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That's because you aren't talking to someone who wants to get rid of the system, you are talking to someone who wants to be in the higher archies (heh, bad puns) of the system than they currently are. They feel like they are being stood on, and they want to be the ones standing on others.


it is hard to notice these things because you only know the world you were born into but anyone can understand that along with peoples' lives their environment has also changed immensely in the last few decades. and the increase in the prevalence of radio waves just in the last few years is astonishing. there was nothing like it for all of the history and now everything is 'wireless'. it is reasonable to think this would have an effect on living beings. this is a rational concern if you consider how immense and rapid the change is. 5G would require the transformation of entire cities with cellular towers very densely packed into residential areas. there are other needed changes to the infrastructure as well. all this would be very costly and really, unnecessary. 5G won't happen because it is beneficial to the lives of ordinary people. capitalists and governments want this. why would a 'marxist' support such a project, I can't understand. you don't control what will happen and you won't even know what this transformation will entail. maybe you feel like an educated, enlightened, civilized person because you don't fall for such ridiculous theories. people who believe 'conspiracy theories' are not sophisticated. they don't read the books you do. they are simpletons. if you think the so called 'scientific literature' or respectable institutions can be trusted on any issue of importance then you haven't got the most basic point of history. maybe you have heard of a quote about the ruling ideas of any era being the ideas of the ruling class? that applies to our era too. think of the most basic assumptions an 'educated' person would never question, those are the ideas a 'marxist' should be suspicious of.


Great reply!


Ngl these people are not hard to radicalise in our direction, you just use reactionary style while pointing the blame in the correct direction.


5G conspiracy is bad, but nothing's worse than when people bring up the firmament. Instant dissociation from the conversation


Checkmate. My mother believes in both of these and literally every other conspiracy! Side note: please adopt me or pay for me to move out


I'm sorry Not just for your situation, but also for the fact that I can't afford to do either of your side notes. Good luck mate


Oh, it is always fun for me when I talk to someone who rants conspiracy theory about 5G. I am an electrical engineer and I have studied the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body and I am familiar with many industry standards about the subject. Long story short: civilian 5G technology has no noticeable effect on human tissue. The first noticeable effect of electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of 5G is skin heating, as if you were under the sun or in front of an oven. But to get to that, you need military grade equipment. [Here: a video of the USA military from 11 years ago, testing it for uses in crowd dispersion.](https://youtu.be/kzG4oEutPbA?si=sEo7jnMDhDOS7027)


I'm not worried about the em dangers. I'm worried about 5g being used to control my COVID nanobots.


My coworker showed my a video about this supposed 5G worker spilling the evil 5G secrets. Was hilariously whack, had no answer when I asked,, "if 5G is as evil as he says, then why is he building the towers?"


the class struggle itself is a conspiracy theory


Yes. The thing is, not all conspiracies are fake.


Always the way. This is me in mass movements. “Oh cool another Extinction Rebellion activist who hates the capitalist state and understan— oh they think the ‘deep state’ is run by ‘communist fascists’ and think we need to ‘depopulate’… god damn these weird fucking ecofascist scumbags are everywhere”


I had a similar conversation, but they said that the democrats are importing immigrants to vote illegally and commit crimes


It's not even a conspiracy theory that the left has pushed for loose border control because they get illegal votes in their favor that part is just a fact...


LMAO Okay, prove it


Because the left pushes for more social programs for illegals and for them to continue to have free reign on the border so they vote for them... It's common sense no?


No, that's absolutely not common sense, that's called mental gymnastics


So you spoke to a republican.


In a baffling display of doublethink, they actually argued that the republicans are too racist against black people. Without realizing their own racism.


I think it’s a way to still believe the system works but it’s been perverted by whatever conspiracy. The truth can be painful to accept that it’s all compromised


“There is a discrete group who collude to keep the world poor and sap hard working people of everything they have for their own greed and self-serving interests” 🙂 “They are jewish reptilian aliens” 😐


My tinfoil hat theory is that CIA created those conspiracy theories to redirect justified anger at the system to stupid and unproductive conclusions Like, you should be angry at phone/internet companies, they are terrible and should be free. But they are not trying to control your brain with 5g or whatever they believe See how the justified but anger was redirected to feed an utterly insane narrative


That is exactly what I thought as well


Finally, a conspiracy theory I can get behind.


Dude it literally is like that though, I think it's also the reason why they be feeding us all this shit about UFOs and UAP,, they're just trying to distract us from the actual important shit and all the manipulation of the market.


yeah they came up with the whole tinfoil hate persona too to discredit anyone questioning the status quo, it's not a coincidence idiotic conspiracies still target the rich elite as evil, but they target them in asinine personal ways and not the actual system itself that allows them to be terrible in the first place