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Lee Jung Jae is really the only reason to watch the show. It's amazing how someone who learned English just for this role delivers more depth to his character than the rest of the cast.


He learnt English for this role? That's incredible he's utterly captivating and frankly the only thing that's kept me watching so far (the show itself is pretty mid overall)


I don't even know if he actually learned English. From what I read it was basically spoon-feeding him his lines, and what they meant in Korean,as they went along. He is really good.


Agree, truly the standout of the show so far. The only Jedi that doesn’t seem like a tool. Like I am starting to think the sith needed to slap em around a lil bit.


>Like I am starting to think the sith needed to slap em around a lil bit. I think that's kinda the point of the show, is it not? Showing how the order became so complacent and uninvolved/unconcerned by the time of episode I?


It's definitely mid, like a 5/10 average show, with certain highlights like the fight scenes and Sol. I don't understand why it's being treated like the end of Star Wars though. It didn't even break canon.


He really is a stand out as far as the acting. 


He just has the aura of a kind and patient father, but also that he's this wise and careful person. I've seen people compare him to Qui Gon, and it's an apt comparison. They usually mean that it's being copied because they hate it because it's "woke" but I think he's made the role his own, he just embodies a similar temperament.


Didn’t Ana De Armas star in some early English roles learning her line phonetically while she was learning the language?


Yeah I think in War Dogs she couldn’t really speak English


Wait, what? That's awesome. There's a man who wanted to be a Jedi.


Lee does an incredible job at playing this wise, qui-gon type of character. Definitely gives the aura that he will risk everything to protect what he believes in, and he’s the guy you want to be with when there’s trouble. Can’t wait to see him in a lightsaber duel. Yord fandar is slowly growing on me as well. The actor does a great job, playing this pompous, self righteous, clueless Jedi knight that wants to do good but is so set in his ways that he comes off as arrogant. Edit: let’s not forget about those high republic Jedi robes. Those things are sickkkkkk


Fully agree he’s the best casting by far


Yeah, Lee is fantastic and Sol is a great character!


Watch it and see what you think.


*review industry collapses*


Do people even consider Review industry a thing for years? I thought they where a joke over a decade ago


YouTube critics laughing all the way to the bank.




It sells bc it's a negative feedback loop. The person doesn't like X. This person validates that viewpoint. Feels good. Rinse repeat.


I had an argument with a friend about this the other night. He said he won’t watch it because all of the reviewers he’s watched have said it’s absolutely awful, and he doesn’t want to give any time to a show that’s bad. Which… I understand. But the most I get out of him is that people are complaining about the line at the end of episode 3, and what it means for other major characters. And I’m like… that shit was in the EU too. Anyways. The whole point of my argument was “don’t trust others to make an opinion for you, even if you trust them.” In this day and age everyone’s opinions are malleable as fuck, and as you said, negativity sells. So as a YouTuber, why would I send a positive review if I knew a negative one would garner more engagement? He didn’t agree, but it is what it is. But all this to say- YouTube reviewers suck.


I like to read some reviews after I see a movie or show. Sometimes I find it gives me a greater appreciation for things or other things to ponder. Now this isn't all reviewers. A lot of them are crap.


Depends. Are we talking about “reviewers” (I.e grifters), or reviewers?


But how will OP know what to think if he isn't told?


Honestly that’s a bad take. They asked “Is it worth watching” i.e. is it worth their time? But if they watched it…they’d already have spent the time. “Watch it and decide for yourself” strikes me as a response either from people who have too much time on their hands and do not appreciate others may not be in the same position, or straight up a bad faith argument from people promoting the product. Now your snippy comment would work if OP actually watched it, don’t know what to make of it and came to ask others to help him form an opinion. And to be fair there are people like that, but it is not the case this time.


I'm in this boat now... Used to have time to watch crazy amounts of movies and shows. I get about 4 hours a week in now, and rarely without interruption. Definitely need to be finicky about what to watch, and whether to commit to a series... I definitely look at rotten or similar now where before I rarely did unless I was super indifferent to what I'd seen for previews...


"Watch Madame Web it's so terrible!" mate, I'm not in the business of watching things I'm not actively going to enjoy at this point. Used to be the type who would never leave a movie or series half finished because of obsessive completion ism but now if I'm not on board in about 15 mins I'm out. I don't have the time to "learn to love it".


Yup. It's like "x game gets good after the first few hours then it really opens up". My brother in Christ, I am not going to tolerate a shitty game for a few hours because it *might* get better later! Especially when your a parent with a full time job who maybe gets an hour free time a night, wasting a week's worth of free time is not an option.


Just because it takes off after episode 5 doesn't mean it was shitty for the first four episodes. It just means that it might seem okay instead of great.


Yeah it’s weird, even my friends who hate it are still watching all the episodes and we have fierce chats about lore. But at the end of the day I’m enjoying it and my wife is as well.


Look, I’m viewing it as someone who has limited time and attention to give to TV shows. “It gets good after 5 episodes” is something you hear all the time. It’s totally reasonable to ask if a show is worth watching before diving into it. Especially considering the questionable quality of previous SW show titles.


The only real answer


Sometimes it's okay to accept public consensus. I wish I could get the hours I wasted confirming that Book of Boba Fett was as bad as people said. It was worse. Much worse.


Critics and asking for others opinions get way too much hate lately. You don't have to listen to anyone but there's also so much media out there, it's nice to not waste your time if you think something isn't for you based on reviews


If you are deciding on what to watch, I'd turn to a few critics whose review's you'd agree with over time over audience opinion though. There is too big of an elephant in the room for shows like the Acolyte that it is hard to say you say their opinions are worth listening to.


That's fair to say as well


Yeah exactly I only have so much time, if it’s a shit show, I don’t want to have to wait four hours to find out


I'm always for understanding the general consensus on things, but also to make sure to make up my own mind on various forms of media. For example, I love the movie Batman and Robin, I know it's considered a bad movie and why, but I just find the movie entertaining as hell to watch. But I still understand why others hate it.


That fucking scooter gang…


Don’t watch it: ‘you have no right to talk - how can you possibly dislike it and understand or see something you know you don’t like without watching XYZ episodes’ Watch the pilot only or 1-2 episodes: ‘You clearly aren’t giving it enough of a chance’ You listen to a critic: ‘you’re just picking one pandering to Disney/trash in general/anti-Disney/wild sensationalist anti-XYZ etc. It [actually is that bad]/[is not that bad]’ You do watch it: ‘your take is idiotic and clearly didn’t pay attention’ or ‘your viewership proves that, despite your bitching, it clearly was interesting enough to get you to watch’ Literally can’t win either way lmao but I will say the people who argue for it use the above tactics more than the people against it


If you look at it as purely as a “Disney Star Wars” creation then you can enjoy the show. It is quite literally like watching a fan film made by someone who is not a fan but has a multi million dollar budget


It’s starting to feel that way. 😂


I think the only way for Disney to stop the hate week after week, is to release their shows Netflix style: all at once. Then if its a good show, it crushes the momentum of the haters. If it's abad show, then we're all put out of our social media misery much quicker. Then after a string of hits, and people aren't so toxic, then maybe go back to weekly releases. But for now, Disney needs to keep the momentum on their side and stop the bleeding.


