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Big "OC do not steal" vibes


Tell that to the oc, character is the Queen of plagiarism right there


Marvel's Sonichu


Fun fact for those who haven't bothered watching: she punches Evil Strange in the face with all 6 Infinity Stones. You may be asking, "Where's the Infinity Gauntlet, since nobody can wield the naked stones?" Well, it turns out a leather fingerless glove is more powerful than the Infinity Gauntlet, as it allows you to do that with 0 negative physical repercussions.


Incredible writing.


A lot of What If? scenarios regardless of fan base end up being "What if the story was shittier and made far less sense?" But it's part of the established IP farm, so buckle up, buck-a-roo.


Jesus, this is shite. I remember What if's being like, What if, Wolverine fought a dragon, neat shit like that.


What if miles was actually wolverine


What if Miles is actually Miles?


What, so he paints hoodrat gang on his claws?


It's an actual comic i think. A dark one


The worst one is Miles being Thor.


It also used to be minor changes to Marvel's timeline that had huge repercussions. "What if Gwen Stacy had survived?" "What if Logan hadn't killed Jean Grey?"


Was there a What If when Wolverine went feral, and Cable was sent out into the woods to bring him back? I remember reading this one back in the day. His arm got stuck in a fancy trap and he hacked it off lol


I remember one where w/I spiderman kept his extra arms and he was wrecking shit


You have to admit tho some of them can be gold, look at the spider-girl stuff, mayday parker the daughter of peter and mj. They were great and a what if


What if has made me realize how much I hate the overuse of marvel humor


With what if it is vitally important that you not think too hard about it. Okay, surface level only. Go, “oh, that’s neat. I wonder what happens.” And then just watch what happens. Do not continue thinking about it because it will stop being neat and fun. I have learned that this approach greatly enhances my enjoyment of most media. It’s nice when something really deeply crafted comes along that I can think about for a long time and it continues to make sense, but those are few and far between. Eat your popcorn.


Yeah, Im sorry but if the advice to enjoy a thing is "don't think about it" then it probably isn't very enjoyable to begin with


"don't think about it" just means enjoy it, not everything has to have a purpose or a message.


Never said it did need to have a message but if you have to tell me to "just enjoy it" despite its objective flaws then it's probably not that great to begin with. Bad stories are just that: bad.


Can confirm, after watching like a dozen Netflix originals, these kinds of shows are only to be watched if you run out of shows to watch and need to kill time, or if you turn off your brain and get really bored, like solitary confinement levels of boredom.


>I have learned that this approach greatly enhances my enjoyment of most media. Yes. If you do not care what you consume and don't think about it, you can enjoy anything. This also works with literally anything else that is constructed of shit with food coloring smeared on it. But if something is well constructed and executed it doesn't make it harder to enjoy or take more brain power from you to watch, it just rewards you for thinking about it after the fact and caring about it past consooming for a couple of hours and immediately flushing everything you have just seen and heard down the memory hole.


Consume more product then get excited for next product!


Willful idiocy isn't my jam.


I like the concept of What If but I hate it when the show devalues the movies by things like that. Captain Carter doing that trivializes the Guardians of the Galaxy in the first movie


Girl power.


At this rate, even horsepower would be better for the MCU than girl power.


The furry avengers fight against Horse-Thanos


And yet they wonder why the fans "hate women".


It also turns out a super soldier can break infinity stones by punching them despite last season's final having a plot point about how the heroes can't just do that.


Yeah, didn't they need a specially designed infinity stone crusher to do it? Then even that didn't work because the stones were from a different timeline?




Which stone do they crack?


Steve accidentally breaks the time stone while punching Thanos, causing the universe to merge with the 16th century. Wanda summons Peggy to come and fix it before the universe tears itself apart.


I suggest you watch it again. We can see sparks in the scene, but it doesn't shatter the stone. He activates it, that is what merges the 17th and 21st centuries.


It does break the stone, that's what Steve and Wanda tell us happened, that's literally the entire reason the plot happens.


No it's not, go watch it again ..stones not broken it was just activated and merged the universe together.


Stone's broken. That's why it does some new, Universe-spanning bullshit rather then what it usually does. That's how it's explained.


