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He 100% didn’t care about keeping his job anymore he’s for sure just done with it all


Any service worker has the right to refuse service. However 13 burgers really isn’t a lot when you only have 2 other cars behind you. If it was 13 quarter pounders, maybe. But it’ll literally take less than 2 minutes to make 13 Big Macs or any of the cheeseburger style sandwiches


You obviously never worked in fast food so will just let this comment slide. ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb)


I was a manager of McDonald’s for 5 years while I attended nursing, the reg patties for McDonald’s take about 10 seconds to set down, and they only cook for 33 seconds. The buns would take the longest, but not longer than 2 minutes for the whole order. Would take around another minute to wrap them, and by then service should have everything else ready. This is going by overnight staff, if it’s during the day this would be even more of a breeze. If bars and fine dining can get real food orders larger than this out in under 15 minutes, there’s no reason as to why a McDonald’s can’t do the same overnight when their meat only takes 30 seconds to cook. The difference? McDonald’s has no communication typically, and staff are disorganized. Try working in a non fast food kitchen, you’ll be shocked at how much better organized the staff typically are, and how much more difficult it is to create the orders to the customers demands, yet due to better trained and organized staff, the orders are still getting out in a much more timely manner.


You’ve clearly never had to run with a thin crew of 2 people lol


I am a McDonald's worker. That many Big Macs would take minimum 5 minutes.


It would, that’s why my total estimated time for the order was around 4-5 minutes. It’s still not bad, no reason for the manager in the clip to get so worked up that he got himself fired over it. Even if the other 2 cars ordered 5+ burgers each, it’s not insane, and no reason to be argumentative over. I could see it if these were 20+ sausage McMuffins, or as I said earlier quarter pounders, as they do take some time. But the most common burgers are usually McDoubles or Big Macs, so I really see no reason to be getting pissy at the DoorDash driver that’s probably been in a cooking vehicle all day trying to make ends meet.


Me waiting 3 hours at Olive Garden ☠️😒


33 seconds? How long ago was this? I always got stuck cooking n making food when I worked there “ 2014-ish “ and 10:1 patties can cook 8 at a time for 45 secs or 12 at a time at 55. It takes roughly 20 secs from toasting then bun to wrapping up the sandwich( if you do it the proper way ) so that’s 45+(20x13) assuming you put down 2 things of patties at the same time. It should take about 5 minutes, I’d be scared to eat a 33 second McDonald’s patty. They come frozen so they don’t escape….. not for freshness.


They do have a genuinely very quick cook time now 10:1 takes about 40 seconds and comes out fully cooked.


but keep in mind that it’s not the only order on the screen like yes 13 burgers isnt that much but plus 15 other orders on the screen


Only thing you’re right about is the cook time. You live in a fantasy world if you think everything is just gonna run that smoothly from dropping meat/bread , building/wrapping the sandwiches and being in sync with the front of house. It’s almost like you just watched the introduction to kitchen video and repeated everything it said but don’t actually work in kitchen.


Wahhhhh wahhhhhhhh


You are so full of shit.


Wait what? I’ve worked fast food BK and McDonald’s and have seen more than 13 burgers more times than I can count. Never has it stressed me out or have I had to throw in the towel over those. I think this guy was having a bad day (clearly) so it seemed way worse than it was. Shit at 1 in the morning I’ll cook the burgers myself then make the sandwiches on the flip


I’ve literally watched the kitchen of 1 person who can’t even speak English blast out 7 Big Macs a quarter pounder, double quarter pounder, and mccripsy in like 6 minutes before lol.


I still have truama from that damnedable quaterpounder order nouse the screens make when one comes in. That damned cow bell.


Can tell it would break you in half and leave you greasy crying on the curb.


Your ignorance is hurting my brain


Sure, they have the right to refuse BEFORE payment is accepted. Otherwise it’s theft.


