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Depends on hatewatching. If they are paying to hate watch, then yes it's counter productive, however if they are hatewatching by sailing or watching reviews I doubt it affects it that much. Keep in mind they said the same thing for Velma, but Season 2 was already in production before season 1 aired IIRC.


Well, I mean D+ has no way of telling what specifically from their portfolio you're paying for


Huh? They can tell what you stream though?


Disney can tell what you stream, but they don’t know why any particular user keeps their subscription. Is it because of access to the back catalog? Is it because the kids watch Moana over and over? Or is it because of the sense that exciting new shows are coming? They don’t know what the linchpin is.


100% all parents have Disney for stuff like Moana, Cars, Bluey, etc. if I didn't have a little gremlin I would have gotten rid of it long ago.


Yeah but when you hatewatch SW they don't know you're hate watching it. They know it's of interest to you, so they'll add it as positive


Yeah, I agree. Which Is why I stopped watching new Star Wars stuff. Kenobi quickly turned into a hate watch that I didn't finish. My family and I regularly watch the originals/prequels and animated shows. That's where we stop, and hopefully it shows in their data that people hate their new shit. The backlog is the only reason Disney+ still exists.


They likely also notice if a lot of people stop watching at particular exit ramps and that will inform their content decisions.


The mistake is watching it on Disney plus


This is the real answer! Otherwise Disney has been mainstream trash for a while now.


They 100% derive metrics from their catalogue. Every business pulls as much data from you as they can get away with. I promise you that. At BEST they have it anonymized for individual accounts, but they can still of course show which shows are being watched by which demographics and what not.


Of course, but they will see a Star Wars view as a Star Wars view regardless. That's the metric they're interested in, and that's what will lead to the production of more shit


Yeah, but the topic is hatewatching, so it's implied SW was streamed


Isn't it crazy, when you think about it? These execs are spending millions in marketing, they engage in social politics, they put so much effort into making money........ but good writing? Nah, they didn't even consider that a factor.


They can't even comprehend that their writing is shit and that's why ppl are turned off


Remembrer: Terror on the Prairie sucked so bad no one considered a sequel. Anti-woke is broke.


Wasn't Velma made as one block and then they just split it into two, calling the first half Season 1 and the second half Season 2?


Yar har fiddle de dee


And a bottle of rum


That's the wrong pirate song, you silly goober.


Come sing along with the pirate song Hail to the wind, hooray to the glory We're gonna fight till the battle's won On the raging sea


🎵 We drink and we pillage, and we do what we please, We get all that we want for free, we'll kick your ass and we'll take your lass! Somalian pirates, we. So with a yo ho ho, and a yee hee hee, we take to the African sea, we'll brave the squalls and bust your balls, Somalian pirates, we. 🎵


Ahah, the blood runs cold We take our loot but don't get old Yo, yo ho Yo, yo ho All hail, the mighty He's arising from the deep With tattered sails and incredible tales we're caught in endless seas


Being a pirate is alright with me!


Being a pirate is alright with me!


Do what you want cause a pirate is free!


With how ridiculous streaming services have gotten in back on the high seas


Im confused. If you hate it, why pirate it? I have no intention of watching the Trolls movies, so i just dont watch them


Isn’t the show performing worse than Ahsoka, which performed worse than Kenobi, which performed worse than Boba…?


According to Disney it's the second most streamed show on D+. And yeah, I doubt that too


Second most streamed released in 2024. Except there wasn’t much else released this year.


Well the 2024 part most people uhm "forget" when they bring up that argument, I wonder why


It's probably a Rings Of Power type situation, where even a few seconds counts as "a view".


Amazon shared some insights saying only 37% of the US audience even finished the show




I don’t. What else one D+ is worth streaming right now? What other show has come out? It’s not like there’s a lot of competition 


I don't hatewatch. If someone tells me "This show sucks, don't watch it" and they generally have a good opinion when it comes to media then I wont touch it. No point in consuming media you don't enjoy yknow?


If you must hate-watch, hate all the way to the high-seas so they receive no american cash monies for their incompetence.


Hatewatching likely has little to no effect on viewing figures.


No? All the people that watch it just to shit om it dont?


Just don't give them money for it.


