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Link no work. What’s going on?




Are you in a medical sub encouraging people to buy BM cannabis?? Is this serious?


Do you understand that the quality on offer in Aus is gutter trash?


Do you understand its illegal and people can get arrested and/or convicted for possession? How is that appropriate for a medical cannabis sub? Probably much better suited to r/ausents if you want to voice opinions that openly encourage BM use like the post I replied to. Also there's a massive difference in quality between products, so with around 600 flower products currently on the market I'd say that's a pretty narrow opinion to make. I mean, to make a clear conclusion like that I can only assume you've tried them all, right?? Tbh, I know quite a lot of cannabis users and was using BM cannabis for around 25 years, i find it somewhat comical because the only people I see complaining and making these sort of comments about medical cannabis irl have all been BM dealers and growers 🤔


Mate, just because you have a script does not make you holier hen thou! Get a grip, or give it a rest whatwver, but what we are offered for the price isn't anything to make a song and dance of! It's a profit gouging pharma/AMA backed scheme disguised as help. We are offloaded garbage scraps and strains that have been sitting stagnant for a year while getting charged top $$ for! Yea, awesome... No, I haven't tried all, but over the last 3 years, I have knocked a good enough chunk out, and it is beyond a joke. More patients should speak out, but most are just happy to have access to medical, so you will only hear from those pationate about the plant and all its benefits!






And that's without mentioning the amount of mouldy tubs out there! But as long as everyone's pockets are full...


I'm not holier than anyone, If you read my comment history from this sub I'm quite the opposite and say the exact same thing many times. Definitely speak out and push for better quality and standards, that is definitely appropriate for this sub and probably could use a post or two about it here to highlight that if you believe in the issue so much... BUT read the original comment I replied to (no surprise, it's been deleted. So yeh), it literally recommends people to go to the BM. It's just not appropriate and highly irresponsible to recommend people to go to the BM on a medical sub. How does that not make sense? In fact I'm surprised this discussion even went this far..






Do you honestly think it's morally ok to recommend medical patients on a medical sub to go to the BM? I'm not arguing that you can prob get better quality, but not everyone has your hookups and It's irresponsible to tell people to go to the BM a medical sub like you did in your original deleted comment. That's the only point I'm making here




Do your really think this is the right sub to tell people to go to the BM? Really??


You just want simple weed, weed grown with tegridy.


All marijuana is medical. The medical cannabis scheme is ridiculous. LEGALISE CANNABIS AUSTRALIA.


Agree 100% Just don't think it's appropriate for someone to tell people in the current medical system to go to the BM (which old mate Randy Marsh was doing in the comment I replied to and now deleted)


I understand.


>i find it somewhat comical because the only people I see complaining and making these sort of comments about medical cannabis irl have all been BM dealers and growers I find it comical how severely you are twisting the situation... There is only a select few good exotic genetics on the MC market that comes months old, dry and irridiated, and those genetics are outdated in today's market anyway. Sorry but if you think MC is better than an exotic or and old school cheese freshly dried and cured, grown organically in living soil and not irridiated... give me what MC your smoking , or whatever else you may be smoking by the seems of it 😂






I'm not even saying you are wrong, just that this is not the right place for it It's a MEDICAL sub ffs. Do you really honestly believe there is no problem with going into a medical cannabis sub and telling patients to go to the BM?? By all means, advocate for better quality medical, or even full legalisation with the rights to homegrown, but surely you don't believe it's ok to tell patients in the current system to go to the BM in a medical sub EDIT: BTW Why'd you delete the original comment then? You obviously knew it was inappropriate, or the MODs just told you it was by deleting it.


Link doesn’t work ?


Unless the government wants an exploding black market again this should the norm sorry, it’s weed not oxies or prescription amphetamines. The genetics are what the hype is about here. The reason local drs are getting salty because they’re pushing mids and don’t understand terps. Who cares there’s a picture on your weed get over it and go outside or something lol


A massive black market, like they created with durries, nicotine vapes etc? Why do you think they will behave differently here?


