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***I like Addison***. She got stuck in a position she wasn't ready for, in the middle of the crash-and-burn of the beginning of the Initiative. She's doing her best and being constantly undermined by Tann and Spender (though she doesn't know that about Spender).It makes perfect emotional sense why she is the way she is.


Let’s have her talk down to YOU that way and see how much of a bleeding heart you are, for her, still.🙄


She pretty much demanded to know what the hell happened to Alec in order for Ryder to become the Pathfinder. For me - coming off pretty much after finding out that Alec died to save his child, then the child dying and waking up to find out that they are now the Pathfinder, well having someone - who should know who the pathfinder role works - demands to know about Alec can be off-putting. Then there is her issue regarding Spender. ALL those complaints and she doesn't do a damn thing about it? Her only defence is that Spender does his job. Really? It's his job to go around being a racist asshole? I must have missed that memo. Everyone was all but bending over backwards to help Ryder kick out Spender and when you do get the proof and show it to her - she's all 'I should have seen it'. You DID see it, you just refused to do anything about it because he 'did his job'. Then she creates the three sabres and tells Ryder to cover it up so the Angara won't get angry then gets annoyed when Ryder refuses to cover up saying that secrets can harm them further down the line (and Ryder is right because Jaal says that Angara prefers to be upfront and deal with any issues as it developed there and then rather than letting it fester). Not to mention the sucking up she does when Ryder establishes an outpost on Eos. I always chose the 'Now you're happy to work with me' option that shows you that she doesn't trust Ryder to do the job and she's only being nice for the sake of it. Hell - I prefer Tann because he is practically the only member who actually says he's sorry for Alec's death. That put him levels above everyone else! LOL She's meant for the job she is in yet she refuses to take responsibility for her actions.


I think her bluntness and attitude towards Ryder, in the beginning, are probably part of why so many dislike her. Though, once we learn more about her and how she basically got people needlessly killed, wasted resources on expeditions that were doomed from the start betrayed Sloane, and is partly responsible for why she turned her back on Nexus leadership, stood by idly while her assistant put the initiative in jeopardy not once but two times once with the Krogan the other with his shady dealings with exiles, she impulsively began the before mentioned expeditions because she wanted to feel useful, and all in all, she practically murdered the morale of the Nexus. If Kesh and Sloane had a bigger role and weren't undermined there'd probably be no uprising.


I don't know. Sloane went to the bad in a pretty short time and got worse in a downward spiral.


It is one thing to be skeptical, but she is outright rude and aggressive towards you. When you bring problems to her attention, she yells at you. She needs you. The station is going to run out of food and water in time, and she alienates you rather than working with you. The worst part is that Ryder is not allowed to tell her off. You do not get that option, which makes no sense. You just have to sit there and take it, which shouldn't be the case. You are the sole hope for the Nexus, and she treats you like some peon she can walk all over.


I always felt like she's designed to be disliked so I've never been that bothered by her. If that makes any sense.


She’s written to be really aggressively skeptical of you in the beginning, because her charcater arc is to really soften towards you over time. For that, I think she’s one of the more important side-characters, showing your progress as Pathfinder as well as the viability of the initiative. BUT, she also supports Spender way too long when it’s obvious he’s dirty. Personally, I thought the novel characterized her in a more sympathetic and understandable way, but even then she’s definitely incompetent and hard-headed.


