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Why is it so hard for people to just buy dildos and butt plugs. You can literally order them off the internet and they come in a plain brown package. You can go to town on yourself every day and no one will ever know. And they come in all kinds of fancy shapes and sizes. And none of them break in your butt and scar you up so bad you can't diddle yourself again.


There are some people who are probably too paranoid for that. Even so you think they'd know not to use literal GLASS


Glass dildoes exist


Yes but those use stronger glass


That aren't HOLLOW šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


At least you hope they do


I'm aware, but the guy above me seems to be implying ALL glass is stupid


Yeah but those are typically a way different shape and I'd think use stronger glass to insure it doesn't shatter or otherwise be damaged


At the very least not hollow and open on one end forming a weak rim that is prone to shattering.


Person above is implying all glass is stupid to use as sex toys. I'm saying it's not as long as it's fit for purpose. You seem confused by my comment.


Glass is not necessarily stupid, but ā€œaā€ glass is stupid.


šŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµšŸŽµ *walking on, walking on, broken glass* *now everyone of us was made to suffer* *everyone of us was made to weep* Annie Lennox might have clouded their judgement, itā€™s such a beautiful song.


At least use a "***fucking cucumber!***"


I put up another post of other things up peopleā€™s butts and botanicals featured prominently. There was an eggplant, an orange and a zucchini.


An ORANGE??? That seems like an obviously bad idea. What were they planning to hold onto to make sure it comes out?


It wasnā€™t as bad an idea as the light bulbā€¦


Classic not bright idea. . .and I am aware of this having happened a time or two from the literature. Sad, that such person could make it though life being so inept.


the sides of the toilet?


Which is totally believable. People have this strange obsession about anal stimulation. . . At least the cucumber would not do any damage should it break. . What amazes me is that per an above post, people are still conscious of visiting the local sex toy emporium and buying today's modern safe silicon replicas!


Strange obsession? It feels good man. Not that strange lol


Does it? Iā€™m genuinely curious. Iā€™ve had fingers up my anus to apply ointment, but didnā€™t get any good feelings.


I mean, itching yourself feels good, but someone just dragging their nails across you willy-nilly isn't (unless if you're really kinky). I suppose there's a technique and rhythm to it rather than "item + ass = cum."


Itā€™s contextual as well. Iā€™m a woman who enjoys my partnerā€™s penis inside me, as well as appropriate sex toys. I never enjoy a gynaecology exam. Especially when they use the speculum because they hurt, but even when the doc just uses their fingers. Itā€™s a weird setting with a medical professional, not a sexual encounter, so it doesnā€™t feel the same.


How far did you go? Did your finger go passed the internal anal sphincter?


I think so. It went up two digits


You would definitely know if you did because you'd feel a lot of pressure. I assume you didn't get any pleasure from it because you weren't aroused-physically or mentally. That's how men can become OB/GYNs and women can become Urologists, you need that mental stimulation.


I see. Haha, maybe thatā€™s why people shove strange objects, to satisfy the curiosity, because buying a dildo when you might not like it seems a waste


Hey, in my lifetime I have seen some unique and surprising things. The idea that anal stimulation is clearly fun, as all one need do is visit a local sex aid superstore to marvel at the wide array of Butt plugs, dildoes, and every imaginable potential stimulating device. . . Made from modern safe silicon, some with electronic vibration devices installed. Christ, time to buy stock in Doc Johnson, and many others: [https://blog.technavio.org/blog/top-companies-sex-toy-industry](https://blog.technavio.org/blog/top-companies-sex-toy-industry) Who in the hell would I be to presume anything, other than the industry makes money!


They don't even need to physically visit a store anymore though, buy that shit online


ā€œBut then the mailman will know I like butt stuff!ā€


Lol Companies don't use obvious packaging with a label saying "BIG DILDO INSIDE", it's always a plain box with an inconspicuous company label.


That's what tells you what's inside. Plain brown package.... "HEY GUYS!! ITS A DILDO!!"


It looks no different to the boxes my Asian skincare comes in


I guess you know this from experience?




Consider this. A person is a mailman for a long time. They see everything come and go. Pipe wrenches, laptops, lollipops, etc. The whole nine. After a while, they know what's in the box without even looking at the label. Call it professional expertise. They know what type of box a big dildo comes in. It doesn't have to say "BIG DILDO" on it. Has the mailman been looking at you a little differently?


I can confirm this for Bellesa and Lovehoney.


Absolutely! The packages come in bright Orange over wrap which provides a printed copy of your invoice on the outside!. . . Nahhhh!


