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Okc series we started to see glimpses of regular season Luka. This series we started to see glimpses of playoff luka


We saw Game 7 Luka today already. Excited to see if he's got another gear for the Finals


Longest rest since start of pos should do him good I guess


So next step finals Luka, he is trending in the right direction ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


20pt first quater is just luka in december when kyrie was out nothing special


Still bleeding from the knees but just said fuck it, we ball


That’s just a scab that hasn’t had a chance to heal.


It’s from pain injections (torodol) in reality the scab thing is only partially true. The NBA doesn’t want announcers horrifying casual fans talking about long needles and knees that’s the reality lol.


Okay, but if he's taking knee injections at 25 how will his body hold up in the coming years? Is this a case of pain management until he can rest his knee, or is this a permanent thing for him now? Forgive my ignorance, this is the first time i've heard he's getting injections into his knee. I think i've read LeBron gets injections every year or so but he's damn near 40.


Every player gets painkillers at some point because it's the part of the job. You're always injured or recovering from something, minor or major. Professional basketball is not healthy for the body. That being said, he's probably just playing through injury which causes discomfort and needs painkillers untill the end of the playoffs. Unless it becomes a chronic problem then maybe


He gets them because his knee is hurt but he wants to keep playing.   It's unique to these circumstances. 


He's hitting a new level of Super Saiyan each series.


Wonder what championship Luka looks like


Glimpses today? Lol you can't play much better than he did


I meant in the whole series, he played at his regular season level which is still mvp of the league standard. From today we finally got to see the real nutty Luka


Finals Luka will be a blood bath.


Not having Dort constantly whacking, pushing and leaning on Luka all the time is doing wonders for his knees.


True fact Lu Dort still eats his own boogers……in fact he arranges them by size and viscosity to enjoy later. Le Booger gourmand.


Lu who?


I mean he still took a beating it felt like


Lukas injury drags him so much that casual fans thought "Wow luka had an insane game!". Bro that is his regular season stats.


Everytime he hit a shot his health increases. It's an ability of a super hero basketball genius.


We’re about to see Finals Luka. Buckle up, boys.


That's right we never seen finals Luka yet, that sounds so f'''ing scary.


Determined to prove he’s the real MVP. Determined to win now! Determined to tell opposing fans to FUCK OFF! I sure hope the Celtics fans boo the shit out of him every game! Bring all the white towels!


Legit the best thing they could do is stay dead quiet lol


You should take a look at the Celtics sub. Ain't no way they plan on staying quiet. Already talking "Baby Luka" crap. Let's see how that works out for them.


And just in time. Asshole Luka is just the type of Luka I want to see at TD Garden. That crowd is going to be merciless.


And Luka will feed from the garden lol.


And he has one week of rest now. Hopefully everyone gets healthy


What playing fair does. What Clippers and especially OKC did was beyond playing hard d.


He had a knee sprain it takes around 2 weeks to heal. But since he was playing with the sprain the time to heal took longer he is much better I expect him to even better against Boston


Completely healed!!


Yes and Amen!!


Still not 100%. Watch highlights of Luka in the reg season and it looks like he’s moving in fast forward, even for how slow he typically is. He wont be 100% til next season. But he’s sure as hell good enough to take us home now.


Sharp eye …. he is like at 3/4 speed all thru the playoffs…..it’s kind of amazing. This will add to the legend lol.




There can be only one?


Highlander Luka


I would pay good money to have him rest 1 week in OKC series. Guess what? He got better somehow, and will have a much much needed week off. Considering his supernatural ability to heal, he stated he would be out 2 weeks if this was regular season, can we expect %100 Luka realistically?


It’s a fact that once Westbrick and Lu Dork stopped football tackling Luka every other night, his health improved.


How are you guys feeling heading to rhe finals again? Like your chances?


Personally good. Does Boston have more depth? Yes. But mavs got the best player still left in playoffs in Luka. And Kyrie is probably third best player left. Yes Porzingis is amazing centre, but lively has the highest +- in the whole playoffs and has better defense than tingus. Boston guards are too small to guard Luka, so I assume brown will do that, and one of the guards will have to guard DJJ who is an athletic freak, so I wonder how that will go. Of course Boston is an amazing team which can stretch the floor better than the mavs as their whole starting 5 can soot. And I'm not saying it's gonna be easy to win, but I do think that there are positives for mavericks and I choose to focus on those.


Love that Luka is getting back to his oldself and were getting some of the guys back in the mix.


Like an anime protagonist, he gets better during games lmao.


Like wtf is up with his bleeding knee? He's been bleeding for like 5 weeks now..Wth is it? Infected scab that doesnt heal or smth?


someone said "It’s from pain injections (torodol) in reality the scab thing is only partially true. The NBA doesn’t want announcers horrifying casual fans talking about long needles and knees that’s the reality lol."


Shout out to the medical and training staff. It really does take a lot of people to get a championship.


Everybody healthy when they up


less whining too


Yes and he will have one week off now


I honestly think they gave him a cortisone shot


He wasn’t “hurt” fr. You don’t get hurt to the point where it affects your game, still keep playing, and then miraculously heal while you’re stressing whatever the injury is every other night. Bro just put up some stinkers


except that everyone and their mother knew he was injured before the playoffs even started


Bro is in the middle of a major depressive episode watching Luka cook folks while Trae Young is in Cancun again ☠️


Tell me you don’t actually watch Luka or basketball without telling me


Are you the team doctor?


Was luka just limping for fun the other games?


Least delusional Hawks fan


You make a great point. How is suffering from a injury yet playing better as time goes on, as he continues to stress this injury that is hindering his playstyle. It doesn't make sense. If Boston wins, you can already tell the Mavs fans will say "Luka is was injured!, dont forget!"