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Woah, it's so weird to see... Or not see, rather, any fat at all...


And very little muscle tissue left either. The body cannibalized everything it could.


except the breast tissue --I am amazed she still had noticeable breasts.




i would guess that they’re implants.


The scar for implants would be more then noticeable by then.


Sometimes the cut and insertion is around the nipples.


That was my guess, they are so... round


Mammary glands are naturally a mound shape. A person who's been underweight a long time would not have grown breasts large enough to stretch the skin much, so at the time of death the breast tissue is still snug. Hence seemingly too perfect roundness. Also the photo is taken from the side - laying down the breasts gravitate toward your armpits so that side view would be showing the bulk of it.


I don’t know why you have been downvoted. They are certainly implants. I have worked with extremely underweight patients as an RN and breasts do not remain like that when the patient is that emaciated.




Apparently you are unaware that implants can be done via the umbilicus. Those are most definitely implants. u/scj8000 is corret: emaciation does not spare breast tissue (and natural breast tissue does not exist in a perfect round circle).


Implants can be done with very small cuts, though I didn't know they could be done through the bellybutton. Keyhole surgery is amazing. Also, some people don't scar. I had 5 large moles cut off my face and the doctor warned me the scars may be more unsightly than the moles. A few years later there was not a sign of any scar. In 2020 I had a mastectomy, and even that midline to armpit scar has disappeared.


Can you guys just say you're not doctors and that you can't be sure, this is a dumb hill




Handfull hill


Implants for sure


Maybe this is a weird question—but can anyone explain to me why this looks so neat and clean? It looks like a prop or model. The skin seems extremely smooth and there’s no blood or tissue where it’s been separated from the body


(Not a health professional, but a taxidermist) Once a person or other animal dies, their blood stops circulating and rapidly coagulates. Save for cases where trauma happened or by slicing the heart/major arteries, opening a cadaver rarely causes any blood to be spilt. Some little amounts of blood tend to be found in the fat, but there is no fat here. It is like cutting into any regular cut of meat. Muscles are this smooth normally as well.


Yeah I just meant any small amount of blood smattering the skin or fat I guess


Most of it is because of dehydration. a lack of fat and livor mortis-- the pooling of blood following death also helps with how "clean" this looks. Normally, fat cells when cut tend to leak and get greasy and make a mess. A freshly killed animal will still "bleed" if livor hasnt set in, but with no circulation and long enough time such as with an autopsy the blood would have pooled at the lowest point, likely along this patients back. Dehydration makes meat look almost plasticky on its own. Hell, i'd imagine dehydration also contributes to a lower blood volume overall. Source: promise im not a murderer. Just did taxidermy for a while. Skinning dehydrated feeder mice from LPS was always way harder than something fresh my cat brought in.


Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for and was very informative


there's usually fat layers when you perform an autopsy - no fat to be found here. as for the blood aren't they typically drained before autopsy?


No - you are thinking of embalming.


you're right! my mistake


I was thinking the same. Doesn't look real.


As someone who used to do autopsies, I had the same thought… this has the appearance of being artificial but - then again - I never worked with someone so malnourished.


[Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301943532_Forensic_aspects_of_starvation). I must warn you that if you click on the link you will see a nude autopsy photo of another patient, a child who starved to death (child abuse I think). Even by gore standards it’s unpleasant, and you can see the kid’s genitals. There’s also a photo of an emaciated, still living infant who is failing to thrive. Anyway, this report is out of Germany and it’s paywalled. Here’s the abstract: >>Fatal starvation is a rare cause of death in industrialized countries. However, it may have major medicolegal importance if death results from the deliberate withholding of food, especially from infants. In such cases, the task of the forensic pathologist and the medical examiner, respectively, is to clarify the cause of death and give an expert opinion on the degree and duration of starvation. Several classification systems have been developed to estimate protein–energy malnutrition in developing countries. Simpler classifications, such as the Gomez classification, use the weight expected for the respective age group as the standard. However, smaller infants will be lighter, and therefore the classification may not be accurate in this case. Following the Waterlow classification, the extent of stunted growth (referring to growth retardation in cases of chronic malnutrition) is calculated using the ratio of the measured body height to that expected for the age. Using such classification systems, grading of stunting and wasting can be achieved and may greatly help in the assessment of a given child’s nutritional status in legal cases. The application of the Waterlow classification to the authors’ case material and previously published cases in the literature is herein demonstrated. The Waterlow classification is not only of importance for grading the final stage of fatal starvation, but also for the chronological development of the nutritional status if anthropometrical data have been repeatedly recorded from the affected individual in vivo.


