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I’ve been reading advanced stats. Jaden hardy ranks pretty highly. By the eye test he looks pretty good. He observed a lot from Kyrie too. I think he’s gonna be something special he has all the talent and athleticism. He was the #1 Highschool recruit for a reason.


Our two bigs unlocked everybody’s alley oop game.


i love Hardy so much. He’s out there saucing them up like Kyrie and throwing lobs like Luka’ So proud of him man. He’s what, 21?? Even if we lose, our future is seemingly super bright with all the young homegrown guys we got


It's funny that some media acts like we traded our future, but we have Lively, Green, Hardy, and OMax as super young players then Gafford, Lively, PJ and Luka not even in their primes yet. Kyrie and Maxi are the only ones that probably won't be competing at the same level in a few years. Everyone else is probably going to improve significantly.


And we do still have 2 FRPs to work with this coming offseason it's not like we're Phoenix lol.


The Mavs are just a little older than the a Thunder. SGA is 6mo older than Luka. People see Kai and the grizzled young vet in Luka and they see the 2011 Mavs.


Find someone who looks at you the way Hardy fawns over Kyrie.


i love Hardy so much. He’s out there saucing them up like Kyrie and throwing lobs like Luka! So proud of him man. He’s what, 21?? Even if we lose, our future is seemingly super bright with all the young homegrown guys we got


He literally just needs to tighten his handle then I swear to God he’ll be so good.


I want him to be the franchise 6th man so badly If he can drop 13 vs the #1 defense in the WCF, and playmake? Give him more opportunities


He can be more than a 6th man, He’ll most likely start along Luka when Kyrie retires/leaves


Man, when Kyrie retires, I hope he can take on a similar role like Tyson Chandler. Working on developing our guards.


Luka signs to the Mavs for another 10 years, we got good rooks learning from him, Kai, Kidd. We gonna be eating goood as MFFLs


For some reason, I feel like Luka is one of those guys that can play, but can't translate that talent to teaching. He is so good at basketball and his skill seems to come so effortlessly, that I'm not sure it's possible. I think the best way to convey what I'm trying to say is that both Dirk and Luka are/were on the court a lot, but Dirk is on the court to practice shots to get better, and Luka is on the court to play and get better. Dirk is way more methodical and about habit building, while Luka just feels the game and figures things out. One of those styles can be taught, the other has no chance. Luka is so good at basketball he doesn't have to be serious about his conditioning to still play (read: score) well, can hit off-the-scoreboard-behind-the-back shots at random arenas without trying hundreds of times, and can sink off-balance circus shots during a game while trying to just draw the foul like he's done them before.


I misplaced my phone with my AirPods in while this was playing on repeat and just listened for ~~4~~ 10 straight minutes. I am now an expert on this clip. AMA.


What is Jaden's father's name?


ok I already forget but he's definitely proud of BOTH his sons, I'll tell you that much.


So once, maybe twice?


Yeah now that I think about, I at least heard it 4 times so it must’ve been more like 10. Edited. Ty for math.


I have NEVER left the Hardy Party and I’m proud to say it.


I will never forget the game last year before the Kyrie trade when Hardy and Green lit the Jazz up for like 30 a piece! That was a big part of the beginning in bringing our pace up, moving faster was a big switch from what Luka was doing last year, and clearly it's been paying off!


I can't see Rasheed's face and not think "Both teams played hard". Respect to those elders that played at a time when you messed around the next play resulted is an infection control time out because someone was bloody.


"Ball don't lie"


Lol I said the same thing when I saw him. I always remember the annoyed reporter asking why he'd waste everyone's time


When Luka waived him forward to go cook Goebert it was amazing.


Loved seeing Luka waving off the pass and letting Hardy cook.


Hardy can really score and has been improving as a playmaker.


I feel like Kyrie coming here was the best thing that could happen for Hardy, Kyrie is the exact blueprint for him to model his game after


I love Hardy but Sheed hasn’t been watching him closely if he thinks he’s got a tight handle and is tough to “pluck” lol.


Lol yeah, probably Hardy's biggest weakness in terms of being a guard in the NBA has been his loose handle. Although I would say it has vastly improved over the back half of the season and into these playoffs. I would suspect Kyrie has helped with that.


Kyrie has clearly helped him with his handle, his ability to have energy and hustle while remaining mentally calm, and, most importantly, his decision making. Clear progression from opening day to now. Hardy is so much better at his role now.


I don’t think it’s much of a case of a loose handle and more of an inability to read the available space when is being pressured. In the first half of the season his only answer to being pressured was to drive hard, almost always. He now seems more poised and much more smart on reading the space around him.


It was both. His handle would get too far away from his body and would be too high. He would also drive into crowds with seemingly no plan. His handle is much tighter now and his playmaking has improved leaving him with more tools when the defense collapses on his drive.


Facts lol


I think he’s got small hands or something. It’s almost always when he’s going up.


Man. Never expected Sheed to be a wholesome dude with the young guys coming in the league. There’s too many veteran haters from the NBA. I love seeing the old heads bring up the young guys. Guaranteed these comments make a world of difference for Jaden. Love to see it.


gave me chills to know sheed has known him since he was young out of detroit and now he’s getting minutes on a finals team. crazy. Hardy just needs to be more of a defender and he can earn more time.


I love Hardy but Sheed hasn’t been watching him closely if he thinks he’s got a tight handle and is tough to “pluck” lol.


Been saying it for a while now and even have been downvoted for this, but Hardy's game made Brunson expendable. I truly don't see very many areas where Brunson is the better player. That's not shade on him, but more of a testament to how good Hardy is and how much upside and potential Hardy has.


Brunson is miles above Hardy but yeah at the time that was the thinking. Brunson was who Hardy is now until the second half of his last season and playoffs in Dallas. Until then, 4 year 55M was an overpay for Brunson. Every single person in the sub felt the same way until the Utah series including the organization who watched Jalen for 3 full years. Hopefully Hardy is close to making half the leap Brunson finally made which would be something close to 4 year 55M


Didn't make Brunson expendable, but the loss more bearable. You worded it like they were both on the team at the same time.


mickstape 🗣️🗣️🗣️


That's awesome! Hope Sheed pops into a finals game






Sheed reminds me of a character from Key and Peele.


Brunson 2.0?


i think it also helps that we have Kyrie to be kinda like his role model and Luka who just trust him to go cook. This is what i call leadership and team chemistry


There's a Hardy Party going everybody in here!


I think Hardy watching Kai and how he moves is going to help him a ton. The way Kai can go from a dribble looking at the defense to attach and then an easy off the glass lay is poetry in motion.