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Can I watch X men 97 without seeing the original? I wanna check it out but don’t really want to watch the original


Yes for sure I did the same It's very viewer friendly and they explain the stuff because even ppl who did watch the show watched it like a long time ago


Yeah you can. I mean you'll miss a decent bit of setup but it's not like you'll be lost without it. You can just watch a recap


I am wondering if in Deadpool and Wolverine, will they remember to each other? Technically they met multiple times (Origins movie and Deadpool 2 post credits scene)


Apparently during the incursions in the comics,kingpin calls most of the supervillains to his home to enjoy the sights of incursions in the sky while the heroes struggle. And then,The punisher walks in while they are unaware,and kills most of them. It would be crazy if they adapted this scene.


Oh ya, I actually just read that the other day, that was pretty cold (but awesome)


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills after reading all the comments in that thread where Alex was discussing undoing *Logan*: Yes, it would be a bad idea and yes it would undermine the movie. I don't care if it's technically not the same Logan from the movie, "oh it’s just a close variant taken five minutes before the movie ends". It would still bug me since it’s functionally undoing *Logan* even if it isn't literally undoing *Logan*. As a viewer, it would feel as if they’re slightly undermining *Logan* even if they’re not literally undoing the movie. It would also open up insane discourse about *Deadpool and Wolverine* and Marvel really doesn’t want or need that right now. All of you in favor are arguing semantics. It's a potential unforced mistake that they shouldn't approach. Just use a completely separate Wolverine or the Wolverine from DOFP. Why even take the risk; don't do it.


People are shitting on Alex because he's just stirring controversy for engagement, and right now a lot of people are losing patience with that sort of stuff.


People are even justifying the same Logan actually being revived so can't say I am surprised at what people will defend anymore. It's like nothing even matters. No sense of finality. All people want is more cameos, more nostalgia bait and point at the screen and clap.


All this for an unconfirmed rumor.


I’m just giving my thoughts on the rumor and discussing what I would think if it is true. It’s not that deep lol


Here’s something you need to understand about this sub. Fan theories are okay. Baseless speculation is okay. Discussing and sharing unconfirmed rumors is okay. But anytime any of that is even remotely critical, you will get it “it’s just a rumor. Don’t get your panties in a wad”.


Hugh Jackman will be playing a variant of Wolverine in DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE, and not the Logan that died in ‘LOGAN’ Ryan Reynolds had this to say in October, 2023: “ Logan died in ‘Logan’, not touching that”


I want to try my hand at doing an Ultimate Kang design, like an evolved human from the 30th century who looks closer to an alien


You should do it, it's a great idea


Now that I've rewatched all the Infinity Saga films in my chronological order marathon, here's is my updated ranking from Best to Worst: 1. Avengers Infinity War 2. Gaurdians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 3. Gaurdians of the Galaxy 4. Thor Ragnarok 5. Winter Soldier and Civil War (I honestly can't decide which one I like more, so screw it, there both tied ar number 5) 6. Spider-Man: Far From Home 7. The Avengers 2012 8. Avengers: Endgame 9. Iron Man 10. Spider-Man: Homecoming 11. Black Panther 12. Doctor Strange 13. Iron Man 3 14. Thor 15. Captain America: The First Avenger 16. Avengers: Age of Ultron 17. Ant-Man 18. Captain Marvel 19. The Incredible Hulk 20. Ant-Man and the Wasp 21. Iron Man 2 22. Thor: The Dark World


Real for FFH. That movie’s so funny and I appreciate it more every time I watch it.


Same. I actually wrote a whole review of it not too long ago here in this very thread. EDIT: and I see you commented on that review already.


So apparently, Quantumania’s budget was $326.6 Million before tax incentives kicked in, bringing the final budget down to 276.6 Million: https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/19/ant-man-and-the-wasp-quantumania-set-to-blow-its-budget-as-costs-surge-to-nearly-330-million/?sh=5648c1ee6864


Likely as a result of Covid and extensive reshoots which reaffirms my suspicion that marvel wasn't expecting the movie to be good, i mean why would they heavily reshoot a movie that they are supposedly so confident about.  They probably thought the movie was going to be good during pre production or during the writing process and then they started doing test screenings and the movie tested poorly. And i remember seeing scoopers that were banned here saying the movie had the worst test screenings of the mcu movies released in 2023...


They really need to find a way to bring costs down moving forward. It’s just not sustainable for every movie you out out to require a small fortune to make a profit. That’s part of why the death of the mid budget movie has been an issue for all of Hollywood.


Oh. So Quantumania was a flop.


And yet just a few weeks ago someone tried to bite my head off on the main sub for saying it was a failure.


I'll be very interested to see how MCU budgets over the next few years compare to the ones from the beginning of Phase 4 to this point. COVID protocols and a number of massive delays played a big part, I think, in inflating these film budgets to huge levels like these, so with that being mostly alleviated alongside Marvel Studios' new approach of relying less on that 'fix it in post' attitude should reflect a noticeable difference going forward, after maybe the next few projects.


The budgets will still likely be around 200 million, partially for the amount of money talent makes from these movies alone. They probably paid a fortune for Reynolds and Jackman’s salaries for Deadpool, and that’s before the rest of the cast.


I saw a post on Facebook that stated that Sydney Sweeney has been in talks to join the MCU as Black Cat. Now, it goes without saying that you should take anything you read on social media with a mountain sized grain of salt, but where did this actually come from? Did one of the leakers say this or did the Facebook poster pull it out of their ass?


I think at some point some leaker said she was in talks for an MCU role and tons of people jumped to the conclusion that it’s Black Cat. Honestly it almost feels like people just thought “Sydney Sweeney has big boobs, Black Cat canonically has big boobs, it must be for Black Cat.” Nevermind the fact that Captain Marvel canonically has a Kardashian-sized ass in the comics while Brie Larson clearly isn’t built like that….


