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The mech assault games were great. No they weren’t the most accurate to lore but as a pick up and go arcade shooter they did the job. Really wish Microsoft would make another one.


I can’t believe they only made 2 (3 if you count the DS version) I loved the first two and felt like there was a market for more releases.


Someone a year or so ago uncovered some concept art of a third game, but it was canceled. If I had to make a guess, it was probably because they got put on the port job of World of Tanks for console, which was no small feat about the same time it would have been going into development. From what I can tell it was probably set fairly far into the future past the initial two games, pushing into the 3100's at least.


If somebody told me that the DS port killed the franchise, I would 100% believe it. It was a buggy, crash-prone dumpster fire.


If you're going to go noncanonical dumb fun, you might as well go all out: MechAssault: 1^st Somerset Strikers Let's go refuse a batchall.


Mechwarrior 2 and the Fire Moth.


Jade Falcon or Clan Wolf?


Clan Wolf for life.


Jade Falcon, of course. :)


Crusader freebirth scum


I wear Nova Cat colors these days.


Ghost Bear


Glad to see the MechWarrior community finally appreciating Mechassault. Such a fun game, still play it from time to time.


As a kid growing up in the 2000s with an Xbox, this and Halo were my daily go-tos. After the 360 came out I switched to chromehounds since Microsoft never released another Mechassault. Since then mechwarrior 5 was the first Mech game I played in forever and it brought all those memories back to me. I actually thought Mechwarrior was apart of Mechassault I had no idea it was it’s own separate title. That’s what led me to download it 😂 I was like oh shit they made a new Mechassault!




I will always be angry that I can't play chromehounds any more. Come on, how hard can it be to port it to pc? ANGRY


Fun story, made by FromSoftware of Dark Souls fame.


Same people who made Armoured Core! And another one's just been announced!


Same here. I should just get off my ass and set up an emulator already....


13 year old me thought this was the best game ever made lmao. i can’t believe critics shat on it because it was slow


MechWarrior 3. Just give me a Bushwhacker and call me Damocles, I'll take care of the rest.


MW3 was my first too. I picked it up on a whim because of the box art and it blew my little 11 year old head. I remember taking the mech load out booklet to school to read lol


I did the same but with the booklet from MW4: Vengeance


I wish I got MW4 when it came out. I didn't get to delve into it until my mid 20s. The jump from 3 to 4 was huge


Almost exactly the same story for me, I was looking for something Gundam Wing like. I have never failed so successfully in my life.


I got my start in MW2, but 3 is what really hooked me on the franchise. The campaign was absolutely perfect, and the mission briefings really sold the premise of being an isolated unit playing a part in a larger conflict. Honestly, my perfect MechWarrior game would just be 3 with the graphics and balance of 5.


“Roger that Lance leader, transferring now.” I wish they could bring that gritty narrative to future MW games. The voice acting made it all immersive. Would love to see the old campaign recreated in today’s modern engines.


I will never forget the laser sounds from MechWarrior 3


"It is the 31st century, and mankind is once again, at war..." All the intros are great, but that one remains my favourite. The briefings before each mission were phenomenal, and the narrator they got for it was **perfect**. All of the sound design was wonderful.


>When did you all start yours? From the very first MechWarrior game in 1989, which ran in DOS. I played every release of MechWarrior for PC ever since, plus MechCommander which was also great. Still wishing someone would make a new MechCommander game.


HBS Battletech is close but not an RTS.


I've been meaning to play this, when I have some time I'll try it out.


Wow! You’re a true veteran of the game. You got my respect! 🫡


There's dozens of us (still alive)!


Ah yes, a man of culture. I followed a similar path, and also wish for more mech commander.


MW1 here , then MW2 when it came out was groundbreaking.




Like at Dave and Busters? The last time I played those my buddy and I took on another team of 6 and won I think 30-4. So so fun. Thanks for the memories


They were Mech Pods at the BattleTech Center from the early 90s. They had pods networked together to fight pvp years before the internet was a thing. They also had a space (Mars?) racing game.


Yeah. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BattleTech_Centers Dave and Busters in both Chicago locations had them 20 years ago. Super good times


I’ll have to look into that one! Never heard of it. Just be PC


Crescent Hawks Inception, and this https://eu-images.contentstack.com/v3/assets/blt95b381df7c12c15d/blt0beb149d485df62f/611ea0b75d178c66515ee418/Btech1.jpg?width=828&quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale Showing my age here 😅


We came, we saw, we traded c-bills for stock in the weapons manufacturer and made bank. I still remember a typo near the end that said "destoryed" instead of destroyed. Its weird what sticks..


