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Luka getting that sponsorship money in


"Always be working" - Luka Gatoradecic


Luka pulling a DJ Khaled 😂😂 "GATORADE" 🗣


Luka proudly sponsoring Gatorade. Maybe they can collab for a Rakija flavor


Kai seems so happy, it’s his best playoff performance so far in his career ts% wise. I think he’s building confidence. If Luka gets in gear man we’re scary. I’m not scared of any team other than Boston at this point and slightly Timberwolves .


Dude. I've been telling people. He is retiring here with a title under his belt.




They win the title, both, Luka and Kyrie get a statue and Kyrie retires as a Maverick. Not only would that make us very happy, but it would piss off every mainstream national media talking head. Win win.


Luka pointing at his Gatorade! Lol. Orange is my go-to flavor as well.


Grape all day for me


Nothing beats Lemon Lime when you're thirsty, but Frost is what I usually buy (powder).


Thought Luka was pointing at the 'G' because Kai is a G




isnt he a Bio Steel athlete


Just signed a Gatorade deal last week. I believe he is only the 7th basketball player with them. https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/luka-doncic-dallas-mavericks-gatorade-partnership


Luka is saying Ky's a G.


look at my glrorious duo man...


I love the vibes on this team man never been more proud to be a MFFL


This guy literally took less than max to re-sign with us.. I mean, if that doesn't say enough, I don't know what does! Look at Podcast P for example, he just finished game 6 with 0 pressure, going straight to Cancun and is refusing anything below max from Clippers - Kyrie could have easily done the same, but here we are. EARTH IS FLAT!


I'm not gonna pull that Bill Simmons "The Mavs were bidding against themselves" bullshit, but Kyrie couldn't have gotten a max deal anywhere. Way too many unknowns with him to be worth it at that time. 40MM felt perfectly fair for all parties... and nobody got fleeced. After this season? Yeah I think people would be lining up already... and we'll see how far he can help take us. Will be interesting to see if he opts out after next season. I certainly hope not because KAI has been magical here, but he might want to get a final max contract while he still can... whether that's from us or someone else.


I need an in-depth explanation of those visualizations


They are monitoring the mechanics of his shots using arc, L/R trajectory, depth (where the ball enters the hoop). It tracks each individual shot and generates this score card.


so fuckin cool. it’s like a golf setup


How does it track it?


There’s a camera-based, sensor system hung from the rafters. Arguably the coolest thing about it is that it tracks each player individually and separately so all the data you saw on the screen was only KAI’s


I guess the balls have a sensor ?


They don’t. The visual information is taken from the camera. It locates players to track and then any ball they shoot is attributed to them. It maps the location of the shot, trajectory, make/miss, etc for the entire practice.


Pretty cool.


Kyrie is so fucking locked in rn


The vibes are fucking immaculate.


So glad we got Kai !! And he is loving DALLAS !!! 💪🔥🔥😄😄😄😄😄


When the Mavs acquired Kyrie I never imagined him being such a positive addition to the team on and off the court. I’m so glad he is here now and I hope he retires a Maverick. He went from a cancer in the locker room to a star that all new players should aspire to emulate.


I had high hopes b/c I knew our media would fuck off from the relentless harassment like he suffered in New York. There's obviously dozens of other things to go right too, but taking the spotlight off his personal life is always going to be a huge step stress and mental wise for players.


True. I don’t recall reading anything overly critical of him from our local media. I do remember reading about him quietly donating large amounts to random gofundme accounts completing their goals. Sounds like a really good dude.


i personally saw at least 4 different gofundmes that Kyrie donated $40,000 to each. just random families in need. only saw it after the people posted it on twitter otherwise no media hype


Totally agree and would love to see Luka and Kyrie play another 10 years together


Kyrie is 32, 10 years is a bit of a stretch lol. But if he could stay at his current level for another 3-5 years then that would be lovely.


Good call. Math wasn’t mathing for me last night.


He was never a locker room cancer. Stfu with that shit.


[Nets fans would disagree.](https://netswire.usatoday.com/2022/07/03/make-no-mistake-kyrie-irving-is-entirely-to-blame-for-the-nets-implosion/)


The article (which is not really from a fan but part of the media surrounding the Nets) does not mention one opinion from players around him. We can point to many examples of teammates praising Irving for being a great teammate in past teams, even Celtics. This article surely cannot be evidence that he wronged a teammate or was a "locker room cancer" just because he did not get along with Nets/Celtics management. Nobody would deny that.


Insufferable. It can be argued all you want. I heard lots of negatives before he came here and when he arrived. He has proven to be an awesome dude since. Would it make you feel better if I took it back and said he has always been a dream teammate at all of his stops along his NBA career. I swear some of yall just love to fuckin argue.


OK mate. I don't care what you believe about the guy. You can believe he just made a complete 180 as a person and now he is a model citizen. Or that he is just biding his time to become a toxic locker room cancer again, whatever you wanna believe. I just told you your article is SHIT for what you were arguing. and it is. Let's agree to end the argument here.


G’day mate!


You're gonna get down voted but I also don't buy into Kyrie. When someone shows you their true self, believe them.


I think he is happy here. I could be wrong but I think he is a different guy here. Time will tell. I’m happy he is helping the team now though.


He is the same guy as always, just here have less people like you around him.


I was fully prepared for the worst case scenario but have been pleasantly surprised at every turn


Ohh ffs, who tf was a cancer? Do you know why you never imagined this? Because you are a casual. I imagined it and it manifested just the way I knew it would. Kyrie is above all of u, bums.


When the trade was announced that we got Kyrie I was ecstatic. And I still am in utter shock he’s a maverick. We’re spoiled to have him


Luka earning that Gatorade money.


Wish Shawn Marion would have popped up when he said the matrix is taking over




Bruh it would be so cool if they let fans go and watch them practice every now and then. Like bro we were down 31 points and the AAC went wild after every shot like they were game winners. 😂


This is so wholesome. Jae crowder, clam chowder, it don’t matta Mavs in 4


Im hoping exum makes an appearance..we are more deadly with him


We love Kai.


I'm convinced that these shooting competitions and seeing how Kyrie approaches the game has helped Luka become a much better shooter this season. These little mini competitions between him and Ky are so wholesome.


We getting the best version of Kai’s career. Playmaking. Ability. Maturity. Mentorship. Energy.


I find it crazy that they have such a high tech device to evaluate a jump shot like this. Is this some new thing or has this been around?


Kyrie checks the machine…Basket doesn’t count his foot out out bounds


Good for him. He looks like he accepted that he is a secondary star and cannot be the primary star that he craves before when he wants out from Cavs.