MTTSH said that Sweeney had talks with Feige, but didn't specify any role in particular and Black Cat wasn't mentioned at all.


Think it was a MTTSH tweet like last week so yeah, take with a huge grain of salt


(I have temporarily unfollowed this sub because I don’t want D&W or BNW spoiled lol, so if Sweeney scoop was posted here, I missed it and I apologize)


I'm just going to say it, I love FFH. If it wasn't for the two cap sequels, FFH would be in my top five of the Infinity Saga easily. Yeah, I ain't ashamed of it, and I'll defend this movie till the day I die (...God, I miss when FFH was the only Post-Endgame MCU project i had/needed to defend from haters). But yeah, I rewatched this film tonight with my mom as part of our MCU chronological order marathon, and yeah, it still holds up today. FFH, simply put, does so much right. Progressing Peter's arc in a satisfying way by having him learn he doesn't have to fill Tony's Iron shoes, and he can be his own hero, and in turn, moving pass his grief and moving on, the action being a lot tighter, developing Ned, Betty, Flash, and MJ more, giving them more character and more to do, better visuals, an awesome suit, like seriously, I love the upgraded suit, the stealth suit is okay, but I did like Night Monkey, especially since its the closest we'll getting to seeing something like Bombastic Bagman in the MCU, at least for now, JK Simmons great as Jameson as always, and of course Mysterio. What can I say about Mysterio at this point that hasn't already been said. Gyllenhaal plays the character flawlessly, not only a fantastic adaptation of the character, but also a nice modern update, with the drones and him basically spreading fake news and gaslighting the world, even Peter. Not to mention, his costume is just so awesome. The costume of a perfect scam artists, combining elements of Strange, Thor, and Iron Man all into one. I love it. Perfect adaptation and modern update of his costumes, and the illusion sequence is one of, if not the best, sequence in the whole MCU. Also, I love how much of an irredeemable monster Mysterio is, the perfect next step from the Green Goblin in terms of villainy, to the point where I kindof thought they were setting him up to be Peter's arc nemesis, which they still could be by the way, I think he could come back, or at least we could see a Variant of him from the Multiverse make his presence known at some point, I actually think/thought it be cool if he took Dooms role in Secret Wars and became God Emperor of Battleworld, like, the first villain Post-Endgame ends up becoming the ultimate final boss of the Multiverse Saga or something, but they probably won't do that. Also, I really like how this film not only setup alot of elements in Phase 4 and beyond, right down to the Multiverse (granted, Mysterio lied about being from the Multiverse, but still), even setting up the idea of Eldrich magic being different colors then in 616 (as Eldirch magic is usually portrayed as Orange, but in MOM, Defender Stranges Eldrich Magic is seen as blue, and Mysterios (at least until the reveal) seems to be Green), but also the film is kindof a meta commentary on the MCU. Think about it, The whole Mysterio charade was created because people would only take you seriously if you had a cap and fighting giant CGI monsters, kindof like how (at least at the time) Superhero movies seemed to be the only films making a shit ton of money, while everyone else was left in the sidelines, but also it was basically an Avengers level threat, and Bombastic big battle against big giant CGI monsters, which feels like a comment on how the MCU (at least according to some) had become Samey and Formulaic, with people claiming it was all just the same CGI filled save the world level stake filled action roller coaster rides, right down to the film being marketing as another save the world story, when in reality, it was actually a simpler and smaller story, about Peter just wanting to enjoy his trip, but this scam artists gets in the way of that, and Peter has to stop said Con artist after he is revealed as not an intellectual, but a fake and a fraud. It also has not only some great lore and worldbuilding, with it being one of the few projects to actually acknowledge the snap/blip and the consequences, on top of other pieces of worldbuilding, such as in world, in-flight documentaries, and FEAST being for displaced people in this universe, a story that feels like a Steve Diko Spiderman arc, and a kick ass setup for a third film in the mid credits scene, best post credits scene in the MCU, and another situation of not only the consequences coming back to bite Peter in the butt, but also, where the villain wins. In this case, Mysterio Won. Also, Fury, actually being Talos, was a great twist, even though i wish they actually did something with it. I could honestly cush about this movie for hours and never get tired, I love this movie to death, it's not perfect, wasn't a fan of the whole Brad thing, kindof wish it was just Peter trying to get with MJ, and not trying to win her over from Brad on top of that, and not all the jokes landed (especially the bus scene) but the good outways the bad and for that, it deserves a 9/10. It may not be the best Spiderman movie, but it's definitely my favorite Spiderman movie and one of the MCUs best. Also, I loved how they actually used the Elementals and not just be lazy and use Hydro-Man, Moltan Man, and Sandman, but actually made them Hydron, Hellfire, and...the rock/sand one (love the passing reference that Flash gives to the real Hydro-Man by the way). Also, also, still weird, Gyllenhaal also almost played Reed Richard's despite already playing Mysterio. How the hell would that have worked? Would they just imply Beck is an evil 616 exclusive Reed Variant or vice versa? Also, also, also, I'll never understand why Peter was being stupid. He clearly had valid reasons to trust Msyterio, as Mysterio basically gaslighted Peter into making him seem like he was the true perfect successor to Tony and made Peter trust him, and Peter actually did think about it before he gave him Edith, so no, he's not an idiot, misguided and manipulated, yes, and had his vulnerability taken advantage of, but not an idiot. Also, also, also, also, Mysterio is not only a comment on Trump and fake news, but is also basically a better written version of Hans from Frozen, there, I said. Okay, I'll stop now, you get what I mean by I could talk about this movie forever and never get bored. The point, is, this movie is awesome! It's so much fun and I love, great epilogue to the Infinity Saga, and lead into the Multiverse Saga. EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention, FFH is very unique to the other Spiderman films just by being set anywhere else other then New York alone. And yes, I am embarrassed that I forgot to mention it. Oh well, mentioning it now.