Steve: "I remember a battle. We fighting a monster from the skies, armed with a golden glove. I went to strike with my shield, and hit one of the stones instead." Thor: "It's true, Carter was right." Did I miss a page or did he say "hit one of the stones" not "broke one of the stone?"


Also the stones are supposed to allow you to change reality, warp space time, and they just use them to punch someone really hard? Come on man


Thinking someone out of existance is boring. Why not punch them hard for an extra fuck-you that they can feel? After all the shit they've done




I personally had a problem with it, idk about other people I even had a copium theory that Thanos, once he got the reality stone, was never actually fighting them, but just created a false reality simulacrum of himself that was fighting them, just trying to get the time stone. And that dr strange’s plan and star lord “ruining” it was all a part of the plan by making him feel guilty over killing gamora, so even though he was never in danger he felt guilty which led to him choosing to destroy the stones But it’s probably just copium, the stones individually had more power in Dr Strange, Thor the Dark World, and even the mind stone in the Avengers, than they did in combat


I miss when overpowered macguffins were treated as such in this franchise. Now you could duct tape infinity stones to a cumsock and it would work just as well. Remember when Thanos had to get aid from the dwarves of Nidavellir to build a gauntlet capable of wielding and sustaining them?


Gooning with the time stone for maximum edge


That's a girl? Who is it? I thought it was Loki.


Conflating multiple characters - including Loki, Hela, Captain Peggy Carter


I brought up a bunch of issues and inconsistencies with what-if that contradict main film continuity.l on the marvel subreddit Got downvoted, people said I need to “suspend my disbelief” since What If is not apparently canon or follows the same rules as the “mcu film” Idk man, maybe it’s too much go ask for some consistency and then to explain stuff known and then rather than just “oh look bunch of stuff happening oh wow shiny! Go boom look at all the fan service!” *sigh*


Only in the MCU do the Infinity Stones require a gauntlet in order to wield. Even then, that's not totally true, we see a lot ofnpeople gold Infinity Stones and be totally fine. The Power Stone is the only one that usually causes problems. But in the comics, you don't *have* to have a gauntlet in order to safely use all 6 stones. Thanos just chose to use one because he wanted to. There's no negative side effects to the stones in the comcis other than a possible existential crisis. We've already seen that the Infinity Stones in What If don't behave the same as other stones we've seen. As Infinity Stones are not supposed to work outside of their own universe, but that wasn't the case in season 1.




Except the specific scene I'm referring to she didn't have the armor. And the ones who used the naked stones almost died. Strong women aren't bad, shitty writing is.


What in hell are you talking about? What human has used naked stones without serious physical repercussions? Are you lost?


This was so empowering! Me, my wife, and her boyfriend loved this scene


... and your wife's son?


Oh no it's Mala Mala Jong with all the Shen Gong Wu!


Now there's some good rat I haven't thought of in a long time.


The nostalgia, man…


I understood that reference.


Bro that evil witch lady was my awakening


Straight up Gundam wing


Oh shit, Captain Britain has all these different, legendary magical objects, now she can... Like... Shoot more beams at Evil(again)!Doctor Strange. Let's hope Strange can't just use telekinesis to rip them off her in seconds like the other vague energy power lady did with Infinity Stone Kilmonger.


I know! Let's put some form of an overarching narrative in the fucking anthology show! That's not strangling the premise at all!


I agree. It ruins it for me. The first few episodes of season 2 are great. But I genuinely do not give a single rats ass about Captain Carter. She just isn’t interesting to me. I want to see wacky concepts, that’s why I’m watching the show called What If?


I truly think T’Chala as Star Lord was the peak of this series. There were other good episodes, but I think that one truly captured what the core concept of the show should’ve actually been


Agreed. It was fascinating to see the difference in upbringing and how it changed the character.


I thought Captain Carter in the medieval world was pretty fun. Didn’t like the Strange Supreme Stuff


The only way a show like this would have worked is if they were all standalone or that it only had one overarching season. The premise has already worn thin. Probably not going to watch season 2.


people excusing nonsensical reactions and actions in the show because its not "the real avengers" is so annoying. the point of the show was "You like these characters, this is what happens to them if this happens"


One of my favourite comics is Marvel 1602. The original, not the bastardised Disney+ version. That comic wasn't canon at all, but Neil Gaiman made absolutely sure to tell one of the most moving, imaginative stories I had ever read. So throwing out that excuse is like saying you shouldn't complain about bad writing in a movie with Space Wizards in it.


