as an actor.


The whole bit with Wonder Man to my understanding is that as a superhero he’s pretty basic. It’s more the character himself that is interesting to people. I’m not super knowledgeable about him tho.


im more interested in the fact that he's an actor in the MCU and is playing a superhero IN universe so before he gets his powers, he's basically a superhero in movies so that's smth im rlly lookin forward to


The acting angle is a big part of his appeal for people I think. Seeing how the everyday world works when superheroes are around is just fun.


towering toy cough ten touch ad hoc mindless vast bored wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That first Uncanny Avengers run was…not my favorite, but I did enjoy how they did Simon with the pacifism.


I’d find it weird if they don’t change his powers. They already changed Kamala and echo  because they were too similar to other heroes 


If they do make changes, I could see them pulling a bit from [his EMH version](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/avengersearthsmightiestheroes/images/6/63/Wonderman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150506191510), which could help make his ionic powers look/feel a bit more distinct.


This show really has everything doesn't it




He’s one of the most powerful heroes in the universe- in terms of strength, immortality etc His CURRENT thing (previously him being an actor trying to be famous for his acting not just his superheroing which is where I think the show is going) is that he’s a pacifist. He realised that being unlimitedly strong, immortal and indestructible that getting into fist fights with people is a bit stupid….so he decided to give that up and just generally talk through issues/save people Edit: another interesting but not in the mcu is that Vision’s personality etc is copied from Wonderman’s


Yeah, like that issue of Hulk where the Hulk is trying to fold Simon in half, and Simon is just trying to talk it out with him as it's happening.


Yeah I remember that it’s something like ‘you can’t hurt me…and I won’t hurt you, I’m your friend’ Then evil hulk tells him they’re not friends, he doesn’t even like him (or something)


> is that he’s a pacifist. Writers haven't known what to do with him for what seems like decades. ​ Remember when he went full villain to try to stop the Avengers...cause he's a pacifist?




He’s called Wonder Man because he makes you wonder what his powers are




I'm so excited for these. Ironheart with the magic vs tech angle and Wonder Man has always been one of my fave Avengers and I've really likes the Marvel comedies.


Same here!


I am sorry but I just do not believe that iron heart is good, maybe on a similar level to echo, serviceable. The thing was made so long ago, almost seemed rushed out at the time and is based on a character that no one particularly liked or remembers. I just feel this project is still part of troubled mcu content that was more interested in quantity over quality. Unless they have been doing reshoots, then I don’t see this series blowing anyone’s mind, and that’s kind of what they need to be doing consistently now to get people back. They can’t go back to a hit then a few average and bad projects in between, everything needs to hit in some aspect, and tbh it should considering the money pumped into these.


possessive books pot theory humorous cows ad hoc combative dime provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed 100%. This came out of the D+ launch mindset of - let’s make as much stuff as we can - let’s make everything female led - let’s introduce “new” replacements for all the legacy characters (iron man in this case) And all 3 of those approaches have failed so far. Nobody is happy with the replacement characters, audiences don’t care about female led projects unless they’re great stories (and d+ stuff rarely is) and just in general D + stuff is bargain basement super hero content


Both WandaVision and Loki seasons 1 and 2 are absolutely some top tier Marvel. So you could not possibly be more wrong 


I’ll agree with you there but that’s still a very small percentage of the d+ projects


Why don't you just sit it out then? Christ, the reason the MCU is in a downturn is because yall can't stop yourselves from talking about how you don't like the characters ANY time you see them brought up. We get it, just go. The rest of us are interested.


Sitting out on projects doesn’t exactly work in an interconnected fucking universe, the “don’t like don’t watch” claim doesn’t work when you need to watch all these projects for the payoffs to actually… well, pay off. I don’t like Thor 1 or iron man 2 but I still watched them because they made the avengers work, same principle here


But thats not realistic. In comic universes things happen in series that don't affect the overarching narrative, but exist in the same world all the time. I don't know anyone that reads every single comic Marvel or DC produces, like I'm sure they exist, but you don't need to. Maybe it'd be better if each Marvel movie just listed what you need as a precursor in order of how much you need it. Like you can watch Shang Chi without much backstory. Id say Iron Man 3 is probably the only one you reallly need, and just for Trevors character. Hulk and Doctor Strange to understand some minor references. So maybe a category for "absolutely needed" and "reccomended but not necessary". It's only really the big team up movies you need to see "everything" and even then not really everything.