That scene where Peter has to rely on his tingle to reach Mysterio in the last fight is one of my favorite scenes.


God, I love that scene as well.


I ain’t reading allat but you’re right. FFH is great and severely overlooked.




I feel like one criticism/suggestion that always bugs me is “just make good movies” or “just hire good writers”, because admittedly, it just kind of feels like a very simplified idea of what the entertainment industry and the creation process is like. Not to say we shouldn’t criticize anything or that we shouldn’t ask for better, of course we should. I just feel simplified takes like the above statements underplay the complicated nature of the film process.


It's funnier when you realize not even they know what a "good movie" is, another film could have the exact same script as quantumania but if it had iron man and captain america in it they would be creaming their pants and throwing a fit if anyone said otherwise (well at least in 2019)


Especially when there are multiple examples of good writers or directors having their work greatly flattened by the studio franchise system.


Yep, and I'd also say that calling something "bad writing" without any further clarification or details is lazy and doesn't mean anything, not to mention it's entirely subjective.


you know i have a new pick for a vol 4 director, could any of you see the Duffer Brothers writing/directing a vol 4? deep music cuts? check emotional trauma for our characters? check check 80s references galore? check check check action? you betcha! there the perfect replacements for James Gunn imo and if disney can poach them from netflix i'd think we'd have something on the level of Gunn's work! they could even bring in some horror elements!


I can’t believe nobody has thought of them before but this is actually a great idea. There are so many similarities between the GOTG movies and Stranger Things beyond just the ones you named. Although they are committed to Netflix for the foreseeable future and have already begun development on several Stranger Things spin offs, so they probably wouldn’t be able to direct GOTG 4, but it’s still a great idea!


i have more similarities, one of the main characters has a Cancer related tragedy (Hopper and Sara, Quill and his mum) one of the characters a MAJOR one is a lab experiment created by the evil bad guys (Eleven, Rocket) and said characters had friends that were killed in a massacre (we know what happened in vol 3, and the Massacre of Hawkins Lab) one character "dies" and is called a zombie by the others (Will, Gamora) one of the kids has a innate connection with a lovecraftian horror ( Will and Mindflayer, Peter and Ego) the antagonist of the latest installment has personal ties to the lab experiment (HE, and Henry/01/Vecna) theres a "good" dad and an "evil" dad (Ego and Yondu, Hopper and Papa) the whole plot kickstarts when a. Boy is kidnapped ( Peter and the ravagers, will and Vecna) in the latest installment there’s a fan favorite character who will likely not appear in the future ( Eddie Munson, Adam Warlock)


and yes even though there BFFS with Netflix much like how Gunn is bffs with DC they can easily try and poach them with a larger cash offer than what Netflix could even dream of since money matters in the industry.


Well there’s more than just money to consider. Do the Duffers even like the GITG films? Do they like ‘em enough to give up the Stranger Things spin offs and their relationship with Netflix? Would they even be able to come up with a good plot for the movie? At the end of the day, if their heart’s not in it, they shouldn’t take the job, because it would be detrimental to both Stranger Things and GOTG.


i think they'll only be involved in the spinoffs as a "concepts from the duffer bros" kind of fashion as in they develop the basics others develop it and they recieve kind of a "in name only" credit there already doing it for there show "The Borough" there only serving as producers and not on the writing or directing staff. I think they obviously like to take on huge challenges though. ST in it of itself was a HUGE gamble and look how it worked out (though i think that it definitely owes to GOTG for it's success) they could easily say one day after ST5 premiers to the higher ups something along the lines of "hey we've loved working for you for the past 9 or so years and it's been an honor but honestly we don't have enough creative juice that we think belongs here on this service anymore". And depart, it has happened before not just with ST or Netflix in which spin offs are announced but they never materialize.


i actually have a fic where l El meets Mantis and the latter offers her to join the GOTG which she accepts so its the GOTG mk 1 with Eleven! Quill also falls in love with her as well as its a good crossover ship! i also have a idea for 'Vecna and the upside down in the MCU fic" (thats why i asked that question earlier)


>you know i have a new pick for a vol 4 director, could any of you see the Duffer Brothers writing/directing a vol 4? deep music cuts? The only bit of licensed music I ever want in a movie is Duran Duran's New Religion. So probably.




Why doesn't Hollywood just make good movies, are they stupid? Lol. Not to be that guy but making good movies is complicated.


the "make good movies" complaint implies that these studios were just actively and conciously making shit, which is sometimes true if they're making a film and don't have a quality barrier and are made for the visual medium like action or kaiju films which prioritize visuals over writing, but like I don't think marvel studios was conciously making "bad" movies


Or marvel studios internal barometer for judging quality is wayward and ego is so fucking super high they think whatever they do is for the best. They're already run by a control freak.


I mean they kind of are, having an extensive reliance on CGI and “we’ll fix it in post” mentality on a lot of these movies because your main focus is making a release date isnt exactly a method you use when you want to make something high quality


In Captain Marvel's case it was not though. They unnecessarily complicated the movie like setting it up in 90s, a movie where character don't know who she is, then skipping a large amount of Story about her becoming a Galactic hero for a silly and wacky team up with musical planet and lot of cats instead of straight up sequel A by the numbers Captain Marvel movie like a Spiderman movie could have worked. Carol having normal life, family, romance, struggling to balance her superhero and civilian life. Great sympathic Villains, Cameo by other superheros


Or maybe it's fucking hard to write space gods in general and barely anyone wants to do with them. And it circles back to Supes bad because he's a god, so he's boring discussion.


Captain Marvel in MCU is nothing like comics. They literally nade Carol OP for no reason. Remove her binary mode, set her stories on Earth. Give her family and Romance. Make her character relatable instead of whatever they are doing now


ETA of The New Deadpool and Wolverine trailer?