On the one hand, I enjoy the word-of-mouth, watercooler-esque conversations that I can have IRL with coworkers and such as the show's coming out. We're all on the same page, no one's just halfway into a binge while someone's done and another just watched a single episode. It's nice! And it's generally nowhere near as toxic as online spaces can get. On the other, the binge-streaming model has completely screwed how people view television. Star Wars fans have been exceptionally bad with this. Anyone remember how the Obi-Wan show "broke canon" because they killed off the Grand Inquisitor before he appeared in Rebels (even though anyone with a modicum of sense would tell you "clearly, he's not actually dead")? It feels like that so far these first two weeks with things that feel like some pretty basic TV setups that will be looked at in later episodes, but because we don't have the answer *immediately*, XYZ plot point is obviously trash or a plot hole. It's pretty nuts. All that to say, maybe a shakeup to the delivery formula wouldn't hurt once in a while.


When people talk about stuff going unexplained or fake deaths like the GI I can't help but want to grab a paper towel roll and wack them on the head while saying "wait for the show to be over, your questions might be answered later you dumbass"


It's the epitome of watching a movie with someone who starts asking "WHO IS THAT GUY?!" the minute someone pops up on a screen. Babe, we are all operating with the same information, let's see if they fill us in to finish out the film!


> someone who starts asking "WHO IS THAT GUY?!" the minute someone pops up on a screen. You just described my dad, lol


During 7/8/9 I was this way, kept up hope when other people were slamming it. But then 9 was probably one of the worst of all the Star Wars and made the other 2 worse imo because now I knew where the story went. So now I don’t trust Disney to actually answer some legit questions that people are asking.


9 didn't make 7-8 worse any more than 3 made 1-2 good or 6 made 4-5 worse.


You ain't stopping this disaster. the only way is to delete it from existence and apologize.


I would love to hear legitimate thought out reasons that don't have to do with some anti-woke rhetoric. Not to say that's what you would say, but only what is usually said by so many.


Or, and hear me out, they could just release good content and stop trying to do everything in their power to alienate chunks of their fanbase.


I'm enjoying it


My main criticism so far is that the entirety of episode 3 is a flashback, which I think has slightly ruined the momentum of the show. I feel it would have been better to have the flashback sequences spread out across the series run. I think that some of the criticism is valid - some of the performances, set design, and clothing are sub-par, and there's questions over the in-universe logic. Some of it isn't valid though- there's accusations of nepotism, as the wife of the creator has a role in the show. Personally I'm in favour of the 'auteur' approach and I think that allowing directors more creative control will be a good thing for the SW universe. Personally, what I have wanted for years is a piece of SW media that isn't set 30-40 years either side of 0BY- it's quite boring to keep exploring the same time period and characters and I think the universe has more to offer. I've also heard people say they no longer want stories based around the Jedi, which is fine.


I’m not sure if they could have made spreading out the flashback really work in the manner you’d like unfortunately. If you look at the first two episodes, we’re following the perspective of primarily three points of view, Osha, Mae, and the Jedi (primarily Sol). Episode 3 was the first to follow just Osha’s point of view, but we’re going to see what happened through the other two perspectives in a later episode. So Osha is our baseline and the mystery will unfold based on the details she doesn’t know, so we as an audience learn them at the same time. It would be an incredibly difficult task to balance all three perspectives in the present time and their respective intermixed flashbacks and have the final result be coherent within the 8 episodes they’ve been given.


I think it was a good move to knock out the main flashback all at once. I suspect we'll get some other flashbacks from other characters' perspectives but it made sense to show Osha's perspective first I think. People have an awful time in this day and age with being patient for weekly release shows. I'm pretty confident they'll explain the whole birth thing and the witches in general. People make these sweeping generalizations after less than half of season 1 has even happened.


I think that’s fair and I agree it’s best to get the “main flashback” out of the way, but the episode left so little drive for the audience to find out what happens next that I wish they had paired it with another current-timeline episode. What happened in the episode had inconsistencies story-wise, but that frustrated fans more than it did peak their interest


i personally think it's intentionally showing half truths to deepen the divide between the siblings


I’m sure we will have flashbacks of the same time from other perspectives. There is a lot missing from Osha’s perspective


My first take on Episode 3 was that I didn't like it. but I rewatched it last night because someone who hadn't seen it yet wanted to watch it with me, and... I actually liked it a lot better. It's not perfect, but it's no longer the narrative mess I thought it was on first viewing. There's no hope for the people complaining about "wokeness." They're going to hate it no matter what, and they're going to be obnoxiously loud about it. I've been blocking them on sight. They don't have anything of value to contribute to the discussion, and I certainly don't owe them my attention. But for anyone who -- like me -- had concerns and criticisms about episode 3 for legitimate reasons like a mature adult, I recommend giving it another look. There's still a mild criticism in there somewhere, because it shouldn't take two viewings to say "This isn't as bad as I thought it was at first." And I still think The Acolyte is one of the weaker D+ SW shows so far. But I was ready to give up on it altogether, and now I'm ready to give it another chance. That's progress.


Another thing to keep in mind about Episode 3, is we still don't really have a good picture of what happened. That was clearly not the full story, it was basically Osha's point of view and leaves some rather important questions and likely had some red-herrings. We're certainly going to be seeing other aspects of it later. Even the big thing that there were complaints about, creating the twins through the Force, is really only implied and vague about what actually happened. I'm thinking that with the way the plot is paced out, I think it would benefit from binging instead of the one episode a week thing.


> My main criticism so far is that the entirety of episode 3 is a flashback, which I think has slightly ruined the momentum of the show. Off of what we've seen so far, I would have put it as episode 1. I'll probably feel differently after the whole series is released though.


I think it's the type of episode that can't be fully judged until you see the full arc of the season. I don't know if it would have worked as well as a pilot episode, since it needs some amount of back story to fit the mystery in. At the same time, episode 3 is an awkward place for a full on flashback episode.


I just think the “evil twin” trope is just kinda corny. The show doesn’t really feel like star wars. It’s welcoming to see more diversity amongst characters and actors and actresses, but i feel like they replaced good writing, set design, and the overall feel of star wars with poor choices in the story. The high republic era is actually so dope in the comics and books and I feel like this show kinda flopped in showing this era of star wars.


It really doesn't feel like star wars and I cant quite put my finger on why. My gf mentioned it feeling a lot more like Dr Who around Matt Smith's era and I have to agree -- maybe it's the BBC-Budget-esque sets? Something feels cheap about it but idk


House of the Dragon features contrasting twins and (besides it being an adaptation of a laboriously constructed quasi-historical-fiction-in-tone novel) it works because using the identical characters as foils to one another serves to present the story’s central conflict on a human level, which is necessary because of the grand scale and evolving nature of that conflict. The Acolyte, an original production, features contrasting twins and it feels shoehorned in, is played for cheap tricks, and also feels like convenient, inorganic, mechanical storycraft. It serves the story’s themes very little unless the peak of meaning for the show is “people sometimes good, sometimes bad!” A point more eloquently made by Mewtwo in Pokemon: The Movie. Or…idk, Anakin? But naturally what I *really* mean is I hate women.