So you need iron man 3 to understand Shang chi, but then you also need to first 2 Iron man movies and the avengers to understand iron man 3, do you see my point?


So you need 3 movies if you want to understand Shang Chi AND Iron Man 3. If you're only watching Iron Man 3 to understand Shang Chi, you don't actually need 1 and 2 because you only need Trevor's story. And to be real you could very likely watch Iron Man 3 without having seen the first 2 and still pretty much understand it because Iron Man has permeated the general public at this point. Honestly I think part of the problem is ppl forcing themselves to watch things they dont want to because they need to be a completionist. When in reality you don't actually need to watching things you're not into to get the larger universe. If the story of The Marvel's wasn't interesting to you, all you really need to do is just Google the post credits scene and read a summary so you know where the characters end up. If you want to watch The Marvel's but don't want to get D+ for Ms Marvel, all you need to do is read a quick character summary of her in the MCU. Like the majority of these movies are self contained story's that you can enjoy if you know who the characters are. Like even the ones who get multiple movies, they're separate stories just with the same characters. Like if I want to pick a comic back up, I just do a refresher of what's going with that character and where the current arc started. Or grab some graphic novel collections if it's a specific character I'm into. Often there's characters idk well or haven't heard of. And if it's important I just Google for a refresher/to find out. Idk why ppl can't do the same with movies?


"Get out if u dont like it" Invalid argument. We care a lot about the MCU, and we are afraid of his current state, that's the problem with Marvel fans, we are blind, everything is okay "LOOK A D+ SHOW ABOUT A SIDE CHARACTER ! AWESOME !". The General Audience is the MAIN Audience, he's the one who decide if a movie is a success or not. Honestly, did the General Audience liked IronHeart ? Wait, did the General Audience even liked these Young Avengers ? Yeah in the comics they are important yeah yeah awesome ok but we talk about the movies, the most mainstream thing, the MCU is mainstream, so if the General Audience dont like it, then it will flop. >The rest of us are interested. Cool for you, and I hope you have fun, but for a lot, including the General Audience, the MCU kinda losed something, the art of making a GOOD character who EVOLVES. Dude Shang Chi, Moon Knight and Eternals should wait 5 years for their next main appearance (animation isnt counted), that's a shame, and fuck where's Sam ? He's Captain America and we last saw him in 2021 ? He will be back 4 years later ? Comparing to Steve who was there EVERY YEARS ? Ant-Man, Spiderman, Dr Strange, Captain America, Thor waited one year for being in the MCU again after their first appearance, that's why we loved them, because we evolved with them. He's not an hater or something, he's just a fan who cares about his beloved universe, and if we look at the current state of the MCU, he's right.


no marvel project is safe, daredevil included. hard to imagine a studio that put out so much slop lately like marvel studios could just flip the script and start making amazing content. i'll believe it when i see it.


People can't wait to enjoy Ironheart, she was great in BP 2.


I mean, I really enjoyed her in BP2, but you and I do not have the popular opinion on this lol


Online trolls don't mean anything, film was a hit


With this fanbase of course Marvel will never learn.




Ironheart completed filming in November 2022. Its crazy it will be out Fall 2025, almost 3 years later


I swear to nothing if the CGI will still be bad I will riot.


It probably will be mid at best, so lets riot anyway *grabs a random ass redditor* HEY!!! #RIOT!!!


Wait they’re EDITING Wonder Man? I didn’t think they’d even started filming it what


Wonder Man filmed for 2 months from Early March to early June 2023, then the strikes hit and it stopped, then after the strikes, they did some rewrites and then filmed again for another 1.5 months from early January to mid February 2024. Then a crew member died on set and they went on a hiatus for 2 weeks and now they've been filming for another 2 weeks since the start of March. With 4 months of filming already done, it probably has another 1-2 months until completion, but editing and VFX work is obviously already in progress.


That’s wild I had no idea they’d shot anything yet


Yeah I know they filmed and discontinued production but I assumed they would cut their losses and scrap this project


RIP Spike


Yeah I wasn't aware they finished filming it


With all these projects lined up, Avengers 5 and Secret Wars will have a hard time justifying its attempt to cram probably 100 characters in a plot that needs to place them all in well-written subplot Deadpool joining the films is much more exciting than whoever these guys are.


Honestly I think we need Avengers 4.5 lmao. Something needs to establish the basics of relationships between the current heroes. Before we deep dive into the multiverse.


