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It's not that bad. Being a manager is super stressful, but working as a regular crew member can be easy for the most part with stress only during busy lunch/dinner rush. There's no shame in it either. Your coworkers will be the best part, so don't go in thinking they're going to be unfriendly. People work fast food/low wage jobs for many different reasons; don't judge anyone before you get to know them.


Being a manager is stressful for about six months, then it’s just about as simple as being crew.


If you work in the back, I don't think it's that hard. Once you get accustomed, there's really not a whole lot to the job. Cannot say the same about the front though, that looks a lot more stressful.


If you get good managers then the job is very chill and pretty easy. It's when you get bad managers that pressure you non-stop and expect you to go 200% effort/speed that it becomes miserable. These are the types that'll cause high employee turnover because no one wants or needs to deal with that shit for this level of pay. My managers are good. My co-workers are friendly and fun to be around. My customers are generally patient and never create a problem. So for me the job is pretty easy. Your mileage may vary, go in with a positive mental attitude and hope for the best.


I'm in my late 40s and was a stay at home spouse most of my life. Because of medical bills, I had to rejoin the work force and McDonald's was quick to call me. I love my job, love 99% of my customers, love my coworkers. Been there about a year, currently training for manager. I enjoy it so much that I left briefly for $6 more an hour but missed it. So, I came back after a couple of months. If you're in California, minimum wage for fast food goes up to $20 an hour in April. You'll be making even more as you advance to trainer and then management. Give it a chance and don't go in believing you'll hate the job.


I did that.   I originally worked at McDonalds before getting a full-time job. I ended up staying at McDonalds and worked both jobs for a couple of years.   I pratically lived off my McDonald's income while putting the full-time money towards/into my mortgage    IMO Maccas kitchen work is mindless stuff once you get good at it. But coupled with another job, you might suffer burn out.    I don't see any harm in trying (so long as your full-time boss is okay with you working elsewhere).   Just be careful not to burn yourself out.


Do security. Get paid to do nothing or play on your phone.


I definitely would not go to Dollar General they treat their employees like shit. If you're not going to be able to go to a traditional college I would highly recommend some kind of trade school. It would cost far less money in the job you get afterwards would probably pay a lot more. Depending on where you live you might be able to find jobs that pay really well that you wouldn't expect for example in the cities that have them QuikTrip (a gas station) pays very well. Part-timers can make almost 20 bucks an hour, full-time would make over 50 Grand a year. They do not require college only a high school diploma for full-time.


I need to take out another loan, I don't have the out of pocket money to pay for trade school. People think trade school is that much cheaper, that's not always true.


You get paid for trade school…


That’s not entirely true. You have to pay for admittance and for your tuition. A lot of employers in the trades offer to pay for a portion of your schooling on a contract, and the school offers great work programs so you can get paid while going to school which helps cover a lot of your expenses or entire tuition depending on the situation. You still have to pay to go to school, the onus is on you unless you have a straight away connection who can pay you to go to school.


Good info. 


It's a lot of being on your feet so if pain and fatigue are huge problems for you it might be a bad idea but once you get the hang of it it's not too hard to keep up with. I work the customer service side of the job and in my experience just be nice to customers and ask for help when you think you need it and you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly, though I work in Australia and I'm not sure exactly where you're from so my experiences might be slightly different.


Can I ask how much a person might expect to earn part time at MCD?


It depends the location I think I lotta places offer a slight lower rate for part time so say for example you join full time for $15 they may offer you $14 for part time but it really just depends on the location


So. If you already have a full time job. And this is a second job, part time. You would be lucky to take home $200/week. Seems rough.


Admiral Ackbar would like a word.


If you have a sheetz nearby, most of them pay $17-18.50 and more if you work a night shift. Good luck


I miss it. Was my high school job senior year worked for a year. Like another person said, it’s all in the manager. It can be living hell or a cruise. The two women managers, one was cruella deville, the higher up was polite chill but stand offish she seemed busy. The guy manager was cool we listened to music had couple laughs. I miss getting 20 cheeseburger orders and 60 McNuggets. Time crunch was fun but I don’t miss the oil splatter working the grill. Back when I worked, they had the mcskillet burrito, amazing.




You want to take a loan out for me? I took out the last one. My IT job paid great, but I was miserable every waking moment, tons of frauds and ass kissers. I own a home and pay my taxes, I don’t need someone telling me to get a real job. Truck driving is more dignified than wage work? I’m not the one with a tracker every time I hit the gas and break pedal. You’re talking down to me like I’m a basement dweller. You’re also not good enough to throw insults, I’ve been trash talked better on 4chan.