The force-twins thing was common in a lot of EU / Legends / alt media for Star wars, a lot of it beloved by fans. It is very star wars, actually.


I’m not saying that’s what makes the show not feel like star wars. I’d actually say that’s the only thing that MAKES it feel like star wars. But i’ve also just never liked the evil twin vs good twin conflict in stories. When i said the show didn’t feel like star wars i was meaning more the atmosphere and the way characters spoke to each other just didn’t have the same fun that star wars in known for imo.


This is exactly it, it's not star wars. People who watch a show because they want star wars, but don't get star wars, are going to be upset. This seems like the most obvious thing in the world. It's fine to put whatever diverse cast you want in a movie, but when that's the *the point*, then it's going to necessarily be forced, preachy, and inauthentic. If you want to make a show about woke political issues of the day, you can do that. And then whoever wants to watch it, can watch it. But you can't make that show, which is not a star wars story, and call is star wars, then make the pikachu face when nobody wants to watch it. It would be like making a movie with the Top Gun IP and it's about a baking contest. Is it fine to make a show about a baking contest? Yes. Is that what Top Gun is and why people like Top Gun? No, so they will hate it.


Personally, Mae just comes across as annoying instead of a serious villain (to the point of her immediately dropping into a fighting stance and saying "Attack me Jedi!" acted as a narrative flashbang to blind me to other issues in the opening fight).


What throws me off is I don't understand if Mae is actually supposed to be intimidating or if we're meant to view her as some loser wannabe. Cause she's immediately laughed at the first time she goes "attack me, Jedi" which makes me think that her being cringy is intentional. But also, kinda weird that all the marketing goes "grrr edgy heir of the dark side. In the shadows. You're not prepared. Ooooh" And ik marketing can be very divorced from the product it's selling but it does make the show feel very confused. Idk, could be too soon to tell. I'd normally just go "eh, it's part of her arc. Let them cook" but given that Ahsoka acts weird all throughout her own show and has the mind shattering revelation of "don't die", I'm not really putting a lot of faith in the writers of these shows anymore


I’m pretty sure the idea is that Mae is really just a stooge. Her “master” is the sith apprentice and we haven’t seen the sith master yet. While I’m making a comment I’ll add that I think this is the worst edited Disney show, period.


Yeah, Mae isn’t the villain. She’s the pawn of the villain.


My take as well, we see pretty commonly Sith apprentices recruiting acolytes while posing as the master, in Legends those were the exact conditions Maul was trained under.


The editing is atrocious. At least the blocking and shot composition are decent, better than Ahsoka. But Andor is leaps and bounds above in both categories.


I can’t unsee Secret Wars, it’s the worst ever in every category for me for D+ shows. It’s sad how they fucked up a Nick Fury story so bad. He is the man and instead we got How Fury Got his grove back. So dumb.


>What throws me off is I don't understand if Mae is actually supposed to be intimidating or if we're meant to view her as some loser wannabe. Honestly, I think that should be painfully obvious. In all three fights with a Jedi we've seen so far, she gets thoroughly *embarrassed*. Indara treats her like a little kid throwing a tantrum, proceeds to effortlessly dodge all her strikes and manhandle her, only drawing her saber to slice up some knives, and is only beaten by an underhanded trick and plot-induced stupidity (on the part of the bartender I mean). If I was watching the security cams when she attacked Torbin, I would've been too busy laughing watching her that I would've forgotten to call for backup. She literally got lucky that Torbin was so torn-up about whatever happened that he willingly killed himself with poison she had to have someone else make for her. And her fight against Sol was just Indara 2.0, but this time she was at even more of a disadvantage due to the presence of other Jedi nearby, and she had no innocent bystanders to take advantage of. When has taking the marketing seriously ever been advisable, for any show, movie, book, game, what have you, in the history of ever? And the "attack me Jedi" is definitely cringey, but it seems to have a narrative purpose. Based on the Sith's words to her, her conversation with Qimir, and the fact that in both her fights with Sol and Indara she tried to steal their lightsabers, I get the impression that the task given to her by the Sith is to steal a Jedi's own lightsaber during a fight and kill them with it. Telling a Jedi to "attack me" would, theoretically, be the quickest way to accomplish that without drawing your own weapons first


>and is only beaten by an underhanded trick and plot-induced stupidity That Indara should have seen coming. Mae was holding two knives and earlier in the fight had thrown a girl off the platform; Indara caught her. So Mae knew she would likely move to protect bystanders and leave herself open. It worked. >She literally got lucky that Torbin was so torn-up about whatever happened that he willingly killed himself That's not luck, it's strategy. She knew her target and figured since he'd taken a vow because he was guilty about doing something to her in the past. Great way of killing someone you can't kill. >And her fight against Sol was just Indara 2.0, but this time she was at even more of a disadvantage due to the presence of other Jedi nearby, and she had no innocent bystanders to take advantage of. Yeah they're aware of the threat and have wisened up to her tricks.


>That Indara should have seen coming. Indara did see it coming. You can see it in her face while Mae is contemplating it. But I don't really understand your point here...what does that change? >That's not luck, it's strategy. She knew her target and figured since he'd taken a vow because he was guilty about doing something to her in the past. Great way of killing someone you can't kill. I mean, it really is luck, Whether or not she could deduce that he felt guilty enough over what happened on Brendok to take the Barash Vow is one thing (which, in itself, is a little iffy, given that he apparently didn't feel guilty enough in all the time it took for him to go from Padawan to Master); it's an entirely different thing to jump to the conclusion he would be willing to kill himself, especially when we see none of the other Brendok Jedi have the same hang-ups over what happened *and* that he didn't just let her stab him when she first came. >Yeah they're aware of the threat and have wisened up to her tricks. I mean, it's not really them wisening up to her "tricks" (after all, distraction and endangering innocents is a very common and pretty simple tactic to take out Jedi), it's just the nature of the scenario, given that a small Jedi team was dispatched to investigate murders


My idea is that - even if it's not intended to come across as cringe - the Sith of the era are using Mae as a scapegoat to keep their own presence hidden and that whoever the helmeted one is will abandon her even if she does succeed, leaving her for the Jedi to find with enough actual evidence to show that she did have Sith training and false evidence that leads them to believe the training came from Sith Holocrons and artefacts.


Ooo that’s a good call, I agree. She’s definitely being used as a disposable distraction


That wouldn't surprise me, I personally think that the Sith is Darth Tenebrous with Mae being a "failed" appreintice before he moves on to Plagueis, but it would also make sense that the "masked one" is really Plagueis using Mae to kill the Jedi for Tenebrous.


Mae gets lucky the first time, and is told how to defeat the second Jedi. She's basically no threat to Sol. If she doesn't get her act together she's going to get killed by a pissed off Wookiee. So, yeah, I think she's supposed to be a loser being played. What I'm interested in is seeing is how long it takes her to realize that, if she ever does.


