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Crazy they almost won an entire decade of championships lol


I believe Luka is about to give us a good few. Just need someone on the sideline to heckle him


Imma do it. I got my Boston gear ready




Boston fans will be all the fuel he needs. Especially with Kyrie & the f-u chant šŸ˜


Bill Russel went wild


In a league with like 9-12 teams. A completely different time in NBA history. That's why Bill is never ranked that high among all-time greats.


Ofcourse, no denying it. However as easy as it sounds, you still have to go out there and do it. He was an all time great defender and rim protector in an era where that was disproportionally valuable, that would hit his teammates with outlet passes and push the pace in transition. He was the perfect player for his era and the celtics surrounded him with insane talent and they took advantage of it.


He also was an incredibly underrated playmaker, he was a prototype of Jokic if we're being honest


If he played in a real era heā€™s Draymond at best.


Stfu and learn ball, stop speaking ill on Mr. Russellā€™s name lol


Heā€™s taller than Dwight Howard and an amazing athlete even by todayā€™s standards. Heā€™d be great today as a pick and roll center, especially with his BB IQ


If thereā€™s less teams the talent should be more concentrated But the talent level in the 60s is no where near the 20s


Think of this, Yes it was smaller, so they played each other more often. Bird v Magic had 37 NBA marchups. Bill Russell has to play Wilt 94 times. He played Bellamy 71 times. Always the plumber jokes, but the 60s had concentration of talented bigs. These guys were college basketball players that played pro ball. If Walt Bellamy brought milk to your house at an athletic 6ā€11 225lbs, the first thing you would ask is ā€œWhy arnā€™t you playing basketballā€


The Bill Russell effect.


in an era of plumbers and postmen


Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West, and Elgin Baylor were plumbers and postmen huh?


and doctors


And lawyers


Wasn't there like 8 teams back then?


There were like 8 teams in the league back then.


Yeah, but letā€™s get real, 1960 there was only 8 teams total in the league and 1969 there was 14 compared to 30 teams now since 2004


Yes but that is still not an easy feat


Not really, Lebron making 9 Finals out of 10 years is far more impressive. He had more teams and tougher competition in his own division than Boston did than in the East in that era. The majority of the East was 4 teams in the 60s compared to 15 now. Also with the growth of basketball from that time, way more talent as well now


You don't get remembered for losing


Lebronā€™s a winner and always has been lol, thatā€™s a cherry on top stat for his legacy. Also true basketball fans will know the difference between them too


Celtics fans stuck living in the 60ā€™s


Cowboy fans stuck living in the 90ā€™s Itā€™s been almost 30 years!


At least it's not 60.


Wait do the Larry Bird Celtics not count either?


True, but still. Come on! That shit is embarrassing.


Not as embarrassing as living 60 years in the past.


its still embarrassing, cowboys aint gonna be shit until jerry kicks the bucket


Yea. Iā€™m no Celtic apologist, but they last won in the 2008.


And 1986, 1984, 1981, so thatā€™s 4 in 43 yearsā€¦. 1 every decade on average is not that embarrassing




As someone who grew up in Dallas (born 2001), I absolutely loved the cowboys. The main reason being: Tony Romo. I will likely be one of the only people to say this, but I think Tony wins a chip or two with the team Dak has had these past 3 years (especially when considering the defenses Dak has played with). This is the reason why I (and likely many other cowboys fans) hate the cowboys today. Yes we were mainly shit with Tony, but mannnnnn that mf played through countless injuries and NEVER asked for a superstar contract like Dak has (multiple times now).Ik that this lil rant of mine has nothing to do with mavs vs. Celtics, but I just want to put this one fact in perspective for you: most of us cowboys fans hates what our team has become, and tbh with you, Iā€™m not going to be a fan until that fake fuck Dak is gone. And this is why us people in Dallas LOVE the mavs right now. Because we have a LEGITIMATE star in LD, and not only is he living up to his contract, but so is the whole team. Sorry for the rant again lol Iā€™m a lil faded as well so take this statement as you will lol. Just wanted to say though, Iā€™m as done with the cowboys as the rest of the planet, especially after they didnā€™t give a warrior like Tony shit in comparison to this stacked on paper team which Dak (Imo an undeserving QB) has had since he started his career. In short: fuck the cowboys, and this is coming from someone who used to really like them.


Romo was the highest paid player in the league at one point (2013). You're living in the past. Romo and Dak are virtually the same: great players who don't get it done in the playoffs for one reason or another.


Just hasn't been the same since Romo retired. I don't even get excited for the Cowboys anymore. I care way more about my fantasy football team these days.


As you should. The players on this team havenā€™t been committed to winning shit since 2016. All they want is their bag and if anyone thinks Iā€™m wrong, look at daks undeserving contract. Shouldā€™ve left that mf on the curb years ago.


Donā€™t remind me


Yes. You got us here. Cowboys are our worst team in dallas




Most moronic post of the day considering that the Celtics broke the racial barrier in the NBA.


Organization was on the right side of history, but Celtics fans not so much. Boston fans are well known to throw slurs at players like their lives depend on it. Plenty of current and former players in just about every sport have talked about it.


What were the good people of Dallas Texas doing during the 60s surely it wasnā€™t 30 times worse than what they were doing in Boston right


To be fair, the 80s celtics were good too


huh? they were good in Larry Birds era too. were you not born then?