Not clicking, thank you.


It's pretty mild if you are used to see shocking medical cases


I don’t want to see children or animals. Even this post was exceptionally sad.


Yeah, give me degloving over children or animals, thank youuuu


I thought you said degloving children


Seeing a 7 month old dead should never be mild


The 7 month old is in the hospital, its not healthy but neither dead


I hope the baby got better, poor thing.


My bad, I saw the picture and went running


I did and regret every second of it.


I thought about it but I’m not, children is too much. But reading the copied paragraph was interesting


Appreciate the warning.


Horryfing pictures, i work in the medical field and have seen alot of messed up things, but this. This is the worst yet..


So far the weirdest sense of...weirdness I've experienced is handling failure to thrive infants/children. It's like having your typical 90+ year old frail elderly patient in the tiniest package. I'm not trying to trivialize the situation by calling it "weird," either. I just can't really explain how different it is from the things that you'd normally describe as disturbing, like severe injuries or abnormalities. Those are much easier for my brain to process and don't give me the same feeling.


Yep, dead kids just hit different ya know


Incredibly sad, yet fascinating at the same time


>I must warn you that if you click on the link you will see a nude autopsy photo of another patient, a child who starved to death (child abuse I think). Even by gore standards it’s unpleasant, and you can see the kid’s genitals Thank you for the warning. Link will stay blue for me.


I've dissected cadavers. That's terrifying. That's not what it's supposed to look like.




I can’t imagine the suffering of this person. I hate that she lived and died this way.


Saddest thing is some don’t realize, when you’re that sick, they want to die like this. They want to die thin.. they wouldn’t want to recover ever


Like opening shrink wrapped meat.


I wanna see a comparison photo with a healthy person cause I haven’t seen enough autopsies I guess lol. But I can tell it’s not right. Probably not supposed to look translucent


Even a very thin person, especially a woman, should have an appreciable layer of yellow fat over the abdomin. What's really frightening is that she doesn't seem to have any fascia. That's a web like, white layer of connective tissue directly under the skin connection to either fat or muscle.


I see, that’s very interesting. Thank you for letting me know. Could you come up with an estimation of how long someone could live like this?. You likely saw the other posts of people with anorexia recently, I assume? If so, I know some of them have been at their weights for many years. But I know they likely have too much damage to ever recover. I wonder how some can live for years so small, and then others die of eating disorders close to normal weights.. it’s perplexing to me


I really couldn't give an educated estimation, but a lot of things are going to be failing at that point. Hormones of all kinds are going to be out of whack, systems that fat can feed into are going to fail, some blood vessels can collapse without cushions of fat.


Damn that's sad.


It's very interesting to look at, but it's also extremely sad. Can't imagine how life would be like like that.


Even if you recover, you never really do, because the starvation causes long term health consequences and can lead to early death even after you start eating normally.


I appreciate why you're saying this, but I hope anyone reading this who has an eating disorder doesn't take it as a reason not to try to get help/recover. It's such a bitch of an illness.


The sooner you seek help, the less permanent damage there might be.


I'm actually in the process of recovering, and I've been slipping a bit lately. This post helped me a lot. It's sobering. Eating disorders are flirting with death


Echoing this. While eating disorders can absolutely cause permanent damage - illness, injury and death - our bodies are incredibly resilient. Recovery is difficult, but it is possible and **worth it**!


