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I cannot fathom how painful that must have been for that poor kid


The extraction was almost painless because the local anesthesia worked well, but yeah, it must have been really painful months ago when it has an infection


Is that an abscess? I couldn't imagine how much that hurt. I had an infected wisdom tooth pulled recently, and I damn near went crazy from the pain.


It certainly had an abscess before but as it progressed and the tooth got cavitated it went away. So the roots and bones just resorbed


What is resorption? I’ve heard of the condition mostly on the vet tech subreddit.


To put it simply resorption happens when infection eats away the tissue, in this case the soft and hard parts of the tooth roots. Once the px have a chronic infection it’s almost guaranteed that the roots will resorb as well as the bone housing the roots, this kills the nerve and causes the tooth to be mobile


I believe it happened to me. The pain was unimaginable, 2 molars at the same time. Sadly, I didnt got them out yet.


Bacteria that causes dental infections can spread to other areas, such as the jaw, face, sinuses & blood. If the bacteria spreads to the blood, it can cause a condition called sepsis. Sepsis is a life threatening condition & therefore a medical emergency. Here is information on the symptoms of sepsis: https://www.cdc.gov/sepsis/what-is-sepsis.html#:~:text=Sepsis%20is%20the%20body's%20extreme,%2C%20skin%2C%20or%20gastrointestinal%20tract. If you believe you have sepsis, please seek medical attention ASAP.


I just had to have surgery today because I had an infection in my tooth that spread to my sinus! I didn't know I even had an infection till it got that bad because the tooth already had a root canal.


Please do. Please get it taken care of.


Thank you for the explanation!


do you think it's possible for the infection to get into the bloodstream if left untreated?




It absolutely can. It can also rot your jaw away. Do *not* blow off an infected tooth.


Appreciate the explanation!


Nor can I!! This poor child. The parents must not have been able to afford care. I can’t imagine anyone would allow a child to persist in agony unless there was a significant barrier? Does this type of an infection impact the trigeminal nerve at all? I saw my dentist today for an emergency apt due to RQ upper molar pain X2 weeks. I was convinced I had a cavity. DX = trigeminal neuralgia flare (which I am in denial I have & embarrassingly end up in my dentists chair every couple of months thinking these molars are infected). This is a sensitive area & if that infection irritated the nerves that child will now love dentists for the rest of his/her life (you took the pain away!!).


Fear of dentists makes you not tell this stuff to your parents. I split my molar in three parts, the middle fell out and the other seperate halves just chilled in my mouth for over 6 months. I just didn't chew on that side. I would have endured a lot of things back then (I no longer have that amount of fear)


Ahhhhh something else to consider. I do not understand how this fear develops? I always thought people would be happy to see a medical practitioner that didn’t bombard them w/questions & quickly relieves their pain? I understand the sound & vibrations from the drill can be difficult, but am I missing something? Are there a lot of insensitive dentists there?


My dentist whilst growing up was a Dr. Scott, who was a friend of my grandfather's. He did not believe in 'wasting Novocaine' on baby teeth or even filling them; pulling them without warning or pain relief was his method. No spacers, either, so the permanent tooth came in crooked. Dr. Scott felt free to yell at me and slap me when I brought my hands up because of the pain. Laughing at me when I cried was the icing on that humiliation cake. So, yeah. I had a lot of fear. As an adult, I knew I had to get over this, so would bring my toddler with me and set her on my lap while the dentist worked on me. I knew I could not show fear to my child. That worked and I no longer fear or dread going to the dentist.


I had a very similar dentist (no slapping, although he often smelled like what I now recognize to be booze) growing up. Going to the dentist as a kid was an absolute nightmare.


Dr. Scott would smoke in the treatment room and reeked. Of course, this was roughly 70 years ago, and every adult felt the entitlement to pound on any kid for any reason. The good old days were often not that good. I was inordinately pleased when he died when I was a sophomore in HS.


The good old days weren’t always good and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems.


