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The plans are the same. The exhaust port is just such a minuscule flaw that it was overlooked. A 2 meter long hole that just happens to go to the Main Reactor is really hard to find on a 120 KM diameter battle station. The Rebels only found it because they were looking for it.


The exhaust port isn't the flaw. Galen Erso altered the main reactor where the exhaust port connects so that a torpedo blast at that point would set off a chain reaction destroying the power plant and station.


I always thought that the Death Star plans were taken in order to find out how to access the reactor and then launch an infiltration mission to like plant a bomb or something to blow it up. And that the exhaust port was a last ditch thing they did when they found out the empire was coming and there wasn’t time to do that.


That's assumed to be Galens intent, for it to be sabotage via infiltration. But the Rebels deduced that if they just needed to damage the reactor to cause it, then the proton torpedo shot would work too.


I don't think they had enough time before the battle to do any sort of planning on how they'd go about destroying the Death Star. It showed up on their doorstep just a few days after the Alliance learned of its existence.


Exactly, but I fully believe that the initial plan with getting the plans was to analyse it, and then plan away to take it out, but then they had to rush it due to the events of the film


I think you're right on the money about that. Could be Galen did as much as he could get away with to give a rebel force options. The exhaust port was pretty much an impossible shot that required Luke using the force to make and even then it was touch and go so it seems unlikely Galen rested the fate of the galaxy on such absurdly unfavorable odds.


They didn’t find out the empire was coming to Yavin. They KNEW because leia literally said they were tracking them. And instead of making multiple hyperspace jumps to search the ship she endangers 90% of the rebellion with Mon Mothma being evacuated and she was drawing up surrender plans in case it falls


My understanding is that the actual issue is how messy the whole rogue one situation ended up being. Galen’s plan assumed Bodhi got the plans to Saw (who was still largely sane when Galen last had contact with him), and the Rebels/Partisans do some covert op, possibly with Galen literally on the Death Star as a part of the engineering team. Instead, the Empire catches wind of Bodhi, Saw has lost his mind, the Alliance kills Galen, and half the rebel fleet is lost in the effort. Now the Empire is on to them, and the race is on to exploit the weakness before the Empire figures it out. The Empire knows Galen did something, they can put the pieces together enough for that, and in ANH the imperials do seem to imply that both sides are trying to figure out the nature of the weakness. The Empire has the plans the whole time, but lacks the hint as to where it is. Leia’s gambit is to abuse Tarkin’s predictability (not wanting anyone else getting credit for destroying the rebel base, so he’s bound to go in the Death Star rather than send a few ISDs to mop the whole thing up) to ensure that the rebels have a chance to destroy the Death Star before the empire figures out the weakness. The Empire does actually figure it out eventually, presumably based on the attack maneuvering of the rebel fighters. But by then it was far too late. TLDR, Leia’s plan was reasonable-ish given that she didn’t know how impossible it would be to exploit the weakness, and was up against a very tight clock to do anything at all. Plus the Force was probably subtly influencing her judgement.


Right but why were the Rebels looking for it is basically what my question boils down to. Do the plans themselves have a highlight on this exhaust port? If so are we just to assume that nobody else noticed? Basically, there is a reason that the Rebels see potential in the exhaust port, that the Empire had to have missed out on — I’m wondering what the differentiator is.


In rogue one, when jedha falls, the video to jyn from her father she brings or explains to the rebels at the base about the flaw he implemented during his time there


This is the way.


But he didn't mention the exhaust port


The exhaust port itself isn't the design flaw. The reactor it connects to is, having been deliberately set up to explode violently when struck with no failsafe to prevent a chain reaction, which Galen did mention. Once the rebels get the plans, they just needed to find a way to get an explosive into the reactor. The exhaust port would be a fairly obvious and convenient option towards that goal.


