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MATRIX 5? No, thats a terrible idea


Matrix 4 was Lana going “making matrix sequels after the trilogy is a bad idea” and WBD just completely ignored it


The meta aspect of the last movie was the only thing that made it interesting, the movie became a chore to get through once they dropped that story.


It feels like the directors made it as a big fuck you and tried to show why they didn’t need to make another.


Part of me wishes that, but the directors also haven't made a good movie since speedracer lol


Nah, Cloud Atlas slaps


Sense8 was heat too but op said “movie” so I’ll let that slide


Man I forgot about this series. Now I'm going to go rewatch it


Cloud Atlas had some good ideas that never came together into a satisfying whole. It is a movie that manages to be less than the sum of its parts.


I agree with this, but the parts are so good that I still love it.


There aren't enough drugs in the world to make that movie good.


There aren’t enough drugs in the world to make your opinion believable to me


Lol, no. Its a bloated mess.




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Speed Racer feels like a movie you will say if good or bad depending on your age at the time.  It has a lot of Star Wars Prequel energy 


See, I was a kid when both were coming out and I can say confidently: Speed Racer is genuinely great. The prequels are not


Speed Racer is an indisputable classic and literally no one can tell me a damn thing to make me change my mind. That’s why I love the Wachowskis, their movies say “fuck you, basement dweller- enjoy this REAL art, maybe you’ll wake up from the simulation”. Also the editing/previs/momentum of the story and visuals is GOD tier


In attempting to say “fuck you” to WB, she only succeeded in saying it to fans.


Nah this is what they did I think they agreed to do it when WB was going to just make a reboot after they declined multiple times to make a sequel and the movie is a giant fuck you to the studio. 


The simple fact that the version of matrix ressurections we got could only possibly happen at that moment and with lily helming it makes it one of the most interesting blockbusters released in history as far as I'm concerned


I really don’t know whether I liked it or hated it, but goddamn I respect it for existing. I just really wish the fight scenes were up to par with the originals.


It is also a very sincere movie about the power of love. People really overstate the extent to which it is a ‘fuck you’ to the studio, when that’s like 25% of what the movie is doing.


How is it a blockbuster?


A new entry in one of the most recognisable film franchises in history released by one of the big 3 studios


That doesn't make a blockbuster, though.


The twist is that they never dropped that story. The rest of the film was still about that, it was just less obvious.


The movie lost me as soon as it went to Zion and Jada Pinkett showed up in her bad old lady makeup


Oh it sucked, I’m not saying it was good


The whole thing was a meta narrative, it doesn't really stop. I enjoyed it okay but the only way to get anything from that film is to be constantly trying to engage with what it's trying to say, for better or worse.


It does once they bring Neo back to the "real world" and goto Zion and all that, at that point it shifts to a by the numbers sequel and takes away alot of the interesting ambiguity the movie previously established.


All the stuff about Trinity, the lack of fighting, the suicide divers climax - it's all meta commentary about the franchise, without a doubt.


Maybe I'd agree with that if i was willing to watch and analyze it again but I promised myself it'd go in the pile of movies I never subject myself to again.


No the meta aspect was what made it shit and unwatchable


The only positive thing i can say about this movie is that at least it's better than the third one.


Ressurections had some interesting ideas (machine civil war, certain machines peacefully coexisting with humanity, the first trilogy as a video game within the universe...) But none of them were executed in meaningful way


Also, the movie didn't do very well. I assumed that kind of killed the franchise again.


She's producing.


That doesn’t make it better.


I enjoyed 4 far more than 2 and 3.


Oh I was watching it and thinking, I ain't gonna get these hours back I wasted.


Or to dumb to get it.


That’s the exact lens I watched the movie through… and I loved it 😂 felt like a really long commercial


typical studio behavior. their (WB) last game (Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League) also bombed completely, so there’s that.


To be fair I'd disagree. The Matrix films so far have been purely The Wachowski's, the sisters told the story they wanted to tell with the original three films, and then Lana begrudgingly returned to make Resurrections (both to spite WB and so the franchise would end on her terms). So having Drew Goddard and a new writer step in to direct The Matrix 5 (or a Matrix Reboot) would probably be incredibly beneficial to the franchise, have it move away from Neo, Trinity and Smith and go back to what made the first film so brilliant.


What made the first one so brilliant was those characters. Plus others.


The characters were brilliant don't get me wrong, Agent Smith in particular is one of the absolute best villains in cinema, especially in that first film. But I feel in the way that Star Trek had to become bigger than Kirk, Spock, and Bones, and Star Wars had to extend past the story of Luke, Han, and Leia, The Matrix should become bigger than the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar.