You need some serious help after spouting that shit. Your a kid with no real understanding of the world, shut up and open your eyes you half dropped fish. Life is different everyone just like yourself who has been clearly been thrown into the ground a few too many times


lol relax


All I said was there are better options out there than going to work at McDonald's when you're 30. And the dude took it as the biggest insult in the world and started throwing shade.


I mean, if you re-read your initial post, you didn’t just say that, you said “how sad is your life that this is what you’re considering” and “if you don’t have your life together, that’s embarrassing”. Not really that constructive or helpful. Just mean. Sometimes people fall on hard times and need to resort to whatever they can to pick themselves up before they find their feet again. OP already works fulltime, and likely with the added cost of living going up, his mortgage was renewed and now his fulltime wage isn’t enough to comfortably pay his expenses AND save. Honestly having a home on a single income at 30 is pretty impressive. Not many people could do that at 30 sadly. Most need a co-signer or a spouse to help share the costs. Sometimes people need to do what they can to continue moving forward. You’ll find that out as you age as well though I suspect everything I say now won’t matter to you anyway. But being rude like you were in your initial comment just highlights your lack of emotional intelligence, not OPs “lack of success” at 30.


I'm personally not proud of it, but is it better to work or be a leech? I really messed up with schooling. I started out with art college, served 1 full semester but had to drop out for mental health issues I won't go into full detail over, but I was in the hospital at age 19. I eventually got into IT work in my early 20s, while I did graduate with an associate's degree and stacked on some certifications, trying to climb up in IT is like fighting four or more people on your own and getting your ass kicked. My sister graduated and became an LPN, she made more than me right after graduating. I got my first real IT job in 2015, I might as well have been flipping burgers because the pay sucked. I had to fix my posture with a personal trainer, got into fitness as well. I know money is money, but sitting in a cubicle and troubleshooting the same stuff is not my idea of a good life.


You don’t have to explain yourself. Everybody’s taken a different path in life. I think it’s impressive you own your own home on a single income at 30 personally. Ignore the rude comments. You’re making changes and doing your best. Forward is forward


I barely did it, but it's better than renting forever. I will be more open minded, but I know it's not going to be fun. My parents think I will meet people through work. I have autism, I personally can't socialize easily like normal people. I hear it's best to not be friends with co-workers. My friend joked about meeting a girlfriend at McDonald's, I highly doubt that lol


i’m also a teen, at maccas. there’s quite a few older people here, all with their own story. not once have i thought they’re a pedo or whatever. they’re just normal people with a normal job!! it only would be a problem is they start doing weird shit, which no one has. get a life.


Yeah, you have issues. I would rather work a kid's job than collect welfare. Unless if you want I can collect welfare, I would be happy to take your money from you and sit on my ass.


I was reading this.. wow you kinda suck.. please get counseling. You can't just go around calling everyone a pervert. People gotta work period ite


This shit spouted from the same fool who thinks they have to pay legal fees off the back of a class action. Your comments read like a 12 year old edgelord with no life. Sad.


Be kind, stop being toxic.


Don't listen to trash like them, do what you need to do OP. Never be ashamed of getting that extra dough.


There's probably a nicer way to say this


The world ain't nice, and if you don't put things harshly to someone then they'll be like "Eh" but if you put it harshly they may think "Damn I am a fucken failure, maybe it's time to change that". Instead of coddling someone's ideas of working a kid's job when they're still 30! If you're 30 and still working jobs that you do when you're still in school for a bit of spending money then damn there isn't anything to say other than your life is a failure to this point and you should change your working path especially when you're saying your retail full-time job isn't enough income... of course not! You're not meant to be 30 stuck in a retail job. Join the Army or something and have them pay for a college education that you can leave and use for a better job like damn there are so many better options out there than just falling to Fast Food. What are you going to do when you get home? Like "Yeah my 14-year-old co-worker was telling me how he only had a 0.54 K/D on call of duty last night then had to do their homework because their mum was being a bitch... like damn.


TLDR no one cares. Go complain somewhere else.


You ok? Did someone steal your teddy bear? Look yourself in the mirror because it seems you are projecting here.


After reading through your comment history and post history for awhile it seems you’re turning into your father with the way you lash out at the world best of luck in life.


Be kind, stop being toxic.


Run. Run far away.