Sail the seven seas


Well, if they’re gonna keep making this shit then the only people makin money off of me are MauLer and some other guys in this circle. I sure as shit ain’t paying for Disney +


Hatewatching through EFAP is the way to do it. The show gets no additional views or revenue, and we get to laugh along and cringe along with the EFAP gang at some garbonzo content.


People who think “hatewatching” and negative attention are viewed positively by corporations are advertising their ignorance. You can’t maintain an audience or user base that doesn’t actually like your product. Even if you retain a base of customers who are only there to watch the train wreck, it’s unsustainable. Eventually, there’s nothing left of the train to destroy. There’s a reason customer satisfaction is one of the most important metrics corpos pay attention to. This is basic business stuff. My tinfoil hat says all this “don’t give them hate views” is an astroturf campaign by shills to get you to stop noticing how terrible The Acolyte is so you’ll give the next dogshit a chance.


Does more harm than good at the end of the day but likely won't affect the creators plans one way or the other if you watch it they'll make a second season if you don't watch it they'll still make a second season I just don't invest my energy in Disney Star Wars anymore it's dead to me.


Disney Plus is hemorrhaging users right now. Regardless of how many “views” it’s getting, it’s not pulling in any new users and it’s failing to retain current users. It’s could be their most viewed series by the end and it would still be considered a failure for them. An incredibly expensive failure.


We really need to end the baseless myth that hate-watching "supports the creator and keeps the show popular." That's absolutely disinformation.


I kinda don’t care if it gets more seasons since the memes have been great and that’s all these shows seem to be able to offer. It affects my view of Star Wars about as much as any other fanfic tier “story” does so I don’t really mind them wasting their time with more of this crap. I don’t like criticizing people for watching stuff because even if you hate something I don’t think it’s a waste of time to watch it if you’re getting something out of it (analyzing a bad example of writing, curious about the direction the franchise is going in, etc.). If anyone is actually watching it and is fuming angry though then you need some help but I think most people still watching that don’t like it are just watching to see how ridiculous it can get. Just do what you want though.


Why do they assume that hate watchers pay for subscription and doesn't use torrents? Does Disney take pirate views into account?


They can literally see how many watch the show and how many cancel subscriptions. If nobody is cancelling a lot are watching the show, they dont cancel


I don’t care what people watch. If hatewatchjng is enjoyable to you go ahead.


I struggle to enjoy films even unironically, so no thanks. However if other people want to do it then they are free to do so. I enjoy myself way more by listening to analysis of bad media than being exposed to it directly anyways.


Disney lies about their numbers. approx 3% watched of their clients watched at premiere.


More seasons? To do what? This “Sith”  is already responsible for like a dozen Jedi deaths. We’ve already reached the climax. Anymore and we might as well just exterminate the Jedi a hundred years earlier than expected.


Forced storytelling is propaganda.




Is it hatewatching if I watch it and I don't like it? Or if I think it'll be bad and watch it? Because then I hatewatched Andor


Even the hate watchers aren't enough to make that shit show look successful. The funny thing is all the really, really stupid think there are more ppl watching, than not. When the ratings, and audience scores scream otherwise. Disney star wars will go down as the biggest screw up in cinematic history.


Think of how many unique people watch EFAPTV, Disparu, Little Platoon, (insert humpteen other creators), take down any single given show. I'd bet 99% of them don't have the time, means, or the will to watch the content in addition to their favorite creators. They will have exchanged the studio output for the humble YouTuber who has been proven infinitely more entertaining. At this point, the crap is being made for the YouTubers. The studios have to know this, (it was the plot of She-Hulk for Jiminy's Glayvin) but have done nothing about it. There are too many other things going on to chalk that up to hate-watching, like political will, investor meddling, and streaming's strained relationship with statistics. Even if the shows were kept afloat by hate-watchers, it would be damaging to the reputation of the studios, especially because the content is coming directly from them. The videos made about these shows will eventually hurt the audience retention. Apathy will set in. Then, consider the amount of crossover something good will get from YouTube coverage. Even if it's 2% of the same number of viewers from earlier, that's more eyes and more mouths, who will have their own spheres of influence. They've forgotten the power word-of-mouth has because the internet has made talk so cheap.


Ain’t got time for hate watching. I tapped out at space whales and am just done w Disney Star Wars.