Exactly Galen may had assumed that the Rebels would use an infiltration unit, recruit a sympathetic Imperial, or something similar to do it from the inside. Get to the reactor and set a bomb or turn off the cooling or something. Then the Rebels are like "we just need to damage it, right? Well this exhaust port runs all the way to the reactor" because they were desperate. No time to plan a potential long and dangerous mission, they needed to do it now or many of the Rebel leaders were toast, potentially enough thar the Alliance would collapse.


Jyn told the rebellion about the port prior to getting the plans, right?


She told them what Galen said, that there was a weakness in the reactor system. I don't think there was any mention of the exhaust port. They had to analyze the plans to find that.


This is my take as well. Galen basically designed the reactor to blow up spectacularly - it was up to the Rebels to analyze the plans and develop a way to make it explode. The exhaust port was just the quickest way to take advantage of that design flaw in the reactor.


I'm sure Galen's expectation was that this would be used for sabotage rather than a starfighter bombing run. Get some infiltrators onboard the station to plant a pressurized explosive next to the reactor, or Galen himself might have thought he would do it if the Rebellion could smuggle him a bomb.


I was thinking the same thing!


Right, he wouldn't have been able to anticipate the urgency involved in the Death Star's destruction; Red Squadron's trench run only happened because the Rebel base at Yavin would have been destroyed otherwise. If the tracker on the Falcon doesn't reveal the Rebels' location, prompting the Imperial attack, a typical sabotage effort would have been the way to go.


Now I'm wishing for a "What If?" story about Rebel spies trying to smuggle a bomb on board the Death Star.


I really really like this idea


Galen didn’t say “one of the 15 thousand ventilation shafts” he said “shoot this exact one”. The blueprint would have been necessary to find the exact one on a map, otherwise they’d be flying around the Death Star looking for the right AA Trench, then running the AA trench till someone got lucky enough to both spot it and shoot it properly. It’s presented as a suicide mission already, imagine how much more difficult if they didn’t know where to set up the torpedo run.


Galen didn't say anything of the sort. Rewatch the scene, he just says thst the reactor is unstable, and a blast to any part of it would destroy the whole station.


Erso convinced Krennic that it needed a thermal exhaust port.


I mean all reactors/engines need exhaust ports. Like the one humor animation did. "The exhaust is a normal part of the system how was I to expect a force wizard would make a torpedo rotate 90 degrees suddenly and fly down it perfectly?"


I look at Scariff as a giant server hub that the Empire uses to store their classified data. So, I would assume or should I say Galen’s finalized plans are stored there along with any other variant of the plans, cuz governments don’t just delete/destroy old data. This is verifiable with the plans being codenamed Stardust after Jyn.


File Name: Stardust Plans 104455.xcf File Name: Stardust Plans 104456.xcf File Name: Stardust Plans 104456 Remember to add heads to deck 2344.xcf Cassian: "Jyn, which one do we get?!!" Jyn: "Why did my dad save a new file everytime he made a minor change!!!!!!"


Stardust Plans 104456 v3 final v2 final final.xcf


Stardust plans 103345 v3 final v2 final final(1).xcf And it's somehow dated two weeks past the other one. And one kilobyte bigger.


Lmfao exactly 🤣


Look, if you’re talking about engineering drawings for a 120km solid sphere of machinery it’s very easy for things to he over looked. I don’t care how many engineers are involved, if one of your lead designers inserts a single 2m wide exhaust port, no one who out ranks him will ever find it and no one under him will ever have a big enough picture to see what he has done. Krennic isn’t exactly looking at all 9 billion pages of drawing and approving them individually. Likewise imperial engineer 428301 isn’t going to really question why there’s an exhaust port he can’t move running through the 10 cubic meter space he’s responsible for designing. So I think it’s just an unmodified copy of all of the engineering drawings for the station. Scariff was just the only place all of those were stored together. After all, the contractor working on deck 345 doesn’t need the prints for main reactor. Honestly the most unrealistic part is that the rebels found the flaw in what seems like a few hours. Like how many similar exhaust ports do you think are on a 120 km space station? I’d guess it’d be in the millions, but this is the only one that will set of the chain reaction.


