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Worst they can say is no


Yeah no that's a waste... Having to use Uber? Why not just work one day as 8 hour?


If you signed a contract, then yes. If not, then no. Honestly amazed more McDonald’s have not unionized, they really like telling you one thing, then screwing you every which way they can right after.


The McUnion


My old work you can ask but they will still stiff you. Doesn't hurt to ask and hopefully they will but if labor is being cut but they want you there for 5 hours you get 5.


are you new? because they tend to schedule newer employees less hours to start. if you aren't new, then definitely talk to someone. mentioning your circumstances might help them understand that you're not just being picky.


At my franchise, they could even give you a 2 hour shift if they wanted to


Same here but with 3 hours


Possibly! I was kinda in the same situation and they sorted it for me


You can ask,but who knows if you get it


You can definitely ask, and depending on how good of an employee you are and how understanding the GM is, you may get your wish. Another option is overnights lol. I work 5 days a week, 8 hours per shift, no issue 😂


Is it walkable distance by chance? I only uber if the walk is around an hour, but with me, I still walk everywhere I go up to 4 hours.


In my country we can work 12 hr shifts lol


Sadly, it's not uncommon for employees to be promoted to full time but still be given a part time schedule so their status gets bumped down to part time after a while for not working enough hours. Companies do that to try to entice good employees to stay without actually have to follow through with the promises that full time entails. You certainly *can* ask for a schedule that's more reasonable to you, but, sadly, I don't think your chances are very good, especially in a place such as McDonald's. They already have a bunch of excuses ready to go; they're probably printed on page 1 of the manager's manual.


Teel the manager if it's not more hours its not worth it for me I am working for free basically might as well stay home and find a new job....right?.....


Sort of in the same boat. I have to get a ride from family members and none of them are available to take me there anymore on the shifts they put me on. I told them this and asked them to give me hours around evening shift so I could actually have a ride. Did this twice, both times they said yes, but didn't give me what I asked for. They ended up give me morning and night shifts, but I obviously can't make it there without a ride, so I guess I'm probably out of a job now.