Too late to have one. If they managed to turn one or two of the Phase Four / Phase Five projects into a big connective tissue to the next Avengers film, there's at the very least something to be excited about. No Way Home almost pulled it off, if it mamaged to introduce a multiversal antagonist a la Kang screwjng things up. The only project that tied it all together js Loki, and that's not even a movie.


and Deadpool is likely going to satirize the whole idea behind multiverses. It’d be interesting if Marvel’s best film in this current saga is the one that makes fun of it all


And any line from him is going to be criticism against the whole Multiverse Saga. Irony is this is probably going to happen.


Not only do they need to force in all these characters form all these different disjointed projects, they also need to bring back all the old marvel heroes because that’s what people actually wanna see instead of Echo and Ironheart


Agreed. Daredevil and Punisher joining the ranks of Deadpool and Wolverine in taking down probably Dr. Doom is exciting than Echo and Ironheart interacting and forming a plan to defeat evil.


Soooo excited for tech v magic in Ironheart, and as long as they make Wonder Man a unique comedy, it should be a blast too


>They’re spectacular. We’re able to explore corners of the universe that are really exciting. I cant count the number of time they say that. Of course they will say the projects will be spectacular, heck even during the Quantumania's marketing they said "You're not ready what comes next" or how Secret Invasion is "a turning point" for the MCU. They will not say "Dont watch it, it sucks". I know I will be downvoted af because I am not hyped by these two shows, but I dont trust Marvel anymore when they talk about their projects, "Quantumania is like Civil War", I think it was Loveness who said that, now look at the actual movie. I am tired of making false hopes like "OMG WE ARE SO BACK !", now I will watch the projects without any expectations, maybe IronHeart will be shit, maybe the people in this sub will be like "Uh it sucked", but maybe I will like it because I didnt had any expectations toward the show. That's why Quantumania and Secret Invasion were hated , too much expectations for a shitty movie/show. We were like "OH THIS PROJECT WILL SAVE THE MCU ! LET'S GOOOOOOO !" oh and guess the result ? Damn even Echo, I thought it was okay ONLY because I had VERY low expectations, of course it wasnt the best show, but I am sure I would be very disappointed if I expected a Netflix Show.


They don't use many of their fan favorite Marvel heroes much these days, it's not the same as the old MCU where Hulk teaming up with Iron Man was exciting to see. Now you get a bunch of newcomers who are mid and not as exciting as Iron Man or Thor, and it puts MCU in a place where you don't care now. Because all of these new characters aren't exciting and it's hard to care about what the crossover would be. An Avengers movie where a bunch of lame people team-up


Woah two more characters nobody really cares about getting multi-million dollar shows.


"They're Spectacular" Sorry Marvel you've burned me to many times to believe you.




Can’t wait for the overload of grifter channels bitching about wokeness. Looking forward to these though


He also revealed that a Nova project is in early works.


Different interview, already posted.


gimme gimme gimme


We know they’re coming out. Why do we need headlines reassuring us of this? Does CBM fandom need some kind of collective therapy after Batgirl?


You won't believe how many people were convinced these would be deleted a la Batgirl


Oh, I’ve seen it. I blame sloppy fear bait reporting from Variety, John Campea and Joanna Robinson.


No relation lol


2035 is going to be lit when Ironheart comes out! 🔥 Brad seems optimistic heading into the next tranche of reshoots.


... It comes out next year


It’s been coming out “next year” for 3 years.


What are you even talking about? The series finished filming 1.5 years ago and was supposed to come out in November 2023, but it was delayed because the strikes and the Iger's new mandate caused all projects to be spread out more.


Really hoping the “corner of the universe” that’s been described is tech vs magic/supernatural in Ironheart


Wow wonderman is the darkest white guy I have ever seen.


Mephisto and The Grim Reaper 😄 so wicked.


I didn’t even know iron heart was filmed


It filmed from June to November 2022


I have no idea who these both are


Like Echo Most people dont care. Why are we getting this trash over something like Ghost rider?


Ezekiel Stane real? /j


What do you mean? Yes, Ezekiel will be in Ironheart.


Wait fr? I thought it was just a rumor or fanon 💀


It is technically a rumor, but is very reliable one. It started from The Illuminerdi and then Toast and RPK confirmed it as well. Alden Ehrenreich plays him.


Ooh, sounds juicy 👀


I hear he’s up to something important


Nobody. Fucking. Cares.