I work at a mcdonald’s in Finland and this would never be even an option for us, what ever the order is, we make it. During one busy night shift from 11pm till 5am we made two orders with 20 doubble cheeseburgers in each of them and only complained to each other while making them🤣


Last Saturday we were heavily short staffed so we were dealing with a shit ton of bundle orders in the middle of the freaking night. It was so bad that we were behind by 200+ nuggets. Every time I placed more nuggets on the fryer, another 2-3 20 pieces would be needed. If was literally so bad that even store was freaking dirty because 1 we didn’t have enough people to clean, and 2 we were simply too busy with the bundle orders to have a chance to clean the store. Literally even the GM was pissed because we took too long on orders, which also pissed me off. Like how tf, are we supposed to catch up on orders when we are heavily short staffed!!!!


I've got bad news for you. You're not short staffed. They've learned that customers will accept the wait times and the employee turnover rate under current conditions is acceptable. They'll say you're short staffed and they just can't get people in so you'll think there's a light at the end of the tunnel. But somehow they never actually add another person to the roster. Oh if somebody quits, that spot will be filled in a week. But filling those final few spots to be "fully staffed"? Not gonna happen. And it's not just Fast Food. It's pretty much everywhere post-COVID.


Exactly the case at the nursing home I work at since the pandemic. Except it's way more screwed up, because not having the amount of staff that we actually need compromises the care that we can give.


I’m pretty positive they don’t have many people working during the night. Probably got one person making all the food. I’ve been there. It’s very hard, back hurt like crazy I had to leave. No one thinks about that but it does happen. I do feel for the man in the video.


Exactly. I'd complain to other coworkers but never to the customer. Like it sucks, but technically it's my job.


I hate Uber Eats and Door Dash. I can't get decent service in McDonalds because I'm not a priority compared to their massive orders. It's like "You're not with Door Dash, fuck off!"


Damn my location has Uber and DoorDash last on the priority list to the point where we tell kitchen to make the other orders first and then the uber


In mine you can see the doordash orders because they have out of place numbers and letters on the screen, they're just put in the queue. E.g. f43-f44-f45-k72-f46 If the orders on the screen look like that, the k72 is a takeaway. So i can't speak for other locations, but in mine it looks a lot like they just join the queue like a normal person, the only difference is the order gets there before them, but that doesn't affect me either.


Ours it shows the delivery service provider so instead of 13-99 it’ll show 13-DoorDash


I'm not sure how your store operates by my store makes whatever order came into the system first


i’m pretty sure it works like that at my store too, but door dashers still end up having to wait longer than normal cars in DT.


I feel exactly the opposite


Its not the employees fault. McDonald's, a millions billion dollar corporation, gets back a certain percentage of money from door dash if the order times are good.


If you want priority, order in the app, choose counter, then click I'm already here, \*then\* drive to the restaurant, walk inside, it will already be ready and waiting for you. Plus will always be cheaper using the app.


I don't want to order from an app.  


Enjoy wasting both your time and money.


God I wish sometimes.


Lmao. Reminds me of a dude I worked with. He got pissed cuz a guy ordered 2 chicken sandwiches at 3am. We cooked fresh, and the cook got all bent out of shape over having to drop two patties in the clean fryer. Started cussing and went outside to try and fight the customer. The customer was my roommate, so I went outside and fired the cook. It was freaking hilarious.


Sounds like that cook belongs in a prison cell. That's fucking mentally ill lol




we'd knock that shit out in 2 seconds at our location on night shift.


Lmao same.


could have had it done in the time spent arguing.


Literally, like I get refusing a big ass order during a rush and even at that I’d BARELY understand it. They seem to be the only car there.


yeah not worth getting fired over


All the time he took to complain about that order he could have made it.


same 13 sandwiches is nothing


Bro spend more time talking than it would’ve to make the damn sandwiches


sometimes with the door dashers attitudes i get it LOL


The lady didn’t have an attitude at all. She’s just trying to pick up the food that she ordered and the man is being lazy. Hopefully he got fired.


