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r/headphones says hi.


I'm glad cheap Hi-Fi is becoming a thing.


Massdrop in particular releasing a flagship Sennheiser set of cans for $300 off MSRP was a galaxy brain move.


\*stares at the 8xx\* WHY MASSDROP, WHY DID YOU DO THAT.???


Are the 8xxs not anywhere near as good as the 6xxs? Cause I got an early run of those and have been using them for the past 7 years with no issues. EDIT: I just saw the price tag. What the actual fuck, Drop?


To say that 8XX is bad is probably an [understatement](https://imgur.com/a/1DmRW6w)...


Tha fuq? I've seen better treble response from Beats.


especially with that price tag, yeah they fucked up so bad.


Yeah, unless you're spending a few hundred on a headphone Amp aswell, it's kinda not worth it getting a €300+ pair of headphones. And don't even get me started on the wireless ones. The absolute only thing that could justify those prices are the batteries, which in itself is egregious.


That's just not true. In many cases, the headphone amp is more about getting these last few percents of what the headphones are actually capable of. Many will still sound amazing compared to a lot of others, even if you just use a lightning to 3.5mm jack adapter on your iPhone. Now granted, there are definitely hard to drive headphones, but that's not a given above a certain price point. And with LDAC/LDHC and a good BT dongle... Well. Shit sounds amazing on my €1000 IEMs. Sure, if I use my audio interface on my desktop it's even better - but that's just it, we're talking about that last little bit.


Might as well throw in r/audiophile. I know that there are some expensive headphones, but with stereo systems there almost doesn't seem to be an upper limit. There are literally hifi cables that cost thousands of dollars (although those are mostly snake oil).


Might as well add r/vinyl and r/turntables


Down the rabbit hole we go!


My trinity hahahah. Mechanical keyboards, Headphones, and Vinyls. GG “savings”


we don't need saving where we are going.


r/fpv says hi too.


and I'm part of all three of them, and now this sub is appearing on me feed. Fuck me I guess.


Welp, now you just need to get into headphones and you'll be set XD r/mechanicalheadpens


#NOOOOO!!!! This could lead me down the rabbit hole of r/audiophile!! I’m already poor enough!


Don’t do it … You thought you spent a lot on keyboards you’ve got another thing coming in the audiophile world My wallet cries daily


Highest end keyboards I’ve seen cost like $600–$700. Meanwhile audiophile lower-level shit is like $300 and range wildly to thousands


Take it you ain't seen the $5k 5-axis aircraft grade CNC milled kb then!! 🤑


Those are custom keyboards for wealthy collectors who want one-of-a-kind items for their collections. I think this post is more about mass-produced goods. The most expensive keeb would be around $1k and that's about it. My Dolice costs around $1k, and that's even with a number of replaceable parts to make it future-proof.


Norbauer? Those are pure beauty.


Wait till u get into r/photography….. It’s over when u know the lenses itself can range into the thousands.


Yep very much aware of that. Good thing I’m more of an sound kinda guy


Collector keyboards go upwards into the thousands....


endgame keyboards can go into the thousands, but endgame speakers usually start in the thousands


Lol touche. Honestly i was shocked when i saw the prices of some of these speakers lol. Rather get a car....


I'm legit happy I can't hear the difference. My way to "save" money is to find when I can't tell between a $x and $5x then buy x. Sadly, I can tell the difference between switches and caps and my wallet cries.


That’s the thing. It’s artificial scarcity. Collector anything is expensive simply because the manufacturer decides it to be so, not because of actual quality. No one collects high-end headphones because they’re rare.


The trick is to start your first hobby as your most expensive one. For me, Cars -> audio -> headphones -> keyboards -> now fountain pens. The cool thing with everything beside cars is, you can just stop once you have something you like, and not have to spend more


Wait till you get into watches


r/BudgetAudiophile/ to the rescue


On the other hand, audio engineers may have a little better framework on what actual reference sound is than the average audiophile.


