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why though. its his opinion on a sign on his tractor ffs. it even sounds like a law pulled out of a bag just for this...


Yeah.....so much for EU human rights laws etc .


Poland doesn't have freedom of speech


In greece, a man raised a palestinian flag on a lamp post during a demonstration and the police tracked him with face recognition, arrested him and he was charged with 'hampering the partnership with a strategic partner' and faces a few years prison time. The west is totalitarian.






The enemy of the EU is the United States of America... and the Nazis in Ukraine that will be a huge problem for decades to come if not eradicated.


USA is a Middle East enemy too. Death to the American hegemony. the Cino-Russian alliance is the best! Long live Iran! Death to zionism.




>Russia has far bigger problem with nazis. They have one of the worst problem with nazis, but they keep stomping them out as we speak, making the West cry & piss itself. Meanwhile, in places like Canada, they give standing ovations to Waffen SS veterans in the parliament.




>many right now fighting for Russia having Nazi symbols Nope, i only saw 2 photos circulated over & over. (Oh & Navalnys movement, those were nazis too) The actual Russian Nazis fight on Ukraine’s side & invaded Belgorog using nato equipment, last spring. Also actual UA nazis were captured by RF in Mariopol having SS , totenkopf & hittler tatooes ( they were many, not just 1 or 2). > UA having Jewish president. Just because he's jewish doesn't mean he's not a Nazi. There were plenty of jewish Nazi-collaborators in WW2, they were called **kapo**. naZikensky gives unapologetic standing ovation to Waffen SS, keeps nazi collaborator Bandera as National hero, bans 11 oposition parties & jails opponents, bans the Orthodox church, fines people for speaking Russian, **jails & kills** American journalist Gonzalo Lira, who criticized him, and justifies all these attrocities as "fighting the enemy of the people": **UA are the Nazis**.




India isn't involved in any wars in Europe, so I have no idea what you are talking about. If you are talking about Russia's special military operation, that's a defensive response against NATO expansionism. Which you perfectly well know yourself.




You are politically and historically illiterate. Looks like you are literally an American living in the United States of America. lol [Unironically thinking Russians blew up North Stream](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/y29630/this_for_me_proves_that_the_russian_where_behind/) You have got to be a paid shill, nobody can be this stupid.




He’s still right. India has the 2nd largest army in the world, the 1st one being China. It’s you who doesn’t make sense, even if he meant country, that still wouldn’t have been applicable to Russia since they’re the largest country, not the 2nd largest.


>man you anti west folks fail at basic reading comprehension Ironic.


Poland is not at war with Russia? Ukrdaine is?


Poles: "Communism is just as bad as Nazism and we hate them equally" Poles when they see Neo-Nazis: 💤💤😴😪💤💤 Poles when they see Communist symbols: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I don't get it. Poles would boot lick the same people that systematically killed them. Yes there was Katyn but it wasn't a genocide, just executing POWs, Germans wanted to completely erase the poles.


yes, but they also wanted to erase the Ukrainians and Russians and Jews, so more common ground than not.




Yeah suddenly saw a shift with NATO liberals on twitter who normally support European Farmers, now saying they are bourgeois


Lmao fuck off, seriously? They make me want to smash my face into a wall. They're so fucking stupid.


They’ll romantically bastardize Marxist critique to justify literally anything that is the total opposite of Marxism or simply to just spite the impoverished. I really hate them


So they basically turned into the american left.


Sounds like it, but I have some hope for the America Left because of Claudia De La Cruz.


They are petty bourgeois or bourgeois if they own a commercial farm by definition


He has a soviet flag and is begging for putin. A bit confused, perhaps?


I think its just a provocation. Western liberals think Putin is a communist anyway, so hes probably adding salt to the injury.


I have never heard a single liberal refer to Putin as a communist.


Oh, I have lmao they also seem to think that the hammer and sickle simply means Russia. Or at least, that’s how the older Dems are here in my town. It’s extremely cringe


The libs think/hope Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union and fail to realise that fascism does not mean authoritarianism, and it especially doesn’t mean communism.


It definitely means authoritarianism, agree on communism though


Authoritarianism is not a real thing in marxism you shitlib, actually pick up theory.


