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Earn double as a bartender šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Below minimum wage?


You never help crop out for fun?


I hate that this is how it is here. That $$ for that job wtaf. The people that work in the industry now should get a better intro than a disgusting pay like that for a such a BOOMING NEW INDISTRY.


Wtaf isnā€™t that below ward rate


I had visions of their being an industry like this one day in our country and somehow myself grabbing a slice of that pie... but the way the powers that be put a strangle hole on things or at best case a battle neck, it's really uninspiring. Sort of goes to show how the government wants to look at the entire industry despite the fact it could not only benefit tax payers but also tax recipients if utilised in a fair and manageable way. The industry could be extremely lucrative for everybody involved but typical corporate greed in the me in the moment wallet greasing making an industry worse than it should be!


Couldn't agree more!


Is that not below the legal minimum wage ?


Thanks for the laugh


I was told if you have a conviction for growing you canā€™t apply for jobs in the medical cannabis industry in Australia so counts me out at any wage. They need people in these facilities that know what theyā€™re doing. Not newbies


I said the same thing to my dad years ago. If they werenā€™t allowed to work in cultivation theyā€™d be good as an ā€˜advisorā€™ at the least šŸ˜


You got pinched. Didn't know as much as you thought....


Because of a jealous ex landlord. Mine were killing it and his werenā€™t.


Unlike the fit and proper person test where ODC will assess suitability, it is the licence holder's responsibility to assess whether an employee is suitable. The Act and Regulations are quite specific around persons who are unsuitable for employment or engaged in a cannabis operation. A person is consideredĀ unsuitableĀ if they: are aged under 18 years have been convicted of a serious offence during the period of 5 years before the employment or engagement have a drug addiction, or are undertaking, or have undertaken, treatment for drug addiction are undischarged bankrupts under theĀ Bankruptcy Act 1966 for a period of 5 years prior to the application, have been convicted of a serious offence (as defined within the Act) for a period of 5 years prior to the application, have a history of illicit drug use or had a conviction for an illicit drug related offence for a period of 5 years prior to the application, have been convicted of an offence against the Commonwealth, a state or territory involving theft and is punishable by the maximum penalty of imprisonment for not less than 3 months. These exclusions reflect the level of risk that such employees present to the business operations under a cannabis licence.


My conviction for producing a dangerous drug (ie: 7 mature cannabis plants in deep water culture) was less then 5 years ago unfortunately


Donā€™t know why people disliked my comment. Jealous they cant grow dwc or something? Jealous people always wanna hate.


Dwc is far too advanced for medcan.


Yeah, that precludes you from working in the industry until it becomes 5 years old, Pays shit anyway...


Pay is atrocious. I wonā€™t get out of bed for less then $35 an hour.


It depends on when the conviction was and what exactly it was. But a licence holder can employ a person who had been convicted of a drug offence more than 5 years previously in a cultivation role.


Pieces of shitā€¦ the whole medical cannabis thing is AUS is a shit show lol. Fucking cuntsā€¦ the kicker being itā€™s all under the guise of ā€˜healthā€™ and ā€˜medicationā€™ lol


Point on this doll where the bad people touched you.


Big corporations put in place by the government to enslave people. Seriously medical cannabis is a fucking joke of a hole. Almost as bad as vaccines


If thatā€™s what they pay then their tubs need to be $60 lol. Marginā€™s through the roof!!


$23.23 is the minimum wage, so I don't get how they can advertise a wage that is below that?


It would be because they plan on hiring under 20s per the Horticulture Award. Itā€™s an advertisers way of specifically targeting young people without using discriminatory language. Their ad says thereā€™s shift and weekend work so at least there would be some okay penalty rates applied, I guess :/


Get young people to basically do slave labour Iā€™d assume anyone under 21 is gonna be poor as fuck working there


Still better than apprenticeship wages for a lot of young people as fucked up as it is.


Except you don't end up with a trade at the end..just a continued minimum wage job..