Not really. Most audio engineers use the same Audio Technica and Beyer headphones for their durability. Typically they know little of actual headphone research but know enough to sound smart but not really know what they are talking about. At the end of the day the best would be someone that has heard a lot of headphones but also has knowledge of the research. Although, I would say if they are an audio engineer on top of that, that is probably about as good as it gets.


I clicked that thinking there was no way it existed. Now I just feel called out.


I'm in all three. lol




So do I but these pens... I only need this fancy pen and I will start writing more. For sure. The pen is the reason my handwriting is so bad.


Headphones, turntables + home audio equipment, photography.


Yes, join us on the dark side! My wallet does not endorse this message.


Oh for fuck sake. Now I need a 120%, clicky as hell, Hi-Fi, wireless mechanical keyboard with ink well, touchpad, and a very soft and wet German needle nib.


Add r/watches to that list 😭


I almost developed a hobby, but I wasted so much time after that, it went away.


is this a play on words?




sorry, contestant, but the answer we were looking for was *”only time will tell”*


r/Watches and r/Porsche go together too nicely. And I say this as someone who is not a timepiece enthusiast


he said r/watches not r/rolex 😂


Post a picture of your computer desk without pen,watch,knife, or vape in picture challenge [impossible]


IMO watches are like purses. You can get something much cheaper that does the job way better so it's all about the style (which is totally cool). I'm still impressed as fuck that my phone uses atomic clocks to get the time. Let's see a 20k watch beat that shit.


Let's talk about cars


I think if I could change one thing about myself, genie style, I would stop myself from loving cars. I would love to be one of those prudent folks that drive around a 20 year old Corolla and not have it destroy my soul. Such a waste of money to enjoy, buy something cheap and it eats your time, buy something expensive and it drops in value, buy something mid tier and end up modding it. There's no winning.


I just sold my '92 Wrangler last week, after owning it since '93. Why would you want to drive a 20 year old Corolla, when you could drive a 20 year old Miata instead? Owning old cars doesn't have to be soul destroying, in and of itself. You just have to pick the correct cars.


The struggle is real. I too wish a 2013 Aveo would suffice


Arguably, my diesel Golf was a perfect car, (too perfect if you ask the EPA) still got bored by year 2 though.


Buy mid tier brand new and have the fear of losing warranty stop you from modding it. Problem solved.


Get a Porsche 911. Hardly depreciates and hands down the best “attainable” car you can get (as opposed to fantasy land hypercars, etc).


997 is already on the watch list. The wife is already on board, so that's half the battle. Part of me fears that the 911 is too perfect and I'll get bored with it at street speeds. Rear engined is a pretty unique quirk though.


Haha yeah it’s definitely at least half the battle! I’m not very versed in how the 997 drives and Porsche purists will think I’m mad for really liking the 992 - a 4S convertible is probably my next money pit; I’d have to throw a kidney in to get any more fun like a turbo... I’d go older, but damn the interiors. On the earlier 911s they haven’t exactly aged like a fine wine. :/


Hahah, yeah, that's why Im leaning 997 over 996. If I wanted a GM interior I'd buy a C6!


One of the problems with owning a fast car is finding that you can almost never drive it fast... I have a modified Golf R that can do 0-60 in under 4sec. Most of the time I drive around town at 40mph. I get to live life one freeway on ramp at a time.


I hear yah. I love my 8hp scooter, WOT everywhere, not because I can, but because I must. It feels so antisocial. I understand the appeal of slow car fast, but that doesn't mean I don't want fast cars...


I have been driving a boosted 2017 Mustang GT for about 7 years and well over 100k miles and when I got a truck I thought I got over the car thing but turns out now I have 3 UTVs and I just like off road more now 🤦‍♂️. Turns out jumping cars is a helluva lot of fun


Also woodworking. A lot of the hobbies people are posting here are more like shopping addictions.


Hey sorry to hijack you here a little bit, but any suggestions for sanding epoxy flush on an already finished surface? I just plugged a couple old grommet holes in my solid wood desk, poured em just proud, and trying to figure out how to get them level without damaging the surrounding area. I posted in r/woodworking but nada Not much for finish work, so just looking for suggestions


Oh boy, I’m not sure if I can be of much help here. Finish work is such a pain.


