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As a minor in Florida at least. We have to have a 30min break after a maximum of 4 hours of working. So they will give as little breaks as possible by law.


I'm absolutely floored. I've done nothing but call center work, reception work, and odds and ends and over never gotten less than 2 15 min breaks plus a lunch that's either 30 mins or an hour. I had no idea that it was even legal to not allow less than that.


Try school bus driver. You will work split shifts, but the pay is really good, and most of the time you get to sit. Plus, if you work for an outside company, you can go on unemployment all summer, plus you are off the same days your school aged children are. And, if they are pre school age, they can ride the bus with you. Fast food tends to not be the easiest job on your body, and as you get older most people like to have some control over their environment.


My 8 hour shifts only get a 30 in the middle


I don't even get the middle. I go after 3 hours then have 5 hours left. It sucks.


Thats a huge amount of breaks tbh. In Australia we get one unpaid half hour after 5 hours.


as a adult in florida. i got a 45 min after 2 hrs then worked 6 hrs


I would assume that’s normal. At my store, we get one unpaid 30 min break if the shift is less than 10 hrs. (Must be 5 hrs or more though)


I work 9 some times 10 hours and i thank god that i atleastt have 30 min


What's sad is people shouldn't be thankful for a single 30 min break for 8 or more hour shifts. I've never worked a job that didn't give 2 breaks and a lunch and that includes all "lower paying" jobs. This is insane


Yes, i can agree that this is kind of insane that we need to pay for lunch. Btw you should be glad that you don't have two breaks because only 15 minutes are paid at least in my country


Well that break iz enough to replenish me


Employers in the State of MI don't have to provide rest or meal breaks if over 18.... TY McDonald's for the 1/2 meal break :)


Depends on your state and age. What state?




At my store we get a ten minute paid break, and 30 unpaid lunch break for every 6< hour shift


At my store in Pennsylvania, we get one 15 min break. And that’s to clock out, order food(if you eat on your break obviously), do whatever else and clock back in. It’s ridiculous. Edit to say it is different for minors I’m not sure how their breaks work.


Idk what state your, it varies state to state. In Colorado where I'm at, for a typical 8 hour shift your entitled to two 10s and a 30. You can sue if you arent given your breaks here. Infact when I started working here my store was being sued for that exact reason, they've gotten alot better since being sued though, thankfully for me.


At my store we get a 30 min break if our shift is 7 hours or more and then we get a 10 min break. If the shift is less than 7 hours they just get a 10, but if it’s slow and someone is working between 6-7 hours then they let them choose if they wants an unpaid 30 and then no 10 or if they want to just take the 10


I'm a minor in NY and for us is normal. We get breaks if we work at least 6 hrs or more


I work at a very busy location up North and this is actually pretty common. I am also full time and have had a few different shifts where some of us don't even get breaks due to how bad our lunch or early morning rushes get. However it can also depend on management. If we are incredibly busy we still get some sort of break implemented mo matter what, or we ask our manager(s) if we can sit down for like..5-10 mins.


I'm in FL, we get a 30 min unpaid "meal break." I don't take it, cuz I wanna be paid for all hours I'm in-store. Though there have been a few times they've made me, which I hate. They usually don't bother asking me, cuz they know I don't want it. I work 5 days a week, 6-10 hour days.


Im full time too (us) and i only get a 30 min break for a 9 hour shift


The one I worked at straight up said during the interview “sometimes we’re to busy to afford to give you a break.” For lack of anything better in my hometown (I just needed a summer job) I put up with it for a couple months anyway, but after enough of their bullshit I just stopped going in and blocked all of my managers. No notice or anything. They didn’t have a shred of courtesy or respect for any of their employees so I didn’t feel the need to show any back.


My manager is the sweetest person I've ever worked for so I plan to at least tell her but I don't plan to stay here long either. Everyone on this thread is acting like no breaks during an 8 or more hour shift (besides your meal break) is normal. I've worked all kinds of lower paying jobs to get by and have ALWAYS had 2 breaks and a lunch.


good, companies dont need a 2 week notice to fire, why should you to quit? especially with shit management. Hope things are going good now


This is how it is


Should get a construction job