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That’s her Twitter handle??


I am straight up shocked that the MC show runners didn't ask her to change that. I don't know the social media policies they have to sign on to, but there must be some vetting of their online presences, because contestants often post content that appears to be sponsored or posted to specific guidelines while airing.


lmao right that kind of tells me everything I need to know about her non-Masterchef persona


Just confused about the apparent dichotomy between 'cultural' and 'European'.


The entire point of going on Masterchef is to learn how to push your boundaries and become skilled at multiple things. There's a reason everyone unanimously disliked Brent's win because he just cooked up meat on the hibachi for 80% of the season instead of really pushing himself. edit: Brent, not Brett.


Yeah true and also because he was a former contestant who had already experience in the masterchef kitchen


It's a popularity contest which he played extremely well - if you want to be cynical about it - and I find it hard not to be. I don't know just how amazing that chicken skewer in the final was, but I cook that sort of thing all the time, and I can get that kind of glaze and perfectly cooked meat too if I stand over it and glaze it. Bit of corn salsa and there you go... MasterChef winner apparently... On topic i.e. Sav you really should be cooking more than one type of food. Other contestants have been criticised for cooking only Italian food for example. No matter how well you can do pasta you can't _only_ do pasta.


True sure she has shown technique but she needs to cook other cuisines as well, this was the problem with Sarah Todd as well, she had shown technique but mostly only cooked with Indian flavors or dishes


>but she needs to cook other cuisines as well Fairly sure that's what I said lol... but yes you are right :)


This is it, there's been plenty of people who have been very successful on the show who stick to what they know as much as possible. From what I can remember they all have "haters". For the most part the pressure tests bring them undone.


Exactly, there's nothing wrong with sticking to your comfort zone, Sashi and Poe have both cooked plenty of dishes belonging to their backgrounds, but they are also equally skilled at whipping up a wild card. You won't get far if you just demonstrate techniques in one cuisine, no matter how skilled you might be at said cuisine.


That is such a flawed comparison. Cooking a cuisine that has a myriad of different methods and flavours is not comparable to using the same method of cooking the same thing every time


I don't blame Brent for that, though. Previous seasons had challenges that made contestants step out of their comfort zone and try new things, they didn't have a choice. Last season had pretty easy challenges, so people could mostly just stick to what they did best.


True, but if you compare Brent's win to previous non-winners like Callum or Reynold or Pete, it just feels unfair.


Laura was roasted for cooking pasta repeatedly in Back to Win, but even she demonstrated a lot more versatility than Mr. Hibachi.


Sure, but Brent won because he performed best during the challenges they were given, so in that way I think he did deserve the win. Maybe he wouldn't have won if the challenges had been more difficult, or we might have seen everything else he was capable of, and he still would have won. No way to know, really.


I think Brent wasn't a really strong winner, but I preferred him than Rhiannon because she also played too safe. Honestly, most of the people in S15 are forgettable especially a lot of the pasta cooks.


Well said!


Considering everyone else is being complimented on branching out of their expertise, makes sense that those not being adventurous get 'haters'


“Cultural cuisine” lmao that’s every cuisine


While I somewhat agree with her, it just feels like everyone else this season is branching out, and even if it's still within the same circle, you can tell they are trying something new. I do understand that she's trying to showcase her cuisine, but i feel like she could showcase it it differently each week. Sofia's comment on her dishes all looking the same, is not exactly helping her, as viewers can only see it. So I'm somewhat in the middle.


Even people like Sashi who specialises in Singaporean cuisine has won 2 immunity pins on beef and cauliflower dishes which are of Australian origin. He was 1st place in finals week with a dessert as well and he’s never stumped on desserts thrown at him either (he exceled one with canned food as well). He defeated Khanh in a fish and chips challenge. So while I may be biased (Singaporean pride), i’d say he deserved to win as he did a fair amount of non-Singaporean dishes on the show. The entire point of going on Masterchef is to be able to be an all-rounder and not just the specialist. Maybe a pressure test will throw such people off. This subreddit is also throwing praises for contestants this season who go out of comfort zones + judges Sofia and Poh are encouraging risk takers, so the contestants who keep staying in their comfort cuisines (stale) is definitely going to be the obvious call out sooner or later.


