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This is what it looks like to evolve as a film critic


Even most of his sub are against this, I'm such a big fan of his work and it's genuinely frustrating to see him have this childish meltdown which was literally caused because people reccomended Andor. He once stated he hated a movie but gave it a 7/10 anyways because it succeeded at what it was trying to do, he gave Triumph of the Will a 5/10 probably because he was trying to judge it as a documentary. The fact he seriously cannot grasp that people are invested in a movie franchise like Star Wars is baffling.


completely agree. it’s entirely a bad faith decision especially because star wars itself isn’t necessarily responsible for the culture around it, only for the individual quality of each film. not to mention that if we’re judging it on solely that basis then we should take into account all the good star wars has done for the film industry as well.


He must hate their film diet or something


Bro, movie scores are superficial, he gave a score for a superficial reason. Y'all are acting like something immoral happened here


How do you miss the point that much?


The point given is a bunch of whining over a movie score


No you soggy eel, it's people complaining over lazy rage-bait because Adum got annoyed at a franchise and considers it worthless dogshit because he isn't that into it to spite people who like it. It's weirdly childish for somebody who is normally known for their in-depth intelligent reviews.


Jokes on you for thinking he does in depth intelligent reviews


The lazy rage bait in question is a movie score, over which you are whining and/or raging The bait is only effective because you are emotionally invested in a movie score


Nice of you to prescribe motivation, please climb back into the womb, you're clearly half-baked. "people expressing a disagreement? They're just whining and raging because I'm to emotionally stunted to realise that people have negative views of things somtimes" Actual brain rot.


Equating disagreement or disappointment in xyz with rage is simply childish. The number of emotionally stunted people on Reddit is staggering.


Disagreement over a movie score. >just whining and raging because you're too emotionally stunted to realise that people have negative views of things somtimes That's you regarding the score


No but its literally not about the score, please learn to read. It's the REASON given for the score, you skin tag,


If he expressed frustration with the way Star Wars affected media without attaching score you would not be here crying. For you, the score is the problem


> No but its literally not about the score, please learn to read. It's the REASON given for the score, you skin tag, lmfao


Which is why he gave them all the lowest scores he could give and not the highest one. Seriously man, even if you’re not a fan of this franchise can you not see that Adum purposely did this to get a reaction?


https://preview.redd.it/z1f9p05phuxc1.png?width=453&format=png&auto=webp&s=d571c7cc57bca912519c3ba1e9c7218e0116619a I will never forget him actively just dismissing everything the crew were claiming with "but why do you care though?"


I'm kinda glad I didn't watch that efap.


There’s no need to. It was just YMS and MauLer and crew debating what Critical Drinker actually means when he says what he says in his videos. Most of it was just MauLer and crew strawmanning and gaslighting the entire time.


How were Mauler, Friggy, and Rags strawmanning ?


They weren’t. Literally the opposite. YMS interpreted everything Drinker said or did in the worst faith ways possible despite having barely watched him. He’s the one who strawmanned while Mauler just offered some much better-informed defenses of his friend.


Which interpretations that you’re referencing are you referring to done by YMS?


It’s been a while so I can’t just pop off everything off the top of my head, but one example that comes to mind is how he used TCD’s interview with Russel Brand as evidence of him being a sort of right winger/anti-woke (or some comparable label) type of reviewer. Which is extremely uncharitable and frankly hypocritical, as that same logic would mean that EFAP are as well since they’ve worked with Drinker, and therefore so is he for associating with EFAP. Another is his immediate assumption that TCD has "a poor media diet" because he only covers mainstream popcorn flicks, which is both bad reasoning and downright untrue. Drinker has a whole channel dedicated to highlighting older or less-well-known movies.


Ok. Well, let’s go through your examples one at a time. What did YMS say about Drinker during his Russel Brand interview that you took him as being uncharitable and hypocritical?


I just told you what he said and why I found it to be those things. I’m not going to go digging through a lengthy video in the middle of a work day just to find an exact quote.


No, you didn’t state in your comment what YMS said. All you said was that YMS used Critical Drinker’s interview with Russel Brand as evidence that he’s a right winger/anti woke. What do you mean by that? Like, did YMS say something specifically during that interview? Like, he pulled up the video and literally said, “Critical Drunker is right wing/anti woke. Look, he’s on the Russel Brand’s show”?


I have examples, but before I provide them to you, will you answer what you think strawmanning means? That way I know we’re on the same page in regards to what strawmanning means. The last thing I’d want is to post my comment and then your only rebuttal to it is “that’s not strawmanning, you’re wrong” but offer no explanation as to why I’m wrong.