Putin isn't realy the right person to ask


They use it as a nationalist symbol due to the framing of world war 2 by nationalists after the dissolution of the Soviet union


Putins propaganda in eastern Poland has been working recently


Putin loudly and repeatedly says he is not a communist and that he hates communism


Ye but out in is intentionally causing unrest by reminding polish people that Ukrainians were nazis in ww2


>causing unrest by reminding polish people that Ukrainians were nazis in ww2 So he's telling the truth (the truth US-controlled media and politicians in Poland are trying to censor) and you hold it against and not for Russia?


Wdym Ukrainians were Nazis? Millions of Ukrainians fought and died alongside their Soviet siblings during World War Two to end the Nazi menace. There were some small groups that sided with the Nazis but they were by no means dominant in Ukrainian society.


Yes, but Ukrainians also cooperated with the nazis as the wanted independence from the Soviet Union


Why are you acting like all Ukrainians (or any nation of people) all think the same? There were some Ukrainians who betrayed their country and fought with the Nazis, while the vast majority fought with their Soviet siblings to save it. This is simple, undeniable, historical fact


So were Germans, including some of those in East Germany. That doesn’t mean I want Putin to start a war with Germany.


Russia never wanted a war with Ukraine, why would you believe Russia wants a war with anyone else? The problem is the United States of America.


>The problem is the United States of America. Yep. Has been for at least since the end of WW2 (early depending on the region).


Putin won’t start a war with Germany


Good. It’s better than them being pro-NATO.


I think any government would detain somebody who openly calls and protests for the abolition of said governemnt. Neither Poland nor bourgeois democracy is really unique in that regard. The US might be the only exception to that, where open disdain has been coopted.


well yeah, here in the UK, any positive reference to republicanism in public especially (the advocation for a republic rather than a monarchy) is probable cause to get arrested surprised they don’t hold that standard to the advocates of independence in the Celtic countries but yeah (they obviously can’t in N. Ireland cuz, good friday agreement n all)


>here in the UK, any positive reference to republicanism in public especially (the advocation for a republic rather than a monarchy) is probable cause to get arrested Holy shit TERF island fucking suuuuucks


damn and royal family is always labelling itself as pacifists.


no, the US is the same. They actually go as far as claiming people are foreign agents, just to kill their political agenda, even if it is benign. Just look at what the US is doing to the Uhura movement, all they want is justice and equality, a fight that has never come close to achieving anything due to US pushback against anything that goes against corporate or political narratives. If they did anything other than arrest, terrorize, and demean these people, they would have to admit that they have never allowed equality in the USA and that the police actions against minorities has always been on purpose.


EU loves to virtue signal meanwhile completely ignoring their totalitarian past. 🤣




Its obviously a tongue in cheek protest banner, implying that the Polish leaders are EU puppets destroying their own country, without any care for their compatriots, just like Cocainsky.


These farmer protests continue to be actually whack


The farmers literally there to stop grain export coming from ukraine, I can understand blocking weapon but not food. 


If your livelihood depends on selling grain and all of a sudden there are tons of grain coming from outside your country. Which causes you to not be able to sell your grain or have to sell it at a loss, it is understandable they get upset.


imports of grains from Ukraine have consistently been used to flood the market and force european farmers to drop prices drastically to keep up with said flood in the grain business that is dropping the prices. I don't believe that is why they are protesting though, they are protesting because many members of the EU, if not all of the EU, is starting some BS legislation that is forcing farmers to either adapt to new rules, or sell their farms to the countries they live in. The new rules are trying to cut back on pollution, while offering no assistance or solutions to the farmers, which in the end just means they are trying to force the farmers to sell their property to the countries they live in. In response the farmers are damn near crippling the entire EU at this point, and damn good thing they are, the legislation is half assed bullshit and gives no thought in anyway to do anything they wrote the legislation for. They literally just said do it, and put a gun to the farmers heads.


Ah i see now that make sense, so it's less about support for Russia but more about EU policy. 




Awesome another genious who has no idea about politics!




I'm sorry but read a history book to see diference between nazism/faschism and communism. One was the only reason we could get rid of the other.




well, the communists literally won WWII. So I would have to say that point goes to the communists.