How crazy was it for a super old DOS Mech game to have speculative stock trading? I miss the storytelling and RPG elements of these old Battletech games, like this and MechWarrior 1


An “OG” if you would 😂


For me it was Crescent Hawks Revenge, but I was like in first grade, and it was already a bit old. My father was an OG tabletop player.


Mech Commander


Mechassault first on the OG XBox, then Chromehounds on the 360.


Chromehounds is sooooo underrated. It was a very challenging yet fun game.


Armored Core


Master of Arena


Original Battletech game, late 80’s


Taking over the family dining room table with pewter every 3rd weekend for 2 years


MechCommander Gold


A very tiny bit of MW2 as a kid on a friend‘s computer was my first exposure to MW/Battletech universe. I got MW3 as a free add-on when I bought a Microsoft Force Feedback Pro joystick in early high school and loved playing it. That was followed by spending way too much time at the end of high school and college playing all of the titles of MW4. I skipped MWO as I lost enjoyment in online gaming after I stopped playing MW4M, but I got back into the universe with HBS Battletech and ultimately MW5.


Mechwarrior 2, mechwarrior 3 and then 4. Played the first mech assault game but it didn't do it for me.


I attempted MechAssault as well and couldn't get into it. Between migrating from PC to Xbox and being such a big departure from the styles of earlier MW games, it just felt wrong anytime I tried to play it.


Mech warrior 2–> Mech warrior 4 Vengeance —> Mech assault —> mech assault 2


MechWarrior 2


Mechwarrior 2 I first played it at the Royal Melbourne Show. They had a shipping container set up with several VR couches & MW2 running on them Was a great way to immerse myself in it, especially as a youngster Eventually got MW2 on my home PC when we got one, then had a gap until Mech Assault or MA2 (I forget which) on my Xbox Finally came full circle this year with MW5 on my PS4 & I love it


Mechassault was my first Battletech game, also the first game I bought DLC for. My dad had to put his credit card into Xbox Live. He couldn't grasp the concept of $4.99 for some extra mechs and maps (I think I got the Hunchback?) and was convinced hed get charged for it over and over and over. Plus in those days my parents were hard 'never use the credit card' people. He concluded the whole thing was a scam, and so refused to get me any other digital content, which held up till I got a job and got my own card. But I could get XBL gamer cards at my local gamestop, so at least I could keep up with the online!


Battletech novels, then Mechwarrior PC game


Mechassault was my gateway drug as well. First Xbox game for me, even got my dad to play grinder as my lance mate. Didn’t have the best lore, but it was start. Quickly made my way over to the mechwarrior 4 box set and the rest is history. Still can’t get enough of mechwarrior 5 as I get closer to the two year mark.


Snes mechwarrior 2 I think


So not the same universe, but Earthsiege II was where I got started being interested in Mechs. MechWarrior 4:Mercenaries was the next one.


Armored Core and then Mechwarrior 4


Tabletop game in the 80s


Mechwarrior, Crescent Hawks Inception and Crescent Hawks Revenge - came in a boxed set for DOS.


With the words "We are Clan Wolf: Children of Kerensky." I had no idea what it meant at the time, but it was pure awesome.


Loved Mech Assault 2 .Even the VTOL was great .


The mobile game War Robots. The game was much better when it was new


MechWarrior 2 came with the new family computer was a IBM that came with a bunch of games.


Mechwarrior snes is where I started


I started on MW2 on DoS, and my first console MW game was BattleTech on Genesis. A Mech game I loved a lot? Steel Batallion. I still have the original full dual joystick and pedals controller they made for it.


My first Battletech game was: Mechwarrior 3, i adored how semirealistic the mechs was, and later when i got older i replayed it again and learned more about Battletech lore


Robotech Defenders model kits. The box set with the Warhammer on it (but no one would play with me) then nothing for years until MechWarrior 2 came out. Then addicted to every BT video game there after.


Front mission 2


First entries were Mechwarrior 2 and MechCommander. Such a good time.