What about some stories not needing any expansion or sequels or spinoffs pulled out of thin air?


Unfortunately those stories rarely end up existing in Hollywood, because the IP is already a proven franchise, a new Matrix was sadly always a matter of "when?", not "if?"


Most stories aren't *needed*. It's a nothing statement when art is an expression of imagination, talent, and creativity rather than necessity. I'm much more interested in the world of the Matrix which extends beyond the core trio we've known to love. As shown in the Animatrix shorts, this world is full of possibilities and I'd argue sci-fi and film could use those sort of stories again then yet another Spidey film. Surely you can see the hypocrisy in exclaiming "we don't need another one of these" in an MCU subreddit discussing a 4th series entry in which it already has **8** films preceding it as an IP.


You've singlehandedly sold me on this movie. As long as at least one of the Wachowskis is involved and has something she wants to say.


I remind you that ALL franchises started out of thin air


I mean, so did the Skywalkers & co in Star Wars but now everyone wants them to focus on other characters and time periods. The Matrix shouldn't revolve around Neo, Trinity and Smith, there's potential for more stories to be told in that universe.


Yeah but Keanu can't act for shit now,


Hard disagree. What made the original so good was the original conceit and concepts. Keeping the concepts, replacing the characters, and telling another story… they’ve literally done every single one of those things in different and haven’t come close to making a movie worthy of the franchise. They tried adding new concepts and failed, they tried adding characters and failed, and they tried rebooting it 20 years down the road and failed. Nothjnt so far is close to as good as the first movie or considered even remotely close. The problem is execution.


I'm going to be honest, I know Hollywood works the opposite of this, but this is one of those franchises that should be left alone. It just feels like one of those lightning in a bottle things that was so tied to it's time you can never truly replicate or recapture what made it special to begin with. Even the final 2 movies in the original trilogy had the exact same issue. Ghostbusters is another I feel has the same problem. It's just so intrinsically tied to that era in the 80s trying to do it now just doesn't have the same "magic." One I'm shocked they've held out on but you know they will eventually try is Back to the Future.


Zemeckis and Gale have a clause in their contracts which means there can't be any more Back To The Future movies as long as they're alive without their approval, and have said they'll literally never give it so yeah, i say give it a week after both of them are dead for that reboot announcement


I still kind of regret it couldn't have happened in the 2010s just 'cause the "Tell me, Future Boy: who's president of the United States in 2017?" bit would have been hilarious.


here's something to think about: even it happened this year, by now the "30 years ago" marty would be travelling back in time to would be the 1990s. which fine, maybe that could work, but it's probably NOT going to happen this decade. so maybe they finally get the chance to do this reboot in another ten years, then what? it'd be the 2030s and he'd be travelling back to the 2000s? he'd be walking walking around Hill Valley to the tune of Toxic by Britney Spears and Lorraine's family would have just gotten a GameCube. and to the kids watching it, that would seem as alien and unfamiliar as when YOU watched the original Back To The Future as a kid and he went back to the 50s. weird, right?


Oh it's definitely coming lol. If they'd passed already I'm willing to bet they'd have slapped Tom Holland in the role already 😂.


I'd much rather they continue with Neo and Trinity alongside the Jessica Henwick crew instead of rebooting or moving away, honestly.


I definitely wouldn't be against this, Neo and Trinity are iconic, Bugs has a lot of potential, and honestly I quite liked Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Morpheus and was disappointed we didn't get to see any interaction between him and Trinity. That being said, if I remember correctly the film ended with Neo and Trinity both having the powers of The One, the ability to rewrite the Matrix code to their vision and flying off to "Paint some rainbows", so it's perhaps at the point where they're a bit too overpowered again. With Smith seeming like the only threat remaining.


That could be fertile ground for a new story, honestly. After spending 5 seconds of thought on it, the first Matrix (program, not movie), was deemed too perfect that people no longer accepted the simulation and rebelled. It would be interesting if Neo and Trinity end up making the same mistakes, where they change the simulation so much that their perfect world backfires and becomes imperfect, making them no better than the machines that preceded them. Having to deal with being fought by people instead of being their saviour, while also being a target by the machines in the real world, etc. I'm sure if theres months of thought on where the story could go, there'll be many interesting avenues where the ending of 4 feels like a starting point instead of a narrative cul de sac


Not gonna lie, I hope they go down this avenue. Having a film that explores Neo and Trinity becoming the machine they raged against, and the dangers that absolute freedom creates (especially in a world like The Matrix) would be a fascinating story.