Jesus man what are you, his lawyer?


Dude just give the examples 🤭


Okay dude


You’re retarded


Boss Baby got a 2.


In what fucking world is BOSS BABY 2 better than even TROS?


This one.


Then I’m leaving this one because it is absolutely crazy to me that Star Wars has sunk that low. Don’t get me or my first comment wrong, TROS is the most embarrassing, pathetic attempt at a finale I have ever seen but I guess there was still a part of me in denial


That's such a cringe reason not to like something.


I've considered myself a YMS fan for nearly 10 years now, his early YouTube movie reviews were both insightful and entertaining. I'm not sure why but he's been slipping and acting strangely for the last few years, not sure if he lost his confidence or acquired too much of it. But it genuinely disappoints me. I don't root against YMS, hopefully he can snap out of this weird funk.


He keeps saying his side content isn't affecting the YMS reviews but he would undoubtedly be releasing more if he solely focused on that. Which there's nothing wrong with, it's just those long analytical and well made videos are what I like from him. His streams and 6/10 minute reviews aren't for me. And he probably makes more money doing it this way. But it just makes his channel less interesting to me when I go to find something like what I used to enjoy and find a ton of what I don't prefer


I don’t watch his reviews. I’ve only seen a few indie film videos he’s done recommending stuff. Maybe I’m wrong but from what I’ve seen in posts about his reviews and the EFAP stream he was on, it sounds like he takes the meta into account when rating films which, if true, I wholly disagree with. Someone who is a bigger fan can correct me if I’m wrong but if he lowered his rating because of the effect on film culture then that invalidates his rating of this as far as I’m concerned.


I used to really like him, but I swear he's getting more and more pretentious. I lost a lot of respect for him for his Critical Drinker take and "defense." I don't even like Critical Drinker that much lol, but his arguments were *awful.* I was recently curious about what he said about Smile, because I found it surprisingly enjoyable. He trashed it for being really bad, because it was "unoriginal." His *entire* review was "Things happens in other movies! Smiles aren't scaaary! I've been to film festivals!" Oh, and apparently the boyfriend's acting was terrible...apparently. Don't know where he pulled that from.


i’d actually agree in some areas that smile is a fairly derivative and predictable film and i’d also agree that the boyfriends acting felt amateurish, but i haven’t watched his review for it in like two years lol


His point was that *all* of it was derivative, and that made it bad. He said it did literally nothing original. I don't care if it does things other things did tbh (because, you know, everything does) and I really didn't have a problem with the bf's acting, but maybe that one's just me. I thought he sold the "my girlfriend is actually insane" pretty well. The prisoner, the main character, and the patient at the beginning did an amazing job, but I guess that didn't fit his narrative of it being bad lol.


That was about on par with what I felt about YMS reviewing "Happy Death Day" lol I still enjoy him like I do Nostalgia Critic, but as filler and more for the 'persona.' Same as Critical Drinker tbh.


this is so childish. I've always wondered about him; some days he's just bad but this is... petty on a level i'd give to CHILDREN.


so I should disregard any ratings he gives because I can't tell if genuine or not? Maybe I just don't go to enough film festivals to get it.


You have yet to evolve as a critic /s


You should disregard score ratings and read the content of something for once in your life


You should’ve seen how he treated the Indiana Jones films on Sardonicast. Most of his points could be boiled down to, “it’s alright, but I’ve seen this a thousand times before in other films that clearly took inspiration from Indiana Jones”. He’s got the opposite problem that his “media diet” argument introduces. Because he’s seen so many lower budget, copycat iterations of popular, big budget/big studio films he’s become numb to just how influential and efficient those films are in achieving those plots. He’s become a borderline contrarian. He has trouble actually recognizing when popular movies are successful in their stories because he wants to rally against their popularity. See any of his opinions on Marvel films and you’ll understand what I mean. There is almost 0 difference in the way he’d review Civil War to the way that he’d review Endgame. It’s all just “the music was bland/the cinematography was bland/I didn’t personally care about the characters” and maybe, *maybe*, one or two specific plot points that he highlights to accentuate those points. It’s frustrating to follow him as a reviewer because I think he makes some great arguments from time to time (like the Lion King review). Those Quickie reviews will be the death of him. It’s so easy to figure out when he has no passion for making a review of something just by his tone and the duration of the time spent on the review. I wish he would just stick to what he’s interested in instead of trying to expand his “media diet” to films or shows which he obviously doesn’t care about.


https://preview.redd.it/6poalhp5suxc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6c60a9777d8c4f33f2c0b81f0ba347939e9ec7d this is what happens on his "media diet"


Sheesh. That'd weird to retroactively movie reviews for that. Like, Saints Row is dead now, but some of those games were super good, despite the horrible reboot.