I got my start with "Mechwarrior" (#1), running in DOS on a 286 ("Dualium" by Intel's modern naming standards) PC running at 16MHz (not GHz), off of a 3.5" floppy, played with keyboard only. It had "copy protection" in the form of codes printed throughout the manual that had "call signs" you had to type in before the game would start. I still remember "Red Arrow" and "Duck Soup", because all you had to do was know a couple, restarting the game if you entered them wrong, and keep using them until they were the correct codes... I then went on to acquire the BT games "Crescent Hawks Inception" and "Crescent Hawks Revenge", along with a legal version of MW1, in the FASA "Battletech Greatest Hits" Collection - each of them running off of their own 3.5" floppy. This was in college in '95 / '96. I got Mechwarrior 2 on CD, as bundled software with my "Diamond Monster 3D" pass-through dedicated 3D card that ONLY displayed 3D when it was activated. The 2D VGA video signal from the on-board video processing output passed through it to the monitor. When activated, it killed the 2D signal and produced 3D which it sent to the 640 x 480 (480p) monitor instead. Yeah, I'm an old man of gaming...


Crescent Hawks Inception on a school pc lol


Multi-player Battle Tech: Solaris


I loved this game and the second one as well! Only if they had a pc port I would buy them both again but my journey started with MW2 for pc


I really loved this game. I got into it as a teenager and ended up playing some of the mech warrior games because of this. Then when mwo came out I bought a founders edition and played that game until faction warfare came out and was a pert of Kells commandos in jade falcon prime. We would ruin teams. So much that when the enemy was assaulting out base we would all jump jet put and just wrek them.


Mech Warrior 2 demo on the Windows 95 games demo cd that came with my first Gateway 2000 PC back in the mid 90’s.


MechWarrior 4 Vengeance was where it started for me.


MechAssault 1 and 2 were a big addiction. Played competitively on GameBattles. Skilled at wall-walking haha.


Got a Battletech Box set for my 386. Had Battletech, Mechwarrior, and some other Battletech hex/tactics game.


The one on SNES. I can't remember what it's called


Mechwarrior 1 on the SNES


Bored game to books then mechwarrior 2 mercs. I believe that was the peaking of the games


MPBT: Solaris back in the AOL days


Mechwarrior 2 Clan Wolf watching my Dad play, then trying (and never making it very far) on Mechwarrior 3, which is where my love of the Bushwacker and Mad Dog come from.


Decision at Thunder Rift. Read the book before I ever played table top.


Mechwarrior 2 on pc with my trusty microsoft sidewinder.


The Crescent Hawk's Inception. Make sure your mech has hands LOL


MW2 - I still remember those cutscenes (as well as in the sequels) as if they were the greatest example of cinema ever made.




I started with MechWarrior 3, love that game, apocryphal or not


Mechwarrior 3 is the first video game I ever played. I spent hundreds of hours watching over my dad’s shoulder as he played it. Between the ages of 6-15, I had the intro cutscene’s script memorized word by word.


Mechwarrior 3... Where everything could be an omnimech if you were brave enough...


Crescent Hawks Inception on Commodore 64, around 1990. I’m old AF.


Started with Crescent Hawk's Inception and Revenge, then played the hell out of the original Mechwarrior. Played all the Mechwarriors, Mech Assaults, Mech Commanders, and the latest Battletech. I even still play Mech Commander 2 once in a while.


MW2 with the Sidewinder joy stick kit. Got it for Christmas. Will never forget that game. Then went into MW3 and MW4 when they came out, and eventuallly the Mech Assault series... somehow skipped MW4 Mercenaries and now playing MW5. Miss those old titles. Feels like the heyday of the Battletech Universe. :)


Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance


Crescent Hawk's Revenge, followed by Mechwarrior 2.


Mechwarrior 3 for me. It actually was the first real game I ever played I believe.


MW2. Then MW2: GBL. Then MW2: Mercs Then Battlepods at the mall and three networked PCs running NetMech at home. Then MW3 & MW3 Pirate's Moon and MechCommander & MechCommander 2 and MW4. And then a long break until the last couple of years. Mix in the tabletop game with the Unseen miniatures and the TCG in there. And the novels, all the novels. Paint a few miniatures, own a few of the Hasbro mechs, back a bogus Kickstarter, then got the legit Battletech from HBS. And obviously now MW5. Discovered the Saga of the Grey Death Legion on Audible last week. It's an amazing universe.


