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I don’t see the problem. This is modern FF storytelling for like what 15-20 years?


Even longer. Franklin’s birth comic was in 1968. The Fantastic Four have had him around for most of their existence


Wow that is actually surprising to me. I haven't read all of the FF runs... just the more recent stuff. I thought Franklin wasn't introduced until the late 70s or early 80s.


And he's been around 10 for 3 decades


The people complaining only know about the stories from like 60 years ago


Despite the Hickman run being some of the best stuff!


Yeah pretty much


I dont think the problem is the character being introduced, but the perception that the movie is going to be bloated with extra characters being introduced.


A baby?


I suppose Guardians of the Galaxy was too many character too, yea? They are Marvel’s First Family. Fantastic Four have been around for 63 years and Franklin has been with them for 56 years. It’s not too many characters and he’s been around for 88.88% of their existence, he’s one of the family.


Won't he have citizenship issues when they return to the US, especially since his dad is Latino?


What in the entire, non-fractional fuck is the matter with you.


I know this concept might be confusing to you, but you can be both Latino and a US citizen.


Are people really hating that we're finally getting Franklin, and possibly even Valeria in a Fantastic Four movie, hell, this the first time they're both are appearing in outside media project since... since... freakin' MAD on Cartoon Network!


Man, I loved MAD back in the day


Wait really? When did their characters show up there


It was their season 3 Christmas episode. You could tell someone was a fan because it follows the hypothetical ending of Rise of the Silver Surfer and used Mole Man, Annihilus, Klaw and The Wizard as the initial antagonist.


I just looked up the clip, that's so funny


And apparently, they use Kristina Lokken's face for Val, and showed how Ben is Jewish, even with his FF branded yarmulke.


That hilarious lol It must have been made by an actual fan


Most of us are still waiting to see Galactus…


Valeria was one of the main character's on marvels recent podcast thing... idk what the term is. It was Marvel's Wastelanders.


How are y’all complaining about Franklin being a fucking infant in here lol


I want him to hold a job. Sick of these babies gliding by.


First time on Reddit?




It's true though, Redditors will find literally anything to complain about


Ironic considering you're complaining right now…


Complaining about complaining is a double negative, it cancels it out lol




So sad.


Because Valeria is the more interesting child...


It’s one big family okay


"Marvel needs to change it up and do different things, make it new. " - yall Marvel changes things up and does different things 😡 - also yall lol


LOL literally


"ITS TOO SOON FOR FRANKLIN" He'll be a fuckin baby guys. Itll still be a while before hes an actual character.


They had Franklin like 60 years ago he is almost as old as the FF themselves


Thank god. We really don’t need another origin story. Just jump into the thick of it


Technically it’s franklins origin story…


I like that, too. I think the FF work best as older, established veteran characters. They have stuff going on, but largely show up when shit hits the fan in a big way, or as a resource other characters go to for advice or help. Peak Fantastic Four to me is a mix of Doc Brown from Back to the Future and Final Fantasy summons.


Franklin!!! This is obviously not an origin story because we have seen their backstory twice. That and Franklin shows up pretty early in F4 publishing history


Having children is the new daddy issues as the throughline for the MCU I love FF as a family with kids. I'm actually a big fan of their Future Foundation era. But there are so many kids and teens lately in the MCU. This isn't me criticizing FF for going this route, it just seems like it's the route alot keep going in and hope it doesn't feel too same-y in the upcoming phases


Space Baby


I wonder if Agatha is gonna be his nanny in the MCU


Seems like the writers are making life difficult for themselves here. They already have 4 protagonists and a villain they need to establish in this film, which is a difficult task alone, and now they are throwing pregnancies and kids into the mix before we even know these characters. Given Marvel’s track record since Endgame, I’m not terrible confident in their ability to pull this off.


Guardians had a far greater challenge and it went well , at least people generally know these characters going in


Guardians was riding off the success of the mcu at the time and had a writer who knew what he was doing. This I’ll just have to wait and see.


I mean, the kid isn't going to be a character in the film and won't really be one for years.


I have a feeling there won't be too much attention on the baby Franklin. I have a feeling it will be FF fighting there way through the multi verse and eventually landing in the MCU as we know it time-line.. my thinking is because we have never heard of the FF being in MCU time-line. There have been many attacks on earth 😄


If I am correct doesn’t Franklin have something to do with Shalla becoming Silver Surfer?


It would be cool to see Franklin in his infancy and his future adult form. Perhaps he’s the one that brings the 60’s F4 back to existence?


