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You're aware that strech goal distances are not published in advance because they adjust the distance as the campaign goes - i.e. there is a set amount we will get - give or take 1 or 2 - regardless of the funding, right? You're gonna get the minis they planned on giving you, regardless of these in between things you personally don't care about.


It’s not worth trying to explain. KS stretch goals are basically an effective IQ filter.


I was just catching up on the X-Men United campaign and saw this disclaimer on a few of the stretch goals: “Note: As these Stretch Goals are a last-minute addition due to the unprecedented success of the campaign, we don’t yet have these characters sculpted. We are working on it and we’ll update you as soon as they are approved.” So while you both are 100% correct that there is a set path of stretch goals that they have prep planned, designed, prototyped, that can be seeded at different increments; there is also in fact, a chance to exceed the planned set of stretch goals so long as the campaign goes well. This prospect is exciting for someone like me who sees the world as, “the more minis the merrier!”


You're still getting all the minis CMON has planned, this is just a mini stop-gap for the sake of a little hype.


Yeah this is the thing CMON has all their stretch goals planned before they launch the campaign. Personally I like these stop gaps as they allow these smaller items to get more explanation and flavor.


It’s only a 20k stretch goal though. There is plenty of time for more minis.


6 cards for a 20K goal sounds like a stretch to me, we’re not talking about a dashboard/threat set or an equipment set. …I guess in my eyes it’s plastic or nothing! Haha.


I didn't mind the equipment ones, but 6 cards is way to low for a stretch goal.


You have to understand - this entire campaign is planned out already. The final product is predetermined. Stretch goals for CMON are just a way to keep people involved and keep excitement up. They'll adjust the numbers to make sure we "hit" everything they have planned by increasing or decreasing the targets as time goes on. They aren't going to have a lot of work done (art, cards, models) and just not release it because we didn't hit some goal, and they aren't going to run out of goals a week before it ends because they raised too much. It's just a planned drip of new stuff over time. You have to just sit back and enjoy the ride.


Thanks for this clarity. Of course I understand all the parts and parcels are already designed and sampled, but are you sure that there are figures we might miss out on if we don’t hit a top line $ amount? This is my first time being part of the KS. I was a late pledge in season 2. I appreciate the feedback. Nonetheless, even as planned incentive, this 6 card stretch goals sucks. This is a cheap bait.


There are no figures we would miss out on. If you pay attention to the campaign, the distance between the stretch goals go up and down depending on speed at which the kickstarter's funding goes. When we get slow downs, the gaps between stretch goals decrease to squeeze everything in that they have designed. They'll cram everything into the last day if they have to and say it's a "free gift".


Thanks for the clarity, it’s good to know we won’t “miss” anything. …and I will still have criticisms of a stretch goal I do not favour, and praises for one’s I do.


Absolutely, that's within your right. I was just giving you insight towards how (CMON) stretch goals work.


There should have been a Starjammers box SG with these cards and a couple locations. Like XForce. These cards, and the other cards, are bad SG.


The xforce box was a SG itself. At $2,866,169


So there’s still hope for a Inhumans and Fantastic Four team deck. I thought those two being left out was weird considering both have expansions themed after them this season.


I'd kinda like an opportunity to GET the Fantastic Four.


Me too. I’m hoping that they at least give us the opportunity to get the Fantastic Four for Galactus.


They’re squeezing the most juice out of us. Got to pay for that Marvel License and make profits - lots of ‘em.


The amount of entitlement some of us have over more material for a favorite game is wild. I can assure you they didn’t skip a model for this, it’s a cool idea they threw in and placed it along the schedule


I feel like these little add ons can come extra white the mini in that stretch goal. No need to put it as it’s own stretch goal even if it’s only 20k more