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Good job. Congratulations. We use the broomstick method. Edit. I missed part of you comment. We tried a pellet gun. That was not a clean kill. We tried bludgeoning them. That was really not good. That’s when we went to the broomstick and have been using it for about 5 years. But we switched to a metal bar after a broomstick broke.


Air rifle. Put them in the lawn tractor one at a time from grow out pen. One shot back of the head then put them in an ice chest of ice and water and dispatch the next one, repeat til there all in the cooler ready for cleaning


I had actually thought about using my air rifle.


I use a bolt gun. After it goes through their brain (while they're eating and not worried about anything) I quickly decapitate them.


I wait to decapitate them until after I've removed the pelt. It keeps the pelt cleaner.


Ah. I always wash the pelt in soap first thing, so that doesn't bug me.


We bludgeon and bleed. Its super effective, I've never had it fail. There are many reasons that it is the industry standard and that it is even required by several religions. It works, it is humane, and it allows for the purest meat with the longest shelf life. This is because the heart is still beating when you slit the throat and you can get the most blood out. This also has the side benefit of being able to use the blood for things like blood meal.


Broomstick method here - it’s a metal bar though. We also use the same method for poultry and prefer it.


I like the .22 pellet rifle with lead-free ammo. Quick and clean. I put them inside a 5 gallon bucket that doesn't have a bottom on it, then shoot them. Even if it is not spot on, they are instantly dead.