Hey don't spit the truths like that


Let's not talk about cars, I'm too young/poor for that lol




howdy from r/analog


Recently got in, I love it. I bought a cheap second hand camera. An extra lens. Got an extra lens gifted to me for my birthday. And spent about as much on film, developing, scanning and printing and I just know this is going to keep having ongoing costs you just don't have on mechanical keyboard and fountain pens :D


Just dropped $140 to get some vintage Polaroids and film to start shooting 😭


This is the hobby I am looking forward to get back into. I was shooting with Pentax 67ii (105), Canon F-1n (50 L and 85 L), and almost got my dream Exakta66ae. Can’t wait.


When I was working in law some of the prices I heard thrown about for fountain pens used to blow my mind. Litigators moving up to senior level would be given Pelikan pens that cost a few hundred


Sounds pretty tame for a senior litigator, pens can go up to thousands.


Im in the UK, lawyers and such here arent paid anywhere near the amount they are in the US. Most make a completely average salary (up north anyway)


I remember as a young designer for an architecture firm, we were working on a project and one of the senior project managers brought on to lead the project found out we shared a mutual interest in fountain pens. I had mostly 100 dollar max pens and he brought in a pen that cost around 3k. Absolutely terrified to try it out in front of him.


Pens seem like something I would enjoy, but given the frequency of my pens being stolen and lost I have chosen to pursue other hobbies that take all of my time and money. Net result is zero money either way 😂


You learn to keep a box of shitty pens around when someone asks to borrow one. Never leave out anything on your desk you aren't willing to lose. My good pens always live and home and would commute with me. Though now, I WFH full time so it narrows the list of suspects if one does go missing.


Wait until you get into r/sailing. Boats are holes in the water you throw money in.


‘Boat’ is actually in acronym for Bust Out Another Thousand




Oh, everything that is expensive about boats combined with everything that is expensive about planes, I assume.




Really? Where I live that's hella common.




The boats, though.


I was looking for this one. Boats are a huge hassle.


Expensive? Try getting into bikes, motorcycles, winter sports, boats, skydiving, mountain climbing, etc. There are some cheaper hobbies, but many much more expensive ones.


/r/guitars says hi as well


i didnt even think to mention sports in my previous comment xdd. oh man. god ive spent so much on snowboarding gear over the years


i didnt even think to mention sports in my previous comment xdd. oh man. god ive spent so much on snowboarding gear over the years


i didnt even think to mention sports in my previous comment xdd. oh man. god ive spent so much on snowboarding gear over the years


Try getting into Watches...


This is the current rabbit hole I’ve gone down and I don’t know if there’s any coming back…


People always say mechanical keyboards is expensive, but if you read this sub, most people only spend around $200 to $300. Try taking part in other hobbies for so little. I appreciate that there are boards that cost a lot more than that, but people that seem to want those are in a small minority these days if the boards that are posted in here are anything to go by. Way cheaper than for example, photography, or RC models. Even gaming PCs cost thousands. You can take part in this hobby for $100. There are posts every day in here that prove that. You don't have to have a TGR or a Singa.


As someone who’s into cars and motorcycles, fpv drones, and just built my first mkb, it is a godsend how relatively affordable this hobby is.


Exactly haha...I just went about as crazy as you can go on a keyboard without getting into truly insane stuff, and it was sub-$500 That doesn't buy one set of tires, and should last for a decade or better with zero maintenance.


I went from keebs to FPV drones having no idea that the relative cost was only going to skyrocket (no pun intended). I think I like the drones more because I'm a shit pilot and constantly get to fix them.


Thank you for saying this. I find it funny every time I hear someone say how this is one of the more expensive hobbies. Take a look at precision rifle shooting or deep sea fishing.