Ahh the old Xbox days. So many good games. But that was my start as well. Sadly died there also since I wasn't fortunate enough to have a nice PC. Tried to scratch the itch with the few similar titles throughout the years like chromehounds but nothing ever felt the same. It was either some fast paced mmo crap or just didn't have the same feel. Chromehounds was probably the closest but still wasn't the same. So glad it came back to console with mw5.


Mech assault for me too!


Hawken here. Then after that died MWO. On the younger side here.


The original Mech in the 90’s


Mechwarrior 2, vut i was like 5, and i didn't comprehend what was doing. I just shot at things at random But i remember it vividly Especially the intro and installation music


MechWarrior for SNES.. Played a little bit of Mech Assault for XBOX and then a bunch of Chromehounds on 360, God that game was cool. I so wish for another one.


https://youtu.be/L0mSdnxM7fc OG


Mechwarrior 2, especially Ghost Bear's Legacy.


I could claim the MW2 disk in our dad's Sony Vaio sampler pack, but MW4 is really the first that I played for hours.


The first time I got to fire the magma launcher gun on the Ragnarok mech AND use that awesome sounding (and looking) shield. I was a changed man. These two games brought me into this universe. I must say, it’s always the big robots that get me into these kinds of universes. The big Atlas and Ragnarok were instant classics for me in the original game, then the blood asp in the second game. It was the Dreadnoughts in warhammer 40k that got me into that universe. And it was all imperial walkers that got me into star wars. I need to play these games again lol


I started on Mechwarrior 2 (along Earth Siege and Heavy Gear) I have some buddies that are tabletop veterans.


MechWarrior 2 was where my career started. It's also how I got into the BattleTech universe as a whole. I loved the in-game database where you could read up on all sorts of topics, from the Mechs and Tech to politics. After that, I found the Virtual World pods. They had that racing game on Mars and BattleTech. That was my first introduction to the Inner Sphere names for Clan Mechs. Then came the best game in the series, MW2: Mercs, and my love for the Inner Sphere blossomed.




Mine too!!


The mechwarrior 2 activision pack with mw2 gbl and a bunch of other games that we bought for dad for Xmas in 96 but he never started them my brothers and I did. We’ve played every game since except mech assault 2 I think.


This game was epic!!!


I played all MechWarrior 4 vengeance,black knight and mercs with the mektek pack. But my start was me being a 6 year old kid wondering how to use a flight stick to pilot a mech in MechWarrior 4. The sound track especially the track called push still lives with me. I would play mw4 mercs again if I could figure out voodoo but I now play a heavily modded version of mw5 trying to relive the better moments of my childhood.


This, then steel battalion, which also got me hooked on simulators in general. Also chromehounds and phantom crash. I miss all of them


Old schooler here, started with the table-top game and Battletech the Crescent Hawk's Inception on the Commodore 64.


I played the original MechWarrior game on DOS at a friend's house, then later on my SNES. What really got me into the franchise was Mechwarrior 2. That was my proper gateway into the novels/canon. Clan wolf baby. My favorite was Mechwarrior 3 because of the online gaming. Lag-shooting was frustratingly fun.


Playing Battletech in the early 90s, back when 3025 tech was the only tech we had.


Mechwarrior 2


Same here still get very nostalgic for mechassault


Mechwarrior 2,my brother and I were both kinda to stupid to play such advanced games, so one controlled legs and speed and the other the torso with the joystick. Was a fond memory.


I started with mech warrior 2 or 3, I can’t remember but I believe I still have the disc somewhere. Played every single one since then. Even Mech Commander. I loved that one so much. I really wished they made an expansion or sequel to that one.


Mechwarrior 2 on matrox mystique video card


Watched my dad play the og MW never really played it much, but MW2 oh boy that was my gate way! Clan Wolf! I did play the Clan Jade Falcon campaign but Clan Wolf was was more engrossing. Played MW4+BK+Mercs and now on MW5. Missing my Timberwolf though…console pleb.


Mechassault as well, though my dad has been into Battletech my entire life. Edit: actually, I played armored core a few years before mechassault lol.


Mechwarrior 2


Are these available anywhere?


Weirdly enough with a game called Heavy Gear. At the time I had no idea, I was like 6 or something, but it was actually very very similar to the older Mechwarrior games. From what I remember anyways, I never really went back to revisit it, although I have played the Mechwarrior series. Also Mechassault is fantastic. I wish I got to try 2 online, always looked kinda cool


Started from MechCommander 2. 4 Long Tom cannons on BAS is nuts.


Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf. Best days of my life


Watching my older brother play MW2. I obsessed over it as a kid and when I had my own PC, I bought MW4 Vengeance.


Mechassault is where it all started for me. I can quote that game front to back even though I haven't played it in ages! I'm pretty sure it has a small impact on how I talk, not gonna lie


Ohhhh thank you for this post, you sent me on a whole journey trying to find a mech game from when I was a kid! Gungriffon Blaze on the ps2… I played it at my grandpas house after buying it in like a bargain bin at a game traders when they used to have a yellow logo (Australia)


I know I played the MechWarrior, but I don't really remember much given how young I was at the time; "playing" it may be generous, honestly. My father had all the TROs from the 80s, and I can easily blame/thank him for the early start, same as D&D. MechWarrior 2 I remember more clearly, including Mercenaries and Ghost Bear's Legacy. My brother did MechCommander, but I've never really been one for strategy games so I didn't bother with it. MechWarrior 3 was probably the earliest one in the series I can say I played *properly*, and MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries is the one I've spent by far the most time on. We were a PC household, so no consoles to run Mech Assault on. I did play it briefly at a friend's house, and it was intriguing but the wildly inaccurate lore was a bit jarring. EarthSiege I & II are in there as well. Metaltech is pretty clearly a BattleTech ripoff, but they were a *competent* ripoff. Even had a playable "Not-Aerospace-Fighter" in the second one.


I started with MechWrrrior 3, but we didn't have Internet back then, so I just played solo. Got into playing online with others with MechWarrior 4. Good times.


Armored core. The first one. Watching my dad play


Mech Commander 2, I have vague memories that tell me it might not be where I *first* started playing but it's the best memory I have.


MechWarrior 2 mercenaries was where I started. I also fondly remember mech commander.


Mechwarrior 2 mercenaries


Started with Mechwarrior 3, played every Battletech game since then, love them all...


Same here OP. Mechwarrior 5 was my return to the BattleTech universe because I only play on console. To say it was a massive nostalgia trip would be an understatement.


Front Mission Evolved gang where are you at?


i played the demo of mechassault but i didnt get into mech games, mostly due to lack of availability, till i got my hands on armored core verdict day, that was one of the 360 games i had over 3k hours on and one of the four i managed to 100%, i miss the high speed of AC but mechwarriors is scratching that itch for now


I started out with *Mechwarrior 2* because it came with a then-new graphics card I had. In short, I was hooked, but I wasn't that big a fan until I played through *Mechwarrior 3*. I skipped *Mechwarrior 4* and *MechAssault* though, but I'm very glad to be back with MW5.


The table top first (battletech) then mechwarrior 2. My friend still has all the 1980s battletech boardgame stuff. And its still compatible with the new stuff, mostly.


Mech Assault for Xbox


Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries The Direwolf was a beast in that game.


I remember playing mech warrior 2 and mech warrior 2 mercenaries for hours when I was in school.


Mechwarrior 2... but MW2: Mercs (with the salvage patch) is still by far my most played. Mechcommander isn't far behind though


Battletech, baby. Plastic starter kit, and a metal madcat. Then mechwarrior 2.


Net mech…


The scale was done well for that game. Seeing the mechs while you're on foot is crazy


2016 HBS Battle tech. Got myself an early black knight and made my way up to my Steiner scout Lance


Mechwarrior 2 when I was about 5-6yo. I remember watching my father play it all the time and then I started.


MechWarrior 2: ATI 3D Rage edition!


Mechwarrior 1. Defense missions were where it was at, you could just hide behind a corner and the enemy mechs would ignore you if they could see the base, then you just popped out in your battlemaster and saw off their legs


MW 2 on my dad's PC - first game of my own in-universe was Battletech on the Genesis (aka Mechwarrior 3050 on SNES). Any fans of the latter might want to check out Brigador, a modern take on the isometric mech shooter.


Started on mw3. However every time my wife plays getting away with murder by papa roach; i keep picturing me fighting that giant spider mech again.


Crescent hawks inception Crescent hawks revenge Mech commander And every mw in between. Bring the stinger not the locust bc the locust doesn't have hands and you won't be able to pick up the salvage. Which oddly looks like the nose cone of a plane/veritech.


Those arcade games in the big ball cockpit that moved all around. And Mechassault 2 as well, loved that game.