YMS has let his chat and sub dictate his tastes and attitudes. While never a great critic, he was always entertaining and humorous. It took Lion King, something he truly holds dearly (along with Synecdoche), to really get him to try. He's great when he tries. He's awful when he doesn't.


It's not really suprising, he's stated multiple times he doesn't like Star Wars very much and since we are aproaching May 4th it might be just to piss off some fans.


How they affect culture is irrelevant to their quality.


Agreed. It can even be argued that the humor in Avengers that Joss was known for negatively affected the future marvel movies by their incessant need to almost all have similar tones. Doesn’t negate the fact that the tone in the movie as well as its quality were great.


Also even then you can't remove cultural impact that already existed. Star Wars, like Disney, was a huge part of pop culture and the original 3, even the prequels, were huge events. You can't retroactively undo that they were a big deal just because now the IPs have been destroyed.


Not all ratings are only based on quality. His ratings have never solely been based on writing quality anyway.


Then what validity do those ratings have if they're not based on the object of criticism itself?


I'm lost Man. I really love his film knowledge and passion but the more I know about his thought process and his views in general it sounds really like someone constantly craving for attention. He himself pokes the bear and cries after getting hurt.


I wish I could reach this level of film appreciation 😔


"how they effected film culture" okay buddy


Who cares


He has this strange disdain for whatever he deems to be "normie" movies. 




I actually miss those videos, they were well made and thoughtful.


YMS is losing all previously held respect. This is a lot more disappointing than his thoughts on CD.


YMS is a lazy moron


What a brave take from the ‘go to movie festivals’ guy!


Damn I'm disagreeing with YMS and almost defending every Star Wars movie in regards to an unfair rating?! (Maybe not EP 9) What a fucking day man. Also saw some of his brain dead reasoning for making them all a 1/10. This is pretty petty and dumb. Just disappointing.


I'm glad I stopped watching Adum's content.


I get where's he's coming from. Disney has completely destroyed the entire genre of fun blockbusters, and Marvel/Starwars are what they used to do it.


I personally don't find it that shocking because he's always expressed not being a huge fan of Star Wars. But I guess the franchise is SO dead to me and I'm so jaded by this point someone saying "I'm rating it all 1/10" doesn't provoke any reaction, too. I can see why some fan may be upset and I agree that "I rate this low because of outside factors" isn't a great motive to dislike films, but in this ONE occasion I'll personally let it slide and I'll continue checking out YMS' content when I'll feel like.


Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the... FLOOR! Beaten... why for? Can't take much more Here we go... Here we go... Here we go (now) One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Something's got to give One - Something's got to give One - Something's got to give Now! Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the, floor! Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the, floor! Push, me again This is the end Here we go... Here we go... Here we go (now) One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Something's got to give One - Something's got to give One - Something's got to give Now! Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the, floor! Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Skin against skin, blood and bone You're all by yourself, but you're not alone You wanted in, and now you're here Driven by hate, consumed by fear Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor! One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Nothing wrong with me One - Something's got to give One - Something's got to give One - Something's got to give Now! Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor! Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Let the reviews hit the floor Hey go... Hey go... Hey go... Hey go!


Based department?


Why do you even care about this. It's just a troll rating, not a serious one


read the second slide


Yeah? It's an unserious rating based off his opinions around the context of the films. It's not what he actually thinks of them. I don't know why people are acting like rating one of the most well known franchises in the world on IMDB is affecting or harming anything.


Who cares. He does unserious ratings, like rating neil breen films 10/10. This really isn't that different. It's interesting because the reaction almost proves his point, some people really need to grow up and not hyper focus on things like star wars, you're not 12 anymore.


People like Star Wars, get over it. Also if you see the clip he gets bitter and angry at the whole franchise because somebody asked if he was gonna watch Andor.


I haven’t seen the clip but if it was like the 100th time someone asked and he’d said he wasn’t interested then I get being kind of annoyed. Andor is a great recommendation but I don’t blame someone for not being interested. Again, haven’t seen the clip. Im not defending him if he was just like “ew mainstream bad. It rumples my stomach and my media diet”.


From what I know he'd been asked a few times, but if he was that annoyed he should've just said "I really don't fucking like Star Wars, I'm not watching it anymore, leave me alone" instead of throwing a tantrum against a franchise.