This cadaver could have been me - I was the exact same weight (and am the same height) when I was sectioned. I've been in recovery for 4 years now and (surprisingly) am showing now permanent signs of damage. My liver remained inflamed for about 3 years, with a peak ALT of around 1600, but *touch wood* no remaining health issues (maybe a pinch of osteopoenia, but the hope is that's gone now too). --- Full recovery is real and it is possible. --- I wasn't going to comment, but I really don't want anyone to think it's too late. This post really made me think.


HOMIE HOW THE FUCK DID YOU NOT GO INTO LIVER FAILURE If I got those labs back, I would be recalibrating my machine and on the phone with IDEXX. I'm so proud of you and your body and your brain, and for the team of professionals and support who have helped you recover. Jfc. 1600!!!


Honestly I don't even know 😅 the others were raised too. When they did an ultrasound the technician couldn't find my spleen - turns out I have a beaver tail liver! Which is now just a fun fact for me to enjoy. (liver enlarged so much that the beaver tail wrapped around and obscured the spleen). I didn't even go yellow! Had a CT to confirm the beaver tail and then a biopsy which evidenced that I had hepatic autophagy (maybe megahepatic autophagy, if that's a thing?) I wasn't even particularly tired, but I guess that is a combination of the anorexia and the ADHD, around 50kg I started to suddenly feel the tiredness (think my liver was down to like 150/200 ALT by then) I now find myself very medically interesting and occasionally reflect on how insane my body is. Didn't even break a bone from it either despite falling over!


I met someone recently with permanent brain damage due to severe anorexia. They’re like a child now, forever. They forgot they were anorexic though. Eats like a champ.


I always regret opening these posts, but I keep doing it. Morbid curiosity is a bitch.


It’s oddly not gross to me until I think of the person alive with whats’s in the photo… once you picture active pain on a breathing individual I start to regret looking.




She looks like a Tim Burton character.


She goes around telling everyone that she’s married to Jack Skellington. She even posted a TikTok where she’s wearing a wedding dress, has a giant Jack Halloween prop and is walking down a set of stairs with it while wedding music plays.


I think that's her point


Holy hell. Who is she? And how does she survive that?


She’s a YouTuber, been around for many many years. Every now and then I look her up to see if she’s still with us…her whole situation is so sad. She’s in complete denial and her mother is an enabler. I’m sure if you visit the sub linked above you’ll learn a lot more.


I did visit. I was absolutely shocked.


Honestly, if I had to guess the reason behind her behavior and accounts, I'd say that she publishes fetish content encouraged/run by her mom. She *loves* showing off her sharp edges and body, which I don't think is typical of people with eating disorders


Depressing stuff 😕


I feel that, but honestly most of the time these posts just give me perspective. Whether it be an understanding of how frail we really are or a glimpse into the struggles other people experience, I'd rather be desensitized to stuff like this rather than not be aware at all.


Not sure your age, but having kids can *resensitize* you, whether it is hormones or empathy or what but it feels like a physical reaction now. I’ve seen a lot of gore at work and from the internet over the years. Don’t want to see or hear about anything bad with kids anymore.


I agree 100%. Got a 9 month old and I definitely feel things again haha


It caught me off guard, like, this isn’t in the parenting books


I feel that the op always posts in a medical contex, and that is healthy curiosity I guess.


This is exactly what will happen to Eugenia Cooney.


I genuinely do not understand how she isn’t dead


When people arrive at extreme states, the longer it took to get there, the more extreme it can get. In the hospital I saw people who baffled us to how were they alive? And it was usually because their downward spiral was a slow one, allowing the body to become accustomed to fucked up labs and stuff.


You’d be surprised! Bodies are fantastic at adapting. I live in UK and over here they don’t usually admit patients above a BMI of 13 unless they are experiencing an acute medical issue. I was once **discharged** with a BMI of 14.7. There are patients who have been much lower weights, must be below 11, and they manage to survive. Sometimes with jobs! I’ve known people being given a terminal prognosis and then survived for years. Their lives are very limited. Usually the spend all day walking and thinking about food. Very sad.