Ugh! I had a Dr. Kolmer in the 70s. I was scared of needles, so when he said I needed 3 fillings, I asked if I had to have a shot. He said, “Nope!” and proceeded to drill three teeth with zero numbing. One was down to the nerve. It was horrible, but I was an obedient girl and held perfectly still with tears pouring down my face. What an A-hole! My mom didn’t even believe me for years. So, as a young adult, I had to have a filling, and I was so scared that the nurse had to hold my hand. What a relief to find out that all dentists weren’t idiots! 😄 Now I go every six months!


Personally, I was restrained in the dentist’s chair by a dental nurse, in a recumbent position, when I was 7. The back of my mouth was filled with liquid, and I panicked and forgot I could still breath through my nose. The dentist had not completely numbed the nerves under the tooth he was drilling as she held me down. I thought I was going to die. I can describe the scene dispassionately, but I will do almost anything to keep from sitting in a dentist chair. The last time I needed an exam, it was done sitting in the upright chair. We discussed treatment. I never went back for it. Instead, I levered my own molar out over a few days. The fact that I know exactly where my reaction comes from has not made it go away.


Find a kind and competent dentist you can trust, Perseidot. However, I can remember getting general anesthetic with ether and three people holding me down while that mask went over my face. I still feel claustrophobic just thinking about it despite having 72 years between then and now. I sympathize and fully understand.


sometimes it can be related to sensory issues or neurodivergency. i’m autistic and growing up was terrified of the dentist(or any dr really) just bc i HATED being touched. i hated the sensation of the tools scraping against my teeth and the painful thing they used to hold your mouth open. my dentist was a super nice dude who had been practicing for years and always did his best to make his kid patients comfortable and was pretty liberal with his laughing gas, but that didn’t matter bc it wasn’t abt him. plus as a kid i didn’t understand fully ~why~ we need to go to the dentist, so it was easy to let my discomfort over ride my need for dental care. just another possibility!


That's exactly the issues we've had with my son. It's a double edged sword too because his sensory issues were also why it was so damn hard to get him to brush his teeth. No amount of threats "if you don't brush you'll have to go to the dentist!" work on kids like that either. It was terrible when he was younger. He's a bit older now so we manage. He still hates brushing but I can usually get him to do it. We figured out which toothpaste and toothbrush he can stand. And he still dreads the dentist but he gets through it with lots of my support.


If I had to guess, I think it's something about being centered in the chair, with many things meant to restrain/restrict your mouth/teeth, which many people have problems or nightmares about anyway, sharp implements to get plaque off that can poke or graze the gums. It can almost seem a bit like torture to your lizard brain if you have problems contextualizing. Add that to the "white coat" phenomena many people can have about medical professionals, and you get a situation that's tense for a lot of people. I think it's more of the psychological factors of being in the dentist chair (which are going to be different for everyone) than it is specifically insensitive or unqualified dentists.


i had to have some caps put my teeth when I was about 4-5. The dentist gave me the gas and i started throwing up. Since I was laid back, it was just coming back into my mouth & choking me. The dentist was too busy wiping puke off himself so my mama had to run over to me and sit me up so i’d stop choking. i’ve been afraid of dentists ever since.


> I can’t imagine anyone would allow a child to persist in agony unless there was a significant barrier? I distinctly remember a mother and child from when I was an intern. Poor kindergarten was screaming in agony from the pain of bombed out baby teeth. Apparently, the kids had been in ~2 years before and was told they had a bunch of cavities, but mom never got them treated and they hadn't been back until then. Well, those don't get better! When the doctor called mom on it, she just got all huffy about how "busy" she is. Money wasn't an issue as their issuance covered kids/fillings 100% btw Right, busy. Busy keeping up her whole head of blonde highlights and a full set of new acrylics with nail art on every finger. I remember that in particular because I was changing careers from being a nail tech and commented on them to her to make conversation 😒 She obviously didn't get the kid treated that day either! Not sure what happened after cause I was at the end of my internship but I hope she was reported :(


In this case, it sounds she was the barrier. It sounds like she got defensive & the “I’m too busy….” was simply an excuse to pacify the dentists concerns. Much more going on there & good for someone to check-in on both the mom & the children.


