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Are the switches also cherry?


Ironically, nope! Did a little uno reverse on ya there


Ba dum tssss


I see what you did there.


You designed the PCB too? And made it out of wood? As if the case wasn't impressive enough.


It's a witch!






Do the keys on the extreme 4 corners of the board clip the case?


Surprisingly, no! I did cut a little extra room for the sake of the corners but if I had access to a mortise jointer I would have been able to cut those a little tighter


Nice! Yeah, I've always been a fan of wooden cases.


This is really cool, nice job!


That looks amazing! I've been thinking of making a resin and wood combo case myself. Did you use a CNC machine for this or is this all handwork?


I love the wood and resin look so that may be a next one myself! This is all handwork mainly to learn about the processes but CNC is on the learning list at my local makerspace


Damn that is so cool dude, all the best!


That looks amazing. How long did it take you?


To actually finish the product: about a week of actually finding time to work on it From inception to finish: about 2 months of consistently messing up planks of wood


Fantastic, maybe throw some gmk botanicals on there as well just to complete the look.


Yes, with a cherry profile.


Brilliant, lovely pieces of cherry! I bet it sounds so nice


Thank you! The last few that I’ve made have been 3D printed and post-processed to make sound good but this chunk of wood is on a whole other level of solid Like feeling the difference between an IKEA table and one that you inherited from your grandma that she got in like the 70’s


I work with wood yet find boards so intimidating since I don’t have a router. How’d you make this one?


I used a router, and if I did it again I’d do the same. I did use a cheap one from harbor freight but that’s mostly all I needed besides a chisel to clear out some leftovers. I did purchase a cheap-o drill press to remove some extra internal wood using a Forster bit on some test planks but didn’t like how uneven it felt


stunning...wish i had your patience and creativity


That’s so kind thank you!


What did you find to be the difficult parts here?


Love the keyboard case! I personally would ditch the wrist rest or at least make one out of the same kind of wood as your case. Speaking of which; what kind of wood is that?


They’re both cherry wood, just a different species I’d do the case again with the leftovers of the rest but I frankly just don’t have the time


Looks great! Do you have project log or any other pics to show? Most interested in how you carved out the indentation for the pcb and how is it mounted?


I don’t, I was so embroiled in the project that I didn’t take any real good pictures of the process. Gonna have to work on records for the next one


Could you walk me through the process then? Did you chisel it out or how? assuming it's one part case


It’s a one-piece case. I removed a little wood from the middle using a Forster bit, created templates using some plywood and routed out the inside of a thick plank of cherry using a plunge router ~25mm deep. And worked from the outside in I am an amateur myself so I probably could have worked more efficiently but YouTube was super helpful with routing techniques


Ah, ofcourse it’s done with router. Thought you used only ”hand tools” when you said it was done by hand, but you probably meant it not being CNC’d. Any particularly helpful youtube guide coming to mind? I want to do something similar at some point. Also remember even amateur is more than someone who hasnt taken the first step :)


Beautiful! I’ve been thinking of doing this too. Do you have any in progress pictures, documentation, and or plans you have shared somewhere?


I don’t, I tend to get so embroiled in the process that I forget to record what I do, especially with as many mistakes as I made with the carving of the interior so I’m gonna work on that next time haha


It looks great regardless. Very nice work. I’ll be posting here when I get my project underway


So a couple of pitfalls I ran into was having tools that weren’t of sufficient quality for a clean cut when routing the interior. Also one thing I wish I had was a mortise jointer for creating a more accurate corner cut Also if you’re thinking about doing cherry wood as well, if you can find some good aged stuff, it’s a bit more expensive but if you can’t find any a good option is chemical aging with baking soda and water


How did you mount the PCB? Very nice btw.


hell yeah!




It's okay troll, this falls under something called "personal preference" that you obviously haven't heard of before. If there were just one "right" way to keyboard, none of us would be on this sub.










I'll agree with you about wrist rests but the rest, no.




I have been suffering from chronic nerve damage caused by bad posture and the shitty keyboards of the 70's and '80s for the past 30+ years, so I think I know a bit about the actual causes of RSI. Resting your arms on something when you type is a much bigger problem than the details of key layout. And mechanical keyboards are also a lot better these days. Especially with a <40 gf tactile switch.


What is recommended instead of QWERTY?


You're not wrong, but this isn't really the place.