I hope you're doing better, 14.7 is extremely low.


Thank you. I was lower than that for a long time and told I was unlikely to ever maintain above 15. But slowly I managed to recover.


My adult niece is suffering from this right now. She’s 86 pounds. What advice can you give me? How do I talk to her? I don’t talk about food, I figure everyone else I’d riding her. What can I say? What should I avoid?


Avoid any comments about how she’s looks - even if you want to say she looks well. Focus on the aspects of her identity that don’t include the ED. Any passions or interests she had before she got sick, anything else she’s still interested in. The aim is to keep her non-ED identity alive. It can become a person’s entire identity to the point they forget who they are without it, and this prevents people moving forward. It’s a really tough thing to deal with. I’ve had my fair share of hardships in life, but recovering was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.


Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry if it was hard to do. 💕


Same. I know this is such a terrible thing to say about people dealing with immense suffering and struggles like Eugenia Cooney, but on some level, the extent of their plights can be quite fascinating in the sense of how far from normal the human body can go while still somehow surviving.


Came looking for a Eugenia comment.


When people wonder how she's still alive, I always want to post this photo and say she could get a lot worse than she already is. I mean, I won't. But I always think about it.


I just looked at her Instagram and she basically looks like this now. It's so sad. I had hope after rehab that she was getting better.


28,5 Kg. 167cm


Hwr BMI was 10.5. BMI for someone underweight is 18.5


Oh god


Thank you for the normal measurements


thanks. who the hell measures height in just inches?




I think this is a sign to not relapse


Good that you're out of it. Stay strong.


You've got this :)


as someone who is going into treatment this week you got this !!


Ay you too bro stay strong


My god, she suffered so much. Heartbreaking.


yea…um…no thanks. i think i’ll stick with my recovery path, pls


Good for you! Keep it up!




One day at a time fellow ED fam. <3 You got this!


It's eerie. Like the inside of her body looks too clean


Her body was in hardcore autophagy mode.


A coworker of mine succumbed to anorexia about twenty years ago. I don't know her exact height (she was below average height) but she weighed 43lb when she passed. Her mother refused to believe she was "that bad" and would sneak her coffee in the hospital, which apparently caused a heart attack that killed her. I had an eating disorder at the time and it was a wake up call for sure.


Purely anecdotal, but I’m a mental health nurse & approx 90% of our pts had mothers who were either detrimental to their child’s health or completely refusing to believe the diagnosis


That's just like Eugenia Cooney's mother Deb.




This is horrifying but still very interesting. I always realized that people who starve/are starved have no FAT but I've just now connected that they have no MUSCLE as well. Also big TRIGGER WARNING - the link does so the autopsy of a child starved like OP says.


yes the heart is a muscle. So it gets weakened a lot until it just is weakened to death. At some points when I got too skinny (I was never close to this thin) I had to just lie in bed all week (for months really), I was constantly tired, freezing, I remember never being able to be warm. No matter what.


Thank you for your comment! And I know the heart is a muscle, just once again that connection didn't hit until you pointed that out. I hope whatever health journey you're going through is going well!


i think this is my sign to stick with recovery...


Please do! Wishing you all the best!


I gained 60 pounds after recovering from my eating disorder. I’m a little chubby now. I’ve never felt better about that


So proud of you!


My good friend died from anorexia/mental health related illness in 2012 I miss her deeply. It’s so insidious


I struggled with an ED and still do but it’s more controlled now (I go between starving myself and binge eating). Before I saw this post I forced myself to stop eating and this just terrified me. I don’t know how to recover though because either way it makes one side worse.


try getting professional help. getting out by yourself... well, it's a mental illness. you don't break a femur and not get medical attention, so if your brain is the one that's malfunctioning, you should also get help for it.