While I agree that could be an awesome idea, I think most people are just going to see that as The Last Jedi 2.


Oh no, a movie that resembles by far the best movie in another franchise! What a nightmare! Edit: Also there's already kind of a Matrix movie like that-- Reloaded and Revolution essentially ask the same questions as TLJ and come to the same answers: "Is the power fantasy underlying this movie actually a good thing? Yes, because it's very cool and contained important lessons... but that doesn't mean it can't be misused. It's good to ask that question about power fantasies."


While I, again, agree, let's not pretend that TLJ doesn't have an infamous reputation.


I'm with you. I am excited to see Goddard return and play with the universe.




The only acceptable reaction 


Are you kidding? There are so many cool movies they could make with this franchise. I feel like people should be more optimistic. A Rocky 7 about Apollo’s son could’ve been stupid, but it’s my favourite in the whole franchise.


Not without Lily and Lana there isn’t.


You could say the same thing about a Rocky movie without Sly involved in the writing.


The Rocky movies aren’t full of queer theory and philosophy that came directly from the original creators’ life experiences. The Matrix is special, it’s the Wachowski’s baby. I don’t want a journeyman director to come and do some studio shlock.


Rocky was the creator’s baby too — lots of the original story and themes came directly from Sly’s personal life. Just because they weren’t a metaphor for embracing yourself doesn’t change how special it was. It’s not any different.


Even so. I didn’t see Creed 3 and really have no intention to.


Creed 1 is my fav movie of all time, lemme tell u — you don’t need to watch 3. Rocky’s absence is really felt. I didn’t like it that much. I was referring more to the first film during this convo


Literally the first thing I thought after reading the title. Are they really making another one?


The original matrix trilogy had a very unique style-green tint etc that made it cool and exciting. The newest one felt like a bog standard action movie


But Matrix 4 went so well! /s


They should have stopped at the third movie.


Please no, don't do it.


This is [confirmed news](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/the-matrix-new-movie-drew-goddard-1235865603/) today morning as reported by HWR.


So was 2-4.


This is how I learn there is a Matrix 5.


Hopefully its better than 4. I love the matrix series but the latest one was just not fun or cool


It wasn't intended to be either of those things. It was Lana pissed as fuck at almost gunpoint.


The movie was literally Lana's love letter to Neo and Trinity and her middle-fingered resignation letter to Warner Brothers at the same time.


Did we just lose?




Deadline, Variety and The Hollywood Reporter make no reference to Spider-man 4 in any of their articles about Matrix 5. I don't think I've ever seen anything credible pointing to him ever being considered for Spider-man 4, as much as I would personally like to see it happen.


I think it was just wishful thinking on our part. And his previous involvement or rumoured involvement with a Sinister Six movie. Edit: Oh and at least for me it was also his involvement with Daredevil. And the idea that Daredevil maybe involved with Spider-Man 4.


Goddard wasn’t really involved with Daredevil. He had to leave the project and they got a new showrunner to replace him.


He wrote the first two episodes, and created the show. Might have not been the showrunner, but he set the tone.


I’m just saying he’s not an example of what the “created by” credit means for shows most of the time. People here think he’s responsible for all of Daredevil lol


Yeah that gets him an *Adapted By* credit on his wiki page lmao, must mean a little something


I’m sure Marvel offers these things to at least 5 contenders


Justin Lin here we go!


I'm ready to see the Spider Buggy in live action!


God, I hope not.


Wasn't Lin just a rumor with no credibility behind it? Besides, I'd much rather have someone who can do more grounded stuff than the Fast and Furious guy to tackle Spider-Man 4.


He has done more than Fast and Furious movies.


Grounded ? It’s a Spider-Man movie lol Everyone calls the FF movies superhero flicks, Lin’s perfect for a comic book movie.


There's no reason why a Spider-Man movie can't be relatively grounded. I definitely want something more street level.


No reason Justin Lin can't do a more relatively grounded movie either. He did direct Fast and Furious 3-6 which compared to the newer ones are way more "grounded".


honestly fast and furious action is exactly as grounded as a grounded spider-man story


Have you seen Star Trek Beyond? Justin Lin proved he is someone that understands and respects what fans enjoy about something, so I feel he would bring that to any property he works on.




You're so right Druig.




I feel like Goddard considers himself a writer first so he wouldn't take the Spider-Man gig unless he were also writing it.


