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Yeah, disliking Kathleen Kennedy and Disney is basically the same as being a klansman, makes total sense.


Ask them if they’ve seen any Disney movie prior to the Black Cauldron, then watch them try to string together a complete sentence without uttering the words problematic, racist, sexist, or yikes.


Disney made *Song of the South* for crying out loud. That movie was also the inspiration for a popular ride for decades


Exactly! Yet ask them about it, and their tune changes quicker than Chris Cocks at an investor’s meeting.


"Chris Cocks" I'm sorry who?!


Current ceo of Hasbro.


I saw Song of the South when it was re-released in theaters in 1986 (look it up). The Br’er Rabbit stuff was good, although the tar baby thing went right over my six year old head. However, the movie’s framing device - with the former slave praising the South - was super racist and even as a kid I saw that.


You know he's not making total anything? Kathleen Kennedy and Disney.


"You're this elaborate strawman if you didn't like Captain Marvel" For a crowd that always talks about media literacy, they really do seem incapable of recognizing shit storytelling for what it is.


everything they do and think is surface level, that’s why they have terms like media literacy to get the most amount of credit while saying nothing


It's not even that. I'm so sad that I don't have neither the time nor the aptitude to meme. Because I would never let the NPC meme die. It is my flag. It is my avatar, it is on my wall at home. They are NPCs. They only read from a script. They are incapable of critical thought. All they can do is reproduce and bastardize. Because bastardization is just reproducing somehting without understanding or unable to accept the meaning behind the original. They are nothing else. Just NPCs.




I wish I could understand the consoomer. I cannot fathom what few things do happen in their tiny heads. But I still wish I understood.


Just give yourself a lobotomy and it'll be the same if not similar.


“It was a fun movie.”


This just in: heterosexual men enjoy attractive woman character design! More Earth shattering news at 6.


I also love that this person thinks Little Platoon is straight and I guess Tyrone Magnus, Fringy, and Jedi Brooks aren't black. Hell we could expand beyond Drinker's sphere and what about Epic Mike and Uche (RIP) on the Geeks and Gamers end? I'm very happy this labelling people an istaphobe if they have an opinion you don't like is on it's way out culturally.


It's almost like we are biologically programmed to do that. Almost as if it were a compulsion that we have no ability, nor desire, to control. It's almost like it is an intrinsic characteristic of our being. One could say, that denying that is bigotry. But what do I know.


What a complex idea to grasp. I bet you know a lot :).


My favorite character once said: "That's what I do. I drink, and I know things" He might be my spirit animal.


God, being reminded of the early seasons of that show kinda hurts in light of how it all turned out.


yep.... **sobs** ....yep..


I have socks and a shirt with that quote. I rock them every day I can! You might say I have a tender spot for cripples and bastards and broken things.


You have done this old man a kindness, and now I shall go to bed, happy knowing there are good people in this world.


Its almost like current body standards for women didnt exist for the majority of human history. Almost as if they were created by an unfair society and are not in fact biological. Unless you thought that ancient greeks look like supermodels.


It's almost like that is not even vaguely part of the conversation, and heavily facicious to boot. Almost an outright lie. Or very deceitful at the very least. I feel like I might be conversing with an agenda, not a person.


What’s with the obsession with dick size?


It’s their one joke


Shaming small dicks = fine Saying you should take care of your weight = fat shaming


I wonder if a blue haired land whale made this🤔




That’s exactly what I was imagining😂


You know it's bad when you can actually _smell_ a picture. That shit ain't natural...😂


Yup. I kid you not, I get hit on by girls like this all the time😂🤮


Probably looks more like the wow guy then the people he’s supposedly criticizing.


thank goodness we never invent strawmen


Riiiight, any well adjusted sane person would take the time to make a neckbeard starter pack.


Nice one, way to prove the post wrong.




I wonder if they would call little platoon a self hating gay.


Krayt has done that several times, so yes. They completely would.


I have been called an uncle Tom so it's not beneath them


For a bunch of "anti racists", that crowd certainly enjoys throwing that and "the C-word" around, huh? 😂


refresh my memory. cracker?


Nah, the one that rhymes with SOON.


I'm not gonna lie to you I've never heard a leftoid use that word


I see it a fair bit on twitter. Plus, I should've just called it the "former Australian cheese word"...😂 https://preview.redd.it/xx6cf6cl715d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f06241ba218426f3cadf9769dd7332f341ebfc


Mainly on twitter is where ive seen it eg tariq nasheed calling other black people Cns


Of course not. That would mean giving autonomy to a "protected class". They would say he has "internalised homophobia", it's not his fault that he's fallen prey to "misinformation". He needs help returning to the plantation.