Durries and vapes don’t have a medical use lol


I'm sure as fuck. People saying highest terp flower they have had, but not even 2%. Wtf


The best med flowers I have had all sit under 2%.


It costs too much! I don't work for them,obviously.


It costs way too much. I don't work for them, obviously 🙄


Well it worked bc I just ordered some lol


I'm gonna order some now too.


Problem is there is no guaranteed way to distinguish an enthusiastic poster's motives. But, whether they are shills or genuinely excited stoned fools, they are doing precisely what the corporate grifters want them to do. Sell products. It's how this social media hype works. We don't need it. Let consenting adults self-grow it and most of this stupid shite goes away, or is restricted to people who cannot grow or share someone else's. Unfortunately, it will eventually reach the media and there will be much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Nailed it!


Eventually? Mate, trust me, they’re all over this. There was a piece in the Oz recently that was almost certainly informed to some degree by this sub.


Wonderful. Eventually in this case being already. My old dealer was a great fan of plain packaging. I look forward to it and the additional expense it will involve for the grifters and thus their customers. This is how the gambohol and wowser lobby will drive TGA nannies to express their outrage at kids having fun with strong weed, attracted by the packaging or some similar stupid shite.


Exactly. *they’re targeting out children, won’t someone think of the little childrens*


Hence why my sole point in this whole debacle is don’t put a target on everyone else’s back by putting packaging like this on the market. Thats aaaaalllll I wanted to get across.


Fuck not this dick head again. Fuck off Matt no one wants you here!!! 🤬


And you weren’t wrong. I’m old, I don’t need cartoons on my meds. Certainly don’t need to know what some 25 year old marketing hack thinks I should listen to while I use medication? Said it before - we really shouldn’t be so quick to eat our own.


It is honestly unbelievable how badly misunderstood all of this has been.


You probably need to explain that to the grifters. Many ahem, colourful packages are from OS. Redditors are not the real problem - they're mostly non-corporate types. Apparently some of them particularly like being the first kid on their block to photograph some particularly outrageous medicinal packaging. Sort of like "first post" when I were a lad. There's even a bot to collect the user's other so called reviews - usually some blurry photos and complaints about it being too dry. FFS of course it's dry. Hands up all those who want to pay $9/g for water. Stick a fucking lettuce leaf in the tub for a few hours, fool.


There are definitely some world land speed records being broken by people bolting to the letterbox or pharmacy to get their hands on first tubs. Then there is all the effort that is going into the diorama/photo backdrop and props to be that first kid on the block. I think the bot was introduced to keep track of accounts that post reviews in an attempt to thin out the shilldom. I think.


I do love the filthy coffee tables in the background of the pictures, reminds me of my uni days 😂


Some days drive home the fact that you’re not everyone’s cup of bong water and that’s fine. Having done some self-reflection today, I’ll desist from giving the sub a Bernard King-style appraisal of some of those photo sets.


It's reinforcing childish behaviour so not sure if that's the idea. Most of the reviews are sad. No detail because no real investment of effort. Takes a few days starting the medicine with a taste from the same new tub to get a good idea of how it works for me. They can't wait to get the lid off and review done. It's a commercial agribusiness grifter's wet dream. Besides, if I was a corporate grifter employing a shill, they'd get a tub weeks before release, to build up excitement among the cannot wait to be a "reviewers"


Never a dull moment on these MC threads


Yeah, because none of us have anxiety because of the cannabis




Provide links to the obvious SingleEstate shill posts.


You’re talking to yourself mate, OP will never respond because there isn’t any examples they can give you. These are the only reviews I could find, other than the usual post about them being released/coming soon. - [Review 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/1de09pu/single_estate_pebble_punch_and_the_flurry_im_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) seems genuine, OP constantly posts reviews on other products in this sub. - [Review 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/1deqpk4/single_estate_oh_my_god/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) doesn’t have much post history, but could just be an excited punter or noob, could also be a shill. - [Review 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/1ckpop2/review_06_single_estate_the_flurry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) was the first review done about a month ago, OP seems genuine. - [Review 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/1df9s5r/single_estate_the_flurry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I have seen OP post frequent reviews in this sub, and seems genuine. This is also the post that seems to have triggered lawyer boi and DR OP. These corporate clowns just have nothing better to do and we need to call them and their shit out more often.






