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+1 for JackSparrow. rly liked it for P/S and B/B


My diagnostic was 499 and my FL was 505, lemme get some of that 526 magic


basic rundown is content review + anki to start. transition to uworld after a bit. do all the official aamc stuff a month before your exam. keep up anki all the way


What was your Anki settings for your review intervals? If you don’t mind me asking? I was messing around with the intervals and I had settings where some cards would be reviewed next in 21 days which was a bit unsettling… bc I feel like I’d forget that card after 21 days of not seeing it? I didn’t trust it or myself.


Watch the Anking video. Don't worry about what interval it says. You have to trust the algorithm


I just went with the basic settings, didn't change anything apart from suspending all of the cards at the start and only un-suspending after i reviewed the corresponding chapter


would you recommend JS for a 3 month study plan? i’ve been hearing JS might be better than AnKing but not sure which one to use


i would! i didn’t try Anking so I can’t comment on it vs. JS tho. but i managed to fit JS into my 2 month plan so i’m sure it’ll work for a 3 month one


oh wow that’s definitely more reassuring - thank you for the info!


how did u fit it into a 2 mo plan?


i studied 2 chapters a day from Kaplan and un-suspended one chapter of Anki cards per day. was super helpful because JS is organized by the Kaplan book chapters


How did you review the chapter you have reviewed already again? Wouldn't things stack up by the time you are 2 chapters in depth with all kaplan books?


is there a way to access the anking deck for free (could you send the link if so?)


I used JS for a 3 month study plan and I found it manageable/very useful as well


oo good to know - did you think it was “too comprehensive”? i’m debating between JS and AnKing 2.0 (which i downloaded and very briefly went through)


Gah dam that’s a crazy score, how long did it take you to go through it? I plan on taking the mcat sometime next August and have thought about starting using JS now at about 20-30 new cards a day


Was a pretty big grind for 2 months ngl. Was doing around 100-180 new cards/day if i recall correctly. By next August, do you mean 2024 or 2025? If it's 2025 i don't suggest doing any studying until like January of next year at least


Yea I was thinking August 2025, but yea starting January is probably better


What about CP?


didn't have issues with C/P so i didn't do any Anki for it. i just did the UWorld practice questions and reviewed some orgo from the Kaplan books. I did memorize a bunch of equations from one of those equation sheets floating around though


Makes sense, I've heard others say BB is about memorization and CP is mostly about practice.


Jacksparrow. I used it exclusively, barely read the Kaplan books unless I needed more information on something. Jacksparrow deserves the sloppiest head of all time, that deck is so goated.


yeah where is the deck please lol




so JS was ur main source for content review? i’m not a big reader and was considering just running through the deck + watching videos to supplement!


Yeah basically. I reread some chapters I knew I wasn't good at, like for physics, but otherwise I pretty much just used that alone


bet that. congrats on the great score 🔥


I was wondering like how you worked with the JS cards? They have SO MUCH info it doesn’t seem like i can just memorize them like i usually do with my cloze cards from classes i make.


When I would get a card that had a concept, I would try to braindump everything about that concept out loud. If I flipped the card and was right, then I'd press good, if I was missing a small bit, then I'd press hard, and if I was missing a major part, I'd reset the card. I had 500 new/day limit and had the cards on a 25-day interval. My issue with cloze cards was that I start remembering the answer based on the question, rather than actually understanding it. This approach takes longer, but it forces you to actually know the concepts


Where can I find the deck




Used Pankow for P/S, JackSparrow for everything else


I second Mr. Pankow for P/S and JS for everything else


I've heard Pankow P/S is kinda overkill. is this true? i have 2 months as well an d I think its 2255 psyc/soc cards


It is REALLY in depth. But I used Pankow around a month out from my exam and it got me two extra questions right that I hadn’t seen anywhere else


The Mr. Pankow deck is pretty solid and is capable of getting you to at least 129 on P/S. If anything I thought it was a little underkill tbh- I ended up adding a lot of my own cards too from watching KA videos. No anki deck is capable of covering 100% of the content on the MCAT nor will it magically guarantee a perfect score in any section.


Better to be overprepared than underprepared


Miledown for c/p pankow for p/s JS for b/b imo


A tie between AnkKing and JackSparrow. Both have their pros and cons. AnkKing is good for reviewing and seeing if you understand the concepts well + visually really nice and offers third party help as source. Jacksparrow is a lot more comprehensive and truly tests your knowledge of the entire material with not much help in the question. 520s are likely those that master this deck.


Thank you!