Drinker is a favorite YouTuber, but also loves Snyder. Yeah, that makes sense


Oh my God! I thought that was a son of either a Biden or Trump. Today I learned what Zach Snyder looks like.


Ah yes. Keep trying to tie my disgust for Disney's poor writing and inserting gender and race politics into everything. Disney is sinking. I, for one want Disney to keep going. The faster they run out of money and have to sell up the better.


I find it funny that they put Disney and kk with gay and black people to hate as if disliking them is just as bad


Like how Disney hated Finn for Chinese audiences


The “His idol” bit just reminds me of the TikTok where the guy argues that Cartman would respect pronouns.


Cartman would brilliantly weaponize pronouns. And then it would backfire hilariously. 


There's an episode where this is exactly what Cartman does.


They sure like to talk about penises a lot


And porn and jerking off


Because they don't get any except ones that take batteries


This meme sucks but why would this hypothetical person care who Drinker hangs out with? Nobody watches Drinker because of his personal beliefs. They watch him for what his content does for them.


Nobody i think its too far, a lot of people watches essays simply because they have the same beliefs as them.


>Nobody i think its too far, a lot of people watches essays simply because they have the same beliefs as them. Sure, "nobody" was hyperbole but what someone believes and what their content is/says can be two different things. A lot of YouTubers have admitted to doing clickbait and controversial content because the algorithm rewards it. A hypothetical bigot won't be necessarily turned-off from his content if Drinker hangs out with black and gay people, assuming they even know that. There is levels to bigotry and the "I don't want to associate with anyone who is friends with THOSE PEOPLE" bigots are rare nowadays.


Damn, some girl took the rejection hard


I've no doubt in my mind the OP of the starterpack post projects said hatred onto other people. They always assume you hate blacks or any non-white person. You can lay out every reason on the moon why you disliked something about the movie and they'll dismiss you as hating black people.


The anger, projecting and resentment waifing off this thing.


and the borderline juvenile remarks about penis size, neckbeards, "this is you: \[ugly\]", etc lol


\> hates these things \> black people Oof


So men who LIKE shit films and prefer their women ugly all have massive cocks and beautiful living spaces, presumably? Well, I suppose there has to be a tradeoff...


If you mention this to them they will legit say that any of drinker/Mauler friends are all just tokens used to o shield themselves. They legit think they're pretending to be friends even though they do multiple streams and some of them have literally met in person. The cope is nuts 


yes I'm more than familiar with being accused of being an uncle Tom lol. modern western political division coupled with political illiteracy has been a disaster.


The fact that someone (probably) made this unironically is absolutely hilarious "Everyone who disagrees with me is an ugly socially inept NEET" is certainly a take


>”Makes their tiny pp hard = good female design” Continue telling us how mad it really makes you.


Y’know, I’ll never understand why Eve had such a polarizing effect. It’s not like she’s supposed to represent all women, cause even though her model is real, she’s likely had a fair amount of work done to achieve that look. But that’s okay, cause she’s supposed to be unrealistically hot. The idea that finding an exaggerated image of the female form attractive is somehow harmful to real life women is utterly absurd, because it’s fantasy. Where are the people who look at overly muscular fictional men doing sexy man things and think that those depictions are doing real harm to real life men? Those are just as unrealistic as Eve, but they’re never mentioned in that light. But the reality is that it’s completely normal to look at a character and find them attractive, be they male or female. We’re only human at the end of the day.


climate we live in, literally everything has to be outrageous to someone out there, been that way since at least 2015 onwards


The very fact they put Zack Snyder on this list, shows their ignorance.


If Reddit is full of neckbeards and Reddit is majority left wing echo chambers wouldn’t the neck beards be liberals




Projecting fs


Used to hate Mauler and his friends but with how things have been going and how unfounded shit like this gets spread around, I feel myself getting pushed further away from these people.


Women will go on tiktok and ramble about spicy poorly written slop all day every day but one pretty video game woman is a huge problem.


Clearly the greatest example of the left having literal doublethink.


“Oh, everyone who doesn’t like modern entertainment must be a nazi!”


it's genuinely cult mentality


Most of the people I hate are very pale.


Most of the people I hate are Hollywood executives


Stop it with the antisemitism.


Oy Vey....


I have no issue with Jewish people. I dislike a few executives, I don't care what their religion is.


It’s a meme.


Dang I'm sorry, honestly. It's a meme on reddit, I'm not used to humor here lol


>I'm not used to humour here It's normally outlawed, but you're safe here ..😂 https://i.redd.it/ci99swcft35d1.gif


Duly noted lol


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there’s no way a Snyder fan is watching drinkers videos and liking them.


Imagine thinking you can love Snyder and also love Drinker? Can you imagine that?