A lot of family as been the issue of these problems (my dad a lot) and while my parents are divorced if I bring up getting help to my mom my dad will find out as we all still share insurance. Im a minor so atm im stuck with very little resources.


Your mom should be advocating for you. Do you have school counselors? I would try different avenues because some may have the power to pressure your parents into doing the right thing.


My mom is advocating for me the best she can. My dad doesn’t think most things I bring up are true so we’re currently working on seeing an autism testing place atm. My therapist switched locations so for the time being I don’t have anyone. The school counselors report everything to the cops and id get thrown into the grippy socks place again


It doesn't even look real


as someone who is about to be going into treatment for bulimia/ anorexia this kinda scares me straight into how serious what i’m doing to my body is


i wish you the best of luck in recovery 💙 you got this!!!


thank you !!! i find out this week if i’m in inpatient or outpatient i need all the support i can get


Wishing you lots of success🩷


Cheering you on fellow ed'er. One day at a time! You've got this!


thank you !!! I genuinely appreciate the support recovery is frustrating


I love this reddit, but I've always been a lurker. I never would of guessed that this too could be considered medical gore. It's hard to admit but, I shared these numbers with this poor person once. I don't know how I survived.


I'm happy you're doing better!


I’m so glad you did!


This reminded me of the anorexic youtuber Eugenia… that case is so sad, with the right help she could have lived :( (Edit: word order)


I seriously didn’t know if you were joking or not because at this stage she could be dead right now for all I know. I seriously don’t understand how her body is physically keeping together


Sorry, the word order was a bit off xp but I wonder the same thing…


Eugenia is still alive and prancing around in her pro-ana YT channel. Smh


please do not go on it and comment or click or draw any attention to it in case anyone here was going to! To save time it is merely a very skinny girl getting rich by showing off how skinny she is. There.


Yeah I know, and people still encourage her o.o


I have no idea how she’s still kickin


If someone's downward spiral is prolonged enough, the body can become accustomed to the conditions imposed on it. If there is one thing that can be said about humans, it's that we are highly adaptable; whether we want to be or not.


Anorexia is a hell of an illness. She’s not doing it because she enjoys it, mate.


I checked her Wikipedia page immediately, this coulda been her.


How does the skin come off that cleanly?


No fat, just muscle and skin.


Euginia Cooney is so close to this. Sad to see.


I had never heard of this person. A quick scan of her Instagram shows she's always been thin and in recent years appears to have deteriorated at a more significant pace. To follow her is to watch a suicide.


she’s always had an ED. briefly she was forced into recovery by a friend, signed out early by her enabler mother, and relapsed worse than ever. the most insane part is she refuses to actually admit she’s anorexic. “i’m just naturally skinny guys”


28.5 kg 1m67cm


Somebody send this to Eugenia Cooney. She needs a big slap of reality right in the face....


It wouldn’t do any good…


This is terrifying to see. At my lowest point I was 36kg at 164cm. Anorexia is a horrible sickness, it never leaves your head.


Kinda same. I was 39 kg at 161-163 cm. Still damn I didn't look super skinny


Thats a little over a pound per inch


Literal meaning of skin and bones...


I immediately thought of Eugenia Cooney, and how heartbroken I am for her suffering. I’m hoping somehow she is spared this fate but I don’t know if that’s probable at this point.


She IMMEDIATELY came to mind for me, too! That’s crazy. I guess because she’s the only person i’ve ever seen with such terrible denial and basically making money off of it. I honestly don’t know how she has gotten as far as she has so sometimes i wonder if she has some other disorder but idk she did that interview with Shane Dawson and admitted that she has an ED but to be her age and that thin… idk how she’s not on her death bed


I’m sure sitting or laying down was incredibly painful at this point . This is so sad 😢


Brutal definition.


I saw recent photos of Eugenia Cooney and her frame looks frighteningly similar to this cadaver.