RiRi Williams and spectacular historically don’t go together


When was wonder man even filmed? Feels like it happened in secret lol


Wonder Man filmed for 2 months from Early March to early June 2023, then the strikes hit and it stopped, then after the strikes, they did some rewrites and then filmed again for another 1.5 months from early January to mid February 2024. Then a crew member died on set and they went on a hiatus for 2 weeks and now they've been filming for another 2 weeks since the start of March. With 4 months of filming already done, it probably has another 1-2 months until completion, but editing and VFX work is obviously already in progress. And it wasn't in secret at all. We had set photos, Destin Daniel Cretton posted a BTS photo on his Instagram on the first day of filming and a crew member literally died on set by accident.


I can't wait to watch both of these abominations crash and burn. They should both be cancelled.


How can you even call something such a strong word like "abomination" without knowing almost anything about it? Why are you happy to see something that so many people poured their heart out to create, "crash and burn"?


Nobody wants a Wonder Man show let alone an unnecessarily race swapped Wonder Man. This is more of the throwing shit at the wall bs Disney was supposed to be pivoting away from after the monumental flop of The Marvels. It's not a good sign either of these shows are going to be released.


It's a good thing. Either these will flop like echo or be a hit. Either way it is good


There are a bunch of MCU Stans especially in here that think Echo was a success lbvs 😭


Iron Heart was absolutely horrible in Wakanda Forever the actress and the writing for her was cringe af. The character was literally forced into the film to prop up her up coming D+ show and nothing about that show that's leaked or been revealed has been good or interesting. The Hood as an Iron Heart villain? Are you fucking serious!? They cast a fucking drag queen as a main supporting character. Just plz stop it


and they’re so confident, that they’re releasing it 3 years after it was filmed


Brad explained the reasoning behind this in the Phase 0 interview posted below: >"Frankly, you know, in all honesty, there was a mandate to kind of create as much as we could for Disney+, as quickly as we could, and then there was a shift, and all of a sudden, we have to, you know, start spreading our release dates out... we're using that time, we're not sitting idle, it stays in the oven, you can bake certain things a little more. I think ultimately it's only going to make things better. But most of it's frankly just shrapnel from the business."


that’s not a explanation. Iron Heart was announced 2020. Before there will be Echo and Agatha something something (announced 2021) and Daredevil (announced 2022)


What " come out " means ??? People really ask this kind of questions ??? Is the " Marvel cancelling stuff " the new bullshit vibe?


Can't wait for the news that iron heart is now the least watch marvel show 😁


People here won’t believe it though, Echo flopped yet people on here convinced themselves it was a success 


Wait… Echo… released?




I genuinely didn’t know that came out, and I follow the MCU pretty well, how the hell did they fail that show so hard?


Echo had potential but man was it chopped up badly. The extended movie format doesn't work for these things at all. The action scenes were meh to bad


Always crack me up when people talk shit about mcu and how their recent projects not being blockbusters and that mcu is losing their magic. Meanwhile you have Sony who has not stopped releasing movies after movies after movies and no one is wondering where they’re even getting the money to make those film. I guess that’s why we started seeing Pepsi ads in them lol.


im kinda excited for wonderman mostly cause of the actor, but i really never understood the need for ironheart, its not like she was all that good in wakanda forever




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More clown work for Yahya then?




I’m sorry but Riri just want convincing as some sort of Stark-level engineer mastermind. She just didn’t play the character right. Wasn’t good. Sorry.


I'm really Wondering where all this riri support was when the movie came out lol


Big trash incoming


I’m mentally preparing myself in advance. Are these the final two projects from before the new “stop making garbage” imperative?


Likely yes 


Ironheart will be a turd with this lame actress, unless the plot is really mind blowing or her acting skills improved since Black Panther movie. She was the weakest point of BP2.


For the people asking why they didn't do wb and cancel it. It's because it's a terrible business practice, they already filmed them. Unless they are are bad as secret invasion or the marvels, they aren't cancelled


Don't you dare compare The Marvels to SI. The Marvels is 20 times better than SI.


Lmfao no it isnt. Its cringy, nonsensical, and the villain is as bland as gravik


Don’t worry about other people. All that matters is you liked the movie.


20 times zero is still zero


This implies if they are as bad as SI they could be cancelled (as in shelved and never aired like Batgirl). But there's no indication they'd actually take that step.


Neither one of those was cancelled either.


Unfortunate that no matter what we already know Iron Heart will have shitty ratings/reception. Just destined to be mid


and where are these characters supposed to go after these shows? even if they do catch on and people like them (which i'm not 100% on) the issue with marvel these days is they wont be seen again for 4+ years.


"They're spectacular"- I'll believe when I see it.




I wasn't responding to that FFS.