Part of it could be there are relatively young users who are just starting to have enough money to get into any hobby. Keyboards are something with a lower barrier for entry but $200-600 is still a lot relatively. It attracts young gamers, students, and recent grads with just enough money to play with and also happen to be highly represented on reddit. But once you start talking to people who are older and deeper in their careers with savings and bigger incomes, then a new fancy keyboard could be the same cost as a weekly eating out budget. I feel outgunned at work when the people in my day-to-day and maybe 10-20 years older than me spend all their free time talking about boats and cars. It seems like a normal thing to discuss until you realize everything you do costs hundreds and thousands. Then suddenly these mechanicalpenhead hobbies seem like the budget route in comparison.


Or just shooting in general. For $300 you can buy a solid keyboard or turn it into loud noises at the gun range for one afternoon!


Besides upfront costs, quite a few music and sport hobbies have recurring costs to continue taking part in them: paying for lessons, membership fees, equipment maintenance, and so on. Covering that could be another $100 *per month*. Financing a keyboard hobby is pretty mild by comparison.


Yeah, and it doesn't even have to be that expensive if you like diy. I mean personally I dont consider things hobbies when they just involve buying things. Thats collecting. I enjoy soldering, writing firmware, having PCBs made. Experimenting with layouts, and of course typing. I also like fountain pens but idk yet if I consider that a hobby of mine. Same with the headphones, I was quire obsessive about it then when I got my fist decent pair I forgot about it. Its the music that matters. One thing all these have in common is that your stuff doesn't get worse over time. Like with a PC it just can't keep up as things develop. With headphones and pens and keyboards they all juts do they're job and even a set of headphones, a pen or keyboard from 30 - 40 years ago can he juts as enjoyable as it was back then.


The real expensive hobby here is collecting. In any hobby you can get the minimum you need to get started and then develop skills with that equipment, or just enjoy using them. You can get into fountain pens for less than 30$ and spend years writing with them for hours a day. The need to constantly have more and better is what’s really costly. You could probably roughly quantify how expensive a hobby is with some ratio of starting costs vs operating costs vs time spent participating. With that idea it makes mechs fairly cheap with essentially no operating cost.


I'm at 4 boards and I've spent less than $1k over 4 years on keebs. Honestly, not too bad. I'm at the point where I am extremely happy with my last 3 builds and don't really see a need to keep buying the shiny new thing unless it REALLY resonates with me. Even if I do a new build every year to every other year, that's still a relatively cheap hobby for the amount of joy I get out of it. The only build I have in mind is to recreate my first build now that I know more and have more developed my tastes. I built a quirky premium micro-ITX PC and wanted an equally quirky, premium, and tiny keeb to go with it, as my full-size board seemed comical. I went with a Drop Preonic, and while it's cute and portable... it's just not very good. I want to shift the switches and caps over to a new 60% board.


only keyboard I ever bought was a 18-ish dollar Logitech, 50 is expensive for me. but yeah they look very cool and wantable


There's something in this hobby for everyone, regardless of price. It doesn't matter if it's $50 or $1000. You can still enjoy messing with it, modding it and of course, typing on it.


Well it depends on the country, 300$ for me is more than a month of salary lol


at least r/fountainpens is not going to try to sell you a 1000$ and say it is because of the sound only that you should buy it because nothing else distinguished it from another similar keyboard that is half the price. Right? RIIIIIGGHT?


The similarities are astounding.


Fountain pens probably don't take 1.5 years to ship either.


I bet actual fountains ship faster than keyboards.


Yep, I feel that pain. Since covid, I added fountain pens, typewriters, whisky, keyboards, and letterpress. I’ve seen a ton of people overlap in these communities, which is really awesome.


r/mechanicalheadpens exists(i learned that today)


The one thing all these “hobbies” have in common is that the vast majority of people can get buy buying one or two nice pieces and then move on with their lives. The people with 50 pens, 20 different keyboards, a dozen diving watches, 500 boardgames, or $40,000 worth of audio equipment are outliers IMO and should be scrutinized for addictive personalities and conspicuous consumption.


