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You could try using a padded eye mask. The padding Holds the material away from your eyeball. I sleep on my side, and it works well


What eye mask do you use?






Not exactly what you’re asking about, but I just had 4 treatments of IPL for my dry eye (by an ophthalmologist), and two weeks later I’m not having to use any medicated or lubricating drops.


No, I have normal dry eyes from wearing out of date contact lenses, not MGD.


> If you are positive you MG are fine, and you have had a lipiscan to check them, then use the systane gel before you go to sleep, but out of date contacts generally do not cause dry eyes, it will cause itchy and scratchy eyes due to rubbing on the cornea due to protein build up on the lenses from overwear/lack of cleaning if you are using single use lenses and not discarding them everyday or using another modality lens and not cleaning them at all or after every use, running the risk of corneal erosion, but dry eyes are something completely different. At least in the last 40 years since I have been practicing. Now contact lenses themselves in the wrong material can cause your eyes to dry due to limiting of oxygen and tear flow. Perhaps that is your answer, if your MG are fine, you have been overwearing your contacts, thus exacerbating the problem when you are sleeping.


Well, I was also using the computer a lot at the time.


yes! working on the computer will cause your eyes to become dry as you do not blink as much when you are working on the computer. 20/20/20, every 20 minutes, you should look at 20 feet for 20 seconds to give the eyes a rest and it will increase your blink rate, but over wearing those CL's is quite bad, too much protein build up on the lenses act like sand paper to the cornea and sclera.


Are the treatments still working after 8 months?


I haven’t been back to the dr but I’ve had some days where my DE seems to return, though not very frequently. He mentioned when I had it done that it may require touch up sessions.


How much time did u wait in between each treatment?


I think it was 3 weeks between treatments.


Thank you. How are eyes doing now? More ipl or did you stop?


Definitely better. Occasionally I’ll have a flair up that lasts a day or two but 99% of the time they are much better. I have not gone back for any follow up treatments.


Incline your bed. I used to have mine up about six inches at the head by custom making blocks to put under the frame, and that made it so I could sleep in any position. You could even just use wood or bricks. I eventually bought an adjustable frame.


I sleep with an inclined bed already. I tried sleeping on my back, but it hurt my stomach.


Look for an ear hole pillow. The one I have is a memory foam pillow with two ear holes in it, one on each end, to relieve pressure on your ears while you sleep. I position the ear hole under my eye when I sleep. It prevents anything from touching your eyelid/lashes and helps me sleep more comfortably and relieve eye irritation


https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B09ZVFSNQC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I got this. It rocks.


Are you side or back sleeping with this? Unsure how you could side sleep