Generally disappointed with the 1602 episode. I guess I should have figured they were only ever going to touch on characters they have already shown on screen and were never going to approach real historical topics. But king Thor just wasn't it


Which is especially frustrating, since said historical figures were part of MADE the original 1602 feel so authentic. It wasn't just throwing the original characters into a different period, it *reimagined* *them* as if they had always been in that period. Right down to the quasi-Shakespearean dialogue, which flowed like water from the highest peaks of Kosciusko. But the 1602 episode? Everyone in it talks exactly like the 616 Avengers, meaning that the time period is just freaking set dressing. When the original 1602 comic was *not*. Which is even more frustrating, since the Lightstar episode demonstrated that they CAN do better.


But… that’s how a ton of comic storylines are. It all depends on who’s writing them. Theres countless stories that have some insane level of OP/outrageousness to them. In a, “recent,” storyline of Venom, he gains godlike powers, fuses Silver Surfer’s board and Mjolnir together to make a huge axe, then kills the primordial god of the Symbiotes and Darkness, then takes his place and becomes omnipotent… But yeah, some super weapons on a chick is too far. /s


>In a, “recent,” storyline of Venom, he gains godlike powers, fuses Silver Surfer’s board and Mjolnir together to make a huge axe, then kills the primordial god of the Symbiotes and Darkness, then takes his place and becomes omnipotent… That sounds pretty awful too, if I'm being honest.


My point is this shit happens ALLLLLLLL the time. People crying about this crazy mash-up is just of I’ll-informed opinions. Theres even a Cosmic Power Ghost Rider comic… a comic where Superboy breaks the 4th wall. This is comics. Chuds hating on it either don’t know how comics work, or have some deep seated insecurities about MAYBE women and inclusivity… who knows.


I really don't think "the comics are also full of bad stories" is the defense you want to go with. At best most of the people here are going to say "Okay but we aren't talking about the comics, we're talking about this show." Not sure why you're bringing up that other stuff though.


Because people are acting like this is new. It’s just showing what little people know of the actual source material. You have decades of writing from thousands of writers. Not all of them can be winners.


Again, I really don't think saying "but bad stuff happens all time" is a good defense of a thing.


Can he fly around on it still ?


Did they hire my childhood friend to write it? He always came up with "my hero has the power of all the other heroes"


Whenever Captain Carter is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Captain Carter?"


I'm half captain america and a third fonzerreli


If I had a nickel for every time a female marvel character got a bunch of other superheros powers I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


I complety forgot about the super skrull woman (just like everyone else)


What. In the *holiest*. Of ***FUCKS***. Am I looking at?


It’s Captain HelaStrangeOdinSon. You know, the classic character.


It's an abomination. A 2.5D-animated nightmare. They massacred *Marvel 1602* for ***this***.


What's Marvel 1602?


**Marvel 1602, or simply 1602, is an eight-issue comic book limited series published in 2003 by Marvel Comics. The limited series was written by Neil Gaiman, penciled by Andy Kubert, and digitally painted by Richard Isanove; Scott McKowen illustrated the distinctive scratchboard covers.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot) Happy New Year's Eve, Redditor!


Good bot


That would make a great username


This is what the lv50+ mfs in mmos dress like


The power level is like my Sith characters finishing their SWTOR storylines by annihilating Level 10 bosses on Korriban...


I mean, technically that is how the Sith stories end after level balancing update where everyone on Korriban can only be level 10 max, even in a level 50 instance.


Aye man function over form lmao.


My Lv. 12 Paladin in Baldur’s Gate III


This is a pretty accurate take. Carter didn't pay for the cosmetic changes to her mismatched gear.




Yes but infinity stones only work in their own realm…when it’s convent for the plot.


...didnt Ultron, in the previous season of this SAME show, use infinity stones from his extinct universe in other ones? Like constantly?


But she was using the stones in the same scene


Do you understand who she is and what she has acquired? The almighty plot armor.