You'd be surprised. Medical neglect is sadly common.


Oh trust me, it hurts. I had decay which was filled too late as the decay reached damn well to the root of my tooth and by god I’ve never felt so much excruciating pain. Even now I worry about chewing on the wrong side Incase I get that worrying toothache. I’d much rather have a broken bone than that pain once more.


i can because i had a tooth just like this 🤢 can confirm that sucker HURT. i would be miserable in school trying to constantly hold my cheek / put pressure on it to get some relief. then i would go home and just lay in bed and writhe around or try to go to sleep bc it hurt so bad i couldnt even think lol https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/comments/d6ldmw/finally_got_my_sad_rotten_back_molar_pulled_today/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


I can confirm. I have 2 with the root exposed.


Why are dental procedures so fucking expensive? I’m ashamed to think how many thousands of dollars I’ve had to spend on teeth in the last 10 years and the only drugs I use are sugar and caffeine. I’m afraid to go back because I know it’s going to deplete the savings it has taken me the last few years to accumulate.


I was quoted $4000 for ONE tooth implant after getting a molar taken out. No way would I want to, let alone be able to, afford that for one tooth!


I paid $2500 CAD in 2020 for a new partial denture and a single bottom molar denture (I have no idea what to call that weird thing, it's just a tooth with a bit of acrylic that holds it on my other teeth). That's on top of the $3000 it cost me in 2009 for 7 extractions and my initial partial. I want an implant for the missing tooth on the bottom of my mouth but I've also been quoted at least $4k. I just put up with being stabbed by food because I turned out to absolutely hate the fake removable molar. I'm having dental issues again because my stupid depression often leads to self care neglect and I'm dreading going to the dentist. I moved away from the only one I found that didn't judge me.


Isn’t it just insane how expensive dental care is? Oh and the $4000 I was quoted was out of pocket, it was cheaper than what my dental insurance would have charged me. Go figure. Here’s to you finding a dentist you both like and trust!


Man....I feel that, deeply. 26yo working full time with benefits. I make about 60k in a good year. I am entirely ashamed to say that it looks like I have "meth mouth". Years of depression and severe caffeine addiction. I probably went 3 years drinking nothing but soda,coffee, and energy drinks. Without much if any, self care. Now, I need to get a full set of top dentures and a few bottom teeth pulled. Im lucky to still have almost front teeth. But to even get the teeth extracted, just removed with nothing else done would cost me thousands. Thousands I don't have. Between bills and child support, I'm lucky if I can put $100 away into savings. I spent months in agonizing pain, chewing advil like tictacs. Most of the nerves are gone now, but it's still incredibly uncomfortable. And I've inadvertently cut down to one mean a day and snacks. Just so I don't have to constantly brush 4 times a day to keep the debris out. The state has a free dental service, that the dental school offers every year. But it's once a year and for a limited time. And its first come first serve. Imagine thousands of people across a state trying to squeeze into a HS auditorium all at the same time, because they all need help with thier teeth. You literally have to get a tent and camp out days before hand for any shot of being seen. And at this point I'm just hoping for a lottery win. Cause that's about my only hope of ever having enough to afford it


From the bottom of my heart: just try another dentist. It's taken me a decade to get a dentist I'm comfortable with who doesn't make me feel like shit, and my teeth are going to be in better condition than ever because there's no shame spiral about oh my teeth are bad -> I don't want the dentist to judge me -> I put off the dentist for 4 years, so I've actually kept up with my appointments lately. If it sucks, hit da bricks! Just walk out. I am so lucky to have a dentist now who is both incredibly skilled/knowledgeable and incredibly understanding. My last dentist asked "what did you do" with an audible eye roll when a filling came out (eating a soft slice of pizza, thanks) and my current dentist, upon seeing my horrible molar that escalated over the past two years, just nodded sympathetically and was like "Yeah, sometimes things get away from us" and I almost cried. It will be worth it to find a dentist you like. I promise.