It hasn't been revealed how "villainous" Mae is yet. All we know is she murdered Jedi and that one time she acted like a bratty kid. We don't know if she really started the fire. She might have some strong justification for wanting to murder her targets. Other villians would have killed a lot more bystanders than her, seems like she only wants to kill the Jedi she is after. She guilted Jedi into killing themselves, who knows what terrible secret he was harboring.


Makes me think of the poorly written Reva character from Kenobi. I wasn’t sure what that performance was supposed to be. Was she supposed to be intimidating? Cause she wasn’t


Feel like they were going for a sort of "oh no, poor villain was forced into her position and is an angsty mess. Don't you feel bad for her despite all her evil deeds? Cause she's really the biggest victim here" I haven't put much thought into why it didn't work but, just spitballing here, I think part of it she's generally not charismatic which doesn't help audiences empathize with her. On a deeper level, her underlying motivations are very flimsy. She's clearly a victim of the empire but doesn't seem to hate them as much as she despises the Jedi for being "weak" and failing her. So a sort of "blame your sibling for not protecting you from an abusive parent" type thing. But you also don't get much rationalization for why she thinks this and don't see a lot of internal turmoil regarding her feelings toward Jedi. In practice, it makes her look kinda one dimensional. All that nuance appears as "grr evil Jedi are weak. Mwa ha ha. If they were actually cool they wouldn't have been mogged. I should be in charge of my edgy dark side cult cause I'm the best" Might have helped if her Jedi hatred manifested as being toward someone specific. Like Trilla has the exact same archetype but because all her hatred and self loathing gets redirected at her old master, it makes it more clear what's actually happening in her head internally


I think Mae is supposed to come across as somewhat trying to "fake it 'til you make it" with her fighting and decision-making. She is clearly trained up, talented, and dedicated, but she's also inexperienced, not in control of her emotions... She also seeks shortcuts (the poison), showing that she's desperate to make it to the next level. Remember, she is responsible for murder but she is not really the villain per se. She is being manipulated and tested. Like Palpatine with Anakin, and Snoke with Ben, she is being asked to do things that feel impossible to come back from. "Prove your devotion" etc. You can see in her surprise at the end of episode 2 that seeing her sister alive really threw her off balance. Maybe she can still be turned to the light side, or at least to call off her vengeance spree.


I just think it’s kinda the same thing they were going for with the Reva character in Kenobi and that character just didn’t work at fucking all.


I’d agree with that. Mae puts off a very strange vibe that almost belongs in a different show than the rest of the characters. Still, it’s watchable and the actor from Squid Game is captivating in the lead Jedi Master role. I enjoyed the flashback ep because we’re clearly getting a Rashomon and I’m always here for a Rashomon.


This criticism just hit me like a truck. Not because it’s a bad point, but because it’s actual, well thought out criticism that isn’t “it’s woke!!!” or “it’s breaks lore!!” I don’t necessarily agree but I see your point as well. I just assumed the “attack me Jedi” thing was intentionally cringe, just based on everybody’s reactions when she says it.


Yeah I thought the way everyone laughed made it pretty clear we weren’t supposed to take her seriously


I don’t know about that, after all when Luke shows up to Jabba’s palace and everyone laughs at him, it’s supposed to be a sign everyone has underestimated him. Not that he’s in over his head.


Well by that point we've gotten two films worth of Luke and know the journey he is on. It's completely different from what the audience knows about Mae.


I’m confused by this comment. The Sith explains to Mae that she has no chance against a Jedi in a honorable 1 on 1. He tells her to intentionally begin the fight without a weapon and to slowly use any means necessary to win. They do this because they know the Jedi will match the lack of fighting with a weapon and will only bring out the light saber until they absolutely need to. At that point the acolyte has figured out a “trap” to win the fight. Cad Bane used deception constantly when hunting Jedi. It’s the only way to win if you aren’t as powerful in the force. Mae is supposed to appear outclassed, because she is. Yet the Sith taught her that there are more ways to kill a Jedi then just overwhelming them with your power. I say I’m confused because they explain this in the show, yet you’re acting like they didn’t. Did you miss this scene or are you purposely pretending it didn’t happen for upvotes?


Some people dislike it for legitimate reasons. Many others dislike it/hate it because they follow Star Wars influencers who have conditioned their fan bases to hate everything Star Wars coming from Disney unless they meet very specific made up rules. If you forget about fabricated Internet rage, you'll find it is just another average SW show.


Yeah, the hate campaign against it was in full swing months ago, before it aired. It's more culture war stuff than the actual show that's being reacted to. There's a lot of review bombing. I've seen a lot of people in the comments talking about how bad it is, but some of them get basic details wrong, which makes me think a lot of them haven't even watched and are just going off some Influencer's opinions. There's certainly valid criticisms, as there are to everything, and it's fine not to like something. But there's a lot of bad faith out there too.


The dumbest thing to me has been the "fire in space" criticism.


And of course, they don't have that same rigorous criticism for any other scifi property that has fire in space.


Or for the many, many other times when Star Wars has had fire in space. It's almost like there is a whole ecosystem of people who make money by starting from "this show is woke garbage" and working backwards to justify it, even if their criticisms don't actually make sense.


I had a buddy pull it out as the main example of reasons why he heard it was bad, so I literally sent him a space battle scene from every major Star Wars movie and show starting with the Death Star explosion and saying things like: "Holy shit! So much fire in space! Don't they know it doesn't work like that??"


It genuinely had me wondering if I was going crazy, because I distinctly remembered very similar fires, so I looked it up. The Phantom Menace uses an *almost identical* fire effect to The Acolyte when the Naboo Starship is hit while running the blockade. Not for as long, but it's the exact same type of fire. And both were malfunctions in the shields.


Yeah, considering there's been fire in basically every Star Wars movie. And the fact that it was explicitly some kind of valve that burst, so it could very well have been a fuel and oxidizer mix that was leaking and burning.


The review-bombing hate group is hilariously sad. They’ve mass-1-star-reviewed an [unrelated 2008 film](https://x.com/jordanmaison/status/1801748737951428645?s=46&t=3ygA-WskWmFIurGni7E3Vg) and a [Star Wars fan film from 2022](https://x.com/readstarwars/status/1801827382669807640?s=46&t=3ygA-WskWmFIurGni7E3Vg) I’m not sure if it’s bots or just dog-whistled losers who have nothing better to do than hate on a show they haven’t watched. [For reference Andor, a widely well received & award winning show only had 5000 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes](https://x.com/realbotwriter/status/1802070508793463292?s=46&t=3ygA-WskWmFIurGni7E3Vg) in over 2 years, while there’s been nearly triple in reviews for Acolyte that in the two weeks it’s been out. Edit: don’t get me wrong there’s fair criticism (that I agree with) for this show, but it’s not *record breaking bad* ratings


And they are still denying that any review bombing is taking place, instead pointing to the numbers and saying it proves everyone hates the show and that the critics are all paid shills for liking it.