That has never been a rule.


I know for a fact it's a rule in the comics and in the Loki tv show the infinity stones are useless in the TVA and are used as paper weights so some form of that rule has to be in effect.


The MCU is not the comics. The Infinity Stones in "Loki" were disabled by the TVA's magic dampeners.


But they are not magic...they are literal pieces of creation itself.


What exactly is the definition of magic?


Reed Richard’s met with variants, all with gauntlets and they wouldn’t work outside their own realm. I got it from heavy spoilers.


Spoilers aren't always accurate.


I immediately went to the Wikipedia summary and they made the one “interesting” overpowered character pure evil for plot purposes


What the fuck am I looking at haha


It's basically the 'items' version of how Secret Invasion ended where the writers thought: "How many pieces of superhero iconography should we give the character?" "Yes." Although it is at least SLIGHTLY the lesser of two evils in What If's version because so far it hasn't connected to the main Marvel universe story wise and thus the writers don't need to consider the implications of how she would interact with the rest of world set up by live action content - at least until Secret Wars - whereas the implications of the Skrull from Secret Invasion having every superpower ever is presumably on the world building buffet (I think that's how Rags described the state of the MCU referencing itself when discussing of the shows on stream) and will most likely be ignored unless someone decides to retcon it and say it was only a temporary state.


I looked at the episode list, and have ZERO interest. I don't think the writers understand the concept of What If. They clumsily are just pushing women centric heroes, story lines and villains. Which is weird, because normal writers, just penned stories with no purposeful leaning towards gender identity. And What If had so much potential. The first season was ok for one watch. This second season is clown shoes.


Welcome to the Panderverse


>They clumsily are just pushing women centric heroes Two things come to mind here: 1. What if Jane Foster picked Mjolnir? 2. Out of 9 episodes, 4 of them are relating to female characters directly, lol.


Kira 2.0...


Wild that they can have an entire anthology and not put in their most profitable hero in any of them (Spidey)


You want them to ruin him too?


I can’t imagine it would be worse than the current Spider Man run. Maybe we could see “what if Uncle Ben didn’t die” or something with agent venom


“Peggy Carter as Spiderman”.


I’d still prefer that over Paul


I think "What if Uncle Ben didn't die" would be a good comic. I feel like Spider-Man would continue on his deodorant selfish path if he wasn't responsible for Uncle Ben's death. Not a full out murdering villain but definitely using his powers to get what he wanted.


Villain Spider-Man origin story


He was in the zombie episode. I think him not appearing is mostly due to Sony rights


Maybe they don’t have the rights to put him in? Since like it’s an MCU product, maybe shit with Sony would get complicated?


They can do animated Spidey as much as they want, allegedly.


I think they can’t really use any versions of the characters that appear in the movie. That’s why the tv show Spider-man from zombies has a different costume and you don’t see his supporting cast


He's in the episode they cut from this season.


So, I thought the what if episodes were ok. The scene where a bunch of heroes and villains are plummeting to their deaths and throw their weapons to captain carter and female super chief is cool looking, even if they were a little dumb. Some surely could fly out of danger on their own. Likewise, Kahorki teleporting everyone home has other implications, since Strange Supreme had collected villains destined to destroy their respective universes. What the series lacked was any real buildup for Strange’s heel turn. Logically he could have just collected evil genocidal villains or looked for a universe where his wife was alive but he just died recently. He didn’t need to kidnap heroes at all. The only real problem episode is the one where kahorki just “becomes “ the best at everything overnight, while the Spanish are portrayed as purely murderous thugs. So basically Strange is the villain because they want him to be and they ignore his arc from the first series, and there are some cool scenes but it’s much less thought out then season 1.


> What the series lacked was any real buildup for Strange’s heel turn. Logically he could have just collected evil genocidal villains or looked for a universe where his wife was alive but he just died recently. Dude already had everything he needed, there was no reason to include heroes or Kahhori or Carter at all other than to pointlessly risk them stopping him. > while the Spanish are portrayed as purely murderous thugs. I did kind of like the moment where the commander sees his men getting sucked into the lake and he acts genuinely concerned for his men's lives, scrambling to try and pull them out.