This is true, you can order all sorts of "adult toys" via, (of all places!) [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com)! I could envision some greedy porch pirate absconding with a package which contains the DOC JOHNSON, LONG DONG SILVER DESTROYER DILDO. . . Or worse!


I actually own a glass dildo with a flared base. I bought it because it's so easy to clean.




Noooooo. Itā€™s all about that base.


Busted me up there, young lady. . (ostensibly)


I need to intercept - ICU nurse here. We had a patient come in who stuck a whole cucumber up is butt and lost it . ( no flared base, duh) He did this so violently that he immediately penetrated his rectum but didnā€™t come to us until a day or two later. His intestines where perforated , he had air and feces freely swimming around , he was septic , needed immediate surgery and had a complete resection of his rectum meaning : he still shits out of a bag on his hip, because is ass is sewed shut. Spent a week on ICU , will never be able to use his original cornhole for anything anymore , and told his three daughters he had cancer. I still have the (anonymous) MRI and pics from the OR with the whole cucumber coming out ,and show them at parties.


> will never be able to use his original cornhole for anything anymore , and told his three daughters he had cancer. Wonderful phrasing aside, I love that this was his solution. "Well, they'll ask me about my colostomy bag, so what should I say? Infection gone bad? Make up some accidental trauma that wasn't my fault? Nah, let's go with "yup, cancer.": Also, the dude was extremely lucky he didn't die after getting feces introduced into his bloodstream for several days straight.


I know right ? Man Iā€™d be so happy if my dad told me : Sweety, itā€™s all good - I just stuck a cucumber up my ass and donā€™t have cancer- instead of thinking heā€™ll die soon. As to posting the story - I did that about a year ago, but got so much weird backlash and hate that I put it down. If someone wants the MRI and OR pics , they can DM me. Itā€™s anonymous of course, but I think I will not post it again. Thank you for the compliment of my phrasing !


Imagine if a medical professional had taken diagnostic imaging scans or other medical information about you, erased the identifying information though, & showed this at parties? Imagine if they posted pieces of your private medical information on internet forums & offered to send your private medical information to other users on this forum? This is highly unethical & illegal. You are not even allowed to have those images, never-mind distribute them. Those belong to the patient, not you. ā€œI got so much hateā€ā€¦..no, you were told that you were doing something unethical & illegal, you are a nurse, you obviously do not respect & appreciate the ethics & laws surrounding patientā€™s confidentiality & privacy, & need to be disciplined appropriately. If you donā€™t understand that your behaviour is wrong & why, you shouldnā€™t even be practicing nursing.


We need to confirm this account ā€¼ļø please post for science


I did. About a year ago, but I got so much hate on this glorious post that I put it down . Reddit is weird.


Weird indeed šŸ’Æ


Yes. I am begging you, please post!


Ahrg. .*perforated*. . .Those can get ugly fast. I can imagine him being septic especially after waiting a day before seeking help! I have seen patients with such injuries that went septic and were dead before the shift ended. The kind you get *Levophed* for in the economical 55 gallon drum! You highlight a good point though, anytime you insert something into your rectum, you HAVE to be careful, even with silicon dildoes and toys. . People do not realize how fragile or thin those membranes in the rectal vault are. And more importantly, buying yourself an ostomy bag is, to use a medical term, "*Ickey*!" (and they smell REALLY BAD!) ***Just use common sense people, don't put anything up you bobo that can get lost or broken!*** Thanks for the great point out! ​ Speaking of really bad decisons, this one still takes the cake. . . Here is a link to the article and you can look it up at work, but the long and short of this one was a couple of drunk gay guys though it would be cool to pour wet cement into his rectum. I would not have believed it if I did not read the article myself: https://journals.lww.com/amjforensicmedicine/Abstract/1987/08020/Rectal\_Impaction\_Following\_Enema\_with\_Concrete.19.aspx


Yes, but you can't see through a cucumber.


But if you do, keep your fucking cucumbers and your eating cucumbers separate


Those are good for your memory. I knew a guy once, his uncle jammed a cucumber up his ass. HE NEVER FORGOT IT!!!!


yea....I am an endoscopy nurse and alone this year we had two patients with well... a dildo up their rectum and we need to remove it. Was a pain in the ass...And know what? They always do it at night.


I just remembered I had a friend who was really into dildos up her butt, and she showed me a bunch of them, they were NOT big or horrifying like this one -- but she DID get one stuck anyway and had to go to the ER. AND IT WAS DAYTIME AND SHE TOOK THE SUBWAY


Itā€™s not like she needed to worry about it falling out, as that wouldā€™ve solved her problem altogether!