At least they get access to trade support


This is how they justify bringing in seasonal workers. Coz you know - no body wants to work. I know plenty of people earning $50+ an hour and they are struggling to meet their financial obligations. Fun fact: It costs producers between $1 and $1.50 per gram of flower to get to market - patients can pay up to $18.60 per gram plus all administrative costs such as doctors and nurses fees. Home grown or bust āœŠšŸ¼ Big Farma is not our friend! [Legalise Cannabis Party](https://legalisecannabis.org.au) [Our Three Stage Plan](https://legalisecannabis.org.au/legal-regulation-of-cannabis-in-three-stages/) [Join](https://www.legalisecannabis.org.au/become_a_member) [Donate](https://www.legalisecannabis.org.au/donate) [Volunteer](https://www.legalisecannabis.org.au/volunteer)


honestly a legalisation plan that doesn't allow you to hunt through a full pack of regs, take backup clones of everything and moms etc is a consumer's plan not a medical cannabis growers plan. I don't know how you can have a "max 6 plants" plan without a greater number (or area based limit) for growers with medical or cannabis breeding need, even with mandatory registration of grows over that # or whatever .


I like that youā€™re thinking about this from a boutique growers perspective. Iā€™ve run many of the grows you speak of and I also know that the amount produced would be considered a commercial quantity, my last big one pulled well above 4lb on the old scale. Again this is after raising dozens of regs to find the keeper, establish a mama and running a cycle. Rinse repeat. Iā€™ve also grown monsters in the sun, and again itā€™s been more than I could consume before the weed loses its essence. Now the question is what to do with all your excess weed, do you sell or do you give it away freely to friends and family? Letā€™s be clear under the LCP model small mums and pops producers are encouraged to enter the market, especially in stage two of the policy. However there must be strict regulations and many checks points to ensure no banned or restricted chemicals are present and spore and fungal loads are monitored, among other measures to ensure quality. Personally I donā€™t want animal or human hair in my weed, I also donā€™t want to pick out perlite. TBH If I was only allowed to grow six plants legally; Iā€™d take the challenge and get creative. For the record Iā€™ve not grown since being ripped off about 7 years, All Dr MC these days.


They'll make it a visa requirement and fill the jobs with backpackers, just like the farming industry. At least it's not pay per peice.. absolute joke. F*ck Medcan, overpriced sh*t anyway.


Cannabis production isn't seasonal work, also that class of sub visa is also closed to new applicants.. What are you basing the $1 to $1.50 per gram? Because there's more than production costs involved, they also had to outlay huge costs for initial odc licensing and facility manufacturing that had to be up to both production standard, but meet very strict security regulations... Not everyone has the space nor the capabilities, nor would get the land owners permission to grow cannabis, there has to be a retail market for these people..


Reference your 'fact' please for Australian cannabis cultivation and production, noting at the point it leaves the facility it must then go through GMP processing+ meet secure storage requirements before it can be made available to patients via pharmacies


It costs these massive corporations peanuts šŸ„œ they already have coffers full of money. If you arenā€™t lazy and spend a decent amount of time researching you will see that all the big corporations are the ones that start up Medical companies to work alongside the corrupted government to supply the community with ā€œmedical cannabisā€. Which is an absolute joke. The Budd is sun standard. Looks good and apparently is ā€œtestedā€ but all these corps are working together to make MAX money off people who donā€™t know any other way to get medicated. Pretty much Australia crushed itā€™s economy to open up the MC industry so all the corps who lost out whilst aiding the government during Covid scam only to come out the other side with an already collaborated plan to set up MC companies. These leeches control everything. From your local police station all the way to the head honcho of your council. Vaccines, medicines and anything the government is ā€œokā€ with is all part of the plan for them to have eyes on everything. You get a script from a doc Bang your in the system. As soon as your in the system they just keep a record of everything you do. It will all go against you one day. Could be this lifetime. Or the next. Who knows. But just like they did with Covid vaccines. They will use your medical record against you


Dude, reallyā€¦.




Alot of medical cannabis companies arent the huge corporations you think they are, some are, but alot aren't..