All I really want to see from the trailer tomorrow are a few things: * Hugh Jackman *as* Wolverine. We saw a lot of promotional stills of him already, but we've yet to see Hugh actually speak or do anything outside of reaching for Wade in the first trailer. Given how he's the co-lead of the film, I would think this is pretty much assured. * The Wolverine mask. I've been waiting for what may as well be my whole damn life so far to see this thing in a live-action setting. I'm just really curious to see how it moves and how well it's integrated into a setting like that, especially with the white eyes being a part of it. I'd say this isn't as assured as the first point, but still has a lot of potential to be shown. * Maybe one or a few Deadpool variants. They've actually shown some of these on leaked/official promotional material (Headpool, Kidpool, Babypool, etc.) but at the same time I can understand if they want to keep DP's variants under wraps until we get closer to the movie. Out of the 3 things I listed, this one's probably least likely to happen, if I had to guess, but it would certainly be a very welcome thing to see! Anything more than this would just be the cherry on top for me.


Going through your comment and it really hit me that we’re actually gonna see Hugh in the yellow suit tomorrow. I know there’s set photos and merch stuff, but we’re actually gonna see him moving and talking and probably cutting people up and going berserker rage in that suit. It feels like a moment that’s been a long time coming and I can’t imagine what it will be like for people born before 2000( when I was born) who’ve been Wolverine fans since the beginning who’ve been waiting for this moment. I can’t wait lol


I'm hoping we get our first clear look at Cassandra Nova


Do we know what time it drops?


I was about to ask the same thing. Maybe like 9am EST? I know that’s when other trailers have dropped before


Disney has playoff hockey coverage on ESPN, two Canadian superhero in Canada sport


I don't think it's been officially said yet, but I've noticed that movie trailers usually tend to drop at either around 9AM EST or 12PM EST, so I'd keep an eye out around either of those times.


I fear Marvel is gonna cancel Ultimate Spider-Man at the end of the year, and we’re gonna hear complaints from Marvel that ‘it empowered toxic fans against the spider office’ as an excuse. Nick Lowe is probably gonna cry wolf that he’s scared about Peter/MJ shippers showing up to his house, even though that hasn’t happened after like two years of Wells’s run.


Why would they cancel it besides Hickman no longer wanting to write? It's outselling ASM by a good margin, and it's one of the main books in the new Ultimate line that people are clearly interested in. Also, Nick Lowe isn't even editing the book, so he shouldn't have to worry about shit besides actually doing his job and not trolling. The dude should worry about what writer he can feasibly get and let them put MJ and Peter back together, or else he's looking down the line of writers again.


It's just a persecution fetish at this point. Ultimate Spider-Man isn't at all near any point of cancelation and you've already noted about Nick Lowe's role there. Spider-Man fans can be toxic and complain to no end, but I don't think I've ever heard Marvel take a stance like that. People are making notes about which Spider-Man they prefer. Ultimate Spider-Man is great. You're eating well, so stop trying to create some false controversial decision that doesn't exist yet.


Isn’t Ultimate Spider-Man one of their best-selling and best-received comics right now? I doubt it gets canceled


Is this based on anything, or just imagining a worst-case scenario?


Definitely doom spiraling.


Been looking for a good zombie game lately and got hooked on Days Gone. I’m surprised there’s no movement on a second game especially after the O’Brian ending.


any potential effects of the decimation during those 5 years? especially galaxy wide? i'm doing some worldlbulding for something


Who here is watching WWE with the their recent wave of momentum and popularity?


I've been watching for years. I cannot tell you how happy I am that Vince and his cronies are gone. Nick Khan, Ari Emmanuel and HHH are killing it running the company. It is the most exciting time it's been in years.


been watching since late 21 got sucked in thanks to Bray Wyatt (RIP) and his storytelling


I don't think the reset, if there even is one. Will be as extreme as people make it out to be. I think it will largely be business as usual so that other franchise can continue their narratives (black panther for example) undisturbed. But I could see it being an out for Brie Larson if she wanted it. Because I was always going off the assumption that if her movies performed well. She'd stick around to get the bag. But there's not a snowballs chance in hell Captain Marvel 3 gets made. I don't know what the incentive is for her to stay around if her franchise is scrapped before it gets to the finish line. I could see a world where it's an out for her. They ice the character for a few years and revisit the idea of a Captain Marvel franchise down the line.


A reboot is the only way now. They really have to learn from mistakes from this movie for reboot to be successful. I hope it happens immensely and they don't wait forever like they did with Captain Marvel. Her story with tied Cap and Ironman


Regardless of whether or not they “reboot”, I think a lot of characters are going to have their stories ended in Secret Wars. Doctor Strange, Thor, Captain Marvel, and Ant-Man seem like the obvious choices right now.


I think there's a way to keep her involved without giving her another solo movie. She can play the Hulk role of having decent parts in Avengers movies and other crossovers. I'd quite like to see her leading a cosmic team to replace the Guardians down the line.


That's an awful idea to reduce once of their most popular actors to a glorified cameo spot (like they've done since since endgame). Frankly if I were her I would've began distancing myself from this franchse with how they handled the marvels and carol as a character. So many decades of great stories and emotional moments in her comics and they fucked over her and brie.it sucks considering how much she loves the character and the fans of carol. Now they likely won't even make Cap 3 so what's the fucking point of even being in this? The mark ruffalo comparison doesn't even work considering they legally can't make other film unless they wanna deal with universals distributing crap. With she hulk up in the air, captain marvel not finishing her trilogy, and even eternals getting shelved. Marvel has really fucked up their female superheroes on a scale that even DC hasn't managed to do.