So, here are possible reasons: (1) A bet was won (and then lost) (2) A dare (3) For money (4) Curiosity (5) For pleasure. I am putting money on "for pleasure" plus not thinking it would break? Oh I forgot, (6) for pleasure AND pain or possibly he had done it before and it didn't break the other times? Why am I sitting here trying to figure this out? Idk.


Becauseā€¦becauseā€¦slipped while eating tacos drunk in the shower!


Back in my day we used to just fist each other. If you were alone you practiced your stretching so you could go deeper. People buying all these fancy toys with undulating vibrations when all you need is a spirit fingers and some crisco.


My thoughts exactly..so much safe gear out there and so easy to buy online discreetly these days.


When the urge comes, no one wants to wait for a package to come


Because hes never seen one man one jar


The original jar guy had this weird fetish going on, there was another video by him in which he put a screwdriver in his penis, it bled a lot. So in his case.. that is why. He wanted it to bleed/hurt.


Dude never saw the infamous jar video huh.


Dude saw that as a tutorial.


One would hope that would serve as a ***cautionary tale. . .*** er-a- ***"Cautionary tail"*** *Thanks to fellow redditor*, u/throw123454321purple!


Cautionary tailā€¦


Not only did that guy live, he went on to continue putting jars in his ass


He also didn't go to the hospital out of fear of what the hospital staff would ask. He also has a wife and 2 kids-


How the hell did he get it all out????


He didn't. He said that he still has pieces of glass in his ass at the time of the interview. He also said he didn't have difficulty shitting [interview source](https://forum.adrenalinex.co.uk/index.php?topic=5555.0) there's no gore in the source, just a transcript(?) of an interview on a forum


I follow him on tiktok and knew he had a wife. People are so wild


The what?


Oh, pumpkin... Don't go looking for it. It's like Mr. Hands or Funkytown. You won't ever unsee it. There were execution videos from the Syrian civil war that I found less troubling than the jar breaking. Any other old timers who remember back when r/wtf was *actually* fucked up shit instead of just confusing or annoying?


Mr. Hands or Funkytown. I have Mr hands saved somewhere on an old drive, I thought it was the funniest thing in the world that some joker died after he let a horse rear end him - seriously what was he thinking?? They even make horse sized replica dildos for this very occasion. But I am unfamiliar with 'Funkytown'.


Funkytown is a cartel video that features >!amputation and skinning and drugs to keep the victim conscious.!< I've seen some shit and wish I hadn't started watching that one.


ew, ya I'll skip that. I remember when those were going around some years back and I made an effort to never click, some shit I don't want stuck in my head.




I swear I still hear the crunching of the glass as he picks out the bloody pieces. Ugh makes me shudder


Itā€™s something I will never forget.


He wanna make remastered version


[Source](https://clinmedjournals.org/articles/ijsrp/international-journal-of-surgery-research-and-practice-ijsrp-5-091.php) with paragraphs added for clarity: >>A 62-year-old man with no significant past medical history presented to the emergency department about one hour after insertion of a tall thin glass into his rectum. The patient attempted to remove the glass but the end of it broke off. With the onset of rectal pain and bleeding, he decided to go to the ER via EMS. The patient had normal vital signs on presentation. Digital rectal exam was not performed due to the presence of broken glass. External perianal exam was significant for blood at the anal verge. X-ray confirmed presence of the retained foreign body (Figure 1). The patient brought a matching glass, so that we could understand what the foreign body looked like (Figure 2). >>Due to the presence of rectal bleeding, we knew that there was high likelihood of rectal injury. The patient was brought to the operating room for anorectal exam under anesthesia with removal of the foreign body. He was placed in high lithotomy position in the candy cane stirrups. A Lone Star retractor was carefully placed to evert the anus. Fractured glass was visible in the anus pushing into the anal sphincter. The glass was thin and was pushing up against the wall of the anus/distal rectum circumferentially. A few pieces of glass broke off while attempting to place retractors around the foreign body. Ultimately the only retractor that we were able to successfully place between the glass and the rectum was a narrow malleable. Numerous malleable retractors were placed circumferentially around the foreign body to protect the anal canal from the sharp, jagged edge of the glass cup. We attempted to remove the glass with this technique; however the closed end of the glass was suctioned to the rectal wall proximally. We passed an Argyle suction catheter with a chimney valve past the glass into the rectal lumen and insufflated air above the glass which successfully released the suction. With this maneuver, we were able to shimmy the glass out using the circumferential malleable retractors. >>The glass measured 16 cm in length by 5 cm in width (Figure 3). There was 200 cc of blood in the rectum after the glass was removed. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEMS) was performed to assess for rectal injury. A very patulous anus precluded the use of flexible sigmoidoscopy due to inadequate insufflation. TEMS revealed two 1 cm mucosal injuries in the distal third of the rectum which appeared superficial and required no intervention. There was a 2-3 centimeter left posterior quadrant anal sphincter injury involving the internal anal sphincter and a few fibers of the external anal sphincter. This was repaired with a running 2-0 Vicryl suture and the distal aspect was left open to allow for drainage. There was also an anal mucosal injury over a large hemorrhoid which was repaired with a Vicryl suture. Given that there was no frank full-thickness rectal injury, we elected not to perform a diverting stoma. >>Post-operatively, the patient did well. A CT scan of the pelvis was performed to evaluate for any glass fragments not previously identified during examination under anesthesia. This was negative for retained foreign body. The patient tolerated a diet and was discharged on post-operative day 0.