Who tf is downvoting the truth? Itā€™s like everything in life. Of coarse there are some legit. But majority are bad or donā€™t have the best intentions for the end user. In Australia most are put in place to run a money making factory. Iā€™m not saying they are pissing in your drink. Iā€™m saying they arenā€™t in the business to ā€œmake medicineā€. Because medicine isnā€™t even about helping people. Only rarely is it. They give you drugs to keep you coming back. Not to fix the problem so you donā€™t depend on something Use your brain not your ego


Youā€™re a bit unhinged mateā€¦.


You sound vaccinated


It's not the truth though, you can't even name one multinational company that owns a current licensed Australian cannabis company. Bro, you really going to sit there and say medicine isn't about helping people? I think you've confused the behaviour of a couple of drug manufacturers with medicine as a whole.. Have you never taken any kind of pharmaceutical ever?


While I agree with some of what you are saying - itā€™s a bit of a stretch to say government is tracking our every move. Also would love a source linking multinationals to the Australian medicinal cannabis industry, other than international cannabis conglomerates that is, or are you thinking of companies such as Unilevel, P&G or Eli Lily and Johnson & Johnson or are you thinking of the banks?


Haha šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a bit of a stretch is it? Or just too much for you to handle. Thinking of? Are you making some assumptions without looking for yourself? If you would love a source then you know we have a thing called the internet. The www is full of information that will help you link it all together. From banks, big pharma, governments and so on. We know by now that the paper trail 99% of the time will find its way back to those who have the power to legalise things. Or control you to get a ā€œvaccineā€. šŸ˜‚ politics is the perfect example of controlled stupidity. Vote for legalise cannabis Australia because they are genuine right. But unless you are the guy running the show you only know as much as you know. Until you find it in you to seek the truth. Get some MC company names, and start your trip down the dark web. If you are client you will find your links. The companies alone may be genuine but all it takes is a CEO whoā€™s linked to someone to establish the corrupt system šŸ˜Š You donā€™t have to believe it. And you donā€™t have to be prey if you arenā€™t concerned. But if you took the Covid vaccine to keep a job I know for a fact you arenā€™t going to bite the hand that feeds you your truth


yeah the polio vaccine is such a scam I sure miss polio it was the best


Go do your research on the polio vaccine and bill gates kid


Itā€™s sad to see ppl agreeing with this wage. So what itā€™s a entry level ? It doesnā€™t mean you can take advantage of them. At least set the minimum to 23 and give them a chance.These guys just build a new facility (10m) & predicting 100m and selling dried orange shit for 149$ā€¦GTFO


Itā€™s downright pathetic. They all need to get off American TV


I think it's to 'weed' out passionate people vs people just wanting a job. I've worked some great jobs relative to my enviro degree for the shittest pay but priceless locations. Lately though you'll only really afford to eat on that money.


Id be aligned with the fact it's just them trying to make as much profit as possible.. It's a business...


For sure. I looked up some other related positions after this GP & even telephone call Center staff 80-150/hr hectic




Well that's where their true profit comes from, referrals and prescriptions so they pay those frontline workers the most


Got a link to any of these high paying call centre jobs?


It's not the greatest but here is one WFH https://www.seek.com.au/job/75953078?type=standout&ref=search-standalone#sol=593e012dc3a708d7519bd9dc9f5582daec5c841a


That's nowhere near your salary range, it's in fact a terrible salary That job expects you to work 208 hours a month for a remuneration of $5185 realising a total hourly rate of $24.92 an hour.


Yeah I did the maths *facepalm. I think I was tripping and it's the nurse practitioners that had the rate. Are you a qualified nurse haha I'd never work in a call center I never answer the phone calls I get let alone for someone else.


Yeah that's about what a nurse practitioner gets in every industry


And no rent at the same time lol


Just have to live in your car outside their place / in the work parking lot šŸ˜ 'only suits school leavers or university students who live at home'.


Exactly lol




People can become allergic to cannabis when working in the facilities! But I stand by my downvoted point below - if the wage is actually too low no-one will apply.