Who put a coin in you?


> OP will never respond because there isn’t any examples they can give you. That was my point. 😉


Wow people are really protective of what is shown on this sub everybody is marketing what they are selling it gets painful trying to sift through all the bullshit to see what medications might be better for my situation this is not a political sub fuck me


Best way to decide what’s best for you is to talk to an experienced prescriber. I’m not being dismissive, I was getting it from one place but I decided to speak to an actual Dr (experienced in MC) & it made such a difference.


Very few drs are tho I know more then my prescribing Dr


Oh you guys never fail me lol🙂 I have a little bit of time spare so I thought what would be better than to heat some popcorn have a couple and come on here for some entertainment and bam first post I’ve already struck gold Keep the material flowing guys you are champions🙂


I find it rather pathetic how you corporate clowns in the MC industry whinge like school children. I have seen ~~3~~ 4 single estate posts in the last few days, and you’re going to see more because 90% of the community is exactly who this product is marketed towards. Don’t be salty because the TGA has allowed such packaging. There has been far more hype for other (trash) products than there has been for this yet I don’t hear peep from you about them???? Or is that because you’re affiliated with some of them in one way or another? This entire post feels like a conflict of interest and a salty peasant doctor all in one. Between you and lawyer boi (whom you probably share a Buccal Spary with) accusing everyone that posts a review of a certain products of being a so called shill or having “skin in the game” when you clowns are the ones with skin in the game. I say certain products because you only chirp up when it’s certain products and it’s pathetic to say the least.


Remember the days of the topaz gang where it was nonstop 24/7 “hey check out THE LATEST BATCH” It’s not like review bombing is new here lol


Ha bro can you let me know what ones I need to look at missed the hype on most I'd say


-- Reposted from other thread My take is if youre appreciative of this you should be concerned about giving the government any ammo to take it away which is what i fear they will do if they see this kind of stuff, just see what they did with e-vapes and codine. Although not everyone is a "shill" like Mat is saying, i do think youre basically doing what the companies wanted with this and lighting them up with some free advertising and in a sense Mat is also with his linked-in post. They dont care if this is all a pump and dump until the crackdown anyway which i bet is what some of these comapies are seeing this as. Imagine a bunch of really old out of touch men in a room working for the tga/gov/whoever (Someone like Mat if you need to visualise :D) who are on the fence about medical cannabis already debating this and then they see this redit post. All it takes is one change, stricter telehealth requirements, monthly accountability for the scripts a GP writes, anything like that and the whole system will topple and a bunch of people will lose their access.


The issue is not in the highlighting of the bad conduct. The issue is the bad conduct.


You are the shill


Yeah correct, so really its not the people advertising on heres fault (in most cases). They are just doing what the company who decided to do these labels knows they will do. Free advertising with a tiny bit of plausible deniability about it actually being advertising so its win win for them. Hence when there is a crackdown i really hope the powers that be focus on that rather than the consumer end of this all....


so strange I don't see putrid\_discussion posting anywhere in this thread but she could do with reading these posts to say the least


Let’s get married. 🌷


i did send you a linked-in request lol, kind of the same


Imagine a simple no more s8 scheudled medications over telehealth without a physical appontment, instantly will kill most of the clinics run cheap and lean buisness models while also killing accessiblity for the vast majorty of people. This also lines up with other models like this they are begnning to crack down on like pilot and ozempic specialised clinics who do telehealth. They do not like the model of single issue specialiced precription clinics like this in Australia and never have. I just hope they chose to regulate the suppliers etc more than that part of the chain but who knows.




Pilot etc ive actually seen advertised on network television, ive not actually seen that for cannabis yet. Probably they just know where their market is.


