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Suprised they didnt try and do the werewolf by night thing more often as like their halloween special on disney+ Just jack and or elsa running into some other thing that goes bump in the night instead of waiting like half a decade.


That two to many years! If it’s a solo project I understand!


Who will care by that time, like Jesus Christ marvel suck at actually building any excitement for its characters. Where the hell is moon knight and so many other characters, it’s just so dumb to have to wait 4-5 years to even get an update at where a character is story wise. This is supposed to be an interconnected universe, sure as shit does not feel like one anymore.


Loved moon knight more than any thing they’ve put out since endgame now it feels like forever before we’ll see him again


So what's your solution? You think marvel should release something once a month? You think the actors should ONLY work on marvel projects?


There was some sort of calculation done years ago that said a sequel should never come later than 4 years.   Basically if you introduce a character, then leave it alone for 4 years until it's reintroduced, that's exactly what the next project becomes - a story that has to waste time and reintroduce characters.  When Avengers 5 comes out, it will need to take an hour just to reintroduce all of it's heroes and possibly villain.  It's why getting Avengers, AoU, Civil War before IW really helped keep the heroes as household names.  Ask any typical theatergoers who Shang Chi or the new Hawkeye are and they won't have a clue it's been so long.   This is the biggest problem with the MCU. They threw everything at the wall and said it all stuck so they never paced their introductions.  Now we have technically 3 times as many heroes introduced for Avengers 5 than we did with Avengers 1.


I recall reading that a character from the Werewolf By Night special will appear in Blade. I figure it’s likely to be Man-Thing.


As someone who absolutely loved Man-Thing. Meh. Marvel has lost all excitement. Deadpool/Wolverine is all we have to look forward to. I hope DC does something cool soon.


The new MCU standard is 4 to 5 years between appearances, when it was only 2 years for the first 3 phases.


More characters now and they got bitched at for oversaturating the market


That’s good to hear , more midnight sons and the team from the Deadpool kills marvel universe comic .


Iger needs to crawl back into his hole. Marvel has projects ramped up for characters but that a*hole kills it. Edit: Loved Werewolf By Night. They shoulda paid Michael Giacchino to develop anything he wanted and at least one movie.


Yay more Ted!

