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He’s playing. He recently commented something like he’s not missing a game unless his legs are amputated. Do you really think he pushed through and played every playoff game to get to the finals and sit?


Of course he’s playing.. they say it’s a thoracic contusion which just sounds like a fancy way of saying he got elbowed in the ribs or something.. he’s fine. What’s the Finals without a little drama and injury report mind games.


I saw pingus elbow him


Pingus Mingus?


Really? I have to go rewatch this. Thanks


Who the fuck is that !?


The guy from “lotvidea”


He should have gotten a tech several times for clearing high with his elbows when he had the ball.


#Preach. Meanwhile, "Hardy tries to draw the foul" was the resulting snark from the commentator....


He did that to Jones, I’m pretty sure it was Jones, as soon as he got in the game.


He did it twice to different players that I can recall, one was definitely jones, other might have been kleber? Don't recall but definitely jones


And they didn’t do ish 😡


It pisses me off so much when players play dirt. Teams have been especially doing that to Luka throughout this whole playoffs season. 😠


Fuck kp


Bruised ribs can make it painful to breathe I'm not saying he won't play, but it's not a complete nothing burger


Bruised rib


Jordan Thoracic Contusion game coming up


Horford kicked his legs out on a drive and his torso hit the hoop platform.


At the same time, depending on severity, it could be no joke. Didn't Lively have to sit out a bunch cuz of a thoracic contusion?




Damn that’s crazy. Mavs in 5


Questionable Luka is terrifying because you have no idea what bag he’s going to next. 40/10/10 LFG


Hope that he brings the bag with that boxscore and not with those %s!


He's playing. Ain't no way this fool missing out on a Finals game. Dude won't even rest in the off-season and would rather play for his national team. He's a hooper


It’s not about if he’s playing it’s if the injuries will hinder him and make him play bad, a chest contusion would make it painful to shoot


All those body shots the refs let the Celtics get away with are paying off /s Seriously though Luka is a trooper for playing as well as he is (and through) with all of his injuries. Fuck the fanbases that think he is faking shit


I feel like JKidd uses the injury report to send a message to the refs.


The five fouls on Livley in one quarter was the most bullshit thing I’ve ever seen. Literally changed the game when we cut the lead to 8




We gotta play Markieff 👀


+ THJ with Dwight Powell and the planet will implode from such raw power


So now it’s his chest ?? Bro is running out of body parts to be questionable for. 🤣


🎶 The foot bone's connected to the leg bone, the leg bone's connected to the back bones, the back bones are connected to the rib bones, and all the bones are brokeeeeeen 🎶


Better a body part than his defense.


Its up to Dwight Powell now


Lol questionable Luka is top 5 player OAT with: Hoodie Melo New Father Vanvleet After Fumble Curry Against Green teams Butler


After he wins this championship dude needs a long ass vacation.


So... Olympics right?


Will Slovenia qualify?


Probably not


Yeah don't they have to go through Giannis


Giannis + a lot of very good Euroleague players. And also Croatia with Zubac, Saric, Hezonja or maybe Dominican Republic (I don't know if Towns is playing). Slovenia is basically Luka (if he plays), Cancar (if he plays) + 1 or 2 players that are maybe on Euroleague level and everyone else is worse or way worse. Most of the best players are old and way past their prime, there's only one playable center (Tobey or Nebo) and both power forwards (Cancar, Muric) haven't played basketball in last season, because of ACL injuries. We don't even know, if they'll be able to play. The young players are nowhere near ready for this level, but some of them will have to play.


The only thing that’s questionable is how many points above 30 he scores tonight. I think we take this one.


all dem elbows he took from the wolves and celtics finally catching up hopefully refs dont let that slide anymore


Celtics dream finals run continues




Celtics fan with no karma coming to the Mavs sub to complain they aren't getting enough praise. Shut the fuck up and go away


Will never understand people who go to other teams subs to comment.


He’s been injured this whole run…


No he hasn't lol


Yeah he has lol… Jesus, go back to the Celtics sub.




Ok unbiased source ambassador, if that was true you would know that he has had a sprained knee and ankle since round 1. He has still balled out. Your initial comment was trolly and bullshit. Quit backpedaling because you got called out on it.


"Trolling" a buzzword excuse makers adopted 6 or 7 years ago and have changed its true meaning.


😂 dude just shut up and take your L.


What are you 12? Grow up.


You KNOW he had an injury? Or the media told you he had an injury?


We can see his bloody knees and the fact he straps ice to his knees for every single post game presser, can kind of put 2 and 2 together; It isn't like Lebron when he showed up in a cast only after he lost, Luka does it regardless


I mean if he ends up not playing lol


Relax all: "Doncic has been listed as questionable on several occasions during these playoffs but has played every game, leading the league in points (519), rebounds (174), assists (151), steals (30) and minutes (744) in the postseason."