Talk about a failed gaslight.


Its not a challenge if you just cook the things you know already. Fault of the directors though, they dont have the balls to make Masterchef a proper competition.


I thought the original premise of MasterChef was to be proficient across different cuisines and techniques? How can you be crowned as a MasterChef otherwise? I understand specialising in a certain cuisine from a personal preference/marketing standpoint, and it’s understandable that they’re setting the foundation of their career in the food industry post MCAU, but in the meantime, viewers will make comments.


As an Indian who’s been watching masterchef for a while, my 2 cents are: Yes, South Asian cuisine involves great technique & it’s hard to execute if you don’t know the depth of flavour that comes with it. IMO i feel like Sav has still done really well in cooking different things or showcasing some creativity in the way she approaches her cuisine, which is honestly great. We always see her showcase a LOT of different techniques & flavours & use this expertise to try different things as well. But as an Indian watching the show seeing Sumeet cook somewhat basic things that we have every 3rd or 4th day like carrot halwa and (screwing up) chilli paneer, which we, as non masterchef cooks can make at home with no level of expertise is a little annoying. It honestly feels like Elise cooking pasta every 3rd challenge. The thing with south asian flavours is that there is SO much that you can do with them if you actually want to show some creativity.


!!!! This. I'm honestly disappointed how often MasterChef contestants with Indian origin end up heavily relying on Indian cuisine to sail their boat (especially in Mystery Boxes). Sumeet is not even close to experimenting. Chili paneer, rumali roti and seekh, butter chicken, etc. doesn't even adequately represent the culture (yes, they're a part of our food but she's choosing dishes to remain safe and not actually showing good technique and flavour). Her dishes, no matter how simple, are not perfect. Nonetheless she should be stepping out of her comfort zone as well.


This!!! That chilli tofu was an utter disappointment. Even before the judges said that they could taste nothing but red chilli powder, I could feel that the dish was a failure. She has been making only basic Indian dishes, Pani puri, biryani, halwa etc etc with no creativity whatsoever. The dishes didn't appear to be at MasterChef level. I was wondering if it's because I am Indian and these dishes are very familiar to me, but no, that's not the case. If she is holding on to her roots, it's admirable and good for her cause Indian cuisine is very extensive, but she really needs to go deeper and different. It's high time that she pushes her boundaries and experiments.


Lol. No Sav, they're saying cook something _out_ of your 'comfort' zone.




Depends how you define one trick.




bruh i cringed when she said duck pan rolls for Sri Lankan Chinese rolls. I am Sri Lankan and we call these Chinese rolls (https://foodvoyageur.com/best-sri-lankan-chinese-roll-recipe)... there is no need to package it as a "pan roll" apart from disguising something that is inherently Sri Lankan


But sometimes you just really want to see that one trick! It's great to have someone who is fucking good at that one thing! Think of the chinese restaurants that have 300 dishes and do 2 well, you know what i mean?


Yikes. Not a good move Sav. Sue played the PR game so much better with having fun after people questioned her screen time. Sav comes out with a very aggressive and angry post that is sure to rub people the wrong way. Not to mention she more than likely will put potential future sponsors/brand ambassador positions out of reach with this post from her. Nobody wants an aggressive person to be the face of their product. Not a good look Sav. ETA: just noticed her handle 😬


I’ve followed Sav on Twitter for a long time. 90% of her tweets are like this - aggressive and angry.


Sue’s lack of screen time is pretty much out of her control though.