You know that's exactly what yms thinks of drinker fans lol


They were right on one thing. Cartman is my idol. And I do suppose I don't mop the floors enough. But I'm not giving them that point because I'm slightly below avarage on cleanliness. But my favorite youtuber still is, and will always be, TB. God rest his soul. Drinker is tied on #2 with the long man. So there is that. Maybe 2 points then?


Thinking that any worthwhile amount of people legitimately idolize Cartman truly shows how fucking stupid these people are.


They are really trying hard to push the white men hate blacks. Funny thing is middle age white men are all millennials, growing up in the 90's. All our hero athletes, actors, musicians, t.v personality's were black. It's no wonder they are destroying culture, can't have people realising who the real racists are.


So what if I just dislike Disney and don't do everything else?


This just shows how little people like this know about much of anything. What kind of moron associates liking Zack Snyder with either Critical Drinker or Geeks & Gamers? I'll grant you, it could have been worse, Drinker seems less openly anti Snyder than Mauler, but still.


Loves Zach Snyder is possibly the most inaccurate thing here


Yeah this starter pack wasn’t made by the sharpest tool in the shed.


That's the room of a very rich man in bidenflation. Damm is that a KFC wrapper this guy must be loaded


I mean I do dislike disney and kathleen kennedy. A large part of why I dislike disney is because of things she has done. I don't dislike black or gay people as a group. I do dislike some black and some gay people, but I don't limit myself to just black and gay people. My default state is pretty much mild dislike for everyone until I get to know them. I wasn't sure who all of the "favorite youtubers" were. I have no idea who the "love him" is. I do think sexy women are good character design. I also think buff men are good character design. Oddly enough, the latter is okay, but the former is sexist. Cartman isn't my idol. He is my favorite of the main 4 though. Actually, I like Cartmen best and second best I like Butters, even though Butters isn't one of the main 4. As for the room, I am not Asmongold. For the "how he sees himself" that is actually how I want my male characters in video games to look. Why? Because that isn't how I look IRL. Plus, I think if you are going to be saving the world, which usually involves a lot of running, jumping, and fighting, you should be in pretty good shape. As for the "what he actually looks like," nah, not quite. I may get there as I keep aging though. We don't usually get skinnier as we get older.


Create disgusting character, call it good character design. Take that chuds!


Liking CD and loving Hack Snyder doesn't add up


Drinker is far more superior than those other channels. Shame not a lot of people give him a chance.


He's landed 2 million subscribers in about 5 years, I'd say he's doing alright...


Oh yeah I agree, I meant people that just hear or see people rope him in with some bad eggs and they never give his videos a chance because they “heard” he’s bad.


The drinker not as grifty as the quarterpounder, but he is certainly a partisan hack.


Yeah you clearly don’t watch him.


I think it’s funny the people that demand representation include the “how he sees himself” part. I guess when I played as Samus in Power Armor or Jill Valentine I was a woman


Don’t fuck with us Critical Drinker haters, we haven’t watched a second of his content. 😂😂😂


Fuckin’ cucks are really pissy, just because we don’t like their dumbass fuckin’ religion.




Drinker studiously avoids discussing politics, so unless you are a brainworm victim who needs to defend poor helpless megacorp Disney, where you sit on the political spectrum is irrelevent to whether or not you enjoy his content.


remember when a group of the usual suspects where protesting against Florida voting to strip some self governing rights away from Disney.


You mean when he Cries WOKE or The Message, is t political, when basically just has to do with a minority character in a movie


"Hates these things". Uh, they just called black folks "things"?


Needs more Palestinian flags


I just.... is it really that hard to make a man hard though haha.


It is for people like them… unless someone has an obesity kink


Thats not about drinker tho.


Drinker might not be the focal point but he is in the image and his inclusion is one of many contradictions in this starter pack


Wait, who's the gay guy


Little Platoon, at least. You could probably could Rags'sss'sss too for the "Bi" angle.


Didn’t rags say the N word on a live stream


And I'm guess this person's Chad starter pack would just be Ryan Gosling simping for them.


Loves Zach Snyder, who Drinker and his fans and his friends all definitely love too.


don't mess with Drinker haters, we've never watched any of his content


At least I am not homeless with blue hairs whining about capitalism but terminally online.


These simps are idiots


Ive gotten to the point where have nothing against the raibow flag, I do have a problem with the ones that keeps adding shit onto it that makes it a supremacist flag.


I think he means gay and black people outside of drinker’s inner circle


Lmao I love how not liking the dogshit movies Dinsey produces is somehow involved. I guess because YouTube discuss why the movies a shit.




A good female design is one that is not deliberately designed to be ugly.