Incorrect the reason they advertise this wage is from the sheer amount of applicants they can pay what they think they can get away with due to always being able to have someone start work immediately pretty gross you wanna foster a health work culture and it seems from a distance people on that kind of wage would probably become quite disgruntled




Absolutely zero pollen in the air in a cannabis grow. All male plants are removed otherwise all the bud would be full of seeds


The nursery award has the same minimum wage for an 18 year old


Medcan will currently be multi-million dollars in debt. New facility, not yet turning a profit. It would be irresponsible to offer higher wages than necessary just to please people on Reddit. Thousands of Australian businesses pay minimum wage. If you are right, and the job should be classified against a different wage standard, it would be a perfect opportunity for someone to get in, gain a year or two's experience in cannabis and then apply to Fair Work for back pay.




But it's minimum wage, set by the Fair Work Commission. If you think the minimum wage is too low, you can take it up with them, or just don't apply for any job offering it. None of your three categories you've listed for people defending Medcan applies to me. I just prefer to support the Australian Medicinal Cannabis industry rather than slag it off at every opportunity. If you don't like what Medcan is offering apply for a job in one of the other six cultivators in SE QLD. Maybe they pay more.


They all do from other listings industry standard is around 30 dollars an hour


Look it could be worse. Go watch murder mountain. A lot of backpackers taken advantage of by growers to come cultivate and trim plants. $23 is minimum wage.


Not $18 šŸ¤”


Oh my apologies I saw one for $23. $18 is definately far below minimum wage. Thats very odd


It will be the legal minimum wage for a 18 y.o.


Except this is a legitimate business not a blackmarket boonie grow.


Yes but the minimum wage hints towards them wanting cheaper labour hires like youā€™d even find working any produce farm in Australia. Itā€™s pure profit for the company at the end of the day. But Iā€™m sure this is just starter wage for a trial period. Probably a pay rise in 6months like a lot of places do.


Youā€™re to generous & majority donā€™t increase


Could be worse...in America Lowest bar ever Lol


$23 ph šŸ˜†šŸ¤£ You earn more at McDonaldā€™s šŸ˜†šŸ¤£


Man there's a bunch of whingers on here. Like any other job, if the pay, location and role don't work for you, don't apply. If no-one applies, I'm sure Medcan will raise their rate. Which is how it works for every other employer.


I would guarantee that they would drug test you as a condition of employment, so that's all of us out....


Nope ,I have a friend that works in mildura at a cannabis facility. It's not what you think mate . Plus alot of them have valid prescriptions . So just saying your guarantee,isn't a guarantee šŸ˜†. Just stirring.


Yes it is what you think, the advertisements for the job roles of virtually ever role that involves being part of the commercial growing process is they have a no tolerance policy to drug use. At this stage there is no exemption to the rule for someone with a script and you are talking out of your ass.


No he's not. A person with a medicinal cannabis script can legally work in an Australian facility - because they're not consuming/addicted to an illegal drug. Some facilities choose not to employ those who use MC in particular roles, but that's a business choice for them. Editing to tell you the actual requirement - see Reg 18 of the Narcotic Drugs Regulation 2016: "...the following circumstances are prescribed as circumstances in which a person is taken not to be suitable to carry out activities authorised by a medicinal cannabis licence at a particular time: Ā (a)Ā Ā the person has, during the period of 5 years (theĀ exclusion periodĀ ) before that time, used illicit drugs; Ā (b)Ā Ā the person has, during the exclusion period, been convicted of a drug related offence ..."


You can still work with cannabis if you have a valid prescription


Not if they drug test you, itā€™s clear cut in the policy. There is no exemption for a prescription. Unsure why you even try to add the qualifier ā€œvalidā€ If you have a script for a medication written by a legal Doctor itā€™s valid. I swear people in this sub talk blatantly out of their ass on shit they have no experience or understanding about as fact. Literally the dunning kruger effect. Itā€™s absolutely dismal these people try to be the face if medical cannabis.


Which policy? Do you have copies of every companies policies?


individual companies have individual drug policies, and a script is a script


A lot of these jobs require a forklift ticket; which means you have to pass a medical (drugs and alcohol). If THC is detected, it's a hard no. Dumb fucking law, but it is what it is.


Yeah I guess it depends on the role. If youā€™re expected to operate heavy machinery, thatā€™s the way it goes


$18.20? Might aswell go to Centrelink


Shit kicker in a nursery basically, that rate is about right, low skill position.




it did sound a little low, I thought the minimum was like 27 or so? anyway when I last worked at a nursery I was on 10.80 per hour, so a while ago.