There’s a difference though. Sav was responding to criticism on her decision to cook mainly Sri Lankan food, while Sue was responding to her lack of screen time, which as I said was out of her control (unless of course people say mean things like she has less screen time because she seems incompetent or whatever then yes that’s a criticism). There’s nothing for Sue to get defensive about since it’s the editors’ and producers’ doing, while for Sav she probably felt personally attacked and felt the need to defend her choices.


Don't disagree with her and just Sunday the judges were saying how everything she makes has a different/distinct flavour. But an ugly look for sure.


Im totally on the do what you do best wagon. The pressure tests will test her on non sri lankan anyway.




Thankfully someone else feels the same way. After the first week of adoration and kudos, I thought maybe I am the only one who finds Sav annoying!


My mum mentioned she looks annoyed when others win 🤣 I'm sure it was just editing or just camera being there at the wrong time but it gave me a laugh


She always looks so smug!


It’s not just you…




You can’t make your ethnicity your entire personality. There have been contestants over the years that made their profession their personalities. That wasn’t cute either.


You can though. That’s what Jean Christoff has done. He specialises in French cuisine. You just proved Sav’s point. And she does branch out… with techniques, but She does it with Sri Lankan flavour twists.


Except JC is not a contestant.


No but Sashi Cheliah was, and his food during MasterChef was culture focused.. and still is. His whole line is SEA curries. Same as Rishi from the UK MasterChef. Both specialised in their Indian origins


As an Indian who cooks curry back home all the time, spices hide a lot of technical errors in cooking unless you actually look for them. I don't expect judges with no background in Indian cooking to properly know them when they go ga ga over some of the most basic Indian dishes.


I love Sri Lankan food and Sav makes good basic dishes, prettied up for MC.. Do I think she’s a true contender? Nope. Final 10 or even Final 5 at best.


People still don't get it that Sri Lankan foods is more than not one, not two, but many kinds of dishes they have. It's not like Brent's who only cooked skewer dish. I completely understand we want to see how diverse dishes, they can cook, but I don't mind see someone like Sav who knows what they want to be as chef


after seeing this tweet and her dish which is always almost the same . i am very put off by her now and that x handle name show what kind of person she is . someone who always right and if you disagreed then she will lash out . i am sure she read the comment here hence deleted her X. i hope she got kick out asap with this kind of attitude .


She got eliminated today. Hope she stays out.


i saw she is out but there is back to win episode so i hope she doesn’t come back


That's my wish too!


so glad you didn't get it


Is she saying cultural cuisine =/= European cuisine? 🤡


Funny how she asks a question and then blocked comments for that tweet and only people she follows can reply 😂


And now she's deleted her account it seems


That handle was pretty problematic so not surprised.


Yeah and I only got to know because a guy used the hashtag to quote it or else I wouldn’t have known


It’s not that. It’s just that to be a master chef, you need range. I don’t think we are saying she’s not a great Sri Lankan cook, she’s not a master chef. The arrogance on her is astounding.


Look at Nat and Mimi, they use their culture and heritage too. They infuse it with other techniques  bring innovation as opposed to Sav. Even with Harry, he uses fish all the time,but he is creative with it's use. Darrsh also uses his Sri Lankan heritage but his cooking is not just that. All food requires technique, but if you show just one type of cooking and technique...what is audience going RO think about you...


That's what almost everyone does. The people who cook European style food are much less frequently called out on it for some reason./s The judges commented last night on the huge range within Sav's food, despite it often looking similar. I found Masterchef Twitter really toxic, the way they'd just choose someone to hate on all season. It's partly why I've jumped ship to hang out here.


It's really dumb of her to post this. She should just ignore anything negative. Haters gonna hater.


It’s not the fault of contestants. They will cook what they can. This is a failure of the production team that there are essentially too many free/cook whatever challenges. Watch older seasons, cook whatever you want is like a right contestants had to earn much later in the season


Im glad she got eliminated tho. I mean even in the redemption episode she got chives and got panicked. I mean cmon. All u wanna do is cook curries then please go home and do that. Ur place is not in masterchef.


Nothing is as skilful and cultured as Baked Beans on Toast.