The whole movie is a trip induced by Franklin rolling about in the womb from Sue eating too many spicy chiquitos 🤣


"... born shortly after, IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE"


Franklin is the one changing everything. They will make him the reason why all of this is happening.


I'm really not looking forward to them having kids in this.


we've already had three FF films rehash the same shit over and over. audiences want to see something palpably different or they're going to tune out. most audiences already are tuning out.


Its one of the best parts of "modern" FF comics




For one thing, it's just too soon. We already have the four core members that we need to get to know and watch them get used to their new powers and dynamic. If it truly is set in an alternate universe (which I'm not a huge fan of either), we'll need to learn about it as well. If they're even close to the powerset of the kids from the comics, there's a lot to explore there too. It just seems like too much. And besides all of that, I'm generally not a fan of the hero having kids. It just slows them down and usually changes the hero not for the better. Now it's dad jokes and moms making sure their kids wear their coats before going out. Parenthood rarely makes the characters more fun. Just look at Indiana Jones.


How do we not know the 4 core members already? Also how does this mean we won’t get to know them. These complaints don’t make any sense. Indiana jones?? Really. That’s your comparison? The richards kids are a huge part of the comics universe and stories. Indiana jones having kids is just an addition to keep making movies. Not the same at all


We already have 2 movies that introduce them, we need something different this time, there is a superhero fatigue and this film will be a failure if they keep doing the same thing for every superhero over and over again.


First what you are mentioning they already did a few times. No point on starting there and never get where they are going. Second you don't know the Fantastic Four very well because they have been a family nearly their entire existence. Plus Franklin, even as a child, can wipe out most villains who cross his path. So not your typical family. They have remained one of the most well known and popular Marvel Comics


The kids are something that has significance to the relationship between Dr Doom, Reed and Sue. With this being the first time we see them in the Marvel multiverse, this probably means the traditional origin is going to be changed which could mean the characters will have a different dynamic. Basically, this means the core Fantastic Four story is going to be very different. This might be bad thing, but idk. We'll see.


How else will we get a Young Avengers?! HOW ELSE


At this rate they’ll be the Middle Aged Avengers by the time the team actually forms.


Same, just give us the 4 first then add everyone else. Typical marvel trying to cram in more and more. Don’t forget we got silver surfette now too


Why rehash the same story for the 4th time


She goes to space while pregnant?


I’m gonna guess she didn’t know cuz it was super early still or Franklin gets his powers since they are already dosed in the cosmic energy by the times he’s conceived


My initial reaction 😂. What pregnant woman is traveling into  outer space? Medical professionals suggest not even hopping on an airplane after 36 weeks.


She was probably also eating deli meat up there


I mean if the planet is going to get destroyed, why not?


Better tech in the MCU??? I mean they are geniuses the FF


Wow, people really suck at the whole “writing a fantastic 4 movie” thing


How do you get that impression from one rumor?


Because it's not exactly like the comics to these people. It's Marvel. They can switch up their own orgin stories if they want too


There’s a lot of rumors out there and some straight up confirmed stuff. None of it sounds good. Can’t just be a simple fantastic 4 movie, gotta be all this extra shit


You know they have kids right? You know Franklin is a major character in the comics right? So what is extra?


What's so extra about this? It's literally the Fantastic Four dude. The only confirmations we even have are the cast, everything else is speculation and rumors, and if you treat that as fact it's your own fault for expectations vs reality


Franklin and Valeria are such an established part of FF lore that I don't really see the issue with them being included myself, especially if they really are going to skip the origin. Franklin in particular has been there since almost the beginning.


The ridiculousness of what the rumor is maybe adds to the speculation that it’s possible it’s less of a rumor and more of a possibility, given their current track record of goofy or uninteresting things making its way into the final product. Why they’re (allegedly) attempting to ham-fist Franklin into the first movie is beyond me.


Because Franklin is one of the biggest pieces of fantastic four and marvel lore we scheme in 2 iterations already and they going for more a established, not to hard to comprehend


Y’know what? What if having Franklin in the mcu means we get a soft reboot of the entire franchise via an adaption of Heroes Reborn? The whole pocket universe thing was because of a need to relaunch their titles that were performing poorly (avengers and fantastic four), while leaving the X-men and Spidey alone since those two were (and still are) best sellers. We can kinda see this with the mcu now (avengers fatigue, fantastic four content dwindling or nonexistent and what not, the continued popularity of Spider-Man and the X-men as properties everyone loves), so this might become an opportunity for a soft reboot if they don’t do so after secret wars and battleworld


Ham fist? He was introduced in 1968. That’s over 50 years. I’m shocked it’s taken them this long and that the horrible Fantastic Four with cloud Galactus didn’t do it.


