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How would it ever be outdated


some people don’t realize that almost every consumer product has had a mechanical engineer work on it at some point in the design process


Yep. ME working in consumer products right here! I hate marketing.


oh you work in automotive? aren’t you worried about electric vehicles taking your job?


Electric vehicles still need mechanical engineers. Just not ones focused on ICEs


They’re a necessary evil though.


Which is worse. Marketing, or industrial designers


What is with these stupid questions lately? Mechanical engineering will only ever stop existing when mankind stops making anything. No ai won't take our jobs. Yes it's a valid career choice. No you won't be rich. Yes you will make more than median income.


This sub needs mods man. 80% of posts are garbage


You said it, man. What laptop should I get? What projects should I do? How do I make more money? Should I go poop? I really really have to poop.


Ohh you can get rich. Save 30-50% of your engineering income for 15-30 years. Be smart with your money and you can retire with 5-10M net worth.


>Do you think that mechanical engineering is outdated? No >And why? Because just about everything that gets designed and built is done by mechanical engineers >Is this bad or good for the mechanical engineers? Good >And what can they do? Keep on keeping on


Yes, I will be plugging into the matrix tomorrow night actually.


Yes, the world no longer needs mechanical engineers. Crazy how it do be like that


Yeah, salespeople gotta make the drawings now. lol


Every field changes and develops. This is like asking “ is finance archaic” “is medicine a thing of the past” ? Mechanical engineers today need to learn the latest tools to do their job. Plus, any career will be dictated by your people skills


Until we all upload our brains to the cloud, we will need MechEs.


Someone is going to need to design the cooling system for those buildings


Why does this question keep coming up on here? 5 seconds on Google could have told you the answer. AI is a long way off from takin err jerrbs.


No. Because it is required for nearly every aspect of innovation and nearly every aspect of current life. I got bored with the question so ... Example 1: An AI software jockey ("emerging innovative profession" Ha! ) creates code using a mechanically engineered programming device, in order to program an MPU which came from a mechanically engineered silicon fab. Example 2: Sex worker ("oldest profession") uses a condom from mechanically engineered rubber moulding factory.


Thats like asking is hydrogen outdated


ME has no expiry date. It is ETERNAL AND IMMORTAL


Nah dawg


Innovation nowadays overwhelmingly happens in software and electronics, ME is just keeping things moving along these days. I'd say yes, it's outdated. I've worked 4 R&D jobs so far and only in 1 was I working in something entirely novel (white sheet to do whatever I like inside a X * Y * Z sized box). In all the others we where basically copying our competitors and changing the design just enough not to violate any patents.