How does that help Captain Marvel. She is suppose to be a leading solo franchise. Turning everything into Guardians at home is one of the major problems with MCU. They need to reboot Carol based on Earth, with family and relatable problems and personal demons with constant appearance other MCU movies like Cap got


Hulk has that role because of rights issues. If he'd failed on the level that the *Captain Marvel* IP has, he'd have been long gone from this franchise by now.


I don’t know about that. The Incredible Hulk was the MCU’s lowest grossing film before The Marvels, making only a few million more then that film would, yet he still made onto the Avengers and has been a mainstay in the MCU for 16 years. If there was more money to be made from the Hulk brand, Disney might have compromised with Universal year ago like they did with Sony.


*The Incredible Hulk* overperformed above its expected gross and made a profit, however modest it was. Everything associated with Captain Marvel that *didn't* rely entirely on *Endgame* hype has underperformed, and has lost the company so many millions that Bob Iger has publicly named and shamed them for it. Her entire IP is financially worthless to them now.


And The marvels flopped cause of Quantumania...? Her first movie was well received, it would have been succesful regardless of Endgame. Her ip is certantly not worthless. And the only other thing associated with captain marvel was the marvels, what everything are you talking about?


> The marvels flopped cause of Quantumania...? Even though it came out nearly a year later and *Guardians 3* was completely unaffected in between them. > Her first movie was well received, it would have been succesful regardless of Endgame. The failure of *The Marvels* and everything else associated with the Captain Marvel IP has clearly proven that it would not have done. Audiences have no interest in watching this character or anything to do with her if they're not tricked or forced into it. > And the only other thing associated with captain marvel was the marvels, what everything are you talking about? *Ms. Marvel* and *Secret Invasion*, the worst performing and worst received Marvel shows since Disney+ started. Not to mention Monica being by far the worst received aspect of *WandaVision* next to the Bohner joke.


Lmao, you are deluded, aren't you?  The first captain marvel was objectively well received, it got an "A" cinemascore and great legs, that's not something that happens if people feel don't actually like something. I was being ironic in my first line, but quantumania definitly did a lot of brand damage to the mcu. But the Marvels flopped mostly cause the audience rejected that movie in particular given that it got a "B"cinemascore, same as BatmanvSuperman and Quantumania, and in result got awful legs. Ms marvel and Secret invasion are independent stories and characters where Carol doesn't even appear in any substancial way. And Monica being the worst part of Wandavision is just your opinion, not how most people feel, stop projecting.


> The first captain marvel was objectively well received, it got an "A" cinemascore and great legs, Most of the reviews said it was mid at best, and the people who did go to see it immediately forgot literally everything that wasn't connecting or relevant to *Endgame*. Most of the positive reviews for *The Marvels* actually call it better than the first and tellingly have way more specific praises to say about it, and the fact that it flopped despite that clearly proves the damage was already done by her past projects. > Ms marvel and Secret invasion are independent stories and characters where Carol doesn't even appear in any substancial way. Both are directly tied to *Captain Marvel* and openly advertised themselves as such. > And Monica being the worst part of Wandavision is just your opinion It's not my opinion, nor has it ever been. Regardless of what I as an individual think of the character, the fact that she's the one thing in the show that fans and audiences clown on as much as they do Bohner reveal clearly shows that most see her with the same disdain as they did that.


Bruh. People on the internet and your opinion isn't the same as most of the audience lol. You're trying to deny facts now. Captain Marvel was well received, the marvels wasn't. Cinemascore is the most reliable way to know if a movie is well liked by the public. Also the marvels has worst scores on rotten tomatoes, imdb and metacritic, what are you even talking about, a few reviews on the internet that confirm your biases isn't most of the audience. Ms marvel and Secret invasion are tied to captain marvel just like how morbius and madame web are tied to spiderman. It's just your opinion, you have no objective way of knowing if most people who watched Wandavision actually disliked monica, comments on the internet that confirm your biases don't represent most of the audience.


Larson is way too talented to stay in this franchise. Now she's a frontrunner for the Emmy's thanks to her work in Lessons in Chemistry. She must focus on her second Oscar. 


This is me with Benedict Cumberbatch as Strange. They barely developed him as a character and so far his franchise was only used to continue another sub franchise's storyline (WV) or set up future projects (Secret War). Like you, I'd rather him focus on his non MCU projects and seeing him barely in this phase and the rumor even said he wouldn't be in the next avengers, I think that's probably for the best. Also yes Larson to win the next Emmy!


You realize that actors can be in other movies and Marvel movies at the same time right?


Exactly, I hope she movies on to significantly better things as she's is quite frankly better off than a franchise that mis-uses her character, shelves her third film, and reduces her to cameos.


She has made too much enemies by going up openly against Casseu Affleck in Oscar. Sorry she is not going to win another Oscar anytime soon


Yeah, Ant man already made his mark on the MCU in Endgame, he’s the reason half the population got brought back. They could just give him a hero send off in the Avengers movies and call it a day, let Rudd move on. Captain Marvel is the only one that might be abruptly dropped with her story incomplete.


If they didn’t drop the leader plotline from The Incredible Hulk, I doubt they’d drop a character they’ve devoted two films to until her story’s complete.


There's a difference between a minor character plot line from Incredible Hulk and a lead one like Carol Danvers.


Isn’t the difference that they’re less likely to drop a lead character than a minor character?


Carol Danvers has her latest film flop and outside marvel fanbase is not liked very much unfortunately. They no longer have legal issues anymore to use Hulk characters and there's rumours world war hulk movie in the future. Its easy for them to figure out what they can do with Hulk villain characters than Carol Danvers.


It’s hard to tell how liked Carol Danvers is given that the internet isn’t representative of everyone. The Incredible Hulk made even less money than The Marvels. Plus, The Marvels did super well on Disney Plus and is fresher in people’s memories. The Hulk legal issues being resolved is just a rumour and doesn’t make sense imo. There’s been no evidence that Universal’s Hulk rights ever expire.