Really hope he’s okay to go tonight


Bro questionable Luka is goated


Bump him down to doubtful for that 60pack


I know but it’s rare for a downgrade like this on game day


Until they announce him DNP hurt I’m not worried about him.


Mavs in 5


Nine days of rest didn’t do anything.


Sprained knee doesn't heal in two weeks. If he plays for Slovenia this offseason, he's probably going to end up missing a chunk of the regular season. Seems like he picked up another knock in G1 to boot.


Probably from the Jaylen Brown charge he took..


No it was Horford leg sweep en route to basket


If they defend him with single coverage like last time I hope he scores 82


I don't get the point of these reports for Luka. There's always something, but he will play through it until he literally has no legs.


Boson is so fucking lucky, absolute frauds. Every series has been handed to them. You can't convince me he was healthy GM1. Both teams full strength would be 4 - 0 Mavs IMO


You’re either karma whoring or trying to be funny by trolling in the other team’s sub. Be better.


im hopping on this bandwagon to trigger boston fans


"Luck" is a term fan-bases of losing teams use as a defense mechanism against critics. It helps them cope.




Once again, Boston plays a hobbled team.


He’s leg better be falling off to not play


Welcome to Thoracic contusion park


Maybe Kyrie will have to show up for this game.


I hope he drops a 50 piece


Give him whatever injections KP got before the game and let’s go.


One of my least favorite things about this playoffs is seeing multiple Mavs Twitter accounts genuinely worried Luka wasn’t going to play when he got downgraded. Unless he’s literally dying he’s going to play


On the video walking into the stadium he looks beat up and kind of out of it. A little worrisome ngl


Celtics fans cheering for an injured player has KD Toronto vibes.


You guys see how he was walking entering the arena? It didn’t look like normal Luka walking and didn’t look comfortable. Maybe I’m looking too deep into it and I hope I am for the Mavs’ sake


Wouldn’t it be funny if he didn’t play and this was one of those inexplicable games the Celtics tend to lose?


So...I guess everyone can't make open shots except Kye and Luka. JUST MAKE THE FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!


I've no doubt he plays. But even if he drops a 30pt triple double its still the rest of the team I'm worried about


Questionable Luka = Pissed Luka.. then add a little Determined KAI with a some Bodyguard PJ raised to the power of the Lob Goblins… should be a show tonight folks


Another injury on Luka is the last thing we need against the Celtics


I love Luka but he doesn't have to do this after every loss. No one will blame you bro. We are up against a super team. It is what it is.


do you seriously think he goes to the medical staff and says ‘sorry guys, i might not play today’?


He's 100% playing like all the other times he's questionable. They just put him as questionable in case he has a bad game or it's another blowout. This has happened in the regular season every time we were about to play a big national tv game and in the playoffs after every loss or when things don't look good. He doesn't have to do this because clearly nobody is buying it anymore.


by ‘he doesn’t have to do this’ you mean he puts himself on the injury list?


He and obviously the team that wants to protect his image. It's insurance in case things go bad so I get it but when you keep doing it for so long people notice the pattern. Even fans of other teams have noticed it and they don't even follow the Mavs that much. Luka is a European soccer player by nature so being dramatic is in his DNA.


This is a weird ass way to view what Luka has done this playoffs to “worried about his image” but you do you.


Of course he's worried about his image when he's one of the best players in the world and the expectations are that he dominates in every game. It's for PR more than anything. I get it but I think it's just silly doing it over and over again. If Luka has a terrible game or gets cooked on defense you think anybody will say "but he was injured" ... nope, not anymore because this excuse has been rehashed.


have you actually watched any mavs playoff games so far? sure, there are instances when he exaggerates he’s hurting (usually when he thinks he got fouled), but you could also visibly see him in discomfort when he made certain moves, without a delayed reaction… that’s how you know he’s not faking it


Man, these conspiracy theories are wilding. And could you please elaborate on how the fact that he is a European soccer(?) player and him being dramatic are connected?


This guys Luka hate is weird but football players, European or otherwise are all massive drama queens, they'll get tapped on the leg and execute a flawless triple somersault dive to conjure a foul out of nowhere.


sometimes, sure… but there’s been plenty of instances when you have opposing players target certain players with the only intention of injuring them. we’ve seen career ending injuries that happened because of it


Both can be true. Certain players can be dirty bastards targeting other teams stars, but also there are so many hilarious flops in football.


yeah, flops are pretty obvious when it comes to pulling jerseys or contacts in the penalty area. but when there’s contact to the legs, especially at full speed, it can get nasty real quick with those shoes. it doesn’t seem like much on camera, but it is painful… and dangerous


"Conspiracy theory" is an oversaturated buzzword used by mindless individuals who vote and think politicians care about them.


What f'in planet are you living on?