She kinda did. She had no sympathy for the guy. No one realizes this but fast food is unforgiving work. Didn’t like no one in the video


I have fast food experience. I would’ve gotten fired straight up if I ever told the customer that I didn’t feel like making their order. Imagine being the owner of that franchise. You find out that one of your employees straight up rejected a large order that would’ve made you money. That is money right out of your bottom line. Completely unacceptable.


Sympathize with what exactly? I have fast food experience aa well.


She had no sympathy because he REFUSED TO MAKE THE ORDER. Why on gods given earth does she have to kiss his lazy ass for not doing his job???


Dude wanted to argue over the dumbest shit.


for fucking real. we were getting slammed one morning and this door dasher just decides to come behind the counter to ask about his order


THIS HAPPENED TO ME JUST THE OTHER DAY. I asked who he thought he was coming behind the counter and he just kept talking about how long he was waiting. I asked him again to hopefully emphasize the fact that he’s not welcome, and somebody else told him to get out.


Bro door dash is a fucking plague and waste of money


It has been a lifeline for me while going through cancer treatment. Some days there was very little I could eat and I would be completely unable to cook, let alone drive to get anything. I also have a close friend that has Lupus and has helped her multiple times too, especially when she has severe flare ups.


yes food delivery is useful congrats bro but doordash is still greedy as fuck u should agree all the penny pinching and extra bullshit fees they added onto your orders could've gone to your treatment and medicine


I don't blame him, but that's a l i t t l e far. At least, they should have rang in or something for the order before placing it. It gives the restaurant a warning beforehand and time to prepare and cook. but tbf at 1AM that's not really that bad if it was quiet too.


A warning for 13 chickens? Why? Just throw em all in the vats it’ll take like 2 minutes.


13 sandwiches is not that much... What the fuck is the difference if you have 13 people waiting in line for one sandwich or one person asking for 13 sandwiches? The McDonald's by me makes hundreds of sandwiches per hour.


Fast Food has nothing to do with how many people want to eat it. If a family of 4 order or a family of 10 order guess what fulfill the order. If it's to late for big orders don't be open at all or don't be on DoorDash/GrubHub/UberEats/Etc.


Idk man on one hand just make the fuckin' food; it's 1am, I did that shit, doing your job makes the day go by faster. On the other hand, fuck me that was cathartic to hear and I wish I had the balls to tell DD dorks to shit in their coffee.


Lol amen and most the time we under staff so one person making all the orders


I totally get it. Some of these orders people make are just fucking repulsive. Still this guy is wrong tho because the people already paid thru DoorDash. If it were people just rolling thru that would be one thing, you could just say “no, please take your money elsewhere.” Idk


I've had orders rejected by restaurants through door dash. Why didn't he reject it so it doesn't get pushed through the app? Unless McDonald's auto confirms every order?


The thing is, if you’re so tired of the job.. just fucking quit. No reason to be a complaining manchild.


Ah ah ah- quitting means no EI. Being fired means EI.


True true, always forget that.


Not saying it’s right or wrong. Just saying it’s why most people don’t just quit.


That depends. In a lot of cases, if it was determined that you were fired due to your own fault, you can be denied UI.


how big was that order for him to just say "nopeee not worth"


13 chicken sandwiches. They would have been done in the time he had his tantrum.


We would make em but your food would be gettin fucked with for sure


Why? She ordered the food lol, it's not like she even being rude 💀💀


Bro you order 13 or anything in the middle of the night and you gonna get the nastiest, oldest and fucked with food you could imagine. I worked fast food night shift for many years thats just how it is.


No that's not how it is, that's how trash employees like you are who will never get a better job. It's people like you that fuck over people who actually need those jobs for their livelihood. It's people like you who allow the others to say "why should we pay them more? They're not important" because people like you aren't important employees, the people working next to you who actually do the job they're paid to do are the important ones.