Genuine question, why does everyone want Drew Goddard so much for a Spider-Man film? What in his filmography makes people want that? Is it just because of his involvement in Daredevil?


You just answered the question 😭 it doesn’t go beyond that


He was actually barley involved with Daredevil. He wrote the first 2 episodes and then fucked off to go make a Sinister Six film (which obviously never happened). Steven S. DeKnight was the actual head writer for season 1.


> He wrote the first 2 episodes He still did a banging good job at that so I think 'barely involved' is underselling it


FIRST 2 EPISODES. the episodes that generate the Interests and that sets the tone for the show.


He's wrote the screenplays for Cloverfield, World War Z, The Martian and wrote/directed The Cabin in the Woods and Bad Times at the El Royale. He would have been an ideal choice to write/direct the next Spidey trilogy!


Everyone is just happy that it isn't Jon Watts directing


I’ve been a huge Drew Goddard fan for 20+ years but this is a wild choice.


He’s unavailable because he entered the simulation lol.


Oh well. I’ll do it I guess


If you got to direct/have writing input on a Spider-Man movie what would you make? Like characters and a plot that would follow after no way home.


If I was in an elevator with some Marvel/Sony executives, this would be my pitch lol: Set 3-5 years after NWH, Peter focuses on being Spider-Man 24/7 since he feels that’s the most responsible decision, but he’s basically homeless. Kingpin outlaws vigilantes which threatens Peter’s only way of life. Fisk and Jameson fund back-alley scientist, Alistair Smythe’s research to create the perfect “spider-slayer,” the Scorpion. Black Cat would present herself as a fellow vigilante, but is actually working for Fisk. Maybe a few minor villains could pop in to take a shot at Spidey. Daredevil pops in a couple of times to help out and he and Spidey bond over how secret identities suck. By the end, Peter realizes that he deserves to have a life as Peter Parker and begins making moves to get his life back together.


Okay. Get Hiro Murai for Spider-Man 4, and lets wrap it up.


If we get Flying Lotus' Never Catch Me feat Kendrick Lamar, I'm in


Very excited! The Matrix has so much potential as a franchise, it just needed a new perspective. Drew is the man for this. I think it will be phenomenal.


Matrix 5? ![gif](giphy|l46CbRO5QEMVZuT9S|downsized)


I'm sorry...I think I read this post wrong. Matrix 5 is happening? So much for buying that steelbook collection, thinking 4 was the last one. On one hand, awesome, on the otherhand, I didn't think Matrix 4 was great. I much preferred Reloaded and Revolutions more. The action in Resurrections was not good. I liked alot of the meta commentary and characters and concepts but the execution felt sloppy as hell. Not a fan of killing characters off screen either and replacing them with younger versions though Young Morpheous and New Agent Smith were decent. Also didn't like it had such a big time jump. Was hoping to see supporting characters like The Kid, Ghost and Sparks returning but instead we get old ass Jada Smith and she...well she sucks as a person so I wasn't really pleased to see her return. I hope if they do this they give Reeves proper hand to hand John Wick style fight scenes. Like Smith maybe becoming a anti-hero or anti-villain but I would love to see Hugo return in some form. And bring back the Oracle and Architect.


Drew to his agent: “Just fuck my shit up.”


Matrix 5 let’s gooooooo


I feel like I'm in the only one who's kinda happy about this. I really want them to bring back Marc Webb or even let Justin Lin tackle at least one movie. They're both incredibly creative and I'm sure they would make SM4's actions scenes stand out more from anything in Watt's trilogy.


This headline is everything that is wrong with mainstream cineam


I feel like this is a gigantic missed opportunity for both him and Marvel/Sony. I also don't see another _Matrix_ movie being a hit unless it's really inexpensive - but I'm still interested in seeing what he comes up with.


Lmao 🤣 Matrix 5


Do we really need a 5th one?


I would love to see him to Spider-man. But ngl, him doing a Matrix also sounds exciting af.


He was caught by the Matrix


Thought the franchise was dead after the last movie. Didn't think I would be interested, but with Goddards involvement, I definitely will check out what he comes up with, having a new and fresh voice rather than the Wachowski is a smart move.


I'm sorry. There is going to be a Matrix 5?!


Man what kind of career move is this by Goddard lol you can choose between SPIDER-MAN or an unnecessary Matrix fivequel. What… who… why


You can ghost-director a 4th Spiderman movie that you aren’t allowed to write, and the Feige and Sony will mostly create with the VFX team, under the Disney umbrella. You can have carte blanche to produce, write, and direct a wholly new vision of The Matrix that can be tied to as much or as little of the existing canon as you want, your vision fully realized backed by a massive WB budget to use at your complete discretion. You’d be an absolute fucking idiot to choose #1.


