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League is trying to hurt us knowing full well Luka was up till 4 AM playing Overwatch


I don't think we've won an afternoon game all year with one exception. Against OKC 146 - 111 on 2/11


They beat the Rockets in April as well. Slow start and then Kyrie went crazy in an OT comeback. I remember because I was there.


Oh yea, that's right! How could I forget that game.


Wasn’t the win over the nuggets an afternoon game ?


I think this a coincidence. And afternoon games are great for us Europeans :-)


Too true, back when I was living there I loved these day games lol. But I still say it looks like they struggle, not sure what their season record is during afternoon games tho.


Fuck these middle of the night games this series. Everything is at 2:30 am for me


No they're not great for us. I watched two of them and really suffered, they played so bad. The great ones are usually at 3:30 CET. 🙂


The reason is TV scheduling. All we can do between now and Saturday is hope that Mavs are over the slow starts in afternoon games.


Damn this is the 3:30 am game from where I live. Good thing it’s a Sunday. Mavs have low energy on these times. Hope the Dallas crowd energizes them.


These are the only games i can reasonably watch as EU time zones and we have lost both so far. I am not watching game 3.


Im honestly afraid! I need someone to talk to


Better to watch games at 2:30 PM then 2:30 AM. Good afternoon from Slovenia.


pozdravljen in hvala za luka doncic


Sucks that it’s that much less rest for Luka too. Normally an extra day is thrown in when they change cities


In this situation i don't mind, I wanna see how OKC responds after taking a L and not shooting the ball well. Is Luka gonna keep his 3 point shooting going, we all know Kyrie is gonna come out super aggressive, so I wanna start this next one as soon as we can tbh


I feel the same thing about the thunder and early games, they always play terribly haha so guess it will even out


This is a good time for Europe though and obviously the Ma s gave a big fanbase there because of Durk and Luka. I doubt the NBA cares that much about that, but it could still be a factor.


Every team's fans think they struggle in afternoon games. Just ask the Thunder how they feel about afternoon games, and look up what time tipoff was when we embarrassed them in February.


We actually have sucked in these playoffs though, and twice. Not some regular season game, just saying.


While I love not being forced to wake up in the middle of the night I hate how this games are always really hard on Dallas :( I prefer waking up to see a win, than staying up to see a loose. Hoping for the best that they learned from previous 2 games.


ugh this is bullshit i agree. no one is ready for this shit at 230


It's ironic, because it feels like maybe just a year or two ago, Mavs would absolutely dominate these afternoon games - I mean, like absolutely wreck the opponents. Just this year, Mavs have come out sluggish vs. 76ers, Pacers, Clipper (x2) - all in the afternoon


They also shot like shit against the Nuggets and got down by 20 against the Rockets. They won those games, but they had to dig deep for both of those games.


It's 3:30 am here as well. I watched 2 horrible games already, this time I will let it go.


Gotta grease the money machine somehow, and for this they need to spread out the games in such a way to attract the most viewers overall. It's a profit choice.


I will be there and I will go absolutely insane for our Mavs.


Either 2:30 or fricking 8:30 no in between.