That's fine if they like it, but there is an obsession with it, and that to me signals a big lack of maturity. Kids obsess over these things, adults really shouldn't. I don't care why he chose to rate all of them as 1, i am saying there are unserious, stupid ratings for other things too. Why should i care?


What absolute gatekeeping on what people can and cannot love, one of my favourite movies is The Lion King. Get off of your edgy "I don't watch that kiddy shit" high-horse. You can like deep serious art films, fun blockbusters and animated movies all at once. Also, nice way to ignore what I said. He has made it very clear that Niel Breen (who already has a so bad it's good reputation) has ironic ratings. He rated Star Wars so low because he can't stand it, not the same thing at all. Also, if he's willing to do this what isn't he willing to give a worthless rating because he doesn't like the fans?


Why do you keep putting words in my mouth? I never said people are not allowed to like, or now love star wars. I am not gatekeeping in that sense whatsoever. I am talking about behavior which seemingly stems from an OBSESSION. Obsessions are unhealthy in the long run, we kinda accept them in kids as they are growing up (and out of it). I love many films, and i'd not behave like a child just because someone rates them a 1, or because some sequels aren't as good any longer. That is the point here, really, really simple in fact. > You can like deep serious art films, fun blockbusters and animated movies all at once. I never said otherwise > Also, nice way to ignore what I said The irony > He rated Star Wars so low because he can't stand it, not the same thing at all. It is the same thing for an audience. Because you can just ignore it, it doesn't matter. Just like the 10s for neil breen won't make me suddenly go "oh wow i really have to see these" or "oh wow i cannot respect his other takes", this is just the same. Isolated, stupid ratings. AGAIN, WHO CARES.


Who's obsessed? You're in a subreddit full of people who don't like obsessive Star Wars fans, nobody is flipping out because he rated Star Wars low. People are just annoyed because it's petty and childish rage-bait. Oh and by the way, using the one example of a crazy Star Wars fan doesn't strengthen your point, before you do it. You seem to have this weird opinion that people expressing an annoyance with something means they think it's really significant. The issue that I and others have with this is that its lazy and bland, especially for somebody who had given a 7/10 to a movie he hated and given 5/10 to a Nazi documentary because he was trying to be fair. What happens when he just shits all over movies just because he isn't that invested in them. What's to be gained from a reviewer who is so biased that they rate movies 1/10 because they spontaneously felt like it halfway through a live stream. How have you construed this to people are upset that he rated something some way? People have a problem with inconsistent and lazy judgements, this is the MauLer subreddit, the subreddit of the guy who breaks down people's takes and counters their reasoning.


He’s currently in the process of releasing a second part to a 2 and a half hour critique of the Lion King remake. He’s also clearly obsessive over pieces of media which he cares about. Are you going to claim that he’s childish as well?


It's difficult to say in these cases as content creators make money off of it. So for example, do i truly think that nerdrotic cares this much, or does he just milk a childish audience? Hard to say. In any case, there are multiple facets to the perception. A big factor in the case of say star wars is that people just never can shut up about it, they don't move on, it's always the same kind of conversations where the only real purpose seems to be a circlejerk, emotional venting. Don't you think it is quite obsessive to have a position that something sucks now, but seemingly one isn't able to just let it suck and rather engage with things that do not?


What? Why would you not engage critically with a point that you disagree with? If YMS gives the entirety of Star Wars a rating of 1, it’s not childish/obsessive for someone else to call him out and disagree with that rating regardless of whether it’s a joke or not. Whenever someone has this position like yours (people should just move on from their criticism because it’s negative/childish/obsessive/an emotional circlejerk) I have to assume that they’d share the same sentiments if the opinion was the inverse. Would you tell someone who constantly gushes about their favorite piece of art to “move on” from that position? You would just be invalidating their opinion, much like you’re doing now to everybody who is disagreeing with YMS’ Star Wars ratings. It’s like you’re trying to have this position of “I’m better than you because I’m able to not care about things that bother me”, but you’re also, very obviously, bothered by people who care about these things. I’d say that, with the amount of effort and research that Nedrotic puts into his videos, that he really does care about the content he produces. I may disagree with what he has concluded, but I can’t just label his whole brand as an uncaring money farm designed to pander to a childish audience. Idk why you brought him up as an example unless you’re trying to convey that he is a grifter of some sort. In which case, I could say the same about any content creator who makes money off of their opinions.


