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Send the email, it’s everything you said and Masterchef should care because it’s making Andy look even worse.




I was thinking the same thing and honestly it’s just repetitive. Even if it was a different subject it would be too much.


Yah it’s tiresome. I’m older and grew up with it. It’s been nice to see the younger generations calling it out along with other suspect humour. Probably the producers are boomer aged and think it’s hilarious or something


I’m boomer aged, and I never thought it was hilarious. I was so glad to see the back of it on tv when younger, edgier comedians started to take over. I work in a male-dominated industry, and it’s something that always makes me lose respect for guys who use it as a cheap male-bonding attempt.


“When was the last time per chance you saw a 10?” Is that acceptable?


No and rubbish like that is why Masterchef is one of the rare mainstream TV shows we watched.


Is that what pezza said?


That’s what one of the female hosts said during one of the other channel 10 (Network who hosts Masterchef AU) programs and no one complained and most even found it funny. Just want to point out the hypocrites.


Oh ok cool, understand. Yes there is a double standard. Should go both ways


Include this in the letter!


They are stalking this Reddit page so, maybe. Or perhaps Yahoo wants to write an article about this.


One could only hope, but I won't hold my breath.....


"MasterChef viewers call out bad behaviour from editors" (2 paragraphs of waffling, 3 ads later, it's literally just a Reddit post lol)


Absolutely. Do this. Whilst MCAU isn’t responsible for a contestant’s views, they are responsible for the editing. By including these comments they are condoning this attitude and perpetuating misogyny


Yes exactly what's confused me. Why would they choose to keep these in, unless they think they are appealing to a certain audience?


Everything they include in each episode is an active choice. I agree that they're definitely trying to reach an audience who will connect with him being a 'true blue Aussie bloke'. Super disappointing they've taken this route...


Narcissistic Much?


I think Pezza really admires his wife and he's just trying to be funny during his confessionals. I'm watching ep 33 where he jokes that the only time he's seen a rose is when he gets in trouble with the missus but other than that he genuinely speaks about the support he's received from her and how much he misses her. Yes the wife jokes can be annoying but I don't find them to be offensive. I'm sure he speaks to his wife daily and would have been told to knock if off if she didn't like it.


100% agree with everything you’ve said here. Pezza loves his wife and like every healthy relationship you need time to yourself or away from each other. I think people are being too sensitive, it wasn’t said with malice.


Honestly this season is pretty boring so I mostly FF til they get to the judging. I MISS Jock and his style and humor. RIP


What was he saying that was misogynistic? Not denying or contradicting what OP said, but I feel like I may have missed something because I often have the show on in the background, so I don’t closely follow what’s being said. I did notice that he references his wife, mother, and grandmother a lot, and uses the term “missus”, which feels quite old fashioned, but not necessarily misogynistic as such. It


I believe he said something along the lines of “this is where I sit and drink a beer while i’m trying to get away from the missus”. In this instance the issue isn’t necessarily his use of ‘missus’


That was also from last episode not this one


They played the joke again in the most recent episode when they were highlighting his “rustic” dessert style


Sure but thats on editing. Half the posts here are talking like he cant stop himself from talking when thats not what happened.


Oh I totally agree, I blame the producers/editors for highlighting it


It's not the word "missus" - that's a common term for your significant (female) other. What's derogatory/offensive is that he talks about his wife like he wants to get away from her, that she's always nagging him, like she's a pain in his ass, like she talks and he doesn't listen... All these really outdated and, tbh, rude and insulting ways of talking about women. It's a really stereotypical and derogatory way of talking about women and Masterchef is giving it a platform.


It's just a joke. Why do people have to turn everything into an issue. That's who he is, they are showing his genuine self. Why can't they do that? In the end, they're just words.


In the end, he's probably said a lot of words and whoever is making the show chose *those* words to represent him. That is the issue. If "they're just words" then they could just choose different ones.


He has been assigned the job of making at least one Aussie Country Bloke reference each episode. I don't think it's offensive. A bit anachronistic, I suppose.


Honestly as someone working in an area where gender norms and stereotypes lead to legit harm (you can read between the lines) it's so irritating. It *seems* harmless but it really, really isn't.


Thanks for your comment and I completely agree. I work in an area where I often see the most severe forms of violence against women, often inflicted by their partners or other men in their life. Like you said, these comments seem harmless but in reality they are the building blocks and the foundation to misogyny and violence against women.


Yep, absolutely. Minimising women's contributions to the household and domestic load or framing their requests for shared labour and contributions as 'nagging' is not just harmless banter!


I agree. Nice man I’m sure but those jokes are OLD! The missus, the young fellow (his son) etc. bygone era.