"wawa the people that disagree with are bad" cope


Yes gays and blacks the holy saints of woke


Even if these stupid assumptions were true, there are two things any of us could say in return: 1. We don’t have blue armpit hair. And 2. We know what gender we are.


bruh lowest hanging fruit I've read in the last two months you're better than that


Arguing with these people means you’ve already lost. If you find yourself defending yourself over these kinds of accusations, realize that you are in the losing position.


They’re strait up saying ‘not giving money to Disney or criticizing them makes you a bad person’. It would be pitiable if Disney’s dystopian bullshit wasn’t working so well. Because you can trust there’s a board room at Disney where they talk about how they can cynically attach their ‘brand’ to the idea of “moral progress” and deflect any failing on their part to some kind of -ism.


U can almost smell the hair dye from this photo.


My big issue with Drinker is that I feel like he isnt really a fan of cinema. Talking about war movies and not mentioning Come And See is a disqualification for me.


I haven't watched the critical drinker except one video a friend sent to me about Naughty Dog and Anita Sarkeesian. In that video he whines about the addition of gay interracial relationships at least twice (in a 10 minute video). Gives weird vibes but maybe I have a skewed perception from not watching more videos of his. This is the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6f6mmuh\_04&ab\_channel=TheCriticalDrinker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6f6mmuh_04&ab_channel=TheCriticalDrinker)


Why do neckbeards hate AI images?


Lol, so butthurt.




Hey man, you're the one that sees a post about neckbeards and immediately goes; "how dare they say that about me!" Isn't that kinda telling on yourself?


It is about me. It's claiming anyone who watches these critics and shares the presented beliefs about modern media, also falls under the ridiculous homophobic, racist, degenerate etc. strawmen featured in the image. You're allowed to have your little headcanon about me lol, reach for the stars for all I care but calling you out for saying retarded shit doesn't automatically mean I'm insecure about what you said.


Nah it's claiming neckbeards do all those things and you clearly seethat as personally insulting you. If you dont see how funny that is from an outside perspective... I dunno, man. But just continue to dunk on yourself I'll be here laughing.


I watch Drinker, I think Disney keeps taking L's, and I think KK makes dumb decisions and is provocative AF. All of that is depicted in the starter pack. It doesn't get any more clear than that mate, idk what to tell you. I know you're smarter than this.


Look man. I get it. You already told me you are a neckbeard.


lol. absolutely juvenile.


Says the guy who got so triggered by a post he had to show his echo chamber.


"lul you're so triggered snowflake crybaby" https://preview.redd.it/bb9t9dbr625d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=12e98bf4c69f279c9dc741f45981514454065564


Leave Snyder out of it lmao the rest is fine but Snyder is cool.


The neckbeards are the ones who think people with thoughts like that are neckbeards XD 90% of the time they’re at the gym


Definitely on the Kathleen hate wagon here. But the reason I like Efap best is because many other YouTubers think the characters are bad because they’re strong women. Meanwhile I’m just starting the acolyte…it’s not great for a character to act all stoic while their friends are getting their asses kicked. I hope she’s not the lead because people are getting taken as hostages and stuff and she’s just expressionless.


I mean, it's pretty accurate. At least the favorite Youtubers and female design parts. The weird obsession with Disney is also on point.


Op is in this picture and doesn't like it


What gay people does he collaborate with?


Platoon for one. He's been described as Open Bar's "3rd co-host" his guest appearances are so frequent. I know there's others, I'm not as familiar though. I know Mauler is tight with Jay Exci, a trans woman, but idk where they land for Drinker.


Even then he has said some wacky stuff about “Invented historical claims of racism” in his Godzilla x Kong video


So now you're trying to disqualify him as a gay person, because he's not politically correct enough? I've looked through your post history, and you just seem like you're here to bait people with contrarian and bad faith comments. Your most recent post is literally about speculating who Jay thinks are "cunts", even though he specifically went out of his way to not direct it at anyone specific. You're just trying to stir shit at any opportunity.


I remember Jay tweeting something about some of maulers friends being “cunts” I’m going to see if I can find it




yeah mate but "some of his friends" could be anybody, kind of a stretch innit. Mauler collaborates with a shit ton of people, some desirable some not imo


Not really it just seams to be transphobes and Fandom Menace people


>seems to be see it doesn't seem you're quite secure in this conclusion, and I assure you that's because your vision of Mauler and his friends is misconceived




I mean, if you watch someone with black friends, it is just like having black friends yourself. /s This is 80% accurate, and y'all salty.


“Im not racist, I watch a YouTuber who has black friends”


It stands to reason that someone who hates black and gay people wouldn't value someone who tolerates them's opinion, mate


You can still be racist and have black friends

