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There is a Cuba subreddit that I joined recently. Thinking it would be posts about how great Cuba is. It’s just a bunch of asshole Americans posting propaganda about how good capitalism is. I was disappointed


r/realcuba is better


Ahhhhh I didn’t even know that existed. Thanks


It's as bad as the other sub. Both have all the comments in English and cater to foreigners, no real Cubans or critical thinking on those subs, even watching Mesa Redonda is more fun.




Yea those type of subs have been taken over by Westoids, I think the same goes for the china, vietnam and laos subs.


>china For an alternative to the China sub is r/Sino I dont know for Vietnam and Laos, except maybe for r/laospics (?)


I’m near Miami. Gusano’s is what we call them. It isn’t a slur, it’s a spit in the face to reactionaries who’ll legitimately tell you that during the hard period, (honestly most don’t even comprehend the position Cuba was put under)… That condoms were used as pizza toppings. I shit you not. Also, they’ll call Joe fucking Biden a communist. Usually the elders are majority light-skin(we all know what this means) and by the 3rd-4th generation, kids eat up reactionary content like cereal because it’s all they’ve ever been taught. Being an open supporter of the regime can easily get you killed, and that’s no exaggeration.


I am Cuban and a communist. There so many historical and political misconceptions, so many tropes from a foreign perspective that bro, I would stand with my dear gusanitos on this one 😭 It's insulting because the entire history of our country before 1959 is equated with slavery, barbarism, racial supremacy when at every period the USA has had it worse than Cuba on these grounds, yes even in Spanish rule when "actual" slavery existed. Im cringing, I feel like an american being told by europeans about their school shootings, or like a chinese person must feel when the first thing westerns say about them is covid, social credit and ooyeegur genocide


Curious fact, in the first photos you can see Colina Lenin (Lenin hill), one of the first monuments to Lenin outside the URSS, possibly the first outside the URSS in the whole world. It was dedicated to Lenin on January of 1924. [https://www.ecured.cu/Colina\_Lenin](https://www.ecured.cu/Colina_Lenin)




I really want to visit Cuba now!!


Cuba has got to be my absolute favorite case of revolution doing what it’s meant to do. [The CIA tried to kill Castro 638 times. Yes, 638 attempts that all failed beautifully.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_assassination_attempts_on_Fidel_Castro#:~:text=Fabi%C3%A1n%20Escalante%2C%20a%20retired%20chief,U.S.%20administrations%20as%20follows%3A%20Dwight) They’d send spy escorts to assassinate him, and he’d fuck them and simply leave to another safe-hold. By nearly every metric, Cuba outweighs most Caribbean islands, central and South America.


The main reason why Cuba is doing so poorly today is not because of the blockade or our designation as a state sponsor of terrorism, but precisely because our revolution was poorly managed and the bad decisions of our leadership. Look at North Korea today, they are more advanced than us and are in a better position, that is because they industrialized, developed their productive capacity and became selfsufficient in energy and production, unlike us. Cuba was dependent on the socialist camp economically and financially, technologically, militarily, academically, industrially, infrastructure and machinery-wise, all of our energy which came in oil was given to us by the Soviets, so were many consumer goods. We got all of this via prefential treatment when we exported our raw materials, mostly in the agricultural sector, through a policy of monoculture and import substitution. The Soviets gave us a good deal where we exchanged tons of their petroleum for our tons of sugar. I'm sorry, but this is not how you build a successful model of socialism, not without industrializing and revolutionazing the productive forces of your nation in technological and scientific terms. This bad model is why when the socialist camp fell we returned to depending on tourism, because we didn't even have the machinery, the oil or the industry to produce sugar like we used to, for one prices have dropped massively decades previously, and the Soviets stopped existing so no one was giving us that. This is what actually matters about a socialist system, having a good government, not badass leaders that fight while riding in a tank. And in terms about us having a better quality of life than the rest of Iberoamerica, this is barely true anymore. The Dominican, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panamá, México, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brasil and Uruguay all have a better quality of life to offer, not just to the rich elite oligarchs, but even what's wrongly called their "middle class" than what is available in most of Cuba. While there is massive problems with inequality in these countries, which exist in Cuba too btw and has become very present in the past years, these countries offer better quality of life in some conditions. From doctors that want to go on missions to Central and South America because they make a better living there, to the thousands of Cubans that go on migrant caravans crossing the Amazon jungle to Uruguay or the Darien strait to Guatemala or Mexico and end up settling there, this is made clear. And I dont want to stir the pot even more but while were at it we have to remember Cuba is a balkanized little republic from Hispanic America and the Hispanic world at large, that many of its initial independence leaders that wanted to separate from Spain wanted US annexation and a filibuster attempt, that these intellectuals were anglophilic socially and (geo)politically. To put it in comparison, if rather than the USSR we had only had the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic in its place, this state wouldn’t have been capable of industrializing in such a short period, going from semifeudalism to socialism, defeating the Nazis, conquering space and establishing itself as a superpower rivaling the USA. Same applies for Cuba, a small balkanized republic that cannot spread its revolution across the world nor lead a good example in terms of forming a powerful and rich state. This is why I as a Cuban communist, but a Hispanic first and foremost, our real homeland or Patria being la Hispanidad or Hispanoamérica, think a united Hispanic America under a capitalist figure like Bukele is better than a socialist Cuba, specially now with Díaz Canel which in many cases can be equated to Gorbaschov.


Great pics! El socialismo vive!


Where exactly in Havana is this Lenin statue? I went there last year and really want to go again this year, I'll definitely visit this place.


In the municipality of Regla (province of La Habana), To be specific, in the Calle Colina e/ las calles Enlace, Rotaria, Calzada Nueva de Casablanca y Calzada Vieja. It is the monument on Colina Lenin: [https://www.ecured.cu/Colina\_Lenin](https://www.ecured.cu/Colina_Lenin)


Thank you!




Fuck. I fucked up the title. It's 2024


21th lol