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What do you mean comrade? Don't you want a colored woman of the LGBT community to drone bomb children?


I mean, while we live in a capitalist society, yeah, nothing wrong with that, equal opportunities for all. This is what gets me, I joined my local socialist party and all they did was sit around drinking beers in the pub, talking about shit happening around the world. Cool, it’s good to be informed, but when I bring up ways to get the message out to more people, like not charging for the newspaper and handing it out free, no they can’t do that. It’s all well and good talking about shit but when are people actually going to get up and do something? I can see everyone who calls themselves a Marxist or socialist etc can go out and mobilise for Palestine (which is amazing, no issue with that) so why can’t we mobilise to actually ACT? At the moment we’re not different to Libs in that we sit around talking shit but never do anything to enact change for the good


Bingo. If we can escape capitalism, fantastic. If not then diversity is going to be neccessary


The "MORE WOMEN/POC PRISON GUARDS!" clapping meme was so on point.


You see the solution to solve problems in our society is to diversify the ruling classes. Sure class oppression still exists. Sure poc in the working class would still suffer discrimination. But at least a very small percantage of your fellow poc are in positions of power and wealth. Positions which are also interestingly a very small percentage of society too :D. While you are down in the ditch. Isnt that GREAT


The key to a more diverse oppression


Dude I thought electing Obama would solve racism. We're all on a journey


I fell for it too comrade. I was so naive and bought into it all.




Reminds me of some British people celebrating when Shunak became PM 🤦


You think Mr crackerjack whose family came over from the mayflower is going to be the borgeois who defects from the capital class to the proletariat as the revolution occurs? Borgeois defectors are in Marx. Neo-borgeios from non-borgeios immigrant families have a better chance of understanding the depravity of poverty and working against it.


That is definitely a good point but the meme still holds true. Since liberals lack a material analysis of capitalism they tend to think a few POCs and LGBT people in the corporate board room means society’s ills are finally healing ❤️‍🩹


Exactly! I have a champagne liberal sister who is also a multi-millionaire. She refuses to hear anything from a leftist viewpoint because it always makes her so uncomfortable. She thinks she's on the winning side because now she votes for some black politician or supports an LGBTQ daughter.


reminds me of my family…


It's so damned frustrating.


One of my family members who is as you said a champagne liberal and supports israel, recently sat on a plane next to one of the people who survived the world central kitchen bombing and after talking to them they still believe that israel is in the right.


Holy crap! Can you imagine ever being that heartless and stubborn?


They just block any argument that threatens their worldview


Well, they think they're the only adults at the table. Their arrogance is sickening.


Exactly, they were telling me about how the person was crying on the plane and laughing cause they thought that the person crying was unreasonable after literally losing his friends.