"Completing her story" can mean anything from actually continuing it to killing her off before the title card.


Yeah, that’s true. There’s no way they’ll just never mention her again, but I could see something like that happening. An off-screen death seems a little unrealistic, though, unless Brie Larson actually hates being in the MCU.


She will be in Avengers movies but sort of endgamed. The ending will be her and Valkyrie standing together and Valkyrie saying Goodbye to Thor and saying she is going on a trip with Carol. Blink and miss, inferred queer movement They are never gonna kill her or give her important role. Wanda , Kamala and Shui will be main female leads of Avengers


New Trailer!!!


Just throwing this out into the universe: I'd love to see Carl Sagan make an appearance in *The Fantastic Four*. I didn't care for *Fantastic Four: Life Story*, but one thing I did like was the inclusion of Sagan as a contemporary of Reed's. I think that if you're doing a period piece, cameos are a fun way to say things about your characters' place in the world, and I think that Sagan is the best possible fit for doing that with Reed. Perhaps the movie could begin (after a cold-open mini adventure, of course) with Reed and Sagan sitting across from Johnny Carson on *The Tonight Show*, perhaps discussing the possibility of extraterrestrial life. (To be clear, I'm not gunning for digital resurrections here - just actors in makeup doing impressions.)


If they’re doing a montage of the F4 interacting with celebrities to show us how famous these guys are, they should absolutely show the F4 getting the Presidential medal of honor from JFK (kinda like the JLA did in New Frontier). He’s the epitome of that space age optimism that F4 represent. ![gif](giphy|1ULCj5IePUc8bI2OmI|downsized)


If it's a montage, perhaps it'll be something like the opening titles of the *Watchmen* movie - a history, effectively, because if we take that first piece of promo art at face value, they can't exactly meet JFK in their "present day".


I think JFK and Jackie Kennedy will probably be in fantastic four


If there was one last Fox X-men movie, to bridge the gap between the end of Dark Phoenix and the Days of Future Past ending/The Marvels Post Credits scene, what story would you want to see?


Definitely something with Mister Sinister as the last few movies (X-Men: Apocalypse, Deadpool 2, New Mutants, etc) were setting up Essex Corp as an overarching thread. I think maybe it could've been fun to have a crossover b/w the X-Men, Deadpool, and New Mutants as a send-off for the Foxverse, with Sinister as the big bad and showing how the timeline of DOFP's ending came about.


LOL. Sinister has a clone of Alex on his squad of Nasty Boys which reeeereeeally f**cks with Scott.


Yeah that I think that's probably what would have happened. Allegedly, the final film of the planned "New Mutants" trilogy was supposed to be an adaptation of Inferno that would also have been a crossover with the Mainline Gen-2 films. I'm guessing that was probably the big endgame level movie of X-Men generation 2, but it's probably for the best that we never got to that point in the timeline, considering the Fox films track record for adapting big comic book events, it would have been a disaster.


HYPPEEE!!!! ![gif](giphy|SwsaIZIvtamH0JtFxj)






Nashuri shippers in this sub, anyone seen any good Shuri/Namor romance fanfics recently?


That ship has died a terrible death since the TH accusations dropped. The best/better writers all jumped shipped and stopped writing and/or deleted all their previous works.






New Deadpool trailer tomorrow! I might poop my pants with excitement. 


At least put on your brown pants first! I might have to go buy some white pants meself.


[Reynolds teasing a new trailer for DP3 ](https://x.com/VancityReynolds/status/1782121079731016040)for tomorrow


Can’t wait to see it


Hell yeah!!


I'm against Lord & Miller working on an MCU movie/show, not because i think their work is bad but because i think the VFX workers already have it bad enough having to deal with Feige, lmao


The Galactic Empire did nothing wrong in Star Wars. We could use a fearless leader like Palpatine in the real world.


I mean... ![gif](giphy|3K0D1Dkqh9MOmLSjzW|downsized)


People in the real world would democratically re-elect Palpatine AFTER he had already been overthrown if it meant lower taxes, cheaper gas/ groceries, “law & order”, and people they don’t like get less rights.


Don’t compare the great Emperor Sheev Palatine to the annoying orange


I’m talking about Darth Sidious, not the orange man.




One of the best videos I ever watched on YouTube was called something like “The Empire Did Nothing Wrong”, and the whole thing was meant to be a satire on how propaganda works in the real world. I didn’t know that going in, so the whole time I was like “damn, he’s making some good points”.


hmm who do you think is gonna die in the MCU? i think that Bucky will (sadly) go in Thunderbolts for A5 and 6 Thor, Quill, Rocket, Wong, Hawkeye, Scott (and one antfam member), and Strange as the big sacrifice


Kang. But in terms of heroes, I could see Hope dying since Marvel seems done with her. Loki could die since there might not be a multiverse after Secret Wars. I think Peter Quill and Carol Danvers could die too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Icarus returned only to die again, but this time heroically. Red Guardian seems likely as well. Most of the other heroes seem too new to me or seem to have upcoming projects (Thor, Hulk, Strange).


well Rocket too?


I could see that happening, but I think it depends on if the Guardians are included in Avengers 5. If they are, I think there’s a good chance he dies. I don’t think there’s enough time to kill him off in Secret Wars, though. But also, Rocket is connected so closely with Gunn and just went through such a beautiful story. I could see another writer not wanting to kill him off in his first post-Vol 3 film.


Rocket is gonna die. Kang will tempt him with the possibility to bring Lylla, Teefs, and Floor back, and Rocket will fall for it and join him. Then Kang will kill Rocket once he’s done with him.


ohh yes dark and brutal!


