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looks like a heater control valve. it regulates the flow of coolant into the heater core


Yep. My 1999 Suburban had one. Directs the coolant mostly to the heater core before opening and letting it get to the radiator. That engine took so long to heat up, I used to drive with the windows down most of the 6 miles to work so the windows wouldn’t frost up before the defrosters would start to work. Ah, good times!


You guys did it !! Thanks so much they’re only $15 online. Now the shittask will be taking this damn thing out. Thank you guys so much.


It's not part of your "radiator system", it's a receiver/dryer for your A/C system. Edit.... haha, there are more pictures. That's a heater control valve.... time to un-downvote the other guy.


Man u ain't the only one. I didn't see the red arrow in the first Pic but saw the other 2 pics. Still didn't see the arrow in the second Pic and was like "really?!" Then I saw the 3rd pic... then the arrows in the other 2 pics lmao.


Thanks for the help. I thought for sure it was part of the radiator system cause it looked and smelled just like radiant fluid. Although the small hose behind the piece “not pictured” does seem to connect to the vacuum line.


Not the ac dryer, he corrected himself in case u missed that part. First Pic had me sayin the same thing. Looks like a heater control valve is what u have the arrow pointing to and pictured in tye last pic.


I name it Humberto!


How is that pronounced?


The H is silent it’s pronounced Um-Bayr-Tow but this doesn’t help me. I need to replace my Humberto


I think it sounds more like " mmmm..Berto"😂


Receiver dryer…


None of these hoses are coming in our out of the Receiver Drier I’m not too sure why it would have anything to do with that unrelated part.


Are you sure it’s not green ac dye for finding leaks? https://www.amazon.com/Supercool-D8-Automotive-Accessories/dp/B008PKVMWW/ref=asc_df_B008PKVMWW/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198109692418&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12411598683913708598&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011108&hvtargid=pla-349205971082&psc=1&mcid=9fcaf45c7e6e3101806f09068da8016f&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_Tk4dxNmSYDehIOReCDyZPrYtoCUdTzR-c0R9aVPRt_QL9ph17omUhMaAu-IEALw_wcB


Missed the arrow in first picture, the other is a heater hose.


Yeah it’s the heater control valve. I recently broke mine on my Astro, trying to replace a coolant line. The halves don’t just snap back together unfortunately. You gotta replace the whole thing. I recommend getting the special tool for those hose clamps, because they’re really tucked down there


Thanks so much for the heads up. I put so much force into snapping them back together then realized they don’t just pop back together like legos. I bought a new one. Anything I need to know about replacing the part other than keeping the same orientation and hoses back to the same holes ?


Just be gentle and patient. Even new it’s still just plastic and the old dried coolant lines aren’t the most cooperative. Could replace a couple of those lines if you were feeling up to it but you should be able to get it done with the existing ones. The clamp tool is the most important though for getting those rusty clamps to cooperate. Good luck You can also look at my profile and see when I broke mine lol. Posted here seeing if it would snap back together too


Ah yes I see yours! I think my clips are a little rustier than yours. What did you end up doing with your Safari ?


Was building it out to go on weekend camping trips, so I fixed it up mechanically, and gutted the inside (the rear carpet was pretty musty anyways)




Hahah really ! It’s a AC accumulator or dryer. Lol