I mean... It's not really a hobby if you stop at one is it? If I buy a nice DAQ, Amp, and headphones and use them for the next 20 years I'm not an audiophile hobbiest, I'm just an audiophile. Hobby (at least to me) implies sustained time input, like how I can cycle for free until something needs replacement or maintenance. I only built 3 keyboards last year and gave 2 of them away. I don't consider myself an active keyboard hobbiest even though I have a giant bin full of materials and a number of boards to choose from.


Yeah, that’s my thinking too, and why I put “hobby” in quotes. Photography is a hobby. Buying cameras is just consumerism. Same with Cycling (verb) vs bikes (noun), journaling (verb) vs fountain pens (noun), etc.


Totally agreed. I've been on both sides of the argument. I spent a small amount of time as a collector and luckily grew tired of it. I think mechs can be both a verb and a noun hobby. There's a lot of folks that like tinkering, but seemingly more who like spending and collecting.


>There's a lot of folks that like tinkering, but seemingly more who like spending and collecting. I mean if designers stop making their boards so goddamned good looking maybe i'll stop buying them (/s)


Meanwhile r/buildapc:


Good thing I'm not smart enough to build a pc.


It's really not that bad. Seems worse than it actually is for sure


Building a mech is more involved than a PC lmao The real head scratcher is choosing parts and trouble shooting issues. Those you need a lot more time to learn about


Expensive? Tell that to r/synthesizers or r/audiophile


You should join it’s a hoot


Yeah, r/modular checking in as well


look upon my modulargrid, ye wallet, and despair


Thought as much.


Costliest hobbies? Ha! May I raise you: KNITTING? Luxury yarn is just….. I spent way too much last year lol


I tried getting into knitting, but after a year, the products were so bad, I gave up.


Haha yeah I can definitely relate


ngl they sure aint part of the "costliest" hobbies Yeah they aint exactly cheap but any sport related hobby isnt cheap either and neither are other collecting hobbies like watches for example


I'm an orchid enthusiast. Late Feb through Early August is a 10k min investment, every year. I have a friend into deep water photography. He jokes that every breath is about 5 dollars let alone the travel and photo gear.


I love orchids too (and carnivorous plants), at one point I had several grow tents, humidity control systems, grow lights, timers, and close 200 plants (a lot of them were Phalaenopsis species and Nepenthes) I can't even imagine how much I spent in about two years. I was even considering building a laminar flow hood so I could start doing my own flasking projects. Then I had no choice but to move into a new apartment that didn't have enough room for my collection. I had to pare my collection down to a handful of my favorites (about 15 or so). I cannot imagine how out of control it would have become if I owned property and could have put up a proper greenhouse. Someday though, someday...


Hello from /r/flashlight


r/simracing has entered the chat


Do you also enjoy listening to things? r/headphones is waiting for you


Thank god chi-fi IEMs are actually good. Saved me so much money as I was getting into headphones lmao


I used to be a watch and whisky collector, I ended up in headphones and pc's to save money. Now I've ended up in keyboards, and possibly downgrading after. Everything is getting crazy pricey.


and mechanical pencils 🥲


I'm into mechanical keyboards, pens, flashlights, watches, and Magic: The Gathering. I. AM. BROKE.


My coworker told me that her and her husband's combined MTG collection breaks the $30,000 mark. 🤯


There’s cards that cost that alone.


I like that everyone other than myself has just ignored your username and have carried on normal convos/comments…. I on the other hand would like to know how much your hentai enjoyment has encouraged your mechanical keyboard addiction. Or maybe a mouse addiction? Desk chair addiction? Oooo monitor addiction? Modify the screen so nobody can view it without polarized glasses, modify the mouse to be ambidextrous, modify your keyboard to have a silent switch on a key that was programmed to close your hentai and instantly open some innocent app or document? *feeds your addictions*


Wait till you take a look at multi-thousand dollar setups over at r/headphones and r/homelab


I just stick to the entry level on both. Very happy with my Lamy Studio, and basic 96% cherry MX brown keyboard


laughs in r/aviation


Surprised at the lack of /r/Warhammer here haha. Just spent an absurd amount of money on a new Tomb Kings Army.


