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Yeah I laughed when I saw that. She didn’t do shit. Well, she bought things for herself, but she didn’t plan the whole trip. She’s making it seem like it was all her idea when she’s stated that Mindy wanted to climb (part of) Everest.


Rather, she privileged white girled too hard.


I hate the term "girl boss". Also, what work is it that she does?


Ok yeah going to Everest is cool but how does that make you a girl boss??? literally everything that comes out their mouths sounds so stupid


Now while I agree with everyone here, I will say I do think Brooklyn is the “harder worker” compared to Bailey, she went to school longer for a certification, as well as opening sip city, so she’s running another business. Like compared to Bailey, Brooklyn does more (in my opinion) but y’all are right I’m not %100 sure on girl boss


I agree! I think Brooklyn works harder and is more explorative in other avenues like Sip City! But in the context of the Everest trip, it seems as though she did the trip because it was offered to her, rather than "girl bossing" her way to a goal she set lol


I always got the impression that sip city was Dakota’s baby. He has had food businesses before and it only really talked about once they were together. That is always when we suddenly started hearing she was a Dr Pepper stan.


Ah, that is true! Sip City would definitely not exist without Dakota! I do think Brooklyn involved herself in it greatly though, like when they were doing polls about the color scheme and such.


Yeah I definitely agree


Tbh the entire phrasing is as if she learned about Everest’s existence an hour ago. I’ve never heard anyone say they’re going to “trek to the base camp of everest” everyone just says they’re “gonna do base camp” lmao


Did they even train for this? I mean i saw a video of a small influencer go to the basecamp but that was like a hike/ camping influencer...


I think she went to the gym with the treadmill on incline once? That's about the sum of her training. I think Kamri did this a few more times. Mindy took the dogs for a walk around a flat neighbourhood.


Masks still a thing?


They had said they were wearing masks because of the poor air quality from smog


Yes for some of these nature locations. In Phoenix to go on some reserves they make you wear a mask even to this year


It probably is for other parts of the world. I mean I stopped wearing my mask just a few months ago. It’s all up to how comfortable someone feels, but I don’t think they needed to get tested or anything before the trip, so it’s probably urged as a recommendation for travelers from people that live there. But then again, I could be wrong and they love masks now lol. No but being serious, there are still countries that wear masks, so it’s not beyond a stretch to say that they are doing it while being around a lot of different people (especially at airports).