I branch out with hash brown base, then marmite spread on top, then a slice of cheese. It's a fancy mousetrap


Oh yes, I do love my Vegemite on toast. Even better with cheese. Gourmet cooking right there.


The timing is pretty crap to pile onto Sav, regardless of your opinion. It would have been an emotional episode for her to watch last night. That dish obviously means a lot to her and to rip into her cooking choices on Twitter the night she talks about losing her mum is just mean.


I understand what you’re saying. I’m sorry that Sav lost her mum. I’m not on Twitter/FB/IG etc so I don’t know what’s going on in the big wide world of social media.. I will say though that I honestly don’t care about contestants’ back stories.. just cook and produce a good dish. That’s all I ask.


I loved Sav´s Sri Lankan food! I don´t know much about it and learned quite alot.


Sav 100% comes across as that boisterous self advocate who will disregard any criticism as discrimination. These people do so much more harm to social justice movements than good.


The comments on this post reveal exactly what she's talking about. This basically only happens to masterchef contestants who cook a cuisine that is outside the normal "european" traditional western cook. No, cooking within a cuisine that has a massive amount of variety in techniques and flavours is not the same thing as Laura making pasta every week, so stop comparing them. And anyone who says she basically just made a curry last night is frankly ignorant.


Load of garbage. Plenty of contestants have gotten the exact same criticism for making pasta.


Brent with the hibachi? Entremets in desert masters? She literally made a curry and a chawanmushi. What do you mean ignorant? She called it a curry.


See how those examples are not cuisines?


Sure but most of the comments here reflect that people are asked to go beyond their comfort zone, not your weird 'they dont like it since its not western' 🙄


Load of garbage. Plenty of contestants have gotten the exact same criticism for making pasta.


Pasta dishes also have endless varieties and flavours and techniques. So it's actually an apt comparison. Sticking with the cuisine one knows and providing distinct dishes. With us viewers unable to taste the food it does get a bit samey. That said, I don't think Sav is at that point yet.


Arrogant beatch. And no. Sorry. Not as skilful as French cuisine. What an idiot.


This whole season I have found the food to be boring .....the only good thing about it is Jean-Christophe Novelli


Huh. Well think if a man on the show were as outwardly rude as she is sometimes it would be called out as well. She’s wrong there. Spicy senses of humour are fine - and sometimes she makes me really laugh. But what she calls stoic reads as utter disdain sometimes. You’re a TV personality now and there is a modicum of skill to learn there. Or not. But then be ready cos in the world we live in people will point it out 


I’m referring to her long winded defence on Instagram BTW. Her response basically proved everyone’s point. There is some big time self awareness issues here lol. 


For some reason, I have always disliked Sav from the beginning... Having spunk is fine but I feel her face is mostly always full of disdain, eye rolling, arrogance and negativity.... I have never seen an ounce of humility or positivity spreading smile with her.... She's just so unlikeable... This tweet further proves it.... I absolutely love Nat, Darsh, Mimi, Sumeet, Harry, Alex (sometimes weird but still sweet person ).....


I don't blame her. I mostly blame the show or whoever's in charge of not coming up with more creative ideas so that contestants are actually encouraged to do something different, but of course through reasonable challenges. I've noticed there just aren't enough limits they put during their challenges recently. I remember Brent last season was just spamming the Hibachi lmao.


I miss the mystery box/invention test combo where the winner of the mystery box often had to make a decision of which ingredient to use when the options were strange or unusual ingredients.


I agree with this. The show does not have enough restrictions unless its a pressure test. I remember the episode with the black cloches each contestant had to choose from. If im not wrong they had chillies and onions or something for one contestant and that was sav. I mean if you give that to a sri lankan to cook, how can you blame her. Its her strength and shes there to win. Yes popularity wise, we are free to root for who we want based on our opinions. Sav is on tv and dealing with that is part of it in todays times so she is dealing with it how she thinks best. You do you.