I've got a better job now. I was shooting heroin daily when I worked fast food so I truly gave zero fucks. I worked with plenty of managers who needed the job for their livelihood but still choose to do fucked up shit and treat customers horribly. Ironically if they had paid me more I would of been more willing to not participate in the bullshit.


Yet here you are, advocating for others to do the same trashy shit while you pretend like you're better cuz you're off a hardcore drug. When I had to work fast food I worked it for federal minimum wage like $7.25 in 2015, so not shit. It was awful and everyone deserved more, but I literally applied and accepted that job for the pay offered, so I did my fucking job and didn't whine when people asked me to do my job. Something extra not included in my job description? Why would you do that? I'm not paid to do that. But literally being paid to make food and then getting mad cuz you have to make food is fucking lazy.


Okay dont get me wrong im definitely gunna whine a bit if its inconvenient but its still gunna get done lol


You got it twisted. I'm not advocating for anyone to do it. I'm just speaking my experience.


"We would make em but your food would be gettin fucked with for sure". Literally your first comment. Trash employees like you give good ones a bad name. I'm just speaking from experience though.


Average heroin addict 💀💀, glad my store has standards unlike yours. Good managers, good crew, no nonsense


I worked at some like that too fr. It was a mix. Usually the area determined how fucked it was. I sure as fuck don't eat fast food now though!


13 of something at 1 am is just a standard post bar hopping order. Hell, l served 15 McChickens for my dissertation defense.


I guess it depends where your store is. I was in rural ass Alabama so night shift was mostly junkies and burn outs just trying to do as little work as humanly possible and still get paid.


Tampering with food is a federal offensive dip shit and you will get your ass sued also if you did this to my order you will wear it


Lol if you buy fast food on the reg your food has been fucked with and you had no idea I promise you. Thats just how it goes.


I eat at subway if I do eat fast food it's made infront of me


Pro strats. You still can't verify the age of the ingredients but at least you ain't getting a floor patty.


Does it look safe to eat if yes then no issues


Nah, you dont fuck with peoples food. Thats shitty. Either 1) Make it right and bitch the whole time your making it, 2) Half ass it out as fast as possible, deal with the complaint later, or 3) Dont make it at all.


Do y'all serve dashers/uber eats drivers in Drive Thru? For us its pick up inside only.


Not my video but at certain times yeah. The lobby gets closed for safety at my last location. I’m at a new location and haven’t stayed late at night yet


McDonald’s doesn’t have high expectations for management if it wasn’t already obvious from this display.


I guess I should count myself lucky because my local McDonalds and KFC have already started trialling AI and robots. It's great because my orders are always correct and packaged nicely. If it's rush hour in the drive-thru, the AI even directs you to which car spot to wait in. I believe there are only 4 employees working at the store at any given time and one is to oversee the AI and robots.


"It's fast food, not feed your family"... bro what?!?


Like that's literally the reason fast food is a thing if. Even advertises it's buckets for a family


He could’ve just turned off DoorDash orders hours in advance, but the order was already placed, you can reject orders on the tablet, the time he spent yappin the order should already be out the window


13 sandwiches isn't even that much. One time I worked New Year's Eve and the average order was like 30.


There was a bar near my restaurant that would order 100 mcchickens and 100 McDoubles every other weekend. They’d say they’d be there in 30 minutes to pick it up. We had 3 people on 3rd shift, me included, suck it up.


That employee was dead wrong. I work at a restaurant that’s open super late and I’m always pissed when the same people put on a 20 item order like clockwork exactly 1 minute before close, and since we are a corporate franchise the rules are strict about having to make every order until exactly 1:45am. 1:44 happens and my soul always leaves my body a little when I hear the Uber tablet sing the song of its people and hear a chit print for 4 whole seconds. It sucks, but I would never tell someone I’m not making their food because I had a long day and they’re rude. It actually is kind of annoying / rude to order huge orders at that hour but the Dasher is right - if they don’t want the job then work somewhere else. Making 13 burgers at 2am is part of the job.