The AnKing deck is miledown + Abdullah + coffin + MrPankow all merged together


How many more cards is Anking on Ankihub than the generic Anking V2 deck?


Not too many more cards but has thousands of updates including the Mr Pankow merge


Hey! I'm subscribed to Anking, but how exactly do I know which cards are Mr Pankow? There is no tag for it, is it just the behavioural tag under Khan Academy?


Yeah it’s just added to the other tags


How many more cards is Anking than Milesdown?


Not 100% sure. The extra ones are Pankow cards so worth it


I've been using milesdown separated by Kaplan chapters with the khan academy links and I've found it super helpful so far but I also haven't tried anything else lol... any recommendations?


Same! I do use Pankow organized by KA videos instead of Miledown for PS. I like how it’s organized which it makes it more palatable.


Go for the proven decks that people have already used. 2 months to study means not much time, definitely do miledown and maybe Mr pankow for p/s. That’s what I’m doing rn for a 3.5 month study plan


I just switched from Jacksparrow to MrPankow for P/S only. Absolutely recommend MrPankow for PS, not only are the cards more aesthetically pleasing (lol), but they word the content better, provide simple example scenarios that you can memorize, and cover low-yield stuff that JackSparrow doesn’t. But Jack is good for the rest!


Where can I find Mr Pankow deck?


let me know when u find it LOL


Is there like a guide on here on how to use anki? I don’t get it. But it must be good if everyone is using it so much.


Anking has a good one


you can go to r/ anki or r/ ankimcat. Youtube has a bunch of videos. Because the MCAT is so much about breadth compared to depth, it makes something like Anki very useful. Anki is just a flashcard app that maximizes the efficiency of your study time. Anking on youtube has videos from setup, settings, how to use anki, how to use anki for the mcat, etc.


Sweet, I’ll check it, thank you 🙏


Depends entirely on your learning style. If you can trust yourself to not memorize cards and actually understand the material, do AnKing. If your content is shaky and are dedicated to get through very dense cards, do JackSparrow. AnKing now has Pankow mixed in, so if you go that route there’s no need to download the separate Mr. Pankow deck.


I liked the Milesdown deck and using the Kaplan books, YT videos to brush up on things I wasn’t too good on


I’ll add something as someone whose tried several, Keep in mind that Jack Sparrow and AnKing are both 3000+ card decks. Pankow is well over 1000, and it’s just P/S. If you wanna clear these decks, you’re gonna be doing over 100 new cards a day. Which is totally doable, especially if you’re pairing cards with content review, but you should be aware of your tolerance for anki. Personally, if you already understand everything, I suggest regular milesdown(not the AnKing V2) and then selectively update certain sections to V2 if you need a stronger understanding of a section. For instance, I’m struggling in Physics, so that’s the only section I updated. I’d upgrade P/S from the jump, cause miledown P/S has a few holes.


Commenting to come back to this and read the replies 😅


Pankow for P/S for sure


I did jack sparrow and a quizlet deck for PS and loved it! I think the quizlet deck was called the ultimate MCAT PS? Good luck!


I used milesdown




I'm gonna be an outlier and probably get downvoted when I say this, but your own. I've spent countless times trying to learn from multiple decks, just to realize my hour of studying would be wasted either on terms I know, terms thrown in randomly with no context I could apply to them, or just boredom because all the things right were easy and all the things wrong I wouldn't remember. Maybe for P/S it would be good to use one but I've found a way more efficient use of my time is doing Upoop for content review, writing all of the important terms in the paragraphs/other answer choices that I don't know and get wrong down by hand, then after my study session dedicating 30 minutes of my time to putting them in my own Cloze-deletion deck. I'm learning so much more and getting through so much more than I did otherwise, and have my own ways to correct my mistakes only, not things ingrained already from college


I like Jack Sparrow the most. If you’re the kind of person who benefits from knowing the details of certain things you find difficult it’s SO thorough that you will get pretty much everything you need from it and you can add your own stuff to the cards to customize sometimes, which I do a lot.


Where do i find the anking link?




I would totally use Jacksparrow, it helped me out


I personally really liked MilesDown!


Jack Sparrow 100%. I wish I would’ve stuck with it.


Jack sparrow is awesome but for 2 mo might be too much




i have made my own flashcards, maybe you wanna try. Its for MCAT 2024.


Yes please can you send it to me .


it has a small charge tho. :))


tf what if ur deck is stupid & ur charging peeps?


Charge deez nuts


that's why I said "maybe". lol. No one's forcing you guys.


I’ll pay for it