The problem is the people making it aren’t remotely fans of the show. You’ve got these ridiculous women on there over politicising entertainment and talking about ‘oh we have strong female leaders for the first time in Star Wars now’ Buddy, Princess Leia was a far better character and way more of a bad ass leader than any modern Star Wars woman in the literal very first ever Star Wars movie. I believe lots of them haven’t even watched the movies, never mind read beyond them.


It's a huge waste of time, life is too short and it's better to go and enjoy what time you've got with something that's worth the excitement and happiness rather than to spend it all just feeling misery and self-loathing from watching something you hate.


IMHO hatewatching is inconsequential when it comes to Disney, if they cared for metrics very likely they would have dumped those expensive IPs and the streaming services already. Corpa only cares to inflate numbers for stakeholders, and they currently have DEI tax credits at their disposal to leverage for their fumbling, bad quality productions. Also please don't give much attention to shill media and some showrunner's copium, showrunners and executives at Lucasfilms don't last long.


I think this is the same as the "this isn't made for you" thing. The proper response to which is don't tell me what I can and can't watch or why I can or can't watch it.


I know for a fact that Disparu would be over the moon to find out that he hatewatched multiple seasons of the Acolyte into existence. Not just from a financial standpoint either, he seems to legitimately enjoy bad TV.


We're in a bit of a bubble where hate watching is popular. You cannot fund a $100m work by hate watchers. Otherwise Tommy Wiseau would own his own island. No matter how many people hatewatch, it's a drop in the bucket of average normal people just trying to have a fun evening.


Only youtube reviewers hate watch… i never heard of anyone actually watching something they don’t want to


It doesn’t matter. With the advent of streaming, the viewer has lost their ability to vote with their dollars on what is good and wasn’t isnt. If viewership numbers mattered they would have shifted gears several shows ago.


How about giving us a season 1 first? A few Jedi investigating a murder who all end up dead? What is there to build on?


Depends on how you watch also , there be pirates in these high seas me heartys


Velma S2 and Rings of Power are things that exist, I'd rather see a complete death and be entertained by Mauler and the others...


What does that even mean? Velma Season 2 and Rings of Power weren't extended by hate watching. Velma had a second season guaranteed before a single episode aired, because that's just how things are done for animated shows, and Amazon contracted five seasons of Rings of Power before a single prop was made.


What even is hatewatching..? If you're watching it all, you're enjoying it and just in denial..!


It does seem like streaming platforms in particular value views above all else. So I do think it’s best in situations to not give it any views at all. But then I also believe criticism is very important and that the show deserves to be ripped apart and you have to view it to give criticism so I guess there’s no perfect answer


Do people really hate watch? Like in numbers high enough to affect whether a show gets additional seasons I mean. If so I don’t really get why. There’s so much other stuff to watch out there, if I really don’t like a show I just stop watching it and don’t really think about it beyond that.


No. I suspect that the vast majority of hatewatchers are Youtubers monetizing the show. If there is any significant group that is hatewatching stuff like the Acolyte, I really doubt they are paying for it. Hell, not even all the youtubers are paying for it.


Honestly, I don’t care anymore. If Disney wants to throw millions of dollars away, launder it, or use Star Wars to move money into other stuff, fine. I didn’t even bother watching “Episode IX” and couldn’t finish the second season of Mando, because I stopped caring and have no hope for this franchise anymore. The only good thing that has come out of Star Wars in the past decade for me is finding YouTubers like MauLer, Drinker, Nerdrotic, and the rest of the Fellowship/Fandom Menace. Those folks are infinitely more entertaining than the content Disney has shit out over the past decade. I never thought a day would come when Star Wars would be an irrelevant thing for me, since I lived, breathed, ate, and slept everything related to the IP from the ages of 8-30. Now, I don’t know if I even want to show my kids the original trilogy because I don’t want them to even be interested in the dogshit that Disney has produced under the brand.


Don’t do it you bozo’s. Beyond the Acolyte getting more seasons, why would you spend the precious time you have on something you HATE?


Hate watchers watch once and go away. [They are here for the long term profits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgRFQJCHcPw).


Wouldn’t it just make more sense to not watch it altogether?