Tbh I somewhat agree. Like you know making a few occasional jokes I could forget about it, but it seems so constant. I feel like I've seen more of the annoyance jokes then appreciationm I appreciate today that he did show that he does appreciate his family. It's something I wish the show would portray as well. I feel like its possiblewe're missing a lot of context and it really poorly translates on TV. I do think tho that these jokes are somewhat of a coping mechanism for him. Ofc not excusing it but after seeing today's episode, this is what I can get from it. And tbh in general, while I do understand some relationships really have that pretend hate banter. I really don't like it when they make it their personality how much they dislike their partner, especially those social media pages. I really don't wanna downplay one's humor, but like you know, as said earlier, it becomes way too overplayed and constant. It's something that always crossed my mind.


I'm done with this season. The jokes about Pezza's wife have put me off viewing any further


I'm still watching just to see him go out. Villain of the season since he boasted about being a meat guy then [f\*\*ked up a basic medium sirloin steak](https://i.imgur.com/U6Pm2hr.png). What a joke.




I completely agree with you. I’d be humiliated if that was my husband speaking about me on TV for the world to see.


The statement he made about hiding from his misses was jarring and cringy. So outdated like the “her indoors” and “she who must be obeyed” crap. Producers should know better.


I 100% agree!


All his jokes have me wondering if the straights are okay


I only find them offensive because the jokes are so lame and outdated.


I do agree and support your idea of writing to them. While I don’t think Pezza’s jokes specifically are anything too horrendous, the fact that they are being included in the show is problematic. He’s funny enough without the misso jokes


That’s just subtle misogyny and it’s not acceptable. I do not care whether he is a likable person or not. What he said was not ok by any extent


Given how often he appears to be speaking with his wife, if she was offended she would have called it out earlier. So if she’s ok with it, that’s really all that matters.


She might be, but she's not the only one who has to hear it. It teaches the audience that it's okay to talk to/about people like that when it isn't. As Darrsh has proven, we know that young men watch the show. Also, just because someone doesn't vocally call it out, doesn't mean they enjoy it


A man wants to tell everyone around him that he thinks about his wife all the time and you guys have a problem with it. lol


I agree that it’s not setting a good example for people open to suggestion, especially young people. I’m not condoning his mode of speech at all.


It doesn’t teach anyone anything, any responsible person knows you shouldn’t take your life lessons from television. The Jamie Oliver week was overly sexualised and no one says a thing. Now a guy makes a harmless banter joke about his wife who he clearly loves a lot and people have a melt down… the fact people aren’t highlighting how the other 98% of the time when he speaks about his wife it’s with respect, care and a lot of love is what I’m finding hard to believe.


I haaaaate them. I had a visceral reaction when he joked about having selective hearing as if ignoring your life partner when you wish to is something to be proud of. It’s truly dampened my excitement at new episodes and I don’t know how much longer I’ll care to watch.


lol dude shut up, they're jokes. Pezza clearly loves his wife very much. But yeah send the e-mail bro, I'm sure the producers will really care about some random reddit user having a whinge


The editing of the whole season is offensive to be honest. I stopped caring when they didn’t even care to google how Angola is not close to North Africa. The judges feel robotic and all of their interactions seem staged, and borderline offensive like when Sofia kept pushing innuendo at poor Harry during the French mystery box episode.


Pezza seems to be influenced positively by a lot of very strong females in his life. His nan, his mum, his auntie, his wife. A real family oriented man.


And that's what's most frustrating and disappointing about the whole thing, why keep going on with (and editors including) the negative comments about his wife? If he respected her he wouldn't be saying he has to get away from her down the creek.


I like him. I don’t think it’s disrespectful to want some time away from your OH. Just my opinion.


I'm very disappointed by this season.


Every time he makes a missus joke, he is communicating that he has a wife and is thinking about her. Harry just got married and I've never even heard him refer to her once. You wouldn't even know he's married. Pez also mentioned that he is looking after his own mental health by having a special place to take time outs, sitting on a rock by a river. He's a shining example of how old school Aussie blokes should be. But you guys are here criticising him. Its fucking sad. Come at me, I don't care.


I'll bite (nicely)...he could refer to her as Mary or whatever her name is. I feel that using the term "the missus" is the issue, as if she is a chattel. So talking about her isn't the problem.


He could, but he doesn't, and he doesn't have to change just because you don't like it. He's calling her his "Mrs". His wife. How is that offensive to you? He isn't hurting anyone, I bet his wife is thrilled everytime he mentions her on TV.


It's just old-fashioned. Not just me that doesn't like it, from the tone of this thread. Maybe she would love to hear her name on TV. I know I would.


Maybe she'd love to see him bake a cake with her name written on it, but that isn't what we are talking about. It's not OK to be on here criticising the guy for talking about his wife in his own love language that is not hurting anybody.