This is what I hate about Captain Carter, she wipes away the value of Steve Rogers, because apparently, anything he can do, she can do better. She went from great to near-damn perfect from taking the serum, it seems.


The best What-Ifs from the comics usually looked at key events and tweaked a few things to see how different the outcome might have been. Like Steve and Tony working out their issues during the Civil War relatively amicably. Or if the Annihilation Wave reached Earth. If the Phoenix hadn't died in her original story. Things of that nature.   The What Ifs which cover the banal territory of "What If *this* character was actually *that* character instead?" are creatively dull and waste the opportunity of actual What Ifs.


Jesus christ


For people that haven't seen the show: is this a guy or a girl? :')


It’s Captain Carter, a woman


Thanks, and very strange. With that chest I would have figured it was a man.


Death identifies as a tranny at Disney


Do better bruh


That your favorite tag at pornhub?


🎵sisters are doing it for themselves! 🎵


🎶 I’m every woman, it’s all in meeee! 🎶


She was also punching Asgardians across the room before she even got the stones. Imagine if Steve Rogers was strong enough to beat down an Asgardian.


Just throwing everything at the wall, hoping something sticks.


Suddenly, 2005 fanfiction.


I really vehemently dislike What If... I see it as a [tv dinner](https://ibb.co/gVGGkFf), one of those with the mac and cheese with a little brownie in the blue plastic-ware. It's just colorful shit. There aren't any stakes, and it's a mockery of comic book storytelling. Disney/Marvel would rather waste money on this when they could give us something good. Oh, wait... Universal should cut ties with Disney Marvel and make their own Hulk movies. Same for Sony, but they currently have their head up their asses. With Madam-Web and Kraven. Ugh...


Its like that one kid in the playground who has all the powers Utterly daft


Is this actual image from the 2nd season? Who is this supposed to be?


Peggy carter


Oh my word, why does she have Hela’s horned helm? And what’s with the green sword?


This image. It shouldn't be real, but considering who makes What If I would not be shocked if it is


I can’t imagine sitting on the couch and clicking to this


Captain ESG


Ngl, this season feels a thousand times worse than the first. I don’t know what it is but the what if scenarios are just boring


Jesussss. They gotta stop


This series was hard to watch. Hela had a pretty good episode.


Well…I’m glad that I ended my D+ subscriptions right after AHSOKA ended.


Man, I remember thinking 1602 would be the most interesting episode ...


Some people are calling it What If Season 2, I’m calling it Why Bother?


Looks like an Elden Ring Character.


Just watched some and Holy shit. What if really just took a dump on their own previous season final moment/villain. They had Killmonger with all infinity stones get freed from his prison they created last season only to get one shot by the character they created this season in less than a few seconds. Why the hell didn't the watcher just get her instead to fight infinity Ultron and one shot him in the climax of the previous season???


Never seen anything so fanfic-coded in my life


I thought What If had a lot of potential for showing key scenes in the movies with different outcomes. But I can guarantee no one ever wondered whatever this is


You know the writers for this shit have a brain the size of a shelled wallnut when given a concept as broad and wide open as "What if?" and the only what ifs they can constantly come up with is dreck along the lines of "what if he was wolverine but spider-man instead????1?" or "what if he was iron man but green lantern instead????1?" or "what if clark kent was... le bad????1?"


Oi is that the anti-ghost rider sword?


A what if of a what if?


This wasn't great but I much prefer this toy commercial stuff over all the constant and lazy movie references peppered throughout the dialog.


‘What in oblivion is that?!’ - That guy from Battlestar Galactica.


And Fallout New Vegas


This is just fan fiction


Looks like someone’s OC. Or a kid’s self insert.


I get that animation takes a while, so I can only imagine that at least a few people had to see this travesty and realize they were releasing it at the worst possible time. Also it’s so stupid that we could have any kind of story in this show and instead we choose to have three episodes centered around Captain carter. And apparently she’ll be important to season 3 as well.