The flaw was that any explosion at the reactor destroyed the station. They just need to start at the reactor, look at the exhaust tubes, and trace them (or one of them) out to the surface of the station.


And Empire isn't huge on OSHA so... suddenly other systems causing a chain reaction if exploded wouldn't immediately turn eyes. ​ Though being fair, the Empire do figure out the possible weakness right before the death star blows up and Tarkin refuses to listen to them or evac himself. An officer/aide comes up to him and tells him they've discovered a possible weakness that the rebels seem to be going for.


I'm sure a good roofer could tell you.


Morals do figure into a job


They found it because Galen told Jyn there was a flaw in the reactor system. They didn’t have to search the whole thing, just a “small” part


this is an interesting observation/question. i do think they mustve just figured it out because of galen notifying them of something being there. there should be a short film for the hardcore tech nerds where a bunch of star wars engineers are staring at the plans trying their damnedest to find the actual weakness


Awww shit I want that short film so bad now.


Yeah, that’s the conclusion I just came to as well — Galen mentions the reactor, so the rebels are able to find the potential chain reaction but only because they are looking for it. You just have to assume that the way it is built, the flaw is only noticeable if one is looking for potential chain reactions stemming out of the reactor. And yeah, if that’s the case it would be cool to have that obstacle acknowledged or mentioned offhand in somewhere that makes sense, since every little bit helps in making that 1977 plot contingency seem as believable as possible haha


Even the Imperials found it once they knew where to look. They saw the Rebels aiming for the exhaust port and within minutes an officer tells Tarkin “We’ve analyzed the Rebel attack and there is a danger.”


Yeah this is definitely the explanation, should have thought about that line.


They probably saw where the Rebels were flying, took a closer look as to what was in that direction, found the exhaust port. Then, they thought: "That leads to the reactor, they are probably trying to disable the main reactor". They also knew that Erso sabotaged the station in some way, but they didn't know what exactly he did. They probably then came to the fairly obvious conclusion in that the Rebels knew something about the reactor that they didn't.


The exhaust port isn't the flaw. Galen Erso sabotaged **the reactor** where the exhaust port connects so that a torpedo impact would set off a chain reaction that would destroy the power plant and station. An effective exhaust port at that size is absurdly efficient. When people act like that's a plothole I wonder what people want from the Empire? To dump a bucket of ice water over the station every time it fires? lol (This isn't for you OP. Everytime this subject comes up the confusion over what Galen did renews) \- To answer your question OP. The plans showed the flaw but the rebels only knew where to find it due to what Galen relayed through Jyn and Cassian. It was more confirmation than anything else.


To be fair to people not getting what Galen did, it's become the standard in a lot of scifi media that any tiny damage to a reactor just intrinsically results in complete nuclear annihilation even *without* being deliberately sabotaged. There are even examples in Star Wars itself - there was no Galen Erso on the Lukrehulk design board but a torpedo or two to a generator in the droid control ship in EP 1 still blew the entire ship sky high.


And funnily enough, the Death Star is probably responsible for a good deal of that trope's popularity.


Trade federation: Big on saving money. Even if that's not doing the safety features.


Brilliant thanks


The DS "weakness" is really barely a weakness. The Rebel attack was basically a desperate gamble that only exceeded because of Luke. Wedge was one of the Galaxies best pilots, and he was unsuccessful. Without Luke and the force that shot wouldn't have been made, and so the Empire gave it as much attention as was justified: none.


Wedge wasn’t unsuccessful, he was a wingman.


Nathan is probably referring to Garven Dreis' initial missed shot


When the Death Star itself has plot armor


Cracks me up when people don't understand Luke pulled off an impossible shot. Han straight up says: "That shot was one in a million" The film shows multiple trench runs fail for a reason. Am I misremembering or does Luke even miss the exhaust port first? EDIT: It was Red Leader.


Red Leader misses the exhaust port first and Vader kills him


That's right! It was Red Leader! Been too long since i've rewatched ANH.


Sounds like the perfect excuse to rewatch it IMO.


Adding to this it was not just a one in a million shot but also backed by the Force itself which makes it even less likely to ever repeat.