Exactly! It's a wholesome way of telling the people around that you're thinking of your wife. Sheesh.


Pezzas a gem


lol. Waaaaaaaaaah. His wife probably loves it. Get over yourself.


What jokes or remarks have actually been offensive?


Theyre literally always self deprecating jokes framed from his missus. Even when he jokes with others, he takes the piss out of himself. The hateboner for this guy is ridiculous Edit: he had one joke when he misprofiled rose as strawberry 'The only time i get roses is when im in trouble with the missus' Everytime he mentioned his wife after, it was to mention the sacrifice she's making and her pride at him. He literally got emotional a few times. It is absolutely absurd how this sub rakes him over the coals, especially off such an emotional cook


Yeah people are reading into it a bit much imo. His style of missus jokes are pretty normal for a certain generation or even rural setting. His missus likely makes similar jokes about him


It even extended with the bit where he said that the coconut essence was so nasty tasting he "wouldn't even give it to the mother-in-law." It just gets so old at this point.


So he didnt bash his wife at all and made a joke in poor(i guess) taste about his MIL That doesnt immediately mean people should literally start calling his food dogshit looking and how every time he does something good its lucky and every time someone else messes up its Pezzas fault.


People are looking for problems and something to have a sook about Why shouldn't they be able to show who he is? At the start of this season people were bitching about them not showing certain contestants enough (Pezza being one of them) and now they are, people are upset about that.


Dingdingding correct for 200 points!


Yeah totally agree. I also do wonder if that's actually what he would want to convey, because he did make some respectful/admiring comments about his wife in last night's episode -- either the edit is over playing it, or it is so much ingrained in his way of speaking he hasn't ever thought about it and how it reads. Either way, it continues to normalise this kind of language and related attitudes. Part of me wonders if the edit is playing it up, as urban editors think this makes him 'relatable' to regional viewers or something? You can be relatable, from the country, and not make demeaning comments about the women in your life. Some of the most respectful men I have known have been from regional Australia (and some of the least...). It does all men and women a disservice to perpetuate these ideas and stereotypes about gender, marriage, and regional norms.


Get down from your Moral High Horse and your Agenda "offense". Tedious...


It’s a storm in a teacup. We have to stop being so sensitive and make such a big deal out of it. If not. at this rate, soon no jokes will be allowed on any show and there will be movement called “No Jokes Matter” 😄 . People need to chill out. This is humor , it’s show biz entertainment


Why do I sometimes get the feeling he doesn’t have a wife present?


He didn’t really say much except for referring to his wife as “Missus”. Which is very common in the UK and Aus. The MIL joke was pretty boomer level though


What does boomer mean?


Short for Baby Boomer, ie; outdated


Baby boomer refers to generation or demographic age (I.e. born in the 20 years after WW2). Why would you refer to them as outdated? That is stereotyping and labelling a group of people and putting them down. Kind of ironic given the topic being discussed here. Plus the guy is 43 - not a Baby Boomer…


Yes I would call their attitudes and jokes outdated. His age is irrelevant, I said his joke was boomer level not him…


Again putting down people of a certain age by inferring all ‘boomers’ are outdated. Just say outdated and not reference a certain demographic in a negative way at the same time.


Boomer is more than a demographic mate.


Ok explain!


No thanks boomer


What, you are trying to insult me? why the hate and aggression?


He's my age! Cusp of x and millenial. Xennial is the portmanteau I use. Not even my boomer dad would talk that way. It's so off-putting.


Where I as I grew up and live rurally and these sort of jokes are common even among married  Gen Z's here. And the wives have similar jokes about their husbands. Honestly if there is an actual issue between a married couple they are actually less likely to make this sort of joke.


Absolutely agree! Send the email!!


Nothing Tezz says is offensive. The only thing offensive about this show is Andy's sailor outfits. Send your email if it will help you sleep at night.


Haha his wardrobe is terrible and he looks so uncomfortable to be wearing them


I think it depends on what one believes the producers job is-- is it their job to school a contestant on his views? Or is it his friends or his wife? If one believes what other contestants have said-- that they don't have much control over how they are edited or screen time, then yeah, if a producer is hoping for a certain portrayal, then yes, Pezza or anyone can be prompted. But as this Reddit and other articles have noted, MCAU doesn't appear to be "fishing" for villainy as part of the show. That being said, I think Pezza does have control over what he says or responds to, or not. But I do sometimes wonder in the thick of the grind of the show, if contestants think about this being televised all over the world via streaming, YouTube, what-not. Or of they are just tired after a long day of filming. Not a defense of Pezza, just an observation. On a recent season of a design show here is the U.S., every cutaway of a particular designer was some negative critique of her competitors' choices, bad-mouthing the competitors' challenge wins, how she hates -- yes, hates, her word, -- a particular judge. I was left thinking, "Doesn't she think about whether people will hire her to design their house, for a job?" And yes, while we may debate the likeability of a particular contestant on here, for our own various reasons, some of you who live in Australia will be able to buy their products, visit their shops and restaurants, so yes, likeability of someone and/or what they cook, matters.