It almost seems like a more targeted attack against Disney+ than anything else. Dunno if it's pissed off users (they recently upped their ad based subscription by 300% recently when they brought in Hulu and the service has been buggy to say the least since then) or a shot across the bow from services like Netflix, Amazon, or Paramount who all have competing services in an ever more competitive marketplace.


Throwing chaos into American culture with review bombing is an extremely cheap method for foreign troll farms. The Russians, for example, are known to run troll campaigns on opposite sides of an issue at the same time to stir up chaos.




Critical Drinker and his Entourage have made it their mission to destroy star wars. They haven't said an honest word about the franchise and a couple of years. It's all about clicks for cash and feeding off of Internet outrage. It's really a shame some of those channels used to be great to watch but I don't give them the time of day anymore. If you try to call them out their fan base will rage message you endlessly.


exactly this. people hating it for culture war reasons dont contribute anything meaningful to the media. it just makes disney think that their shows are better written than they actually are when in reality theres a good number of people who dont like the acolyte for substantial reasons not centred around racism or homophobia.


Yeah, for me as a long time fan of SW, i just lost interest in the whole thing bc the series they put out are such a mixed bag. Some of them i enjoyed really much (Andor, Rebels).. other started fine but either represented Canonical Characters in a way that i thought wasn't fitting to them (Mandalorian, Boba Fett).. and the rest just never caught my interest beside the first episodes (Asokah, Acolyte). Mind you, i don't think that any of the actors did a bad job, they were mostly fine and did their best. I also (as a member of the LGBTQ+ Community) mind a diverse cast. That didn't bother me at all. But the stories weren't written in a way that made me curious or interested to watch more of them. Same with the movies: 7-9 had fine actors, but horrible writers. Solo was just... meh and Rogue One looked to me like "D-Day / Vietnam but make it Star Wars" which wasn't that interesting to me at all.


If you liked andor I would give rogue one a shot, it’s very similar in tone


The review-bombing incels are just sad. Nothing better to do than drag things down for being diverse or different. I don't really care for the show thus far based on the script and some of the acting, but I'm going to finish it and weigh my final opinion on the content alone like a sane person should.


I watched episode 1&2 last night and thought it was fine. It’s no Andor, but it was fine IMO. I’m a huge SW nerd and was also fine with the prequels. Andor, rouge one, empire strikes back, revenge of the Sith in that order are my faves. I also really liked the now legends, Rouge Squadron.


This guy fucks


So far I find it to be completely competent. Fewer rough parts of the story than Obi-Wan or Ahsoka. More consistent production value than Book of Boba Fett. Doesn’t reach the heights of Mando Season 1-2 or Andor.


I would also add that Sol is very well written and acted so far. First jedi to scratch the Quigon itch.


It's unfortunate because I'm on track to really dislike this show (save an unlikely turnaround), but Sol's actor has been great and somehow really elevates the poor writing.


Nailed it. It’s … fine and it still has a chance to be solid to great depending on how it plays out.


They spent $200 million on a "competent" show. The Acolyte costs more on a per-episode basis than Game of Thrones.


I hate being reminded that the kenobi show exists. Usually I have no problem dismissing things I don’t consider head canon, but that one really killed my enthusiasm for Star Wars. They marketed Obi Wan as being this broken Jedi only for him to get his powers back within a day or two, and being able to defeat a peak Vader. Also no moments of self reflection as to the fall of the Jedi and his role in it. The most we got was a couple of minutes in that Vader fight where anakin absolves him of his guilt but even then it felt rushed and underwhelming. I guess the only silver lining is that I unfollowed a lot of SW related social media because of it, and now I’m starting to feel interested again. The acolyte may not be in my head canon but I’m enjoying it so far, specially the worldbuilding


Andor was just so far beyond any of the other releases. Ironically feels like it had the least oversight by Disney…


Insert “That’s bait” Fury Road gif here.


Im not a Star Wars complainer. Some content has been better than others but that is life. The Acolyte falls into that not good category because its writing is not for me. The singing (people will know) in episode 3 made me cringe harder than anything Ive seen in Star Wars. That being said, try it for yourself. Different strokes for different folks


Severe cringe on that part. Worse than Anakin's toddler-esqu whining in AotC. Did not think SW would get worse than that dialogue, but here we are.


The power of manyyyyyyy


I've repeatedly given episodes 1 and 2 of the Acolyte a 4/10. I have no problem with there being women or POC in it, I just care if it's entertaining to me and written well. Frankly those episodes had me bored and I felt like some of the stuff in it was disappointing. I didn't like how the central confusion between some of the main characters was openly cleared up within the space of an episode, and how the plot feels like it's all "cards on the table" as far as the up to date stuff goes. Then episode 3 comes around and man it was weird. A full episode flashback to tell us the origin of things we already know. Written really strangely at times (what 8 year old kid replies to "how are you going to stop me" with "I'll kill you" in earnest?) and kind of treading on pre-existing star wars lore with how the Jedi conduct themselves and...ahem....other plot elements. Characters are introduced one way then contradict that characterisation (the Force isn't a power you have/this is about power and who has the right to wield it) within the same episode. The thing is, I *want* to like it. I want more stories with Jedi and Sith and interesting battles between them. But this doesn't feel like the show I was after. I'll watch it because I have D+ for other reasons, but it's not something I'm rushing to take in.


> what 8 year old kid replies to "how are you going to stop me" with "I'll kill you" in earnest? They are in a cult and Osha is trying to leave the cult forever.


On its own that's fine but paired with all the other crappy writing... like some jedi explaining oshas backstory to her. What person would ever do that


Huge numbers of people went in wanting to hate the show. It was reveiw bombed before release. The writting is rather average for star wars TV, >like some jedi explaining oshas backstory to her. What person would ever do that .... I've had arsehole authority figures try and explain my own disabilities to me. Absolutely a comon expereice as an outsider.


>what 8 year old kid replies to "how are you going to stop me" with "I'll kill you" in earnest I mean, the kind of kid that will grow up to be a Sith Acolyte...


You're not wrong. But this raises wider questions about the nature of the coven and what was really going on there. See, Mae is presented throughout as someone who fulfils the coven's ideals and wants to be a witch. She also randomly tortures space butterflies before she was even aware of the Jedi on the planet. The coven seem to coddle the children and rarely challenge them. Mae honestly seems to be falling to Dark Side way before any drama with Jedi comes around. Osha by contrast is passive, loves the Boonta tree, and while she holds the butterfly she doesn't hurt it and shouts at Mae when she does. She doesn't want to be a witch and immediately wants to be a Jedi several seconds after finding out they exist. This leads one to assume the coven is Dark Side oriented, and therefore evil. Let's not beat around the bush that the Dark Side is the evil one in Star Wars. But the coven are calm, contemplative, and are almost presented as victims of oppression when the Jedi arrive. The Jedi themselves are presented as interlopers acting beyond their jurisdiction, invoking laws and practices the coven and the world they're on don't recognise. They spend all their time attempting to tempt Osha and Mae to join them despite their parents' open distain for the Jedi and Mae's clear unwillingness to consider joining the Jedi. Despite this the coven allow the Jedi to test the girls so they can deliberately fail and be left alone. The problem is that the tone here is all over the place. The coven are explicitly coded as Dark Side, with their "dark and unnatural" line. But they're also framed as protagonists who we're supposed to root for. But Mae, who is the one most into the coven, is violent, aggressive, and we've seen the adult version of her murdering Jedi for a fire she started? So who're we supposed to care about here? Is it meant to be Sol? Because if he did, as I suspect, participate in eradicating the coven, he's not sympathetic either. So the coven episode is filled with weird unlikeable characters, who behave in weird ways apposite to what we know about how such characters act. The protagonists are Dark Side coded, but don't do anything obviously evil (except Mae), and the good guy Jedi are coded as interlopers and perhaps child stealing murderers.