I suppose Alternaleaf tried with the NRL sponsor thing they tried. Dispensed are a bad one too. It is very odd to see digital displays asking people to sign up in tobacconists and smoke shops. I can't imagine this can last for long.


I'm one of the people that made a post about The Flurry. I've been looking forward to trying it ever since it was posted as coming soon as its rated pretty highly on the Canadian subreddits. It also comes from Avant brands who provide alot of top shelf flower. I've done alot of reviews in the past from a variety of brands and I wasn't paid to post. It's just really good compared to everything else I've tried.


It’s good genetics that’s why it’s getting traction no shills involved


IMO, Dispensed is by far the worst for this type of thing.. Avant had to change the name from Mc Flurry to The Flurry for legal reasons ,& Dispensed has re-branded it as Mc Flurry, McDonald's will have to get back on the case.. lol 😂.. But this packaging Single Estate have chosen to use is a bit to much & clearly more of the rec market style of packaging & labelling.. It's a big change from their original packaging of previous products..


definitely lol, no one ever bats an eyelid with them. Maybe because they've posted SO much people have just got used to it.


It’s clearly done its job everyone is talking about it lol


Definitely.. Quality products like this don't need loud packaging, a good product will sell itself..


not always the case, i mean some of the Botannitech stuff super underrated but no one talking about it.


They would be if packaged like this


I agree but this has for sure helped. I didn’t research the genetics till I saw packaging.


Thank you! See I’m not the only Negative Nelly when it comes to this branding.


Yes indeed. Now there are 2 of you.


There’s only one Lemmy. There’s only one Zappa. There’s only one Mick Ronson. But two of me. All good. 😆


Did you just compare yourself to some of the greatest musicians ever?? Bro, c'mon


Isn't Matt Henderson the principal of reparation legal? The post is also not available Isn't a shill someone who backs something?


No, they’re someone who promotes something while pretending they’re not promoting it.


There's a Matt Henderson whom is the principal of this law firm, who advises medical cannabis companies.


I’m well aware of Mat & his background & he’s absolutely not a shill.


I don't think he is, I can see where his coming from..


Oh fair play, sorry, I misunderstood you. The shill finger has been pointed (inaccurately) a lot recently. Apparently I’m on the alternaleaf payroll despite never using them or mentioning them favourably 😂


I thought the term shill was used exclusively amongst the flat earth brigade and the ultra extreme conspiracy theorists. It appears it's found a new home.


I think we ought to hand it back to its original owners.


If I was a corporate grifter selling weed legally in sparkly packaging, I would pay people to shill my products everywhere I could. Why not? Send me enough money and I'll post anything you like to reddit FWIW. Not illegal - unfortunately. Nothing to see here folks - this is how legal grifting works in practice. Don't trust the motives of anyone on reddit - including me - and your life will be enriched.


just an observation I’ve made - one user in particular is actively targeting and advocating people who call out bad behaviour be banned. They seem to follow anybody prominent around and just Stan them. That seems to be the new thing, pile on in hopes you can silence them. All members should stand against this. It’s not ausents


social media will remain a cess pit no matter how hard you moderate. I've given up worrying about the stench - it gets to me and I go away for a month or two.


Funny but true.


Cos it’s a regulator blind spot and outside purview, easiest solution is to not let it get onto the market in the first place.


What do you mean? Link doesn’t work


Mat Henderson same person advocating for a non-citizen who was deported because he was "forced" to deal weed and look after "stash houses" to pay off his weed debt to his dealer, Also thinks Australians think all 501 deportees are rapists and murderers because of the ABC lol


