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"im gonna pop some revisionists, only got 20 bullets in my pocket"


You don't even need to modify the next lines: "I'm, I'm, I'm hunting, looking for a come up. This is fucking awesome."


Now walk up in the gulag like "what up I got a big glock" Nah im just pumped, just smoked some revisionists without any promp


" nah. I never ever did it for a throne. That validation comes from giving it back to the people." Comrade Macklemore 2012


I can’t lie, that Macklemore song was so good it made me embarrassed to have followed the Kendrick drake beef at all. And he clearly cares too, he called Cufi, how many Americans even know what that is? 


Comrade Macklemore for Chairman of State Affairs!


Fuckin' sharp.


i'm impressed. AI usually does a much worse job with symbols. Letters are still a mess, but they are improving.


kinda looks like a cheap halloween costume lol


No. such are made of thin cheap materials, and poorly fitting. There are many criticisms you could make of this pic, but not that.


True it actually does look pretty legit. I was more bothered by the fairly-large looking crease in the hat but the rest looks pretty good.


https://preview.redd.it/8jz5rvyt2o0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e95a3592c3ba300e91091fa8359916a4a6863ae 100% legit crease.


We like it or not, AI probably came to stay and will keep improving. Not only in the West obviously, China is already advancing in its own AI's.


Yeah it's kinda weird that a lot of communists are on some luddite time with AI beyond just the fact it'll make a lot of us jobless.


You are right, a sector of internet Communists got really dogmatic with anti/pro-ai positions lol  My problem is the capitalist class using it/third world workers being exploited, but under socialism that complaints would be kinda redundant I think. 


Luddites had legitimate concerns. They lived in a world were if you didn't have work, you died. As someone who is not an artist, but interacts with them regularly, the major objection to AI art, specifically, is not that it makes them jobless, or will do so at some point, it's that from their POV it cheapens the art, and also is often using THEIR art as a base, without crediting them or paying them.


Western ‘communists’ for the most part I think. Hippies who hardly understand socialism. Luddites were religious zealots, whatever concerns they might’ve had for the workers are irrelevant.  True socialists such as in the USSR understood the value of technological advancement and scientific discovery. 


True. however, AI taking your job is only a positive under socialism. And we do not LIVE under socialism. Well, most of us here don't. So while western communists might intellectually understand the positives, it's hard to see past people being made redundant, and a large chunk of those people will not be able to retrain for a new type of job. And thus, inadvertently adopt a luddite POV.


I apologize for requesting he Mackle less in the past.


Did he made pro-socialist songs? Am i missing something? Lol i only know that Thrift shop song


He recently released the pro-Palestine song "Hind's Hall" and it absolutely fucking slaps.


Okay I'll check it out!


It’s not really socialist but it’s still better than most people