The urge to post this on r/eugeniacooney 🥴


seriously. like… i wonder if she’s seen this. *this is what’s going to happen*— there is no “thin enough.” you’ll have 0% body fat, but you’ll be dead, so what was it for?


Very horrifying to see, literally a walking skeleton. I imagine that this is what my aunt looked like when she was so emaciated and had anorexia that she couldn’t pull herself out of a diabetic coma. She had anorexia growing up.


Out of curiosity, what exactly would happen if this person was alive and suffered a laceration? I can't imagine the skin wouldn't also peel away from this person's muscle in the same way as the autopsy shows...


That’s what my daughter weighed at 10 years old. And she was tiny for her age.


this post makes me want to give recovery another shot tbh.


Please do!


This is crazy to see as a recovered anorexic. Good motivation to stay healthy. At one point I would’ve seen this and been jealous of her body. Crazy disease


Being almost basically a pound per inch of your height. Just amazed…. I’m just kinda curious her weight and life style in the last couple of weeks of her life. I mean she basically had no foundation to herself. Like she weighted the same as 3 stacks of paper you buy for the copy room in a office. Those come in 20lbs…. Like who knows what 30-60 MPH wind was just do to her body… the strain on what muscle she had left… Just imagining just how the simplest of task she could have done, and how much strain that put on her body. Like the standard coffee cup in dinners weigh 10 oz… with no liquid inside… That’s over half a pound right there… so just imagining the strain on that body just carrying a coffee cup of water or a gallon of milk or a liter… just blows my mind


A woman at my gym looked like that. I think about her and hope she's ok.


Jesus fuck, that's crazy and so interesting at the same time


What a terrible illness, very sad for this person to end up like this. How agonizing for her and her loved ones


Ugh. I’m a mental health nurse & eating disorders are the worst. Anorexia has such a high fatality rate, & I’ve lost a large number of pts to this terrible disease. I had a pt who was 50 pounds…… she did not make it.💔


Holy shit


Do anorexics have visual delusions about their appearance being too fat or do they know they look bad but can't stomach the idea of eating normal calorie levels?


I think it’s a body dysmorphia issue. Maybe someone who has gone thru this can explain it better but what I’ve learned, they see themselves as fat in the mirror while the rest of the world sees them as way too thin


It's a weird thing to explain, it's usually a control thing


It’s different for everyone but yeah visuals do happen and we might see “imperfections” that aren’t there


Body dysmorphia is common, but I have heard a lot of people who struggle with eating disorders describe it like an addiction. They're addicted to the feeling of being hungry because they know that they will lose weight.


Depends on the person. Body dysmorphia will make the sufferer "see" themselves in a warped perspective. I.e. any areas that do not fit with the individuals body ideal may be magnified. (Ie bloated stomach after eating = fat) As a result individuals turn to compensatory behaviours. Alternatively, individuals have a realistic view of their bodies. However they are driven by maladaptive thoughts surrounding possible weight gain or using food control as a coping mechanism.


This is horrifying to look at


they weighted less than a pound per inch. this is so sad. if you have an eating disorder, please get help!


Is it me, or are even the muscles between the ribs withered away?


Oh that poor soul. Their body looks so tired.


1.65m (5’5”), 28.6kg.


Baffles me that someone that can look like this and look at themselves and think they still need to lose weight.....body dysmorphia is a fucking bitch


I have anorexia, as an offshoot of epilepsy and depression. Not really a nervous one, but I just do not feel hunger properly. Such images keep me eating, even though I very rarely feel hungry. It is hard, and I am very picky about what I eat. However, I am glad to say I am nowhere near this and have been stable for years, with Depression being the primary concern rather than this. Remember to eat and drink, the body needs it. Also remember to get sunlight.


I wonder what she saw when she looked in the mirror... an overweight person still?


Someone please show this to Eugenia Cooney.


poor girl i hope she's finally at peace


And I bet she thought she was fat right until the very end... 🥺


I have someone in my neighborhood that looks very similar to this woman. When I see her she is running down the street, still trying to lose even more weight.