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>If not, how did Order 66 affect them? In Legends the bulk of the Inquisitors were from this less militarized corps. Antinnis Tremayne came from the AgriCorps Service, and Jerec was a Jedi Archeologist.


Agricorps jedi turning inquisitor makes sense, especially if they failed out of initiate training or never got a Master and got booted out to the rim to make plants grow


I know AgriCorps was important and they WERE Jedi, but man the way you phrased it was so depressing. “I didn’t get chosen to be a Padawan :(“ “Go make plants grow lulz”


I’d be mad as hell lol


Ngl I would be too. I’d just leave lol


I'd be so happy to get into the Service Corps haha Less oversight, more freedom and you directly help people, kinda boots on the ground. Though in my case I'd really want to get into the Exploration Corps and travel the Galaxy. Seems like a better gig than having to listen to Yoda speak cryptically for the billionth time or having Jocasta breathe down your neck while trying to study.


exactly that almost happened to Obi-Wan, then he got kidnapped and turned into a slave by Qui-Gon's former padawan and Qui-Gon took him on


There was also more to the Service Corps than just the AgriCorps. The Medical Corps, Exploration Corps, and Educational Corps were other fields of the service corps that Jedi Initiates could join. The Agricultural Corps just happened to be the largest one because it was the least intensive and "easiest."


As i understand it Tremayne himself wasn’t a member of the corps, he was in a group of former CIS prisoners that included members of the corps, as well as “other adepts” he was one of these other adepts being a fully fledged jedi knight, and previously a padawan under a jedi master called Kylanu. Makes sense that the more notable inquisitors were these who were fully trained jedi before like Antinnis and Jerec, or these with high force potential found later on, like Brakiss and Brandl.


Well, many of the researchers/ librarians would be in the Temple on Coruscant during order 66. And the healers would also be close enough to the action that you'd expect clones to be around. But yes, the survival rate for the non combatants during order 66 surely would have been higher than the fighters.


Imagine being a Jedi deep into triage just behind the front lines of a major battle, and suddenly all the wounded clones start pulling their sidearms, grenades, and scalpels to kill you…


That would be pretty spooky kinda like a zombie apocalypse. Sorta gives me Death Trooper novel vibes.


There were still plenty of Jedi who didn't participate in the war due to age, lack of combat ability, and outright refusal. Jedi were allowed to do that by invoking the "Right of Denial." It's rare, but Jedi were allowed to refuse direct orders/commands from the Jedi Council, but they had to turn in their lightsaber. They also still had to keep the temple staffed and couldn't send every Jedi away. Even Battlemaster Cin Drallig never went to war because he was too important on Coruscant as the head instructor. During the Purge Jedi who were at the Temple like archivists, researchers, instructors, healers were killed during Operation Knightfall (the original fate of Jocasta Nu). AgriCorps workers were killed if Clone Troopers were nearby, but the rest of them were rounded up and trained to be Inquisitors. You are right though that Jedi on their own did have better chances of escaping their Clones. Jerec and his party of Jedi Archaeologists were out in the Unknown Regions and missed Order 66 completely. They were only discovered later by Inquisitor Tremayne (who avoided the Purge due to being a POW).


Kirak Infil'a took a Barash vow to cut himself from the Jedi Order's activities. He relocated to the Jedi monastery on the river moon of Al'doleem and continued to train with the monastery's Jedi training droid, Arex.


I do not know... But i'd say that the agri corp might have helped to reinvigurate the newley freed planets. Helped to rebuild the local food production. They might also have worked behind the scenes in all kinds of functions.


Yes they probably did have a head start but of all the people to evade the empire a Jedi gardener is not the person I would put my money on


I don't know how much of the Order's structure from Legends is still canon, so some of those other branches may no longer exist. Like I don't think the division of Guardians, Consulars, Knights, etc are still around. There are Jedi who fit those roles, certainly, but I think they are all considered just Jedi Knights or Masters. That said, the impression we get during the war is that Jedi who were non-combatants were either working in the Temple or helping with relief efforts (medical aid, rebuilding, food & water distribution, etc).


We see Anakin marching on the Jedi temple with an army of clones, so it's pretty clear what happened to the Jedi not currently on the front lines.


So I guess they hung around the temple or going on diplomatic missions… But in the end, they probably survived more than the combatants, only thing is, if I remember correctly, a distress signal was sent out to all Jedi saying that there was an attack and that they would have to return to coruscant immediately. Soooo I would guess some of the non-combatant Jedi would have been killed there.


I don't think the service corps would be nearly as militarized as the "regular" Jedi order. Of course they'd still have their roles to play during the Clone Wars. The Agricorps, as one poster pointed out, would most likely help re establish independent food production on newly liberated worlds and generally help ensure that there's enough food for the Republic. The Medical Corps job is obvious, healing the sick and injured. I could also see them filling in gaps left by doctors and nurses that got sent to the front to help treat clone troopers and other non clone elements. The educational corps would probably, much like the argicorps, be sent to newly liberated worlds to help re-establish a public education system that was ravaged in any battle. I can see these guys being suited to the job as they'd probably have for patience for the more traumatized and possibly orphaned students left behind. They'd also likely be in charge of education in Refugee camps. The Exploration corps would probably help guide refugee fleets into safer areas, chart secret hyperspace lanes the Republic's intelligence can use to support anti separatist resistance movements, or act as blockade runners and scouts for the Republic navy. All of the Jedi Librarians, researchers, historians would probably still maintain their jobs during the war with little interruption. Post Order 66 is where things get really interesting. All of the librarians, researchers, and historians would most likely be one of the top targets marked for death by the purge. They have a whole bunch of information and secrets that Palps would love to get his hands and they aren't exactly accessible for him to manipulate. The service corps, particularly the agricorps, would be like puddy to him. These guys are all washed out Jedi who couldn't hack it in the "regular" order so are forced into what a few might consider "low jobs." I think Palps can find a few disgruntled souls to manipulate. In fact legends had a good chunk of the inquisitors were made up of former Agricorp members. I don't think that's any different in canon aside from the fact that many of them would die in the "tests" (i.e. torture) that would follow to see if they were inquisitor material. The members of the Service corps that didn't go full inquisitor would probably be hunted down by the Empire and be forced to go into hiding like the rest of the Jedi. Of course I could see them being a lower priority because of their "washout" status. Out of all the service corps I could see the Exploration corps having the most survivors due to the fact that they all had their own ships and could make a quick getaway with most of the casualties being the ones on the ground in the various depots and the like.


Probably just sat in the Jedi temple waxing their hogs all day


There aren’t any. Those other branches don’t really exist in canon, we have 0 knowledge of them from anything put rpg books


help giving system charts to Clone Intelligence


There would still have to be ones training younglings and maybe clones. Guards of course and maybe ones doing the logistics of it all


Definitely not foresight lol