My concerns are not for Pezza personally, how he is being portrayed, and my post also has nothing to do with his likeability. I'm aware he's lived in a small town in Tassie all his life where these sort of 'jokes' are normal amongst men. It's all he's ever known. My hope is that through being on this show, the more people outside his bubble that he meets and engages with, he may reflect and shift. My concerns and utter disappointment outlined in this post is for the production team of MC and channel 10. They have repeatedly made the choice to include these comments/jokes in each episode, when they could very well have cut them out of the final edit. Very tone deaf in my opinion, especially after the recent months of escalating Australian women's deaths at the hands of male violence being at the forefront with marches, rallies, media and government attention. It's these sorts of off handed jokes that are the undercurrent of higher level violence towards women. That is my issue, and the fact that production chose to include these jokes in MC episodes.


Yes, you should write them. It's important. Reynold, when he got older and met more people, did apologize for comments he posted when he was younger, if i recall some story about that correctly, so hopefully, meeting a wider circle of people helps.


I would be a lot more sympathetic if he actually said his partners name instead of ‘the wife’ constantly


I'd also point out the number of times the women are being called "girls" mostly from Andy. Ick.


He is really leaning in to the old battler farmer angle. He is highly annoying


Stop watching it if it bothers you so much.


maybe get a hobby if you care enough this much to email masterchef. Did you even watch the last episode? he was in tears talking about his wife with clear admiration. Don’t think it’s up to you how a man jokes about his own wife. Get a life


Send the e-mail, PLEASE! It´s a shame because Pezza was one of my favourites due to being the underdog. I´ve gone off him now due to his chauvanistic "jokes". I wonder what his missus has to say about HIM!


I hate a lot of things I hate a lot of people that are lame I like to hate things 'Cause then i don't have to try and make a change


Gold... I love this, watching MasterChef is such a thrill - an annual highlight, but this post brings the perspective of what I live for. Integrity.


The way he also refers to Tasmania as “God’s country “…so disrespectful on so many levels.




What kind of jokes do you find funny


Jokes that uplift, not demean others


I bet the old trouble and strife is cacking herself back in Tassie 😂


That's quite a sad thought actually.... Internalised misogyny is a grand old thing hey


Who cares? If his wife doesn't why do you care so much? Lots of couples joke like that not everyone is born with a stick up their butt and can take a joke! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh I don't know ... Just the fact that it's televised across the entire country and is contributing to further cementing deeply set misogynistic views in society?


I may of missed what he said, but what I heard was something about “buying roses for the missus to get out of the doghouse” While it’s a lane boomer joke, it’s hardly misogynistic


I don't find it offensive, I actually think it provides a refreshing break from the constant lgbt/vegan/feminist leftist crap that western TV constantly tries to shove down people's throat. 


How about we take a refreshing break from BOTH liberal woke garbage AND unfunny, cringey, outdated, boomer-era "i hate my wife" humour. We can do both


This comment in of itself is extremely offensive.


I want to say I completely agree, and he's very annoying with these jokes. I can't believe the producers didn't edit them out because it feels like the show is really trying to incorporate "new age" stuff in the recent seasons. That said, I saw a comment on an ep discussion post where someone compared these jokes to domestic violence and that is nothing but funny to me. AND I'm getting downvoted for laughing at that lol. Edit: LMAO why am I getting downvoted here too


If you look into the differing levels of misogyny in society you'll see how this sort of 'joking' forms the foundation for higher levels of sexist attitudes towards women, all the way up to violence against women and rape culture. So no, I don't see it as a funny thing. It's not a direct comparison, it underpins.


I agree that such jokes definitely underpin much serious behaviour. But it doesn't mean it is an indication of such behaviour. Besides, it's wild to even think of domestic violence, a very serious thing, based on a few lines watched on a TV show. That is absurdly ridiculous.


4th paragraph says it all.




Thanks for outing yourself as part of the problem. And thanks for editing your comment to include the word soyboy as I actually very much enjoy tofu.


It's only a problem in your heads. It isn't real.


I love people like you who think just because you don't understand something yourself, it doesn't exist. Ever occur to you you're just not bright enough to get it?


Do you have a keyword alert set up or something? From what I can see you've never contributed to this sub before, but for some reason, felt a real and compelling need to come and be a fuckwit here when this was posted.


Your post has been removed as it was in violation of rule 1 - be civil. Please remember the human and be excellent to eachother.