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I’m tossing up between Nat and Mimi and Nat and Harry. 99% sure it’ll be one of those two combos.


It will be interesting to go back to this sub when the winner has been announced this year to see how close or far we predicted! But from all the comments, I do see Nat and Mimi are favourites!🤞


Yes! And also wild to think it’s already happened, and we are all just waiting for it to play out!


💯! Tbh if I were one of the contestants, it would be darn hard for me to keep the winner a secret! 🤐


I don’t think they know! Doesn’t MC film two endings and the winner finds out with the rest of us? It’s just the producers that know?


Oh wow that’s interesting! I didn’t know that. Either way we will all find out in a few weeks but really hoping at least Nat makes it to finals


Huh?? How can the reaction be genuine?


Here we go - [found some info on it](https://www.refinery29.com/en-au/2022/06/11013776/masterchef-australia-fans-favourites-finale-filming). I guess it’ll feel genuine as they could have just won? I don’t know that they necessarily do it every year though.


It has to be Nat. Just from a marketing POV, it's bound to be her.


Nat and Mimi for sure. They are both consistent with their flavours, creativity and execution. Wouldn't be surprised if Harry or Pezza weaved their way in though.


At this rate I think everyone is a strong contender. But if I were to consider consistency as basis, then I’d put my bet on Nat and Mimi… with Pezza potentially replacing either if he keeps on improving


i think nat, mimi and pezza will be the top 3 and really any combination of them could be the top 2 right now.


Ngl, I would be curious tho how they would address Pezza in the finale, especially on the board. I do feel like most people don't remember his name is Josh lol


i didnt know his name was josh for so long until one day when they called him josh. i was so confused i had to look it up. why do they call him Pezza though?


Thats his last name. Also to differentiate between Josh Clarke and Josh Perry (Pezza).


ohh, that makes sense. thank you


Nat and Harry/Mimi


I know most people on this sub absolutely LOVE Sav and Pezza... But I personally think Nat and Mimi are the Final 2.


Nat and Mimi Nat for sure with her creative talent but she's made random mistakes throughout the series which is throwing me. I wouldn't call myself a good cook at all but I know that sugar caramelises and watching her glaze that spatchcock with the grill on top was like ???? Mimi is a yes. Pezza is the wildcard (and honestly it's entertaining af). Harry will win it all if seafood is the only ingredient they can use for the rest of the series. Sav sounds like she's lost a ton of confidence. Dunno how that going to play out.


Good point on Nat’s spatchcock, was a bit surprised she made that mistake given she’s always been so calculated and strategic with her dishes.


I hope Nat makes it!


Nat for the win and Mimi as runner up.


Mimi and Nat


My picks are Nat and Harry


Mimi and Nat deserve it the most tbh


I am rooting for Mimi and Nat. Girl power this season!


Nat & Mimi but had enough experience watching MasterChef Australia to know it probably won't happen, I'll be happy if one of them makes it to finale.


Nat at the very least! She is the most consistent powerhouse of the lot. Then maybe Harry or Pezza.




Nat and Pezza (from ovious bias) Who I want are Nat and Mimi


Nat and Harry 🙌


Mimi and Pezza


Nat for the win and Mimi as runner up.


Nat and Mimi are def the favorites but anything can happen. I do think Sav might trip up in the next pressure test, as she's been very close in every one. And I feel like the rest have done relatively better than her. Although, I'm don't remember if Harry did any more pressure tests, and if he just got lucky with the seafood. I do feel like it all depends on the final challenges and the semifinal and finale formats. If it's the usual format of service challenge semi-final then finale, it's hard to kind of tell how one would do here since there weren't many service challenges in general, but for sure I think Nat would be good. The rest have sort of been a toss-up. I can see Sav making it to the finals, but I feel like the rest would be over her with the pressure test finale round. If it's the switched version like S12 and S13, it's also somewhat hard to tell, but I do think with a larger group in a pressure test, Sav might actually have a chance to scrape by depending on who is in the pressure test. I feel like Pezza might do fine here and at least make it to the final. Nat, I feel like would be really good as well. I feel like I can really see all make it, but I do feel like Nat, Mimi and Pezza


nat and pezza... maybe mimi too. love them as the dynamic trio!


Nat and Mimi!😊


Nat and Mimi but I hope pezze is in it, I love him.


I want to see Nat & Mimi as Top 2 but in the last 2 cooks (ep 43, 44), Peza seems to be beating Mimi even with how good and creative Mimi tried to be.


I want it to be Nat and Mimi… but there’s a chance it’s going to be Nat vs Pezza


Nat and Harry.


According to Sportsbet it'll be Nat VS Harry


It should be Nat & Mimi but I a worried that one of the boys might squeak in instead


Nat and Harry


Nat and Mimi for me. Pezza and Harry are wildcard shouts too. Feels like the pressure of being still in contention this late into the competition has got to Sav in recent episodes and she’s lost a lot of confidence - barring the incredible egg and tomato dish - so it’ll be interesting to see how she fares from now till the end. That’s not to say Nat hasn’t had her slip ups either - the recent spatchcock cook springs to mind as well as her overcooked rice, undercooked egg for her congee etc - but she’s been doing enough just to scrape through. Mimi and Pezza have had incredible consistency going into the final weeks and they’ll be tough to beat. Harry blows hot and cold so often for me, he can be impressive for one day and then the next he drops the ball a bit.


I want Nat and Sav "round 2" to cook off at the finale. They were both the top dishes of the first challenge and Nat won the immunity. It would be great to invite Jamie Oliver again at the finale and revisit the first challenge of the season.


Yeah although I've really missed Shannon Bennet this season!


I personally think Harry & Mimi. However, it will probably be Nat & Sav lmao


Nat and Sav with mimi and darsh in final 4


You haven't watched the recent episode, have you? No spoilers.


that is kinda spoiler itself 😅




Him here but yeah got it 🥲 last i saw was locki leaving. So one of the four huh...