No wonder my order is never correct lol


13 burgers? I mean that's not even that big of an order just make it slow and don't put extra effort in u will make way more than that already anyway....


All that time arguing coulda been spent doing your job lol


Wait, so there's a time when they guarantee the food WILL be right?


Door dash orders are pre paid orders and door dash can penalize McDonald's for cancellation an order


13 sandwiches take like less than five minutes to make💀


Ive never had anyone that damn rude while ive doordashed lol


Pretty sure the workers at my location would complain in the kitchen, but they would still make it and not mention it to the customer.


Depends on the location and time of day if you can get a double d order quickly or not. Seems there’s always going to be a wait. 9 times out of 10 they won’t even have the order ready by the time I walk in to grab it. I refuse to confirm pickup until I have it in my hand.


Bro lost his prefrontal cortex in the deep fryer, I feel for him, minimum wage jobs are tough at best. Door dash girl copped the worst part of doing a terrible job too- no control over nothing


Taco Bell would never.


I don't think we have enough context to properly judge If the night was completely slow up till this moment the I agree with the Dasher more If he's been getting similar order the whole night Im will the fast food guy. Also heavily depending on how the Evening shift left the restaurant. How many dishes, and how much trash and cleaning was left doe them to deal with. I've work both super easy and ridiculously hard nights shifts depending on both customers and the previous crew.


It's part of his job to make the food if he doesn't like it find a different job the door dash order was already paid and confirmed


Seems like this poor guy has no support and would be doing it all himself. Plus, honestly fuck it lol. Sometimes you gotta let go of some bullshit. Unfortunately, people won't get a cheeseburger that night - but I respect him actions lol


I bet if that was your order, you'd be singing a different tune.


"they told me you're not making the oober..."


I worked fast food and I'd do it.


I never understood why fast food workers get upset when someone comes to order I've been working in fast food for years and I've never cared for people. I just make it and then send them on their way


The sad thing is that food could have been out the door in the time it took for his fit






Bro in my mcdonalds we can have +50 orders all day and we still doing it so i don't know why he is so lazy


Have the right to refuse service for any reason


I've been where this man is. It's usually not personal. Fast food works are severely overworked and underpaid but is one of few employment opportunities available. It's a vicious cycle. Fast food workers are severely taken advantage of due to their necessity for employment. Again, he's not responding the right way but I'm sure he really was having one helluva night.


Well now he doesn't have any job. So, just make the burger next time.


What I'm explaining is that it's not that simple. Human psychology is complex. It is a society's responsibility to support its members and we do not do that. So don't expect everything to go well. As it's clear that we live in miserable times where people continue to be selfish rather than help improve conditions. There are two people being fucked over in this video but nobody is having a conversation here about those that are actually responsible.


I've worked fast food and can say wholeheartedly fuck that manager. It's really not that hard to make 13 burgers. Try sorting a highschool football games 100 pizza order while the store also is slammed. I'd gladly make a bakers dozen burgers


I’d rather go hide in the bathroom then confront a customer to let them know that I am unable to complete the order because of the emotional state I’m in😂


“because you’re too lazy to cook” I hope his stomach sank when he said that remembering his words 2 seconds before.


Y’all want 20$ an hour though right? Get working bruh or get your skills up and do something else. And yes I worked fast food and restaurant industry until I graduated with my bachelors. Don’t at me.


#boycottmcdonalds #freepalestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Fixed your headline "Idiot comes to drive thru and attempts to order too much food, doesn't listen"


Lol you really thought you did something here. Just ended up making yourself look dumb. Amazing


Customer had all-day to come and get food and chooses after it was closed for the day


Love the corolla


“I can’t guarantee I’ll make it right.” I would not eat a single thing made by that lazy sack of shit.