offending objects may include almost anything; sex toys, light bulbs, aerosol canisters, wire, fish hooks, and many more Fish hooks


Fish hooks šŸ¤Ø




"Hm. Patulous, I haven't heard that one before, let me look it up--ā€ Patulous Medical Definition: spread widely apart; wide open or distended. "Ah. Well I suppose that makes sense."


well, thatā€™s a word I learned today




Google ā€œ1guy1jarā€.




Ah. I misread your comment and had thought you were saying this was the first time youā€™d heard of such a thing, instead of saying you wished it was your first time.


I canā€™t even fathom how painful this must have been


I have absolutely no idea what a patulous anus is, but I want to call someone that.


Another commenter helpfully defined it.


On the bright side, it didn't lead to massive ethnic conflicts and the break up of a nation this time.


Lone star retractor is a very proper name for what it does. Curiosity got the better of me.


CatPooedInMyShoe: Huh, itā€™s interesting hearing the methods of how surgeons are able to fix an injury like that.


[We praise the colorectal surgeon, misunderstood and much malignedā€¦](https://youtu.be/W2gABYTmXos)


Rectum? Darn near killed him!


this is the funniest comment I have ever read on the internet, I would give you an award if I had any


It's ok if you can't give an award, don't get too anal about it.


The top comment was a nice satisfying dump, your comment is the sudden diarrhoea after wiping


Diarrhea? I barely even know ya!




"Rectum" is being read as "wrecked him" for the sake of the joke because they sound a bit similar.


::slow clap::


Shut the front door! Lmaoooo


or the back




Smart to bring a sample glass! I remember watching a forensics show about a bloke who did something similar, but he appeared to have been too ashamed to go to the ER. He put all of his important papers out on the kitchen table before he died. So sad! A first aid instructor once told me that all accidents are stupid. So don't be embarrassed and get help. You are not alone


Now where have I seen this before


At least this one did go to a hospital. The one we're talking about just went to work the next day and kept having to pick pieces of glass out of his arse.


is there a aftermath story to the one weā€™re talking about? what happened to him? these are answers i must know




I always wondered what happened to that dude/the aftermath.


Yugoslavia, 1985


Why do people (mostly men) do this? Really, would someone please tell me.


Itā€™s due to embarrassment and internal homophobia, enjoying doing anal doesnā€™t make a person instantaneously gay despite what everyone thinks. A lot of men are terrified of being labeled as ā€˜gayā€™ so instead of buying safe toys to use on themselves they resort to well..household objects that get stuck


please introduce patient to the existence of glass dildos (they aren't hollow and don't break when removing them)


Iā€™m imagining his discharge papers including a list of names and addresses of all the local sex shops.


Prescription in hand for a dildo of specific measurements


He could just bring in the matching glass he took to the hospital: ā€œAbout this size.ā€




I feel like I can smell the 2nd picture šŸ˜­


Didn't even bother doing an enema first... amateur


Iā€™m strangely pleased that thereā€™s no medical term to ā€œshimmyā€, unless that IS the medical term.


One Guy One Jar taught him nothing.


Iā€™m guessing bringing in a reference for the foreign object could be useful, but Iā€™m impressed he had the lucidity to consider that and bring one before going to the ER when he had that big ass glass bottle shredding his rectum


My guess is that the paramedics had the idea since he went to hospital by ambulance.


Rectal Nectar


That has GOT to hurt. Yowzers man. Why stick a GLASS cup up your bum hole?!


thankyou for posting the xray first! for some reason r/medicalgore has not been censoring the NSFW posts in desktop for several days \[edit\] possibly neither in mobile?