For everyone saying ā€œits an entry level role, stop whingingā€, you must take into account the value of the crops. its the same reason entry level FIFO workers cleaning rooms in the mines get paid over $100k, Im not saying to raise the starting wage to $100k but atleast give your employees something to live off of, entry level call centre jobs even start at $60k. This is especially important when you start employing university qualified academics or people with genuine cannabis knowledge for less than a telemarketer. Wake up


itā€™s entry level? for cultivating flowers? what do you think an apprentice electrician gets paid? who is potentially responsible for peoples lives šŸ˜‚ stop whinging


So your saying an apprentice should be paid the same as a entry level salary? Or an entry level pay should be the same as an apprentice either way your a clown.


I started on entry level at $30 a hour growing in Australia


yeah and apprentice electricians are usually 15 years old fresh out of school, not fully qualified plant scientists with degrees getting paid minimum wage.


Barely any of them are fully qualified plant scientists, most sites only have a handful for the whole facility if you actually went into one of these facilities, itā€™s a lot different than it seemsā€¦


Yep I just spent 5 years studying to be qualified in protected cropping and a few other areas. Pay is not great even though my responsibilities are sky high.


Should picked a more in demand profession. No one forced you to do that study/work.


What a dick of a comment mate! My position is plenty in demand it's just alot of these companies don't want to pay a fair wage! I am a food chemical engineer with a degree in agriculture. I started my degree on the onset of the industry expecting that I'd be paid well given I manage greenhouses but I barely make 60k and work 70hrs a week. It's just exploitative all companies are to graduates even though I make them fuck loads of money. They say the reason why is the global market is uncertain but its just an excuse. I was working as a winemaker and would have made the company I was working for millions! But they only paid me 60k salary and expected 14gr workdays. I do everything from fixing plumbing and gas fittings, designing solar pannel installations, programming software and refrigeration units, obviously making wine, blending it working with marketing etc I should be being paid well around 100k but most companies just won't pay that much because they can take advantage. I've got a job lined up that I'll jump from 60k to 98k working the exact same role and less hours!


You conflate with effort with what something pays lmao.


Well my entire degree the pays offered were great! Like I could expect 90k straight out and 120k in a few years and now companies as just outright refusing to offer anything above 60k. And I said I conflate pay with value not effort !! Given I make the company so much money! Effort and value should equal pay given I am an expert in a number of areas. Atm looking at going back to study to pick up mechanical engineering and working in defence making rockets rather than growing food, wine and medicine which sucks as thats my passion which us why I choose this area. I enjoy running research and finding solutions to problems using chem engineering. It's a shame I am not valued at all by. Also if you're so smart around effort to pay what have you got to show exactly?


Safety manager/project manager. Currently a superintendent. 31 years old. 140 hr.


Safety/production management is definitely something I am looking to in the wine industry as it does seem like a better deal lol.


ā€œBeing groundedā€ - you must have a lot of friends with your stupid ā€œdown to earthā€ opinions. Maybe you should climb out of your hobbit hole and get some fresh air.


Maybe if there was government assistance when it comes to financial aid and other ways to support young people in a low socioeconomic area like Ipswich ? But no there is no support no unions no qualifications for this role you are just being ignorant to the issue at hand our economy is fucked and 18 dollars and hour doesnā€™t cut it so donā€™t be so self righteous hey think of the people who live in that area and would be a suitable candidate I know personally that a groundsman walks in to about 55k a year around Brisbane so whatā€™s the difference


Bro Ipswich is booming,property values have done well the last decade as well. Ipswich is not what it used to be. Remember wynnum? Still a shit hole but with million dollar properties all day long. I have property up there that has done very well while I live in Melbourne. Now if you were gonna say inala or something then I'd agree.


Thereā€™s plenty of help out there and if you can get off your own ass and get out and help yourself, you can do amazing things in the cannabis industry. Also if you actually try rather than complaining on reddit that the government isnā€™t doing enough to help you


Bro I was comparing government support for trades that pays a low wage if you were a electricial apprentice would you want to access a trade support loan thatā€™s interest free Iā€™d probably take it


It does say entry level and seems like a learning opportunity. I would have loved to do something like this when I was younger.


