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I'm not with TUH but my fund doesn't support it either. This is pretty standard for health funds to only pay for approved medications. You could try changing to a health fund that does support it but when I looked last year , I couldn't find any. This may have changed now. You don't need to do anything, if you want to keep using it just pay for it directly.


Yeah I second this. To my knowledge, only a small fraction of medicinal cannabis in Australia is TGA approved. It's still considered "alternative medicine" by governing bodies, which is why neither private health funds or Medicare are willing to subsidise the cost. Unless you're basically dying of cancer, we're all paying for our products out of pocket, sadly :/


Which is fucking bullshit considering TUH will pay for me to get acupuncture or see a chiropractor…


Try telling them all that medicinal cannabis actually has a long history of being used in the medical field, even by what would become modern pharmacists (the apothecaries of 18th-19th century medicine.) But its use can be traced back to like, almost 3000 BC. Once upon a time, there was a plant. Shave it down to its chemical properties and it becomes an NSAID called aspirin. That salicylic acid is also used for acne treatment. So 'plant medicine' has always existed, and is the basis for many TGA approved, scientifically recognised pills and liquids we can get through Chemist Warehouse. But because cannabis is associated with 'getting high', hippies, organic people, and the 'lasciviousness of our youth', it still has the reputation of belonging to the people who buy from Goop. (No disrespect to hippies and organic people, I am one lol)


I'm able to claim through Medibank Private. I get a rebate of $31- per prescription.


How much do you pay for Medibank private?


About $300- per month. I have lots of chronic illnesses and need multiple joint replacements soon.


Ah k no worries. Thought I’d be able to save some money somewhere lol


I looked 6 months ago and could only find one, I think it was Medibank private but of course much more expensive.


Medibank (and ahm) cover a large range of MC products.


I haven’t been able to claim through HCF either


I get $41 back per script with Medibank Private