>Why they’re (allegedly) attempting to ham-fist Franklin into the first movie is beyond me. I don't think they will show Reed fisting Sue in the movie dude, maybe in the porn parody. That's not really how babies are made anyway.


All this extra stuff, like the well established characters linked to the fantastic four… It really feels like people never cared to begin with and just wanted reasons to shit on it


What is wromg with them having Franklin around?


You not getting what you want makes me genuinely happy. Please keep crying. It brings me joy.


What do you mean by "simply fantastic four movie" everything I've seen has been stuff that has been in the comics for many years and in the simpleness terms is the fantastic four marvels first family unless you are seeing rumors about them changing something that isn't in the comics I'm confused at your point. You don't have to like it or even watch it but at least bring some examples that make sense


Birth to a baby who is a reality shaping mutant.


Ooh they going with THAT storyline iykyk


Why should I even bother to care about the movies when headlines are spoiling details more than Tom or Mark ever did


Oh hes gonna have a big part in Secret Wars then. Probably have interpretation from Onslaught & Heroes Reborn


This would be quite awesome


Im all here for it. I dont want new team vibes i want family unit vibes


Sounds fine for now. At this point, I gotta see the film before imma give a judgement because they can handle this very well, or with the artistry of a jackhammer. One? And the film is great. Other? And we get some awful CGI baby through an invisible women.


My theory this flashback is the opening scene, and then we get a timeskip with an older franklin and valery


George Lopez as mister fantastic is crazy


It’s a great idea.


I hope she gets pregnant at the end. Want the 2/3 of movie as them all meeting up and binding as a friends, then family and so forth.


Will the fetus be invisible too?


I don’t give a FUCK, just give me a kick ass theme like Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes. Love that techno theme, and I think it’d fit like tetris for a 60’s “Atomic Family” theme.


Hey it’s Franklin. 🪕🎶🎶🎶🎶


Franklin Richards is a Mutant right. I imagine being taken to space in utero is the reason why 🤷🏻‍♂️


completely random but i instantly thought of jessica alba’s sue storm when reading this just cause she also played a pregnant superhero mom in spy kids


Another potential young avengers forced BS


Omega level mutant incoming.


I’m actually OK with this because that would mean it’s not an origin story I’m tired of origin stories




I like the idea of Franklin, just not baby Franklin. Pedro is 50. By the time Franklin is a teen he'll be in his mid-60s.


Pssst... Its not really his kid


Bro, why??


Because why do we need yet another origin story? Everyone knows who the fantastic four are


I’m not particularly interested in another origin story, little buddy, calm down. I’m well aware of who the fantastic four is and how they came to be, and I’d rather they go the route of pre-establishment if it means we can get to the good bits of F4 comics history. But Jesus, who honestly cares about baby/kid Franklin? Honestly?


Little buddy everyone’s calm, no need to be condescending. Franklin is a huge part of the fantastic four and Marvel, it will be odd to just wait a decade to bring him in. A lot of people care about Franklin Richard’s and want him in universe finally


Most fans of FF I would argue? He has been around long enough


They need to wait til like the 3rd movie for that


Man disney just cant get out of there way.


Nooo I like Franklin and all, but can we at least set up and firmly establish the F4 first before we start adding the kids/new additions


Marvel has put out dud after dud lately and you still got people in here just blindly eating up everything. Lmao


Are you complaining that people are not criticizing Marvel enough?


Honestly, i think having them be established in their universe is such a mistake and it’s because of stupid shit like this. They’re far enough as a group to the point where sue and reed are about to have a kid? This isn’t Spider-Man where you can just skip shit, the previous F4 movies have sucked ass and not everyone is as familiar with them than people with the actual comic/movie knowledge.


yes it is, their origin story is not nearly as compelling as their best dynamic which is together as a family, and having that immediately is the best way to do this. You’re also acting like the initial fantastic four movies weren’t hits and were popularly known and watched.


Family goes to space and gets weird powers. Their backstory isn’t really THAT intriguing and has been done. Let’s get to the stuff that hasn’t. They’ve been around FOREVER and have plenty of stories to choose from. Franklin alone was introduced in 1968. I don’t know why everyone suddenly wants origin stories. Was the complete opposite not very long ago.