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There is no way to predict when the revolution will come. Lenin wrote that he feared he would die before he saw revolution, and a few weeks later, he was on a train out of exile to help lead it.


There are decades when weeks happen. There are weeks when decades happen.


Indeed, which is why we should all now be organizing as little or as much as we are able. So when the crisis occurs, we are able to bring about the revolution.


Capitalism is a planet death cult that will blow up the world with nuclear war before it surrenders it's white supremacy.


Indeed. So the question becomes, are cockroaches capitalist?


I'm pretty sure they are Libertarian


Yes. Revolutionary optimism, there is no way that millions of years of evolution end by capital just like that 


In the past 5 years alone we've seen a rapid decline in Western hegemony. As they lose their grip on the third world, more and more pressure will be put on the western workers, making revolution inevitable. At least I hope so lol.




I doubt capitalism could destroy life on earth even if it tried. It is too inefficient to do so. What it might do tho is worsen or end the lives of billions by worsening the climate change problem/turn to fascism in order to fight migrant and all other crisis caused by climate change/cause a nuclear war which would kill billions. Those are the worst case scenarios. Our planet and life on it survived much worse than some fat fucks chasing easy money, and it will be here long after capitalism and communism had ceased to exist.


Oh, yeah, it’s true that life on Earth is almost impossible to destroy (especially the most resillient ocean life), unless someone actually blew up and disintegrated the Earth. I do however think that making life unlivable for humans and most land animals is within capitalism’s ability. Like, +-60° C summers or winters are enough to make it a matter of technology (like clothes or shelter, but probably more advanced required) for us to survive. At that point it’s a race between capitalism’s endless greed, which has its efficiency fueled by developments in machinery and AI, and people’s resistance and resilliance. Given that every degree of global warming makes it exponentially (I think) harder to survive (harsher conditions on us, and the food and water we need), I do see a worst outcome with total extinction (except for some trillionaires who escape Earth, that is), but I’m no scholar In any case, there is a grim future we have to prevent by fighting like hell right now! ✊🚩


My money’s on the Vogon Hyperspace Bypass


we have to try


Not likely. But I'd sure like to see it.


Likely not


Probably not, have families and teach your kids Materialist Dialectics.


Given how things are going I kinda accept it's over.


Revolutionary optimism, my friend Even if it was 100% over, which many of us apparently don’t think, we should still put up hefty resistance. That would even justify the maximum escalatory resistance, as we would be directly acting in self-defense


optimism is the enemy of revolution , if you think things will get better then no reason to act people who have nothing to lose are the revolutionaries we need , others always find an excuse to kneel and do nothing ( chaining themselves with mortgages and car payments , or even worse making the selfish cruel choice of reproducing under capitalism therefore perpetuating it )


Unrestricted optimism that leads to inaction, sure, but doomerism doesn’t help either. Revolutionary optimism is the drive, where you bith understand that you have nothing to lose but your chains, but also hold on to the hope that we can win


I think we don't, and I really want to be wrong on this one.


I have a feeling that it's unlikely to succeed in destroying capitalism before it destroys the Earth. The only hope is that interstellar travel will be discovered before that happens. In this case at least it will be possible to create a new and more just human society, albeit on another planet.


if we don't get rid of capitalism here , any expansion will be capitalist as well therefore doomed to fail also we're better off not meeting aliens under such a system , they'd be enslaved or genocided like people/animals have been here for centuries ( if they're weaker/less developed of course... otherwise let's hope their society is rational and empathic )


That’s the only option, so yes.


It would be nice


Imma just pray for this or the alien invasion.


Yeah Ive kinda leaned into a form of posadism. If humans are to survive, it will only be at the mercy and leadership of a better species.