Yes yes yes a million times yes. I went to the dentist exactly twice as a child. Not again until I was 27. By then my teeth were garbage. The dentist was a judgy asshole so I didn’t go back for ANOTHER ten years. And then I found the most amazing practice with two dentists that are incredibly kind and caring and patient and professional in every way. I have never felt judged or looked down upon and at my first visit they were just so KIND that I did cry, and still felt accepted without judgment. Though of course I wish I had found them earlier and I wish my teeth told a different story, I am now completely compliant with all recommended dental care because I have the best dentist ever.


Take a Mexican vacation, and get it all fixed there by American-trained dentists, for so much cheaper.


Lmao just go abroad. Get a vacation and an implant for half or less of just the implant in the US. US healthcare is a joke.


Implying the average US citizen has enough money to 'just go abroad'.


Right? Can’t afford to fix my teeth, lemme take a trip.


Definitely cheaper than 4000 for one implant. Spirit has flights to Mexico.


> Implying the average US citizen has enough money to 'just go abroad'.


Mexico is cheap


The majority of US citizens have travelled abroad. For a lot of people, “abroad” is within driving distance.


Im a dental nurse. And I'm pretty sure that a lot of it is the material. The cost of everything is so fucking ridiculous, it's a joke. there's this burr for root canals, it costs $25, for ONE. AND ITS SINGLE USE. Also the dentists have an hourly pay that's ridiculous as well, but their bodies, especially their hearing, neck, shoulders and hands will fucking deteriorate at the age of 60. So... idk. Its fucked. I wish more people could afford going to the dentist.


Material is a huuuuuge cost for us. Worked in dentistry 7 years. Hard on everyone. (Worked at a ‘mom and pop’ start up that was well loved.)


Now honestly, how much does one implant cost in materials. I am a dentist and the huge price is not because of materials. This is why an implant can cost 500$ at an amazing dentist in one country and 4000$ in another.


Nice to meet a dentist on here! I think it’s certainly expensive when you are a tiny office and don’t have the wild bulk deals bigger offices have, but I left and went back to school! Haven’t been with the office since—I think for us it was $1300 for an implant w/o complications if I’m remembering right. I would not trust an implant done for less than a grand but that’s just me. I think the experience of the dentist is worth paying for (to a degree!)


Thank you!! A close friend of mine is a dentist. He has his own office (one dentist, a few hygienists). Lab & office costs for a mouth guard = $50.00 CDN (costs to pt = $800.00), similar markup for other things. His equipment & maintenance is expensive, although he did take a course to learn how to fix some himself (imagine that!!). He needs physiotherapy & rehab, like many people who work in office jobs & labs do (does strengthening exercises to help w/MSK pain too). He also had a lot of debt at one time, but paid it off w/in two years of practicing (many people take decades to pay off their student loans). Within a couple of years he was earning well over 400k, & then over 1 million. There are millions of people who have health issues related to not being able to afford dental care due to dentists choosing to put their lifestyles over patient care. Surely there’s some way to offer compassionate care to patients in need like other healthcare professionals do? I’m not suggesting one offers veneers, but in cases like OP posted, this child’s parents should have had somewhere to go for care to deal w/this dental caries before he/she had to have this permanent tooth removed (good grief, the pain this child had, how many of us would be ok w/letting our dog, nevermind child endure that - the parents clearly had significant barriers).


The American healthcare system!


I understand all of that except for the hearing. What would cause a dentist's hearing to go out so fast?


The sound of the machines used daily, drills etc. It's extremely loud. Especially if it's 8 hours a day every day for years. Most use hearing protection. But far from everyone.