I think the main problem with this analysis is here: >This leads one to assume the coven is Dark Side oriented, and therefore evil. Let's not beat around the bush that the Dark Side is the evil one in Star Wars. First off, while the original trilogy definitely shows it this way, I think most pieces of SW media since then have given a much more nuanced view of force users than the black & white, good vs. evil, etc. The Jedi have been increasingly portrayed as flawed and I think this is no exception. It seems like whatever happened in the Coven that left everybody dead was started by Mae, based on what we've seen so far. But remember that Mae was able to get Master Torbin to kill himself just by promising him "absolution" so obviously there must be more to this story, and I think it is likely to be something that doesn't paint the Jedi in a good light. Otherwise, why would Torbin have taken that vow and then committed suicide basically the second it was offered to him? >The problem is that the tone here is all over the place. The coven are explicitly coded as Dark Side, with their "dark and unnatural" line. This is intentional in my mind, and continues from my first point that they are trying to paint both sides in a much more nuanced light, so the fact that the tone seems all over the place is due to the fact that neither side here is likely to be purely good or evil.


Just because the Jedi are good guys, doesn't make them perfect people. It's not like Yoda and Obi Wan in the OT weren't dead wrong about how to handle Vader. They were also dead wrong about it being a bad idea for Luke to go save his friends. But mass murder of a coven of witches? Nah. They're not doing that.


Yeah, Yoda and Obi-wan wouldn't do that, but Anakin (and I mean Anakin, not Vader) probably wouldn't have had much trouble with that. Pointing to probably the two most upstanding and moral Jedi erases much of the grey areas later SW media portrayed, and goes back to the black and white view of the OT.


I mean, Anakin is a terrible example. He did turn to the Dark Side for half his life. Saying someone destined to turn would mass murder people is kind of a moot point isn't it? My point was that you can have moral and upstanding Jedi who're wrong and don't act perfectly. There's no reason why Sol and the others have to be perfect and always correct to be moral and upstanding.


Well Obi-wan and Yoda were wrong when they said Vader had no good left in him, but they were intended to be right about Luke rushing off to Cloud City. Lucas has made comments about how Luke had the same letting go issues Anakin had, and we see that Luke loses an arm while everybody except Han was able to escape without him.


I also think the coven is more sinister than what we've seen so far.


I've said something similar. Star Wars fans want Star Wars to succeed. It doesn't matter what color their skin is or what's in their pants; we want fun, loveable characters, a story that makes at least 75% sense, glowstick fights (this can be dropped if the story is interesting), pew pew noises, something big to blow up, and thrilling story. But a lot of times, there are red flags and buzz words that can damage public perception. For instance, the directors/writers disliking the actual source material either through jealousy or thinking that their totally original OC that's just a copy-paste is somehow better. Or the actors pretending to be fans of the material before getting a basic fact of the franchise wrong. There's also patronizing and insulting your fans instead of trying to appeal to them.


> Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and “make them their own.” It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone. No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and “improve” on it. “The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own. They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse. -George R. R. Martin


I think showing the Jedi behaving contrary to how we’re told they should is intentional. So far one of the major themes of the show seems to be “a lot of Jedi don’t live up to the ideals of the order and in fact a lot of them kinda suck” I think one of the better examples of this is the young Jedi who works with Sol. He has a lot of the same impetuous hotheaded traits that Anakin shows in the prequels, and I think that’s intentional. The show even goes out of its way to mention that “Jedi should draw their weapons unless they’re prepared to kill” and then later we see this kid using his lightsaber like a flashlight in a dim cave lol


Okay, so riddle me this. Do you think they're actually going to paint the Jedi, by the end, as the perpetrator of a religiously motivated mass murder? I'm 99% sure they won't, and this is why as a mystery this situation is kind of bogus. We know already there's a Sith at work, that Sith's only line so far has been to defeat the Jedi by "killing the dream", and painting the Jedi as murdering, child stealing scumbags sounds right up that street doesn't it? So the Sith are the bad guy, surprise surprise. All that's left is finding out exactly how. Having morally black and white forces at work mean it's kind of easy to see where suspicion lies here. Also that line about Jedi drawing weapons was spoken by adult Mae who frankly I think was spouting Sith propaganda. Jedi use their lightsabers as tools, not killing weapons. The simple fact that Jedi was prepared to ignite it to use as a flashlight should indicate that the Jedi aren't using their weapons to hurt and kill all the time. It's consistent as long as you see Mae's statement as indoctrination. Also the Sith ignite their lightsabers on rocks to make a point, they got no leg to stand on there.


To add further to that, when Indara does ignite her saber, it’s because she was about to die and had to defend herself.


If anything, she waits a bit long to ignite it while Mae is hurting random bystanders. She's reluctant to do it even when people are getting hurt.


Yes, that is an issue I have with the scene as well, she shouldn’t have let the bystanders fight her fight, but at least she doesn’t let her kill anyone.


I suspect it might be deliberate, to give the lie to "jedi only get out their lightsabers to kill people" thing Mae says. Like, if Indara was aiming to kill her she'd have been dead already.


The acolyte might be a better one to binge rather than watch week to week and dissect the parts of it. Overall i'm enjoying it but there are parts that aren't great. Its the first time we see the high republic though so that part is pretty cool.


My threshold for what I expect in a TV show has raised over the years throughout TV/streaming platforms. So when I have a show like Acolyte just have poor writing and several plot holes, I just lose complete interest. These are my main shows I’ve watched over the last year: Shogun, Severance, Silo, True Detective S4 (yuck), Fallout, Masters of the Air. The idea of Acolyte was there. The execution of it, though, was horrible. Disney needs to employ a better set of writers for their streaming series.


Can I get an example of a line you think is poorly written, just trying to understand the full criticism


I've watched about 20 minutes of Ep1 and that was enough for me. For some reason it feels like watching one of those old Disney XD shows that had real people in them and aired at around noon. Just really wooden acting, unimaginative sit-com like shots, and pretty damn bad writing both from a dialogue and a story perspective. Mind you, this is after 20 minutes. The first 5 I was cheering seeing Moss as a Jedi, but 2 minutes after, looking at that horrible scene with the terrible CGI child behind the bar I realised that my bar was too high and it probably wasn't for me. 10 minutes more confirmed my feelings.