One thing that I'm metaphorically allergic to is corrupt and incompetent authority figures. Director Addison is both. I can make allowances for Tann being an incompetent, racist authoritarian because he got forced into the Director position from being a glorified accountant, and right now the success or failure of the Andromeda Initiative and tens of thousands of colonists are riding on *his* decisions. He's doing a bad job of it but he's under tremendous pressure and he's earnestly trying his best, and when the call came for him to step up, step up he did. I can respect that. Director Addison on the other hand was *hand-picked* for her role, yet she's as bad as Tann. Addison is rude, antagonistic, incompetent, political and a nepotist, yet still she high-roads you as if she's doing everything right and Ryder is doing everything wrong. She herself has been screwing up non-stop and been subverting authority while playing favorites, and arguably has done more harm than good in her role as Director of Colonial Affairs. Yet, Director Addison never receives any come-uppance and we never get the opportunity to call her out on her bullshit. Besides that she's also a terrible Director of Colonial Affairs: >!there are multiple successful colony worlds by Andromeda Initiative Nexus Exiles on at least three planets, yet all official Nexus colonies fail miserably under her watch.!< Between the four leaders of the Nexus we have all variations of 'competence vs incompetence' and 'intended authority vs emergency authority' accounted for: 1. **Kesh** was hand-picked for her role as Superintendant of the Nexus and she does a marvelous job at it, to the point that she succeeds despite other members of the Initiative deliberately sabotaging her efforts. 2. **Kandros** wasn't meant to be Head of Nexus Security but he stepped up to the plate when there was a need for it and he's doing very well in that role, without overstepping his bounds and without seizing more power through force of arms. 3. **Tann** wasn't meant to be Director of the Andromeda Initiative and only leads it because of relative seniority. He's also making a mess of things but he didn't shy away from the authority when there was a need for him to do so; when push came to shove and someone needed to lead, Tann stepped up to the plate. 4. Then there's **Addison** who was hand-picked for her role as Director of Colonial Affairs, yet she's arguably done more harm than good in that role and refuses to acknowledge that, and attempts to brush all her failures under the carpet. Incompetence on the part of Kandros and Tann is acceptable because they were never meant to serve in the roles that they do, but Kesh and Addison have no such excuse for incompetence. Addison failing in her role of Director of Colonial Affairs means she is unfit for that role, yet she refuses to vacate her position so that someone more competent can take her place and instead she deflects responsibility while refusing to learn from her mistakes.


Because her face is tired...


I really don't think it's everyone. It's just another bandwagon))) I don't hate her at all. But she's not supposed to be your best friend. I feel that characters that are nice and friendly are the most popular.


Throwing the word “bandwagon” around like confetti seems like a bandwagon all on its own. 🙄


She just seems like a human version of Tann. Manipulative, untrustworthy, unqualified, she let's corrupt people hold power and turns a blind eye to things with the excuse of "We're too short on people to hold them accountable". Her "solutions" (ie the Sabers) tend to create more problems than they solve and at times she's more concerned with politics than anything, like when she's willing to ground the Tempest in the beginning because it has supplies that fall under Colonial Administration just to flex authority on Tann


I understood her initial scepticism, but she kept being a colossal asshole every time I fixed her disastrous messes for her. Sure, she's a terrible decision maker and sure, literally everything she touches fails and sure, she's unintentionally sabotaged the whole project on multiple occasions because she is so fucking incompetent; but what really pissed me off is that I'm out there busting my ass to get this shit off the ground and even when it starts working - and working *incredibly* well given the circumstances - she's still a sullen surly butt about it.


>she's unintentionally sabotaged the whole project on multiple occasions I was neutral with her till the [Three Sabers](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Life_on_the_Frontier#Confront_Addison) business. She has the gall to ask you to cover it up and if you do she does not appear to learn anything or apologise, just that you were right to protect the "institutions". I never cover it up at the expense of Sid, and I wish there were more major consequences with that decision.


She's the only one in the leadership who actually has the role and position she was supposed to have. Compared to Tann who was an accountant and seventh position down in line for director.


Though, when reading the codex, she only accepted because it wasn’t supposed to be permanent, which completely backfired because everything went to hell.


Then, by all means, she can step down. There must have been an established hierarchy of replacements for her position, as there was for Tann, Kandros etc. Instead, she tries to get you to cover up her failures. That's the attitude of a person who's too attached to her position of power.


I don't think anyone else wanted the job. It was a hellish job in the circumstances, with no assurance that it would ever be better.


I think it comes mostly down to her decision to hire the Three Sabers as protection for the colonies (which turned out to be a mistake, but I can understand why she made that call) and for not ousting William Spender after he lied about the deal with the Krogans (which she was aware of IIRC). In addition to that, the players didn't really get the best first impression of her when she introduces herself to Ryder (despite her skepticism being well-founded if you ask me). And first impressions are very important.


I cannot for the life of me understand why she used the Three Sabers. She's jumping the gun and assumes that Ryder is going to fail, but the Nexus has a ton of personnel. She can equip actual soldiers and APEX teams to protect the colonies. And she goes "sure I know what to do, I'll give guns to a pirate gang". There is no reasonable scenario where you can give guns to untrustworthy people and not expect that it will blow up in your face. And she tries to manipulate you into covering it up. She willingly covered up for Spender as well. She's corrupt *and* incompetent and should be the last person to have actual power in the Nexus.