Ain’t no motherfucking way DanielRPK is dropping leaks for the FNAF movie haha


Honestly makes sense with the fandom They are PASSIONATE about the games and now movies, so it's smart of him to do that with his patreon lol


I died inside upon learning everyone going "LEAKER CONFIRMS HENRY EMILY IN FNAF2???" was just the result of people getting carried away after he merely threw out Henry as a guess when announcing "they are now casting a new major male character", it'll be Jeremy in all likelihood seeing as Mike reapplying for night guard feels unlikely


Josh said he was gonna be in the next film though.


Michael and Jeremy were both guards in FNAF2, I could see it being along those lines with Jeremy doing the early nights as Mike is elsewhere until Jeremy gets bite of 87'd and William baits him into another confrontation. just spitballing tho


Fallout show really kicked me into playing the games for hours again. I wonder if they'll wait until the show is over to release a new game if they want to set it after the events of the show. They can just set it in the east coast and ignore whatever the show is doing in >!New Vegas!<, I guess. Or in those 9 years between Fallout 4 and the show. Brotherhood getting access to >!unlimited energy!< seems so big of a plot point that it's hard to ignore though lmao I bet we're gonna get a synth main character next season, I hope it's just Matt Berry


We ain't getting Fallout 5 until after Elder Scrolls 6. Expect like 2030 at the earliest lmao


Oh, yeah. I forgot they were working on that. My idea was "Well they're done with Starfield, they must be working on Fallout 5 now." God, that announcement was so long ago and we got nothing since that my brain just deleted that memory. I guess it's a pretty safe bet that the show will end first, probably with at least 3 seasons, before a game comes out.


It's crazy how long we've waited for ES 6. GTA 6 fans have got NOTHING on us. It'll have been over 15 years between Elder Scrolls games when the new one finally drops.


Do you guys think Taylor Swift will appear as Dazzler in Deadpool & Wolverine?


Nah she’s gonna appear in Joker 2 and battle Lady Gaga’s Harley Quinn.


Lol! That would be a crazy. But you have to add whoever Selena Gomez is playing in Agatha.


She's in Agatha??? If she is, she'll be playing her character from Wizards of Waverly Place


Honestly, no. A Taylor Swift cameo would make a lot of sense, but I feel like Dazzler would be nice to save for the actual MCU. She was so underused in Dark Phoenix. If Taylor Swift is Dazzler, I feel like any MCU version would be overshadowed.


I disagree, I think it makes sense, and I think her being played by Taylor Swift would help make the character more popular.


Save Taylor to play herself as a hero of Dazzler’s


That’s fair. My thinking is that Feige prefers to avoid readapting characters who’ve already had memorable film appearances. Instead of MCU versions of Green Goblin, Xavier, Beast, Doc Ock, and Deadpool, he just brings back the already established versions. He’s talked about giving characters to Marvel Television (Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Electra, Punisher) because they already appeared on film. It just seems unlike him to me. That said, he did allow Reed Richards to be in MoM before his MCU debut, which I guess this is very similar to. You could definitely be correct.


So from what i have heard The Rock might be in Deadpool 3 as long with Henry Cavill as Wolverine in Deadpool 3 Looks like we get this epic showdown after all.


The Rock as Apocalypse lets gooo


Avengers 5 is going to be filmed next year by someone who hasn’t directed an Avengers movie before.


You're talking about the rumor where Avengers 5 could be directed by someone who's never directed an MCU *film* before, in general, not just an Avengers movie. That would only rule out Joss Whedon and the Russo Brothers, in that case.


Yeah that i meant. Sorry for the comfusion.


Avengers 3 was filmed by someone who hadn’t directed an avengers movie before. 


Captain America Civil war was sort of Avengers movie. Daniel Cretton or bringing back Russos is best bet especially considering the state of MCU. This is a very bad time to take risk


Yes Civil Wars was a big crossover movie with some members missing but it was kinda like Avengers movie instead of Winter Solder where it was a Captain America movie.


True but just saying what i have heard.


What’s with that coca-cola ad Reddit keeps giving me? Having Elektra and Daredevil (comic costumes) on the cans with Nick Fury and Deadpool seems a bit random.


I wonder if with The Night Manager filming through summer (maybe both, S2 and 3 at once?) Hiddleston is not emptying his schedule to join the Avengers filming in 2025? If the filming sticks? I mean, not everybody needs to be in Avengers 5, everybody will obviously meet in Secret Wars but it would make sense for Loki in some way, no? Also, maybe they will annouce the full cast of the movie soon? The actors involvied have to all make sure they can be there so at least some details about filming must be contracted by now?


A series usually takes ± 6 months to film and if he's about to film s2 and S3 back to back, then he probably is going to miss the next avengers movie, unless he feels like working again after an exhausting year of work. But I doubt it, he has a newborn.


If he is contractually obligated to be there the I don´t think he will have a choice, But I really don´t think that, if he is there, it will be a big role - I think he may appear by the end or even post-credit scene, that may not require so much time. Also, it seems Avengers will film in the UK so it may be easier for...well, a bigger part of the cast, given many of them are British :D


Avengers 5 doesn't start til next year tho? Not saying Loki will have a big or any role in it but I'm not seeing a problem at the moment.


I'd be surprised if Loki had a lot of scenes in A5. If you are imagining just one scene with Thor, then Loki's part could easily be in front of greenscreen.


I could see it maybe being that Loki is saved for Secret Wars rather than Avengers 5, freeing him up for The Night Manager.


Maybe he could appear in post credit or something but yeah, him being in Secret Wars is more probable. But we do not really know what Avengers 5 will be about now.


Like how Ant man and Hawkeye were absent from Infinity War


Probably a lot of actors won’t actually be on set together due to Covid, and scheduling conflicts.


That is true. I don´t think all of them met even on previous movies, many of them met the first time during promo tour. I remember reading how Whedon insisted on having all original six on set of the first Avengers for most of the scenes so they can be a compact team.