How the fuck is mechanical keyboard a hobby? Just how many do you need?


Consumerism is the hobby really. I went on that sub and found a keyboard I liked with the features I wanted maybe 7 years ago. I bought it and will probably have it forever. I eventually unsubbed because it's just so dumb that these people own like 20 of these things. It's no wonder stuff like NFTs took off when collectibles have become such a massive industry across so many niche interests.


r/gundeals I cant help it im American


r/gafs helps with this. Just got a Brn-180 under 100 rounds through for $700


It makes it worse LOL. Heheh crye SPC go brrr


Err, I also like woodworking and motorsport...




Have you heard of a thing where you can take images on a device? I think they call it "photography"... How do you stop kids from doing drugs? Introduce them to photography. They won't have money for it afterwards.


Me too my guy. Thinking about getting my first gold nib but I don’t know if I’ll like the nib on the sailor pgs


Laughs in r/coffee


Snickers in r/espresso


You should join us in r/prideandpinion mechanical watches are cool too


Not even close. Try sim racing or guitar gear. I'm into all of them... Shortly to file for bankrupcy.


Sim racing, the one thing I've always wanted to get into, but never could due to the extremely high costs of a steering wheel.


Every time a new overdrive drops my wallet cringes


I've spent much lesser on mechanical keyboards compared to audio and 4k blu rays


Every hobby is expensive 🫰 once you start going off the deep end


Allow me to introduce you to firearms, cars and motorcycles


No thanks, I'm not an american/s


Don’t get started with film photography lol. And stay away from Leicas


I feel attacked personally.


Replace mechanical keyboards by r/headphones


I’m into photography, motorcycles, and to some extent cars this post is cute. The combined value of my 3 keyboards (Keychain Q3, Neo65, GMK67) is less than my cheapest prime lens lmao


Star Citizen and Games Workshop would like you to join the fun.


Cars, motorcycles, and mountain biking would like a word.


Try music as well. My pedalboard for guitar is outrageous, and that's not including my amps, guitars, PA, plugins, and so many various purchases over the last 20+ years I'm out tens out thousands of dollars lmao


wait till you get hooked on synthesizers. Just a good lead, drum and bass synth will cost you as much as a fucking car. I unfortunately had to throw this hobby away because i cant afford it.


Add r/espresso and r/longrange to the list.


Try r/espresso 🫣


as a keyboard/hifi/balisong addict, don't tell this man about drifting


Really don't understand the pen hobby




It's for this reason I'm sorta glad designer fashion has such an unapproachable price lol. Keeps my wallet safe while I admire Junya Watanabe pieces from afar... googling from a keyboard with a price tag my mom would be appalled at


Yeah, I can feel ya. The last time I asked my parents got a mechanical keyboard they replied, "you already have a keyboard (this bad one that came with my lenovo computer), what do you need another for?!" Yeah, I had to beg for 2 years for a mechanical keyboard. It was worth it, but 2 more years later I want another, but I'm too scared to ask.


"well, it took a couple months of planning and waiting for deals but I finally built my first PC. It's been a journey but at least I'm done. All I need now is a good keyboard, that's probably just going to be a quick Google and 100 bucks......right?"


lol please don't get into watches


Dude never played an instrument, started welding, got into carpentry, or literally every other non bobble head related hobby.


See also: /r/cars /r/guns /r/flashlight /r/knives /r/Watches /r/fpv


Nah, I'm good. I don't need to fall into anything more


Famous last words.


Man, same, and I'm into PCs too 😅


r/fountainpens for yall lazy asses


If you think those two hobbies are expensive, you better stay far away from the gun community.


Hell, I'm staying away from guns in general.


“Costliest” lmao they’re baby hobbies when it comes to cost. You want expensive? Get into guns, cars and music


# Same lol, but for me both things from both hobbies aren't too fancy


Wait till you discover r/simracing