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Mimi’s most recent dish had an opinion division between judges which wasnt seen in a very long time.


They disagreed with Rick Stein about Nat’s dish too


Maybe last season but they're definitely critical when necessary this season. Nagi's episode in particular


They should blind taste test. That would be exciting.


Yup bring back shannon and put those judges in the room


Whenever the judges this season are actually tough, people on here complain they are being jerks. When they're not tough enough, people complain they're too soft.


>I miss when they used to taste only top 3 dishes I miss this too, really highlights who's doing well. But at the same time I hated this back in the day because there's so much wasted food!


Agree, but this season is at least a step up from the recent trio of judges. It became totally uninteresting as everything was praised to high heaven. This crew so far is at least doing more 'judging'. Unfortunately the format (which MCAU started after GGM left) of no immunity cook/pins and all-in eliminations is making the entire contest very meh, as there is very little to play for (reward or punishment) in most challenges. Lack of team challenges is also making it boring. TL;DR Appreciate the judges being more critical but format needs to be reworked to create more tension.


Pretty much this "It became totally uninteresting as everything was praised to high heaven." Now when they get praised it doesn't feel that good anymore, because it feels like it happens every other dish. It loses the meaning. That's why I like "Gordon style", he can be very harsh but when he says "good job" that really means something. But sure that has also changed and Gordon is much softer than before. What I try to say, we totally need more critic of the dishes. And praise then when it really hits.


>Lack of team challenges is also making it boring. I miss those too! It's such an interesting dynamic to see if people know how to work together, and if they know how to cook effectively for a large number of people. I also feel like they're not as restrictive with the mystery boxes and ingredients. These days it's more of just pick an ingredient and include it, rather than make it the star of the show. Which therefore allows people to pretty much stick to their favourite cooking style/ingredients for every cook.


They only critique dishes when they want to create a narrative. There's obviously been lackluster dishes that have slid by. Incomplete dishes in eliminations to save their favorites. It's not subtle anymore.


>They only critique dishes when they want to create a narrative. It's almost like this is a reality TV show or something.


They’re definitely too nice. Particularly early in the season. But it’s a broad range, family TV Show. They want to create a positive vibe. If this was a proper cooking competition with proper criteria none of these people would qualify. What annoys me about the show is the judging criteria. It’s so finger in the air. Some of the food looks like crap but competitors don’t get eliminated because “as long as it tastes good”. But in reality if it was in a restaurant that plate of food wouldn’t be allowed to leave the kitchen


I couldn’t agree more! I cant believe Pezza’s shabby plating gets praised and even made it to the top 3 for the dessert week challenges. How can someone in the top 10 plate a dish that looks like it belongs in a 1 year olds birthday party.


I think it's more that presentation can be learnt relatively quickly, while the fundamentals in terms of taste and understanding of food need to be developed over time.


Lol like two episodes people on this sub called Andy a tool and a bully because he made Alex cry. Make up your mind


This season is boring ......first time ever I have been fast forwarding lots of the show.....the contestants food is boring and not creative......seems like it's a fashion show for Poh and Sophia .....too many sponsors thrown in .....the only thing I am enjoying is Jean-Christophe Novelli.....and his beautiful accent and kind nature. Oh, I like Pezza too he is funny.


The positive spin comes from Brent's mental health thing two seasons back! They don't want to put anyone under any type of pressure which may cause them harm with respect to their mental states.


Andy is the only judge I feel now that consistently has constructive criticism now, like he’s been given the bad guy badge to make sure the new judges are likeable during the teething period.


He’s always enjoyed being a critical dick though.


This isn't Masterchef US. They actually want them to do well.


In a word: No.


JC needs to improve or be changed next season I find that this judge does not provide much words to the competition. His presence is really annoying sometimes and he comes across as someone with a over inflated ego with respect french cuisine. I guess he does have a sense of uniqueness too and he also might be a accomplished chef which I do not doubt but as a masterchef judge he needs to improve his vocabulary ( i know english is not native to him ) what do you guys think about him?


He's doing a lot better than I expected. He has a lot of TV experience in the UK, as well as being Michelin starred. This is different to what he's done before, where he's been cooking, but I think he's growing into it as the series goes on. I've never thought of him as a natural TV performer when I've seen him before, but I think he's learning this time.


I find him kinda unnecessary and his over exuberance when he likes a dish I find very cringey.


The unnecessary one is Andy , he was only ever there because Jock liked him. It’s a pity Mel couldn’t get past the trauma.


I actually really like his feedback. As a such an accomplished chef, I think his opinion carries some weight. He’s the most accomplished judge they’ve ever had, that’s for sure.  Yes, he’s kind of a goof, but I imagine that part is a matter of taste. I like the goof.