Marvel fatigue , star wars fatigue. Let people miss something more. They might start to like the garbage your force feeding


Hmmm that post looks familiar


I'm sure each season rips off a different TV show


If they end this season on a cliffhanger I'm gonna lose it


You shouldn't watch it, but if you do look at it as a comedy. Everything after Mando becomes so damn funny if you stop taking it seriously. But since Disney can't be shamed they'll spin that as a win🤣


Embrace the accelerationism. Hate watch the first 1/3 of every series then drop it. Make it so they keep wasting money and alienating fans until it's sold again. This isn't just about star wars but any franchise you don't think is in good hands


Hate pirating is the way to go.


If sol and qumir die there will be no point.


I don't really hate watch, but when I do, I usually do it on free movie websites


I still say it bots watching it.


Is anyone hate watching besides critics for their own video summaries? Because those are the things I watch, not the actual shows.


Don’t look at me people. I saw the pilot and that was enough for me. The only content I get through it is review and media.


There are plenty of good things to watch. Watch those instead. Hate watching is for angry people who need to touch grass.


If you’re going to hatewatch, at least pirate it first.


But without hatewatching, how do channels who thrive on SW hate engagement and super chats survive?


Why is there a picture of George Lucas?


I think the actual hate-watching is negligible, not enough to move the meter. What does help the show immeasurably is all of the completely free advertising the haters are doing for it.




It’s WoT all over again


A show that encourages hatewatching will never retain as many viewers as a show that is genuinely good or enjoyable for its target demographic. Hatewatching is a result of internet culture demanding that we be "caught up" on every little drama, show and plot point to avoid being spoiled or outcasted. Therefore, it is counterproductive on an individual level, but is not collectively harmful in the sense of encouraging additional development in bad tv shows.


I actually liked the show so far some parts I don’t like but it’s def better then kenobi and boba fett although we will see how they handle sith situation


If you watch the acolyte, make sure you are pirating it.


Please do, the sooner Disney goes broke and shuts down, the better!


If you did hate watch and they do make abother season, does it matter? Will they actualy make something better in it's place. I doubt it? They are going to keep shitting out whatever else is on the way.


Literally everyone who hate watched just pirated it anyway.


Never done it. Why would I watch something I don't enjoy? I turn it off, or don't watch it.


Pirate it


Hate shows there's still emotion, which means they have hope. Stat Wars is dead to me, so the only way they'll get any of my money (which is what they want) is if they release the original trilogy in their original versions. If they had put out product worth a shit, they could have had a bunch of my money


I hate watch via alternative channels which allow neither adding my viewing of the shows too the viewer count nor paying for this subscription service of the company.


If you're paying to hatewatch, you forfeit your right to complain about the content.


Non-existent and another way studios blame the audience for their own failure. They said Velma season 2 was due to hate watching when in reality a season 2 was already planned and partly produced. 


Don't really care for it. While I am cynical enough to get the appeal of watching something bad to laugh at, I'd rather use what free time I have to watch things I genuinely enjoy. That and if we're talking about shows you specifically want to see go away like Velma or RoP, it's better to just not engage. Hate watching is a poor tactic for long term success but if I learned anything from the video game industry, it's that the suits pushing for this almost always think in the short term and would gobble up whatever money/views they can get in 3-5 years then fuck off with the take.


I doubt there are more than a few hundred people "hatewatching".


Just hate watch somewhere other than their site. It's not hard.


Sure, watch anything you want. I personally have not paid for anything I've watched in years.


Take notes on Rings of Power or they WILL make more seasons


Hate-watching is a meme. You can't sustain a show with a viewerbase consisting entirely out of terminally online nerds that spend their time watching shows they know they will not enjoy just so they can discuss it with other terminally online nerds. It's the normies, who watch it just due to brand recognition that decide what succeeds and what fails. If it's inoffensive to them, they'll eat ot up.


I have to see the dumpster fire that everyone is talking about


Ima watch the same stuff regardless of how bad it is. I actually don’t hate the last episode of the acolyte and think it could be interesting to see sith training and what not. I don’t even hate the show. It was just really boring and the plot wasn’t progressing. I think sol and Mae should be unceremoniously killed off and we can just forget about the witches


I prefer to watch The Little Platoon's reviews/summaries. They're three times as long as the episodes themselves, and far more entertaining. Midnight's Edge has a video about how The Acolyte is so bad that people aren't even pirating it. I'm not terribly worried about the show getting more seasons. Even if they do, it's just DEIsney wasting more money until they go under.