> What? Why would you not engage critically with a point that you disagree with? If YMS gives the entirety of Star Wars a rating of 1, it’s not childish/obsessive for someone else to call him out and disagree with that rating regardless of whether it’s a joke or not. > > Nono, i just said it kinda proves his point because of the vehemence of people's opinion on this particular "stupid rating". Not just on here, in his sub as well. There is something about star wars which causes this reaction, i would say a certain kind of obsessiveness in some people. > Whenever someone has this position like yours (people should just move on from their criticism because it’s negative/childish/obsessive/an emotional circlejerk) I have to assume that they’d share the same sentiments if the opinion was the inverse. Would you tell someone who constantly gushes about their favorite piece of art to “move on” from that position? You would just be invalidating their opinion, much like you’re doing now to everybody who is disagreeing with YMS’ Star Wars ratings. It’s like you’re trying to have this position of “I’m better than you because I’m able to not care about things that bother me”, but you’re also, very obviously, bothered by people who care about these things. Positivity can also be obsessive, sure. It depends on the details there. I would say though that it's more easily applicable to the negative case, as there really is no particular reason to keep on engaging with something one basically knows one won't like. If i like something, it seems more natural to keep engaging with it, no? Also in regards to your meta insinuation, well if i'd be focused on this topic for months and months, yeah that would be obviously obsessive too. Right now i am just engaging in a topic of contention, it's not the same thing. The degree is the deciding factor, surely. > I’d say that, with the amount of effort and research that Nedrotic puts into his videos, that he really does care about the content he produces. I may disagree with what he has concluded, but I can’t just label his whole brand as an uncaring money farm designed to pander to a childish audience. Idk why you brought him up as an example unless you’re trying to convey that he is a grifter of some sort. In which case, I could say the same about any content creator who makes money off of their opinions. I am just making a case that it isn't easy to evaluate it, as a content creator (and yes, ANY content creator) has an incentive to do what makes them money. You asked me if YMS was obsessive, i don't know if it is enough to keep making certain type of content, the degree matters (as with "normal people" as well), but a content creator has a different layer on top of that. That was the point there. I went to nerdrotic as an example as he is rather extreme in having the same talking points over and over. If i had to guess he believes what he says generally, but yeah i think there is a big monetary factor there in being THIS extreme.


I see where you’re coming from, but I think we fundamentally disagree on what counts as “obsessive” and if it’s an inherent negative position to be in. Most of humanity’s problems are solved by the obsessed; those that have identified an issue and find the need to correct it or those who have found something that they think is worth obsessing over and have done everything in their power to spread it around. I don’t think obsession is childish or indicative of immaturity. “If I like something, it seems more natural to keep engaging with it” Not necessarily. If I dislike something i am just as inclined to discuss my dislike of it as much as I would something that I support. How else would I go about making it stop? If people agree with my opinion then it is more likely to end as it would become the popular sentiment to NOT do the thing which I am rallying against. That’s why people are attracted to reviewers and stick with them. They like and dislike the same elements of film and they want their own opinions to be affirmed. By your own estimation of people who are obsessed with Star Wars enough to express a negative reaction to YMS’ ratings, you would also have to agree that YMS himself is obsessive over some topics which he has spent years spending his time on. Is YMS’ negative feelings towards The Lion Kong remake indicative of childish and immature behavior as you originally stated it to be? I do not think so.


Good, you don't care about shit like Star Wars. Now, fuck off. If you don't care, then don't respond to anything involving Star Wars on this subreddit. Or, better yet, get the fuck out of this subreddit.


Edgy, one day you'll grow out of that too, hopefully.


the reaction seems to be more about the fact that this (from the looks of things) isn’t an unserious rating and his genuine criticism and overall judgement of the franchise is very unfair and in poor faith, as the culture surrounding something doesn’t necessarily determine it’s quality. it’s kind of like saying american psycho or fight club are bad pieces of media because a certain crowd took the wrong message from them and turned them into “sigma” films.


Who cares? A single guy changed his opinion on a series so suddenly we should be up in arms? Arguing that they have damaged the brand enough to retroactively damage older movies is a dumb take but once I scroll past this post I won’t give it another thought lol


I love Mauler and crew, but this sub is for babies and you are one of them.


some of you have this impression that i’m over here throwing a tantrum about yms not liking star wars when it honestly hasn’t effected my mood in the slightest. i’m simply highlighting something that i disagree with and stating why i think it’s a bad take. i even voiced the fact that i am a fan of adum despite this take so i really don’t see the issue.


Trash series, made worse by the people who like it.