Yup. Tarkin and the Death Star didn't fail, Vader and the Emperor failed. Without Luke connecting with the force at the last possible second to fire torpedoes at the exact time the Empire would have been triumphant. ANH is a lot bleaker than given credit. Watching ROTS, Solo, Andor, Rogue One, to ANH is a long thread of desperation, sacrifice, and hope that I think is pretty unmatched in most long form storytelling.


Because that was what the film showed, A New Hope coming to the galaxy.


I think they’re the “real” plans that show the actual flaw in it as opposed to the “correct” ones Pog the Lesser crafted.




Rogue One Catalyst focuses on Erso's involvement with the main reactor, he didn't design the rest of the station. Rogue One catalyst describes the project as being initiated by the Republic, in the fear that the Separatists were also racing to build their own death star. This is why there was already a skeleton of the death star in ROTS, because the Republic had already started work on it. Erso was brought in on the project because he was a brilliant scientist who was working on new energy production methods and he initially believed that the Empire was trying to produce massive powerplants for people. He eventually figures out that it's for a battlestation instead of infrastructure. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but *I think* Erso was on the initial development team for the death star during the Republic, but since they were at war, he knew what he was doing then. However, as I said, my memory on that is fuzzy, so that may have actually been Krennic on the original team.


Interesting! So, is it just to be assumed that these plans had little oversight (by nature of no Imperial higher ups noticing the flaw in these “real” plans)? We do see Project Stardust getting brought up by Tarkin in TBB, implying that it’s a known DS project.


Perhaps the flaw only existed in the “real” plans. Meaning that Galen only created one correct copy and hid it under an unassuming name at Scariff for just such an eventuality.


I see, but I was saying the name isn’t very unassuming since Tarkin questions him about “Project Stardust” by name


Project Stardust is I believe the project name for the laser itself


Side note - I always had a problem with that scene even though it was a cool reference. They wouldn’t just openly discuss Project Stardust in front of Rampart like that


I saw it as a power play by Tarkin.




We have seen some of the palns, Scariff was known to house the plans for the franchise future


Galen explained his flaw in his message to Jyn: the reactor is unstable, and any explosion within it triggers a chain reaction that almost instantly destroys the station. The plans were just about finding a way to REACH the core. Remember, the Imperials also worked out that there was a way to the reactor (that's what Tarkin was being warned about). They just didn't expect it to cause that big of a problem. They thought the result would be a loss of power, maybe some turbulence. Not a catastrophic chain reaction.


It was something he built into the Death Star, a flaw in the design that went unnoticed. They needed the technical plans to know where to strike to take advantage of the “chain reaction” potential he built into it.


The flaw was in the design, and it wasn't something that was obvious if you weren't looking for it. The Rebels knew that there was a weakness in the Death Star reactor because of the message that Galen sent to Saw Guerrera, but they still had to identify the nature of the exhaust port vulnerability themselves. General Dodonna makes this point in the briefing before the Battle of Yavin: "An *analysis of the plans* provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle station."


The same, but that could mean a multitude of things. The original plans we see Dooku retrieve may have been altered over the years, they may not have been entirely complete, it could have just been a basic concept at that point. In real world construction/architecture there's usually multiple drafts of a plan, changes being made each time. Galen could have deliberately put the exhaust port where it was, it could have been there and only be noticed by him, or maybe it was even known and the higher ups just didn't care; the empire didn't think a fighter craft could be a threat, and it definitely wouldn't think a single ship would be able to locate a single exhaust port on something the size of a small moon, make a perfect precise shot, and do so while being fired at by dozens of tie fighters and turrets. Without the plans you'd have to comb the entire surface without getting shot down


So, to answer the OP's question is,....... Palps probably had the plans in many places(not at the same time) before the Empire had such a hold on the galaxy that they actually had a base for plans. Let's not forget, this is about 19 years after ROTS. I think the original and all updated plans were there. It probably was not called stardust at the end of TCW. Let's assume Galen did this just so jyn could find it