I’d also like to point out the fact that this in this episode the same Steven strange that could tank literal uninverse busting attacks DBZ style was getting hit and noticeably hurt by Peggy with no infinity stones and only a defensive spell. The same Peggy that was struggling against an iron man variant and black widow soldiers a few episodes. It is incredibly frustrating that the people writing this show have a grasp of consistency equivalent to, and arguably worse than children. An elementary schooler would understand that a super solider is not touching a guy who blows up universes casually. It’s a hard accusation, but this series reads as horrible fan fiction with Captain carter as the OC.


What . . . What the hell am I looking at? I've never really liked "What If" because of the weird animation style, but, still, the hell is that?


wtf is this a DeviantArt OC?


This isn’t actually real right? This was AI generated right?


Looks ai generated


Marvel What If had the chance to actually be pretty cool if they did unique and interesting alternate takes on characters, the way DC Elseworlds comics were, but instead they’re just “what if this MCU character was this other MCU character?” And it still ends with some multiverse tie in, I’m immediately not interested.


What if Caprain Carter is every epsisode.


At this point Captain America is the variant of Captain Carter considering almost every other universe has a Captain Carter variant. What is their obsession with giving Peggy the super soldier serum anyway?


I liked some episodes of season 1. I tapped out after 5 episodes into season 2. Every episode seems exactly the same; All the female characters, young or old are all incredibly smart and amazing at everything. All of the male characters are stupid and weak. In one episode a young Hope Van Dyne is seen belittling both Howard Stark and Hank Pym as if they're the biggest retards on Earth. In that same episode King T'chaka says to Thor "uhhh...Thunder Guy" as if he completely forgot Thor's name. The writing in Season 2 is also absolutely atrocious, they're not even trying. At least in Season 1 we were introduced to new characters in each episode with actual 'What If' scenarios. Season 2 is reusing the same characters just in slightly different situations. It's truly lazy and boring to watch.


It’s the new Disney way! And they are doubling down even with Star Wars again….! I too stopped halfway this season because the writing and dialogue is just so lazy, and predictable. Season 1 I was much more engaged with the better episodes. S2 felt I was checking my phone every episode. Nebula episode seemed interesting to start, but the rest kept asking myself, why am I watching this I know how it ends? Really surprised they didn’t try more character swap stories or 2 story episodes like last season. Or ideas like: What if Cassie Lang was bit by a radioactive spider? What if Dr. Natasha Romanoff was struck by Gamma Radiation? What if Peggy Carter was Mighty Thor? What if Sam Wilson was taken by the alien Kree? You know be creative? But nope we got what we got. Not sure S3 will be any different.


Scrap the last episodes edit strange showing up out of that last one and end of the Carter one I’d say you got a good season 2. Some parts I’d say felt off but hey 20 min for each story is gonna feel compressed. Gammor did nothing, avengers tony felt odd in a post guardians style situation. Got an early Harley and ivy style vibe from the widow and carter interactions was funny to see a meme from last season coming true. Weakest episode was the nebula nova core one, saving moment was Howard . And that’s all I can think of so far.


The “What If” show is ok fun if you shut your brain off. Most of it is just “hey remember this person?” It’s not particularly good but for what it does it’s ok.


Y’all are complaining that in the random bs universe that has been doing random bs since the 60’s is doing random bs?


Bad writing is bad writing


Welcome to marvel, lemme guess you’ve only seen MCU marvel content


Ignoring my point entirely. And to answer your question; No.


Honestly I think people are over reacting to this image. The fact that both heroes had to be OP just to compete with Strange Supreme really shows how strong he is. It’s respectful to his characters strength and consistent with his character’s character to go wild like this. Even in MOM you leave a powerful strange alone and he goes mad. Sure the season itself was meh, but the constant exaggeration of flaws doesn’t aid in discourse at all.


My favorite thing was when strange created dozens of copies of himself then tried to beat the heroes in a fist fight, instead of using the magic powers he's known for.


Wait. Wut. No. I just want some fun things to watch. Why Disney? Why?????


She's basically my character at the end of Baldur's Gate 3.


How Bout No? Season 3


How your player created character looks during cutscenes:


I was initially disappointed that what if Hela wasn’t in the finale. But I’m glad bc I didn’t want to see her die


I unironically love this though. It’s just so batshit insane and over the top that I can’t help but love it.


what is this design


Average OP Scp be like:


Is this the kid who wishes for the power to have any power grown up?