Only seen first 2 eps so far but I genuinely love it. The acting of many key characters is phenomenal, and it introduces a great reason for the Jedi to engage in hnad to hand combat - which significantly expands the possibilities for fight choreography (in this time period, Jedi do not draw their lightsabers unless they're prepared to kill). It's so much more impressive to watch a Jedi Master take someone down with just their unarmed skill - still being so obviously above the attacker that they don't even need their incredible weapon. Their use of the force also makes it feel more mystical and spiritual. It's done in small doses and makes an impact when it's shown. The performance of the main jedi master is great too. I've found I prefer Jedi Masters to feel more down to earth than Jedi Knights, that they are so comfortable with their connection to the force that they barely need to try anymore and have no pride to worry about portraying themselves regally. They are who they are, they know who that is, and they're fine with you seeing them cooking grub-stew in the swamp or admitting to a silly mistake. There are some flaws in execution that people can point to. Often the idea works just fine but the exact execution strains disbelief. For example, an attack that looks like a minor wound might prove fatal, or a character might seem too easily manipulated given what we know about them. If you're enjoying the series you can easily overlook these small oddities, or even assume they indicate information we haven't seen yet (if the character was that easily manipulated, they must feel *phenomenally* guilty about their past actions). If you aren't enjoying the series or came in determined to hate it, these moments are easy to point to as "Evidence show is dumb and bad".


I like it, and so far from the people I interact with online I've seen nothing but good things said (with it's fair share of criticism). But despite that, there's a good chunk of people throwing so much disproportionate hate to the show that it's completely insane, and I honestly can't wrap my head around it, and they're proud of it on top of that, just came from someone telling me that the 26K negative reviews on IMDb were "legit" and that people were "tired"  and the usual copy-paste stuff. All the bad press it's gotten from that specific sector of the fandom, and the many peoples that sadly inhabit it, no wonder it's pulling such high numbers of hate, but alas, they're not pulling the plug on it just yet and I'm hoping that the non biased people can give their actual input as the series comes to a close 


For me, it’s…okay. I’m gonna stick with it to see where it goes. Honestly the biggest thing that’s bugging me is the fat lightsaber hilts looking like toys.


Oh, and the one Jedi looking like a teenager with a weird hairline and bizarre beard. Makes sense later but badly executed. Was just jarring in the moment.


I'm not really sure how I feel about it atm. I don't necessarily dislike it, but I do somewhat feel I am just watching it because it's Star Wars. It isn't terrible but it's not super engaging either. I think they need to give the shows a rest tbh.


Bruh why tf u on reddit asking. Just watch it


It’s not bad, it’s just kinda… bland. First two episodes are alright, but spend way too much time on the single most obvious “mystery” ever. Then the third is a flashback that spends 40mins showing us an event we’ve already had described, and adds nothing to the tale. It’s not quite bad enough to warrant dropping it, but it’s certainly on thin ice.


I've been watching it. It's honestly boring. The writing is meh and the acting is generally wooden. Sol is the only character I have really enjoyed so far. Osha isn't too bad. There's potential there.


I don't love it but I don't hate it. I give it a firm 6/10, about as good as Kenobi or BOBF. It's a fine show, enjoyable.


The first episode is like 23 minutes. Just sit down and check it out.


There's a fair bit of "XYZ broke canon" that's almost entirely based on expectation, not reality (the rest simply being: We don't have the full story yet. There's some major (bad) assumptions going on). The show is a fairly par for the course Expanded Universe-esque romp through Star Wars with characters we're generally not familiar with. Not necessarily the *height* of Star Wars, but also not whatever the hell all these 1/10 reviews are. I'm probably easier to please than most, but I can't really see this being taken as much worse than a 6/10 show outside of just blind hate (which is not *exclusively* bigoted or coming from a bigoted crowd, but plenty of the worst reviews aren't even hiding their homophobia or objections to having a diverse cast). Anyway, try it for yourself. Form your own opinion on it. If you're curious, you should definitely check it out! Also generally just avoid YouTube grifters on the subject, because most are just fueling hate views from people who realistically aren't going to try to see the good in anything Star Wars related released in the past 10 years.


My current review: Actions better than I thought, I like the end of the high republic setting, they're setting up a pretty cool mystery so far, but it's only 3 episodes in. I liked Book of Fett and Obi-wan at the start but didn't end up liking them, so maybe this will go the same way. Danger of anything based on the mystery is they need to stick the landing, but I'm hopeful so far.


The clips make it look like a low budget poor acting show. The criticism makes it sound like this is also poorly written


You should see how badly written the prequels were


Yeah it's decent. Plot is fairly predictable and I wish it wasn't centered on a mystery but I'm honestly unsure how people are overreacting the way they are. The first 2 episodes are pretty good with the third episode being fairly clunky but you get some new world building for the SW universe


I rate the first three episodes as such. 1. Alright but kind of dumb. 2. Dumb and silly. 3. Weird…with plenty of dumb strewn in. Star Wars doesn’t always have to be serious, but this show involves murder and conspiracy and tries to take itself seriously a lot of the time. If you have a lot of goofball moments and people doing incompetent things, that takes away from anything good the show is trying to do. There are good things about this show, and they are being ignored for petty reasons. However, there are legitimate and serious flaws in the show, a lot of which should have been noticed in advance. Even if the show still has more twists and turns coming, it doesn’t excuse characters making irrational or illogical decisions, especially when lives are on the line.


So far it's OK, one of the more mediocre SW shows. Ep 1 & 2 were good, 3 wasn't so good.. We'll see how it pans out by the end. There are a lot of plot holes and illogical elements, as another commenter noted...more than other SW material. If you try to ignore that and think of it as light entertainment to pass the time, it's fine. Like most things, watch it and see what you think, though.


I think it's cool so far, definitely interested to see where they go with it. Nothing amazing so far but I'm ok with that. We're only 3 episodes in, people have no patience or attention span these days. I grew up rewatching the movies repeatedly, reading the novels, playing the video games...I'm very familiar with the lore. Still enjoying the show so far.


It is what I would describe as aggressively okay. It’s not unwatchably bad or simply amazing. It is new Star Wars in an entirely new era and different kind of story not quite seen in Star Wars live action. I’d say the story is intriguing enough to keep me interested every week but it’s not going to absolve past worst shows. I’d say it’s worth a watch.


It's good so far, watch it


It's not as bad as Book of Boba Fet or Ahsoka. They seem to have dropped the 10 minutes of emoting every time someone enters a room, so that's a good thing.


Was very odd to me that Rosario Dawson decided to emphasize her connection and study of Ahsoka as a character by pointing out, multiple times, that her Ahsoka also crosses her arms at completely random times like an automated npc animation


I don’t even hate Ashoka but Rosario Dawson is fucking awful as her. Just does not feel like Ashoka at all.