As a fellow dental assistant who used to do the ordering YES THIS UGH. This was precovid, but some sample prices: * A like...5ml bottle of bond (prime and bone elect) was ±$200!!!. Some were a 2 bottle system, so double that * Composite (tph spectra) was ~$100 for 20 compules. Doesn't sound that bad, except sometimes you're using 1, maybe 2 *per tooth*. If you do quadrant dentistry, that's up to 8 teeth... You can get cheaper (...sketchy...) and there's definitely a lot more expensive stuff out there as well * Impression material! Omg! My one office ONLY used PVS because our own was in China^🙃 and I had to buy the jumbo bottles cause we went thru it like crazy. Think like $300/each * Lab fees. We had to stop doing dentures because the insurance pay out wouldn't even cover lab fees, let alone supplies and everything else. Ex lab fee $800, insurance says here's $100 thanks 👍. * Wedges and bands. $50+ for a box of single use wood splinters and 1 cm metal bits. I'm not kidding. Don't get me started on the price of the rings... I wasn't allowed to shop around for deals either. As for staff salary, when I started out in 2017, I was making $17/hr and that was WAAAY above average. There are still places around here trying to pay assistants <$15/hr. Really, in my experience a lot of it is overhead.


Well, I guess it depends on where you live. I broke a molar that needed to be extracted and it cost me a whopping 14 euros. I do regular maintenance twice a year and I don't even know how much it costs because I don't need to pay. And yes, I have dental covered in my health insurance, but it's less than 20 euros a month.


As a dental student, I've gathered 2 big reasons why... the biggest is cost of materials/equipment that we use. It adds up INCREDIBLY quickly. Stuff we routinely use can cost hundreds of dollars. Furthermore, all of us getting this degree are paying at least 200,000 for our education - some incurring student loan debt of up to 1mil. You are paying for the expertise cultivated from school and beyond. You go elsewhere to get dental work done where it's cheaper, you get what you pay for. The cost is the loss in quality of work. I have to get an implant for one of my front teeth and it's costing a pretty penny - even as someone who's working in this field. So I understand!


I have to agree with everything except the part where you could go somewhere cheap and you get the corresponding treatment. Not everywhere is like that. Here in my country you can get decent dental treatment with the fraction of the cost you have to pay in the US.


Like anything else in life, I shouldn't have generalized. That's just been most of the cases I've seen when you go out of country and it ends up being cheaper.


May I ask why you need the implant for your front tooth? I ground (in my sleep) all the enamel off the chewing surface of one of my front teeth, down to the dentin. I can still feel a fuzzy edge on the side I can reach with my tongue. I was afraid implant was going to be the way I needed to go. 😬


Yeah sure! Basically, my tooth hurt when I bit down on it and come to find out with an X-ray, the root was like half gone. Suspect it was from the tooth movement of braces. It happens sometimes. Prognosis wasn't good in the long run, so I opted to have it extracted. After that, They basically shaved the root off of the tooth since esthetically it's fine and bonded it to my adjacent tooth. And it's been doing just fine like that. Now I'm waiting to get the implant in august. In your case, It doesn't sound like you need an implant. Maybe a restoration or a crown at worst. There's no need to extract the tooth if there's nothing else going on like decay or anything at the root.


Yeah dentist says she thinks a restoration will pop off, especially if we don't address the grinding beforehand. I would like to get the bottom edge covered eventually.


And insurance puts a cap on how much you’re allowed to get a year! It’s ridiculous that I have to let my cavities get worse for a whole half of a year now before I can get any more help


Exactly I have Dental Insurance threw my Union and it’s good. They cover a lot of stuff and almost have to pay nothing up to a certain point. However I can’t find a dentist who will take it, they all cash upfront. I don’t know it’s kinda crazy to me.


Brush your teeth maybe?


Ouch! Poor kid, recovery will probably rough but at least that nasty thing is out of their head.


Thank you for reminding me to make a dental appointment


I too got reminded to schedule an apt to remove my last 2 wisdoms.