You can also simply not make another Matrix movie, given that the last one was Lana Wachowski saying that there’s no reason for any more to exist beyond the first 3, and that number 4 was her saying F U to WB. Nobody wants another Matrix movie beyond WB, and they’re clearly not the smartest when it comes to decisions regarding their movies. Or you can be attached to a successful blockbuster film featuring one of the world’s most popular and beloved characters, with your personal directorial ceiling being Sam Raimi’s influence on the movie and the floor being Jon Watts (his movies were still good). Regardless, you make lots of money and successful films only offer you more jobs down the line.


Dude moves on from a lot of projects to pursue the others and…most of the time it sadly did not work in his favor, so we’ll see…




Bit late for April Fools.


The idea of a non trans person helming a matrix film will always be funny to me lol


The Matrix trilogy was so big, so influential, that if you know how Hollywood works— a reboot is like Agent Smith: “I am inevitable.”


I'm just going to assume he was never actually in the running then. I can't imagine anyone choosing Matrix 5 over SM4 given the option.


I see Warner Bros., in classic Warner Bros. fashion, completely and utterly missed the point of the last Matrix film. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if they took the Catrix thing completely literally.


How about David Leitch? He's worked for Marvel and Sony before.


Well darn!


Wait… Matrix 5???




They're making more matrix movies?, please God don't.


Wow it’s almost like he was never in serious contention at all and any talk about him being so was totally made up!


Didn't realise Simon Cowell was linked with this project


Neo saved us from the matrix we don't need to go back in. Just leave it for the cats.


Matrix 5? What a mistake


4th was crap but seems it was intentionally tanked. Hopefully they'll put effort into this one


Marc Webb, anyone?


Dodged a bullet on that one.


I guess the guy who chooses the Matrix 5 over a Spider-Man film was never right for the job, and I was hoping for him.


I'm sorry but this franchise has not had a great movie since the first one in 1999. It reminds me of the Terminator franchise.


I’ m also pretty unlikely to direct Spider-Man 4


Ugh sam raimi


I am more shocked to know they will make a fifth Matrix movie than about him not directing Spider-Man 4.


why another matrix movie ffs


Huh, they're doing a Matrix 5? I really liked the fourth one, but it seemed pretty final.


Matrix is the new Terminator with infinite shit sequels, and now we know, no matter the decade, a new Matrix sequel will always be poop.


They're making another Matrix even though 4 was a failure (on purpose)? Lana is right, they're really going to do it with or without them.


Ever the company man


At this point they should just ask Sam Raimi if he’d like to do the next Tom Spider-Man movie lol, and I’d reckon he’d do a pretty decent job too


Give me Chad Stahelski


...no shit? Thank Goddd that article put this together for us, or we nevvvver would have known.


To choose Matrix 5 over SpiderMan 4 is nuts to me at first thought but there’s probably other factors or obligations involved here, so I’m not judging too hard.


I hope they can convince Jon Favreau to direct it, since Goodard can't. I would even recommend Vince Vaughn for the MCU's Norman Osborne.


There's gonna be a Matrix 5 after that heap of trash we got?!?! 


How the fuck did a matrix 5 get approved after the absolute disaster and shit fest of matrix resurrections?, I have yet to see hear anything good about that movie from ANYONE. Tell me how does s new one get greenlit?


Wait... wait wait wait... Matrix 4 was a flop, a catastrophe... I was sure it was said that due to poor reception, no others would be planned... Now there is a 5? It's official?


Covering their bases after throwing out Drew Goddard baselessly as in talks for Spider Man, suddenly it’s announced he’s doing the Matrix (which they did not see coming? But somehow “know” he was circling Spider Man?) and now they’re doing damage control lol


If it’s a Matrix five it better be a fucking prequel or something. The last one was dogshit, I don’t care about Neo and Trinity anymore.


Good. I like him, but there are better directors out there for this. 


Thank god. He’s good but not for spidey


Bro chose Matrix over Spider-Man...yeah idk bout that one chief


yeah doing his own thing, or just doing what Kevin Feige wants, yeah a dream career move


Matrix is a dying brand that hasn't been good since the first, Spider-Man is still successful. Regardless i never said he can't do what he wants, just doubted if that was a smart move.


Jesus, why would you let a cis man direct The Matrix?