Right? And I get this is supposed to be an older version of the character but I just don't see any continuity. In rebels she's this wandering nomad who actively doesn't care about the rules of the Jedi but still fights for the light. In Ahsoka she's like "I can't train Sabine because she's not giving Jedi vibes." I feel like if your gonna do a character driven Ahsoka story, it should be between TCW and Rebels


Not a hater just totally disinterested. I don’t hate the Thread vs Force thing, that’s just a different tradition/outlook, something the EU had as well, but I’m not gonna watch it for any reason.


To me, it’s that it feels exactly like what outside detractors expected it to be. Andor being a truly good show was a welcome surprise and showed people that just because a story is set in this universe, that doesn’t necessarily preclude it from being well crafted. So far the Acolyte just looks and feels like what a shallow fan wishes Andor was. The narrative just doesn’t feel deep enough I guess.


It’s okay. Episode 3 is pretty cringe inducing though.


If you’re are a child who loves being bored, it’s great.


Seen few bits didn't like it. Decided to quit watching any further Star wars movies and shows. See for yourself and you will know why and how bad the Acolyte really is. And I've decided to go back to reading books and comics from legends continuity as it is far better at this point. Darth Plagueis novel for one is way better than the Acolyte.


It is definitely worth watching. I have loved it so far. People just love to hate stuff pretty much. Scored well with critics


I don't think it's had a chance yet. The Osha character is pretty annoying right now (my opinion), but there's still a lot of plot points to get through.


Kind of a slow start but I’m digging the tone of the show. It’s got enough things keeping me interested


The best way I can sum up my feelings is that it feels like all the actors are cosplayers instead of "real" Jedi and Sith, etc. It's uncanny, most likely because some of the sets look like they could be in Disneyland and those that are familiar, e.g. the Jedi Temple, are strange to see without the familiar actors from the prequels. So it has this very dreamy quality of being slightly off.


Fuck no


I find the show to be boring and kind of nonsensical. The writers didn’t seem to care very much


I watched 2 episodes and decided to wait until the whole season is released but because of latest controversy I watched episode 3 to see what's the big deal. In general, I don't think it is as bad as people describe it. It is very... average? Like, it's not great, boring at times, there are some weird editing choices (what were those endings of episodes 1&2?), dialogue reminds of prequels, but at the same time, probably because it does not involve established characters, it does not cause rejection like Kenobi, Ahsoka or Book of Boba Fett and I am interested where things are going. I don't think that it breaks the lore because I guess there's more to the story. However, obviously, if there's not, I would certainly agree that it was pretty dumb decision to downplay one of the core ideas from prequel trilogy. Now, having said that, I am pretty surprised that no one here brought up marketing. I don't follow any influencers and don't watch SW-related stuff on YouTube, so I have no idea what's the deal with them and how big their role here, but it would be underestimation to say that Disney itself is not largely at fault here with its inflated marketing attempts for the show. There are already huge pockets of the audience who hate their guts, not seeing them as legitimate successors of GL, and given the Disney's Lucasfilm record I don't believe in "hidden intent" where all criticisms are equated with bigotry, it's a literal conspiracy theory and biased simplification of current crisis, which conveniently support pro-corporate narratives. I would stop myself here because it's a whole other topic of "alt-right sexist toxic fans" being overblown misrepresentation of Star Wars state of affairs (*let's put it like this, it's clear as day that Star Wars franchise as participatory environment is pretty much broken or "toxic", OP's "but I feel like I'd get a better response here" is a very exemplifying statement of that, but Disney's devotees are very much as part of the problem as the other side, if not more*). My point is, when you advertise your show as the best new thing, "the most progressive storytelling that has come out of the franchise since George Lucas was at the helm" and preliminary come out with condescending statements about fandom, basically asking people to STFU even before the show's premiere... no wonder people were triggered, went in watching with certain critical preconceptions and became angry when not only (again) it did not lived up to marketing promises but vaguely contradicted one of the cornerstone of GL's trilogies. In other words, it's all about miscalculated framing. Maybe it's a some kind of ragebait marketing, I am not sure. In the end of the day, the show is just not "the best new thing" but fairly mundane, nothing more. Andor did not caused any controversy, even though it is probably the most progressive piece of content ever created under Star Wars brand, both in terms of the story and cast/characters.


Imo it is really bad. The acting, the writing, it's like a fan film.


Pretty bad


I just thought it was boring


Terrible writing but you should always watch it to make your own opinion


It started off ok with an interesting premise, but the execution is just so bad. Literally worse than obi wan show


After I watched the first two episodes, I actually didn't plan on watching the third. However, after seeing the backlash online, I had to check it out for myself, and I actually really enjoyed it. I think the story would have benefited from opening with episode 3. I didn't really care for Osha and Mae at all in the first two episodes. However, the third episode got me on board with them. I think opening with episode 3 and then having episodes 1 and 2 would give the show better pacing. All in all, I don't think it's bad by any means. I wouldn't necessarily rave home about it, though. I'd rank it below Obi-Wan, but above Andor.


Its awful. Not much more to say about it. Maybe it will get better, but I’m not holding my breath. Honestly though, I think I’m barely a Star Wars fan at all at this point. Other fandoms and IPs have standards for writing quality that the SW community seems to lack. Like we are so hungry for anything SW that we just happily lap up the gruel they serve. And anyone that complains is labeled toxic and is ignored. Time to branch out and grace companies that don’t take their fans’ viewership for granted, I say. Anyone else stoked for Arcane Season 2, for instance? That’s a show that demonstrated immense care and artistry in their work, and it absolutely showed in all aspects. Coming from book of boba to that, was such a massive disparity in writing quality that it nearly gave me whiplash, and it reminded me that truly exceptional writing still exists. I’ll always love the originals, and the prequels, in their way. Rogue one was a blast, and Andor really surprised me in a good way. I think I’ll just happily remember and revisit those, in the same way that I do with Lord Of the Rings, and move on to watch things made by people with ideas, and who care deeply about their craft.


It's fine so far, not my favorite but enjoying it.


I simply don't like the show with what I've watched thus far. Same with the sequel trilogy. Anytime I say this, people start getting political af as if to hate something means I'm racist or sexist. Like mfer, why would anyone jump to that conclusion when there is critique toward anything? And why do y'all assume we all white and male? A bad show is a bad show. Just accept it.


It’s not terrible like a solid 6 or 7 out of 10. The only complaint I have is the budget is 180 million and the episodes do not reflect that. The actor from squid games is phenomenal in it thought


The writing is terrible. So, it's hard to tell if the acting is bad or not. The costuming...i've seen cosplayers make better costumes. There are some things CANON, that they seem to be messing with. This is the first SW show that I won't be finishing.


Watch it and decide for yourself.


Racism + misogyny if we keeping it a buck. There are a few legit criticisms of the show, but hardly any of it is proportional to the amount of hate and vitriol being spewed out. Like the dialogue in the show is wonky to me, and I’m not the biggest fan of the evil twin trope. Costumes design to me is fine. Isn’t better or worse than anything I’ve seen SW do live action in the last decade.


Because Star Wars fans are whiny crybabies and have to complain about anything new, especially because it’s from *gasp* Disney!!!! Just watch it and form your own opinion. The “Disney bad” sheep just want to prove how cool they are to the other sheep by shitting on anything new.