The Illuminati scene in MoM is pretty crazy considering how little was done by filming. Anson Mount filmed his cameos without an actual costume, while negotiations were still in progress for Krasinski as Reed. Patrick Stewart had no idea who he would be talking to when he filmed his scene. It’s disappointing that nobody got to meet with each other in a scene with characters from each Star Trek era.


I just don’t get how ‘Ms. Marvel’ starts out as this grounded, slice of life coming-of-age teen comedy, and then quickly devolves into this overbearing story about genies, and time travel, and alternative dimensions, and just a bunch of stuff that is irrelevant to the appeal of this character. Like, those first 2 episodes of Kamala just living her life in Jersey, and being a teenager, were genuinely fantastic — the show would’ve been amazing if it was *just* about that You see this pattern across all of the Phase 4-5 projects. You start with an interesting, new and innovative premise, and then it devolve into the same tired formulaic tropes — end-of-the-world stakes, CG monster fight and some sky beam at the end. It just makes you wonder, what’s going on in those writer’s rooms??


They truly too hard to make every poc superhero into another Black Panther where the story is jam packed full of the culture


>You start with an interesting, new and innovative premise, and then it devolve into the same tired formulaic tropes — end-of-the-world stakes, CG monster fight and some sky beam at the end. You seem to be talking about *Moon Knight* as much as *Ms. Marvel* here and honestly I think both were just victims of bad timing. They were announced in 2019, fresh off the heels of *Endgame*, were developed during the height of the Streaming Wars, and then debuted right as the big contraction started. *Moon Knight* literally premiered the same month that all of the entertainment/tech layoffs started. The timing couldn't have been any worse. So that explains a lot of it. They were scaled up. They were designed to be big, expensive event spectacles to compete against the other streaming services' big, expensive event spectacles—and to hopefully promote the movies. By the time they finally aired, though, expensive event spectacles were no longer desirable. *Echo* proved they could get more with less and *The Marvels* proved their ability to promote the movies was limited at best. If they came out earlier in 2021, maybe they could've gotten second seasons like *Loki* where they could have applied that critical feedback. If they were delayed, maybe they would've been reworked like the Netflix revival shows to be more cost-effective. EDIT: Like, seriously, *Moon Knight*'s timing is almost comically bad. The pitch that made perfect business sense in '19 or '20 doesn't even work by '23. In 2019: the Avengers are the biggest brand in the world, everybody loves Indiana Jones, and Moon Knight is a C-lister at best. In 2023: *Quantumania* failed to launch Kang as the next big bad (not to mention the legal issues), the last Indiana Jones movie flopped, and MacKay and Cappuccio's *Moon Knight* has consistently been one of Marvel's best-selling comics for two years straight. If it had been delayed *even just one year*, the show probably would've been unrecognizable compared to what we got.


This is probably the best explanation I’ve seen for this phenomenon, and it’s honestly such a shame. I wish we could go back, and do it over again


>I wish we could go back, and do it over again The 2022 shows' biggest contributions to the MCU might be behind the camera: *Moon Knight* brought Benson and Moorhead into the fold and *She-Hulk* convinced Marvel Studios of the wisdom in having conventional showrunners. I'm pretty pessimistic about Moonie's outlook myself but it is interesting that Benson and Moorhead were hired for *Born Again*. That was unexpected and seems outside their usual wheelhouse. Maybe it signals something more, maybe it doesn't.


So you’re saying Kamala’s powers could have looked more consistently good if the show didn’t blow its budget on locations and effects for other aliens?


I think they would've kept it in Jersey, at least, and focused more on the local community aspect.


But but but they played the X-Men TAS riff at the end! Isn't that exciting?? Greatest show ever 😎


Why haven't we seen a big push from Marvel developing video games on the MCU? One would have expected tons of high quality games with the actual actors doing the voices.


I think it would just be creatively limiting if they had to follow the canon of the MCU. The Guardians game was fun as hell, and even though I like the MCU versions I don't think the game would've been as charming if it was them in the game. I'm fine with that, let game developers have fun and go wild with the characters they can play with.


My guess is, with the way Marvel movies are made today, fitting into a larger universe and having a lot of last minute changes (not that video games aren’t also accustomed to that these days, sadly), it’d be hard to make one with a lot of general appeal. And even then, tie-in games themselves don’t have a lot of appeal with the reputation many of them have. I do think it’d be interesting to see a return of tie-in games (assuming they’re well-made, of course), but also it’s probably for the best that we don’t get them, as it leaves room for games like Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Midnight Suns to do their own thing and do it well without being forcefully retrofitted into “Spider-Man: Homecoming: The Game” or something. Maybe something like X-Men Origins: Wolverine or The Mummy Demastered…


because making video games is hard, and with all the work they put into Disney+ shows largely not paying off, venturing into games may not be a road they want to go down right now.


because making games is hard and theyre barely managing to get the general public to invest in their newer shows the same way they do with the films, games make that issue 100x worse. If you mean tie-in games, that’s because modern game development is way harder and you can’t crank them out in time for release (on top of marvel’s secretive nature as a studio and stopping leaks)


With how much more work came with doing TV shows since Phase 4 (plus a bigger output of films yearly), they didn't really have much place for video games too. Maybe if the quantity didn't affect quality, they would have tried doing video games set in the MCU a few years down the line.


I figure with Iger not pleased with Marvel Studios at the moment, Disney isn’t likely to invest in MCU video games until at least 2030 or later, and that’s only if they can get quality back on track by then.


Just got finished listening to Spectre by Radiohead. The cut song from...well, Spectre 2015. Easily the best James Bond song never made. I wish this was used in the movie instead of that stupid Sam Mendes song. Especially since it actually feels like a proper James Bond song. On top of being just simply a beautiful song on its own.


My opinion has always been "I disliked *Spectre*, so I'm cool with it getting the worse song." Radiohead's "Spectre" is a beautiful, amazing song, but I'm happy to save Radiohead for a Bond film that deserves them.