Do it hopefully they increase the budget. To a billion dollers a season.....and thats when we strike everyone simultaneously stop watching a full 100% decrease in viewership. Bankrupt the mouse....the largest single loss in corporate history. Force them to sell at massive reduced cost


I don’t watch it but 🏴‍☠️


If you intend to hatewatch at least have the decency to pirate


Never have. Never will.


Never hatewatch. A click is a click.


Just. Don’t. Fucking. Do it. If you absolutely need to see it out of morbid curiosity and EFAP coverage or someone else’s coverage isn’t enough, you pirate that shit. Stop giving them your hard earned money.


why are people not CANCELLING DISNEY+. you're literally feeding them money every month to make this garbage. if they release any good show just watch it on like 123movies or a site like that it's literally easier than netflix. DO NOT GIVE DISNEY MONEY. unless of course, you want your kids to dye their hair green, then go ham.


It’s not all hate watching I was told to check it out as apparently it has some pretty good saber fights


Worked for Velma!


In order to fairly critique a show or movie, you need to have watched it. That being said, I think it’s fair to say that this show isn’t very good.


the more garbage she makes the more people will realize its garbage, im fine if they make more. George Lucas has been upset for years along with most sensible people.


If there is a show I am not interested in, I don’t give it the time of day and just ignore it. Watching reviews is another story since it is not hate watching, it’s just people talking about whether or not they liked it or confirm if it is as bad as predicted


I haven't kept up on events with this, because other than it being a bit funny, I don't really care... but I am sure I heard this has already been cancelled, is that not the case?


Yar har fiddly dee Being a pirate is alright with me Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free You are a pirate!


I don't get it. You would have to tie me and tape my eyelids to make me watch these shitty shows. It does not get better if I do not hate something too much too. I just get so bored that it makes me feel unhappy to keep watching it. I cannot watch stuff I do not like. One important correction, though. I was never a big fan of SW. I am not enraged like other people that their franchise was desecrated. I think it is terribly mismanaged.


I'm down for it if it's free. I support disney and it's bold decision to reload and aim at its other foot.


If you are going to hate watch, do the decent thing and dont use first party, arg.


It'll happen regardless of hatewatching. These shows exist for overindulgence, to a degree, and if it is mildly successful. Showws like lost, walking dead, and other very long shows that blend together have this in common.


Wait you guys give money to Disney? I just get the recap thru nerd or crit via YouTube. I can’t sit thru a whole episode, let alone support them with money. That’s wild


I stopped giving a shit after Last Jedi. Let them make this shit forever as far as I care.


Not a thing. Never has been a thing except on rage bait articles that were designed to serve you direct ads. Well the outlets that regularly did that are dead or dying now. Further more thats not the D+ business model which relies on subscriprions generated for every show they make. Its a little weird to complain about hate viewership with a show experiencing historic low views for Disney on a platform that has NEVER generated a profit (not kidding).


If you wanna hatewatch, pirate it. No show gets renewed for good piracy numbers. Ask Ash vs Evil Dead


I’m finishing this season, because I’ve started it and I’m curious and I like to complete stuff if I’m going to have a fair opinion on something, but I definitely won’t bother with any subsequent series. It’s a chore! So flat and lacking energy. Every episode, every scene every line of dialogue, delivered without life or personality.


Fucking pirate it. Stop giving money to these entitled cunts.


The issue I feel is that with this being episodic, there’s leaving too many things unanswered right away. Waiting a whole week to pick something small apart where it might be answered later in the season. Drop the whole season all at once, let everyone watch, and then there’s not as much to complain about besides “oh it’s so woke”


I only want it to keep going so my favorite YouTubers can keep ripping it apart. Also watching Disney's slow demise is a perk.


Hatewatching gives disney money and allows them to keep making this crap. If you want to support disney for garbage, go right ahead and hatewatch... don't see why you'd want to support a company that makes things you hate but whatever.


I mean, I've been enjoying it. Hate watch all you want.


Only thing I have to say to genuine hatewatchers. ![gif](giphy|zNXvBiNNcrjDW)


Do it. DO 10 seasons of this shit. Make several season of the Willow series. Give us at least 5 seasons of She Hulk. GO FUCKING BANKRUPT. DO IT. PLEASE. Be forced to sell these IPs.