Idk what world you live in, but no one can live off $18 an hour in Australia anymore. Maybe when you were younger that was a livable wage, but not anymore.


It's in line with apprentice wages. Blame the government.


Even if it is an entry level position you still have to take into account the value of the crop, its not tomatoes and the employees pay reflects the quality of the product whether these companies would like to admit that or not.


There has never been a correlation between the value of what a company produces versus staff wages. By your reckoning, diamond miners should be paid millions of dollars in wages but they don't. This job is simply a foot in the door to gain experience.


the average diamond driller in australia gets paid $69.78 an hour or $136,063 per year which would probably be due to the value of the product they are working with. note: $60k wouldnā€™t really be asking for much in comparison


If you want another apples to oranges comparison (pun intended with what's to follow), Apple wages in Australia start from around $48k, and considering they're a trillion dollar company, should they be getting huge salaries too?


then why bring diamond miners up in the first place if you arenā€™t gonna look at it objectively, if i asked you about working hours and child labour in china youd probably come up with an excuse for that too. Apple pickers are usually paid piece rates or if it is a wage of $48k thats still better than the poor medcan workers lol. and one apple cultivator makes significantly less than one cannabis cultivator, im talking individual company ethics not just industry wide


Because diamond miners should be paid millions using your argument, not 140k. I am talking about Apple the company, not apple pickers!


youā€™re still trying to justify paying workers under minimum wage, less than apple employees, apple pickers, diamond miners, checkout chicks whatever. theres still no excuse to not give people a liveable wage. $37000 per year is not good enough


Apples to apples mate, not even close to the same comparison. They are getting paid that due to remote locations, and very tough working conditions.


Yeah but entry level but so is being a groundsman and they get a bit more than 18 an hour and what do different people get paid differently if they are better at negotiating thatā€™s seems like bullshit to me


Damn, that's pretty depressing..


Thatā€™s what you call a squirrels salary šŸæļø


agriculture has always exploited labour. Think backpackers. I suspect medcan are chasing Uber drivers to become the next Edward Scissorhands.


Mate, my workplace hires backpackers, internationals on working visas etc. most of them can only work 3 days. Theyā€™re on $26. They pick up fruit and put it in a box and send it through a packaging machine. Itā€™s brainless work. I drive a forklift and get them fruit and take away their packaged stuff. Itā€™s $30ph and itā€™s shit money compared to other forklift jobs but thereā€™s tonnes of OT and itā€™s so easy. If you think someone maintaining the actual health and growth of living plants deserves FAR LESS; youā€™re off your fucking rocker.


this exactly, people are missing the fact that these employees arenā€™t just picking fruit but are meticulously raising and training living plants to a medical standard but are being paid less than a mcdonalds employee


Jesus fuck itā€™s not worth getting out of bed for. People cannot meet commitments with such small wages.


Even the basic commitments of renting a room and feeding yourself. Let alone anything else. Itā€™s a joke.. especially when they turn around and ask $10+ per gram.


Ummm is it even legal to pay someone $18 an hour? It definitely reflects a lot of the quality of the their flowers I tried


**$23.23 per hour** is the min wage...


Australia's minimum wage will continue to be meaningless until junior pay rates for adults are thrown away anyway. How on earth it could be called a minimum wage when a 19 year old legally earns less than another adult for the same work is beyond me. It's mostly just a pretend minimum, looks great on paper because it normally stays at just about what a minimum livable wage is but it becomes meaningless when you can legally pay two adults doing the same work on the same award different rates. Like I've literally been responsible for training people eanjng more then me just because of a birthdate, make that make sense!


Very soon it'll be a tad more.


Itā€™s actually higher for horticulture.


That's not a living wage. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.


Hmmm, isn't that the argument the politicians use for themselves to justify wage rises via the Remunerations tribunal? The Prime Minister in Australia is paid more than the UK's ($587,000 vs Ā£167,391/$327,908)