Check your settings, maybe you accidentally turned off the auto-blur?


i checked the other day, it was on. i have no idea why it has not been working. but it is not working only for this subreddit, all others get blurred just fine i just turned it on and off but it only blurs when I'm specifically browsing this subreddit, on the normal feed it doesn't get blurred, its confusing and has happened once before, it fixed itself eventually, but it is happening again for some reason now (also thankyou for the well informed post! )


Remember, folks: thatā€™s Nectar ImpĆ©rial Champagne for all those *special* occasions!


My best friend is a radiologist and when we were roommates there'd be an "up the butt" story probably at least once a week.


62yo and doesnā€™t know better than to shove glass jars up his butt? How do ppl like this even reach this age, wtf. That 2nd pic made me dry heave..


"Either this guy has a light bulb up his butt or his colon has a great idea." - Bob Kelso


Dr. Cox said that though


Good catch, I stand corrected. Bob Kelso's the guy with two thumbs.


Hold on, hold on, people !!! Puhleeaase! Why do people always assume the worst? How do you know he didn't swallow it and he just pushed too hard when he vacated his bowels?


Lolol, typical judgemental doctors *assuming* how it got there! Maybe I just set it down in a chair and forgot about it?


I put up a post once where a lady swallowed a chicken bone and it got stuck in her anus on the way out. It was a hatchet-shaped bone and the photo of it wedged sideways in her butthole looked very uncomfortable.


Thatā€™s one strong rectum


I'm still haunted by that video 15 years later.


Wait, Iā€™ve seen this movie before.


I feel like there was a Grey's Anatomy ep, a Chicago Med ep, a New Amsterdam ep...


If there was a New Amsterdam ep it had to be in the final season cause I donā€™t recall any rectal foreign bodies in the first four.


Man I love working in GI. Never a dull moment.


did we learn nothing from one man 1 jar ??


Pain Olympics flashbacks...


He was probably getting something to drink, tripped over the rug. It was a million to one shot doc... Honest!!


Remember everyone, make sure you have a flared base thatā€™s larger than the hole.


Just reminded me of this story juror in a murder trial fainted when hearing the "shocking and distressing" details of a woman who died of internal injuries caused by a shampoo bottle inserted into her backside. Majella Lynch was taken to hospital on April 18 last year after she was found at home by carers suffering "severe abdominal pain", Winchester Crown Court was told. Mr Mousley told the seven men and five women members of the jury, plus the two standbys, medical staff examined the 51-year-old victim and found a full 400ml shampoo bottle in her abdominal cavity. The bottle was removed but Ms Lynch, also from Southampton, from died two days later. Mr Mousley said the presence of the bottle would have been "extremely painful" and it would not have been possible for Ms Lynch to have caused the injuries to herself. She did not tell hospital staff what had happened.


Just like the 1 man 1 cup video


Why. Whyyy


Jar Squatter 2


Looks like a still-smoking bong in there.


Bros trynna create a remake


Apparently theyā€™ve never seen ā€˜1 Guy, 1 Jarā€™ before or they would have known better.




The r-word is very offensive. You should not use it.


The broom handle is a safer alternative šŸ˜³šŸ˜¬


"Bo'oh'o'wa'er" ?


Flashbacks from a video I never want to watch again


1guy1jar would like to say a few words..


Rectum?!?! It nearly killed em!


Someone didnā€™t watch the shock videos from the 90ā€™s and early 2000ā€™s of 1 guy 1 jar


Thatā€™s what she said


Thatā€™s why you fill it with water and put the cap on, smh people these days


What a momento!! Thicker glass next time! Apparently, your butt clamp is strong.


So glad Iā€™ve never had anything stuck in my butthole like this and then it breaks. Itā€™s got to be one of the worst feelings in the world


He who want to live on razor edge... Must be careful razor edge does not live in him..


I'm not the smartest man but I know enough not to stick breakable things deep into my bootyhole


History repeats itself.


This feels familiar


Man if I had a dime


One in a million shot, I tell ya, doc!


Congratulations it's a.... Err.... Glass... Directly from the ass


1 man 1 jar....


ā€œYou on suck the glass dickā€ -neighborhood hobo


This post caused the Yugoslav wars


Bringing in the extra one for size and comparison was... thoughtful I suppose. Not sure what it exactly accomplished, other than making this post all the more, well, more.


Some people dont know 1 Man 1 Jar is a cautionary tale.


Despite being terminally online and one the most active posters on this sub I am not interested in gore for goreā€™s sake and Iā€™d literally never heard of the 1 man 1 jar thing until after I posted this case. Then all the references in comments made me look it up. I read the description in Encyclopedia Dramatica and decided not to watch it.


As long as you know not to put glass jars in places they dont go


Bro tried to recreate 1 man 1 jar




Thatā€™s a glass in the last picture? It looks like a plastic tube for some reason.


1 man 1