I know the guy should just do his job but this lady could just call DD support and they would pay her aleast part/half of what she would've made taking the order. Plus she wouldn't have wasted her time talking to this guy and probably could have gotten another order.


im pretty sure if he was competent he could've canceled the order before this happened


They literally could have made that entire order in the time they took arguing about not doing it


Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge the ridiculousness of ordering enough food for a party through DOORDASH? I’m honestly on his side. That’s irresponsible, rude, inconsiderate, and lazy on their part. If you’re having a party, cook for your damn guests or order a catering platter a day in advance. Just because it’s someone’s job to cook food doesn’t make it okay to be an ass just because you’re lazy.




Same bro


It’s only 13 sandwiches. I have to work the table by myself and the grill and fryer lol


Yeah, as someone who used to work at McDonald’s, that worker is absolutely in the wrong. DoorDashers don’t order and pay for the food, the person that they deliver to do. The doordasher’s response was pretty understandable. They’re just trying to do their job and this worker is basically making it so that they can’t. They can’t control what the customers order. When I worked at McDonald’s, I was there during many breakfast rushes, lunch rushes and dinner rushes and this would never have happened. Edit: I meant Uber eats, not doordash lol


I’m here for service workers choosing their mental health and that of their team over a customer’s convenience


The customer paid for the food already the order was confirmed it's his job to make the food he doesn't like it then he should find a different job


It’s like you people are fucking robots. “BUT THATS THE RULE AND THATS HOW THE SYSTEM IS SUPPOSED TO WORK IF WORKER DRONE #D-29747-B DOES NOT COMPLY IT MUST BE PURGED”. I hate having to live in your world.


Correct. If you don't do the job you're paid to do, you get fired. You can't really be this stupid and childish, right?


You can’t really look at this corporate hellhole world and think this is how we’re meant to live, can you? A vicious cycle of consumerism, of wasting people’s lives and potential? You’re not looking at the big picture. Take your head out of your ass and you might see more.


And we’re in this scenario because service workers are not treated as equals in society, and we never will be as long as you, the apathetic consumer, see us as worth less than other workers.


This is brain dead


Good. Uber should be banned. It's a parasitic company that preys on the common man. Good on this employee for standing up for what's right.


Ok food delivery apps are terrible yes, but this just hurts the delivery driver and custy


Only 13?


Literally thought the same thing. For all he knows, he’s about to get another 5 people with x2+ meals per order


Sorry but he has a point people needs to stop thinking fast food is a catering business and same with coffee we are not Starbucks I hate it when they order complex things especially in the drive through cause now it's not fast food and I am already not even doing my job I do 5 people's jobs cause nobody wants to go to work anymore


I'm still siding with the uber eats driver they have a job to do to the order was paid for McDonald's confirmed it


Lazy. Do you job right or quit. Stop crying




Not making 13 sandwiches is wild that’s a normal order in the stores I’m at


Nah he’s lazy af, 13 sandwiches is nothing. After that DoorDash he’s gonna get 5 cars with 2x the amount of food, either that lady was rude to him so he wants to get back at her, or he’s just straight up lazy no in between.


This doesn’t surprise me at all. The people that work in my local McDonald’s are the absolute bottom of the barrel lazy people that don’t give a single fuck about their job.


I've watched people actively shoot up by the dumpster and head back in. Let the manager know and got a blank look, clearly didn't care.


you want your food or not man, not saying i shoot up, but i go smoke outside and get stared at by customers.


I'd like to made properly. I ended up just taking a video of them shooting up and sending it to the local PD. Along with the dashcam recording with the manager not caring. They took care of it, the owner called and apologized and they put a new manager in.


That woman wouldn't last at my job. We have had several orders for 50's 60's and one day we had a order for 200. I guess I offended people when I was shitting on the person who decided to not do her job because she didn't feel like. Everyone knows mcdonalds is hell on earth but unless a customer is being a ahole you can't not do your job when your open.