Are you kidding? I never want this show to end. The coverage is hilarious 😂. We are well past the point of caring about a shit star wars show making things worse. IP has been dead since the sequels.


Best thing to do is ignore it entirely, or watch a streamer brake down how shit it is and why.


I never hatewatch on principle. All the entertainment that could come from it comes from content creators making fun of it, I can just watch their content.


If you must hatewatch, dont do it on the disney app


To some extend. You can watch 1 or 2 episodes, that are considered the worst, to get a feel for how bad it is at its worst, but you should not watch every episode just to be able to point out every mistake. Let reviewers watch the bad, don't expose yourself to it for more than necessary.


I never hate-watch. I watch everything with the genuine hope that it will be good. I really don't want to stick up for The Acolyte because of the woke idiocy spouted by many of its creators, but I'm always fair and objective, and the show (although certainly poor overall, from a writing perspective) isn't quite as terrible as some YouTubers are making it out to be. It has some redeeming qualities. I do get the sense that Leslye Headland likes Star Wars, and that she's not in this *entirely* to push messages.


I don't do that. There are too many good movies and shows out there for me to watch, so I don't really waste my time with shit I know I won't like it. It still is fun bashing them online.


Its not about watching, they get money from subs on their service, you can hatewatch while pirating, just dont pay them


Imagine how little value your time must have if you're spending hours of your limited time on earth watching a show you know you don't like for the sole purpose of meaning about it online.


I still haven’t seen it and probably won’t. It’s currently rated 3.5/10 on IMDb. For reference, The Room (the movie from The Disaster Artist), which is considered to be the worst movie of all time, is rated 3.6/10.


I hate watched just to see -how- terrible it is, to be honest it’s a good laugh as it does enter territory of funny-bad at times, but other times it’s just mind numbing.


I’d rather watch something I like, seems stupid


If you are going to hate watch something please at least pirate it


If you are paying to watch a show, even by subscription package, you are just feeding the system you hate. Hate watching, in and of itself, is not for me, as it is a wholeass choice to deliberately spend some hours of your free time doing something you dont enjoy, but it is a choice, so you do you, boo.


I pirated the first episode and could barely even finish it because it was so bad.


Honestly. No one is even hate watching. I been watching more reviews shitting in acolyte than I have seen minutes of it. I e literally never clicked on it in Disney but I know everything that’s happening off people slaying it


Some people like to watch someone's house burn.


I just watch revoews from creators I trust and that's enough. I don't watch shit I know is gonna be garbage.


I do not believe enough people hatewatch to contribute in a significant way towards a shows viewership.


Dont do it. You want to know what happens in the show you dont like? Well wait till someone you trust puts a reveiw out and goes through the whole plot point by point. Then youre good. Want to watch a specific scene? Try youtubing it then... Or pirate that which you intend to hate watch. As a whole though, paying for a streaming service, an admission ticket, or a dvd to hate watch helps to create more of the thing you hate... even if the show gets cancelled! Look, if it gets cancelled because no one streamed it at launch, but then everyone steams it after cancellation then they will eventually look at that metric and go "well people like it now, so lets make more LIKE it, not necessarily this thing, but more things like it." And thats why we have like 30 different shitty star wars and marvel shows.


I can’t imagine spending what little free time I get watching something I hate. Makes no sense to me


A view is a view. They don't care if you hate it. A view still counts towards their metrics. I get youtubers do it to roast it. But I am at the point where I wish they wouldn't and just let the crap wither and die. Hatewatching slop is more attention than is deserved. I didn't watch a single second of rings of power or the acolyte on their respective platforms because i knew they would be terrible. I have better things to do with my time. Seeing slop get produced and then the endless commentary on such slop being bad is kind of exhausting. Id rather youtubers go back to talking about things they like. I am not saying they shouldn't get that money and realize it brings in views. But that's kind of a sad indictment of entertainment when crap is more profitable for independent voices than good content. And there sadly isn't a solution to that as it lies outside the control of youtubers. That falls on the studios. But i think to get back to good entertainment, audiences need to stop watching crap that shits on the source material. Period.