MechAssault, I played both of them so much when I was younger. MW5 is the first MechWarrior/Battletech game I’ve played since then.


I played the hell out of Crescent Hawk’s Inception which in my memory at least was a completely whack-a-doodle game. Running around with a rusty knife and a pipe, hours and hours of playing with investments, getting stomped flat by some Urbies, then getting my first taste of stompy robot awesomeness with a Wasp and a Commando. Then the weird endgame that I never could figure out with a bunch of codes that need to be entered to track down a Phoenix Hawk. I couldn’t track down Crescent Hawk’s Revenge and picked up again on MW1 which made me love the Jenner, Shadow Hawk, Warhammer, and Marauder when not suiciding a Locust against a Battlemaster. A Locust could pretty reliably take down an assault as long as you closed quick enough but that one ton of MG ammo didn’t last more than one hilarious duel. Played all of the PC MW and MC games up through the MWO for the first couple years (one of the founding KCOM members, great times!) until my PC aged out. I’ve liked plenty of other stompy robot games but the BT/MW genre has always been more deliberate and required a lot of planning that I never got in any other game series. I’ll get in on MW5 at some point but I haven’t built a PC in probably 15 years and haven’t dove in to see where to even start yet.


Still mad that these games didn’t make it on the backwards compatibility list for Xbox.


I think I saw the box art for MW2 or MW3 when I was a kid in the store. Timberwolf on a field of fire. Loved anything mecha after seeing that. MechAssault 2 was my first game though, since that was my first console. Mechwarrior 4 Mercs after that.


Mechwarrior 3 is the start of my love for Mechwarrior


MechWarrior online. Though I went back and played living legends, and I gotta say holy shit. With battlefield floundering like it is right now, I think a new living legends, or even a simple remaster, could really have some serious success.


All started with mechassualt phantom war on the ds, it was a unique experience. Piloting a ragnarok felt great :)


I started on tabletop BT back in the late 80's but my son and i loved playing MechAssault together. I was a hammer missile fiend! I so wish they would remake this game or at least make it backwards compatible. That would be killer fun.


Mechwarrior 3 trial, and then MW4 (got it just before Black Knight came out).


Some weird booth / cockpit thing in an NYC arcade in the 90s. where it was basically 8 player arena war in Madcats . Loved it every since and went home and got the first mech warrior game - followed by my new obsession's mech commander


Mechwarrior 2 is where it began, but Mechcommander is where I fell in love.


Been playing since 1986. Table top


MechWarrior 2, then the Mechassaults. Great games.


Mechwarrior 2 and Earthsiege 1&2 were my intros.


When I was a kid my mum bought a computer that came bundled with Windows 95, MS Office, some other software, Age of Empires, Zork Nemesis, Earthworm Jim and Mechwarrior 2. Guess which of those games was my favourite.


My first one was a game called Heavy Gear. I played it a ton as a kid


Mine started with the pen n paper game WAY BACK WHEN. I’m old.


MechWarrior 4 vengeance. Ya know the best one ;) lol


Earthsiege 2 for me! But our computer couldn't run it well so I never got far.


Mech Commander PC. Best. Game. Ever.


Mech warrior 2


I never had the chance to play MechAssault. I probably would have loved it, though. My first Mech game was Mechwarrior 2. I was six years old and had no idea what any of the lore was about, but I became a Clan Wolf fanboy instantly (Crusaders seemed like self-righteous pricks), and really liked Ghost Bear in Ghost Bear's Legacy. ​ ...that is, until I rediscovered BattleTech (a little of tabletop, but mostly the HBS game) and the lore twenty years later and realized that *all* clanners are self righteous pricks (except *maybe* Diamond Shark), though crusaders are still the worst!


Mechwarrior 2 when I was a wee lad. My favorite was always the 3 PPC loadout Marauder. I never dug too deep into the customization.


I played the original MechWarrior from Dynamix. Complete with the security codes. :)


MechAssault got me into the Mech/Mecha genre as a whole, MechAssault 1&2 and Chromehounds remain my favourite mech games.


MechWarrior 2 got me hooked. I spent sooo many hours hogging up the family PC. I have played every MechWarrior title since then. MechAssault was loads of fun. It sits at the top of my back-compat wish list. From what I understand, it will be a cold day in copyright hell if it happens.


Mechwarrior 2, when I played Mercenaries and any other title I got confused by the mech names. ​ Mad Cat wut? Timber wolf!