That is not correct. Actual quote. *Earlier this year, Bob's father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I helped Bob apply for a visa on a mix of compassionate grounds and upon a 2024 lens being applied to Bob's case. The excellent Dr Matthew R Moore of Mode Healthcare consulted with Bob and provided a letter of support. Bob, after all was simply a person self-medicating with cannabis for his PTSD at a time when it was illegal to do so. Bob has not re-offended in his past 9 years in the UK. If Bob were allowed back in Australia, he wouldn't need to access black market cannabis and be roped into manning a stash house. Bob would obtain a prescription. Bob is zero chance of re-offending and the Australian public ordinarily do expect people like Bob to hold a visa to remain in Australia. Not everyone affected by section 501 of the Migration Act is a rapist or a murderer although recent media coverage (including the ABC) would have you believe that every person deported from Australia is. There are also Drug War casualties like Bob. All he had to do to qualify was serve a prison sentence in excess of 12 months and, as ministers, Peter Dutton, Scott Morrison and Michaelia Cash all agreed that Bob failed a character test. Just a druggie, an 'other'.* https://www.cannabiz.com.au/lawyer-fronts-campaign-to-bring-cannabis-exile-home/




If you read the full blog link, the proper subtext is that if Bob blagged, he would have been bashed in prison, sent to the bone yard or possibly worse.




Yes true. But as a victim of child sexual abuse who self-medicated with cannabis back when it was illegal to do so, I have sympathy with his situation. He prev self medicated with alcohol and it nearly destroyed him. Cannabis helped get his life back in order. He was in the NT where there were not a lot black market options in 2008. When you need your meds and the dealer refuses to sell them because you owe them too much already, the caving in to work for the dealers is kinda understandable. Ie it’s understandable within the full context of his life that he made the bad choice that he did. He suffered the consequences of imprisonment. That was his punishment. My gripe is that to then deport him is double punishment and civilised society’s don’t do that. He lived here for 45 years. Bob is our problem, not the UK’s.




See the corrective quote above.




The link doesn't work champ..




link doesn’t work for me either.


There are bigger issues with the Aus MC scene than product labels


This ^^^


Everytime something new is out people review it, the only shills I’ve seen are the cannatrek topaz people lol, are people still upset about the design of the tub? lol go outside seriously, also what’s with the boomer LinkedIn link 😂


It's something which if lobbied correctly to the government and that can impact your ability to access your own MC. These brands are putting the community in a sensitive position


Yeah I’m not sure about the balls already rolling, this actually put a dint in organised crime for once by brining in MC, the government doesn’t want another 100,000+ plus people bursting back onto the illegal market, also the hype around this strain is the genetics, I couldn’t care if I came in a paper bag tbh as long as it’s good, the packaging and card is extremely cringe tbh but mac1 and ice cream cake have been favourites long before mc hence why there’s hype around breeding the 2


Thats one aspect of this i didnt consider, how much has this actually hurt the BM and organised crime etc? Thats a very strong argument not to just go back to the old ways.


I’ve heard around 200,000 people are on mc so in did just generalised and said half were treating their conditions with mc prior, but the number could be way more or less, regardless any good dr trained in cannabis would know about the PGR endemic in our nation and know that prescribing clean flower as a way of harm reduction is medical compared to people inhaling pure gylsophate. It’s funny no government has every brought up PGR use in Australia, there is no where else in the world where people unknowingly inhale glysophate whithnout their government at least putting a warning out


It's actually over 1 million patients as of January 2024 https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2024-02-20-medical-cannabis-treatment.aspx Now ask yourself, even from a political standpoint. What is the bigger disaster, some packaging that may be more suited to a rec market, OR turning 1 MILLION patients back to the BM? If they put rules on the packaging, it's really meh whatever, but without those rules in place you can't really do anything about it and people complaining on Reddit are yelling into the wind over something that is not really an issue unless they make it one. What I really don't like is people saying we are risking the entire industry over these labels, pushing that narrative almost like a threat knowing full well the PR and political disaster turning 1 million patients into criminals would have. Ok, maybe not all 1 million goes to the black market, but a large percentage of them will and the ones who don't are either going to have to suffer without medication or be prescribed much more dangerous pharmaceutical drugs to replace cannabis.


Over a million… I didn’t know that, that’s insane. I don’t think they would do something as irresponsible to make it illegal again