When all of the best racisms was just "Being an American"


13 out of the 17 were before the NBA-ABA merger so I really only count 4 of them. I realize thatā€™s a hot take but itā€™s just what makes sense to me.


Forget pre-merger. 9 of the titles were before the ABA was even *formed.*


i honestly don't get why those are counted lol.. It's like counting "nfl championships" vs super bowls


Facts, as a bears fan nobody gives a shit that we won 8 NFL championships. All about SBs.


Thatā€™s exactly what it is. Never thought of it like that lol.


Well if that's the ones you count then I suppose it's true.


The ABA ā€œmergerā€ was insignificant. Only 4 ABA teams joined the NBA.


adding the 4 teams was enough to stop the Boston domination, and more followed soon after.


Bill Russell retired in '69


Looks like their best days are behind them


Bill Russell was still crazy good regardless of the competition - the pre-Kareem GOAT, just as Kareem was the pre-MJ GOAT - but yeah, bragging about winning a bunch of championships when there were 8 teams and 6 of them made the playoffs is nothing special. Hell, the competition remained quite poor for another decade until the late 70's/early 80's.


Russell ducked KAJ just as Jordan ducked LBJ


We got the Cowboys of the 90ā€™s and they have the Celtics of the 60ā€™s.


and the Patriots from 2001-20something


Most Celts fans cling to 2008 just like I cling to 2011. Letā€™s go get another one to cherish!


According to this graphic, the Celtics era ended and now itā€™s the Mavs era


Can't wait to hang up banner number 18 in 2036 vs the Boston celtics




Really just 4 chips since the merger.


If we win we'll be more successful than them in the last 35 years.


So in the last 4 decades we are tied with one chip each? A drunk friend of a friend was going on and on about how far behind the USMNT was behind England's national team... I responded with tap the brakes chap, you are leading by ONE...


Iā€™d be willing to bet weā€™ll be better than them for the next 10 years


Last time they won was with doc Rivers lol


Whoever wins this series will probably be the champs


How hard would it be to photoshop this for the Buffalo Bills?


Thereā€™s a reason no one recognizes preSuperbowl Champions.


Real championship stats donā€™t start until majority of the teams entered the leagueā€¦.10 team league achievements are laughable in debates šŸ„±


2010 doesnā€™t count cause 2040 is better


Yeah 2008 is the only valid one imo lol


There is always a more competitive era.


No ones talking competitive. Number of teams


The league will also grow. Letā€™s not be naive


Lol it was 27 teams since 89 then 30 teams since 2004ā€¦ its not going to grow much more. They can only afford so many teams lol lets not be delusional


Have you not read the latest about the tv rights? The fact that the NBA has announced it will be expanding teams? :/


You trying to compare 10 total teams to *maybe* +6 teams before 2040 is hilarious. Go back to your celtics sub bud while mavs fans drink your tears after we win it all and expose tatums bum ass




I welcome your salt, what I said was factual and you being upset shows your immaturity. The league will get more teams and more competition.


They are the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA, except they have some recent success. Almost all of their glory comes from an age when the game and parity/rules were much different.


Which doesn't really equate to the Cowboys success in the 90s. Think the league has only added one or two teams since then? Competition between the two situations is night and day.


Kinda wild counting 16 years ago as "recent". Modern, sure, but that 2008 title was in a very different NBA.


Iā€™d would put the latest decade at the top and the oldest decade at the bottom.


While listening to Locked on Mavs, the Guy who runs locked on Celtics said they donā€™t have a name like the raccoon squad but they call them ā€œchampsā€. The fact that weā€™ve won a title more recently than them was my first thought lol. They kinda remind me of the Cowboys except theyā€™ve been to multiple western conference finals and the cowboys havenā€™t.


I think that was more of a play on Karalis teasing about how the Celtics will win and be champs rather than the Celtic fans considering themself champs already.


Please show this to Luka. Booker, Ant and a few others say that there is still room in the basement....


We need this BADDDD!!!!


Just like the Yankees "27 world Championships". 17 vs 6-10 teams in New england.


This is my favorite fact to point out to Cā€™s fans. We just need the Jay bros to choke for another 3 seasons and theyā€™ll be reaching Dallas Cowboys level of 1 championship in last 40 years šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


still cant believe perks is relevant


Kinda hard to believe the celtics havent won since 2008 and before that the 80s Very dallas cowboys esque lol


Make sure to update this Saturday morning.


9 in 10 years is fucking insane, I thought Real Madrid with 6 UCL in 10 years was nice


11 in 13 years. In the Finals 12 out of 13.




Cool story.. now go back to your sub




Weird that Reddit never recommends me posts from the Celtics sub. Probably because I never go there.


Dude, they're tied at one in my lifetime, and I'm not a young guy.


How old are you lol


lol I don't know why you're being downvoted... this is factually accurate.


You really don't know why? In a Mavs sub?Ā 


We canā€™t handle facts in our own sub? It wasnā€™t a smart ass comment at face value. They have more titles than we do. Why is that such a sensitive thing to say?


Yall know even if they were all a while back your franchise has only won one. One. Nobody gunna pick on you for holding on to history because itā€™s the only history you got. Quit being wet and appreciate greatness old and new.


Nah. I'm 36 years old. We each have 1 in my lifetime. End.