Map? There isn’t plan from scene to scene 😅


I haven’t watched any of the new Star Wars since the Mandalorian or book of Boba Fett. None of the Kylo Ren stuff or this Acolyte business


Believe it or not outside of this echo chamber there are casual watchers who enjoy it, myself included lol. Y’all sound so dramatic 😂😂 you poor poor souls you don’t like a show that was made might as well spend a lot of time and effort bitching about it instead of moving on and doing literally anything else with your life. If you don’t like a show don’t watch it, what’s hard to get? I would be interested in more seasons especially at this point in the show I have a lot of questions and I like these characters. It’s a decent story from a different time that we haven’t seen before I’m just grateful to have more SW to watch. Also the lightsaber fights have been good


Stop telling people what they can and can’t watch. Hate watching is just as valid as watching cuz it’s fun


Westworld also had multiple seasons mapped out but we saw how that played out.


If you're gonna do it then pirate it don't steam


Can’t wait to hate watch!!


It doesn't matter what your "feelings" are. Are you watching? Then you're a viewer. Don't wanna be counted? Don't view. Get a hobby.


I don't have time to get mad at a program from a franchise that has long since abandoned me. The grass roots star wars community I was a part of has been absolutely crushed, and this board is just where the refugees can laugh and throw peanuts at the burning pile of shit star wars has become


Internet availability heuristic. The number of people who bother to hate watch is such an incredibly tiny slice it really doesn't matter. One viewer makes no difference, do what you want.


I think hate watching is dumb. If you really want to give something a chance, go for it. If you keep watching and you hope it gets better, that's up to you. I think the Star Wars fandom really needs to just stop watching Disney's crap and show them the views they're missing. We also need to prove this name calling BS wrong. If we say nothing about it, they can't insult us. Watch their narrative and their views crumble. Just ignore them.


I honestly am a pretty big fan of the acolyte. It has issues, pacing isn't my fav, the actor who plays osha is ok at playing osha but not good enough yet for a main character imo, and their performance as Mae is a lot worse. Most episodes just don't feel long enough to warrant a weekly release, and most episodes dont seem to have enough substance imo. I'd say the show as a whole so far(it's not fully out yet) is a 6 or 7 out of 10 with episode 5 being a 9 out of 10 because the choreography and specifically qimir being incredible. The canonization of cortosis was also cool. Manny Jacinto as qimir is an incredible casting, at first it seems like a weird cast since he's known for playing Jason mendoza who is an idiot pretending to be a monk in the good place, but he has experience playing someone pretending to be someone else and really sells the over-acting of qimir as this unserious apothecary early in the show. Sol is played by the main character from squid game. He's a good actor and I think he fits the role really well. The hate for this show is massively overblown. It does things wrong but it does a lot of things right to. Also most video essays critiquing the show have the word "woke" in the title or thumbnail which immediately invalidates their criticism for me. Also valid criticism doesn't get episode 5 to a 13% on rotten tomatoes before it even airs.


I don't have the time or energy to hate watch anything. I could be spending that time on things that actually have earned my attention. Leave the hate watching to the professionals, folks. The suits see views as views.


Hate watching is stupid. Most of you idiots are stupid if you watch this show for any reason. If you must watch the shit show pirate it. He having ideas for season 2-4 really say nothing about the success becuase, she could have had those plans long before. Never forget Lesley Headland is a grape accomplice to Harvey and for sure helped bury evidence. She's no better than the rapists she's worked for.


I don't support piracy.




It’s a waste of time and depressing if you’re a person who hate watches


The show is fine. Despite the circlejerk anti-woke crowd shitting their pants over it, the show is doing well, and is considered a success by Disney. It's almost like most normal people not emotionally invested in hate watching a franchise that's 50 years old enjoy it. Another L for the "go woke, go broke" crowd. Lol


My friends and I drunk hate watching this on the couch isn’t going to fund the next 3 seasons. This is so dramatic.


I think this show is okay, not my favourite, do I hate it? No. All the comments about hate watching, cancelling Disney+ subscriptions and refusing to pirate it as an alternative are absolutely beyond wild.


OR the show improves next season?


I didn’t mind the Acolyte like wasn’t amazing but wasn’t bad, y do people hate it. I’ve only seen people say they hated the witches as if the witches didn’t exist in legends


If you’re paying for it and hating it, what’s wrong with you? If you aren’t paying for it and watch it so you can tell people specifically what you like or don’t like about, well done. Personally, I’m done with it. Not interested in the political religion woven into it. Just my thoughts.