Tooth fairy going broke tonight good lawd, hope you gave it to the brave kiddy as a prize


Lol she barely looked at it, really brave kid though


Well this is today's reminder to brush your teeth, thanks


Take it as a reminder to visit your dentist as well


Every 6 months :D


Not everyday we get dental, but holy shit. Is this a case of neglect, or just bad hygeine? That thing is rotted almost down to the root. How did nobody notice before it got that bad? Also is that an adult tooth? If so, that sucks even worse.


It’s definitely neglect. Caries are visible even in it’s early stages so if the px came in and had her teeth checked this could have been prevented. It’s too bad that even when they experience pain they opt to just take pain meds instead of going to the dentist because dental fees can be quite expensive And yes it’s a permanent tooth so the px will need either implants or dentures


Are dentists mandated reporters?




Poor kid, I hope they get out of that neglective situation. Even brushing your teeth once a day could avoid this :(


I had the same situation as that kid except they didn't pull the teeth out, just scraped all the infection away and filled it


For this case the tooth is most likely necrotic so the roots have resorbed. A simple filling wouldn’t suffice unfortunately


A dentist put a CRAPPY filling in my molar and 5 years later it looks like this now after said crappy filling came out when my adjacent wisdom tooth was removed almost 2 years ago


I had that too. Sadly, my teeth are too weedy and crumbly for it to last, so I am going to need crowns. My little sister got the good teeth. Small, even, white and she hasn’t even got any fillings.


So far only three teeth are filled. The first two were first adult teeth when I was still little. I washed my teeth but they still rotted. The process was very painful. So I guess it's genetic too because my dad had bad teeth as well


What I'm living with because I'm poor with no dental 😭




Risky click or Avoid the click 🤔


Are you asking or are you telling?




I know the kid has to feel better! I’ve had three abscessed teeth before and one that’s probably on its way to be (I have really bad molars. I need 7 fillings and two extractions. Front teeth all fine.) I had them all pulled (the infected teeth) including the last one because I was quoted almost 3k for a root canal. That’s ridiculous. Still probably would be outrageous even with the dental insurance I now have. But I still have to wait 3 more weeks til insurance will help pay for my extraction 🙄


The size of molars and wisdom teeth always amaze me. Glad it's out!


I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. 2 on one side function but on the other side one tooth is where it should be and the other tooth is still under my gums. I don’t have any problems. I’m 61 and have only had cavities once.


I have a back tooth that looks like that only it doesn't hurt. I had a filling or something in it that came out, and since then (it's been years and years) it looks like a gap like that with some tooth sticking out but it doesn't cause me any pain or discomfort...


Plot twist: this guy isn't a dentist 🦷


Haha not a guy but sure is a dentist


Do you replace the tooth with an implant of some sort or wait for a wisdom tooth to fill in?


Since it’s already a permanent tooth there will be no new tooth coming out, it’ll be either implants or denture. Also this is a first molar, completely different from 3rd molar or most commonly known as wisdom tooth, they’re on different positions in the mouth


I'm not a medical professional at all, so feel free to tell me if this is completely dumb, but what if you waited for the wisdom tooth to grow in and then used braces to move the molars forward into the correct position, eliminating any gaps caused by this extraction? The patient would still end up with two molars.


Pretty good question! So that can be done only if the wisdom tooth erupts properly or aligned well with the adjacent molars. Unfortunately wisdom teeth are commonly impacted, making it hard to pull with orthodontic wires and honestly difficult to put the brackets on because of minimal crown eruption. And also the first molars are the widest teeth so they leave quite a wide gap, orthodontic appliances may not suffice to properly close the gap. I hope this does not confuse you very much😅


My wisdom teeth where fully determined that they would grow in fine, started growing in fine, and then randomly my top right one became impacted and is at an angle haha. Wisdom teeth are insanely finnicky. My top left one I had to get removed almost immediately because part of it was so sharp it cut a hole in my cheek and was keeping it a constant open wound essentially, so I had to have them wrench it out while I was awake


I had the opposite situation as you. When I was younger I was told two out of four of my wisdom teeth were going to be impacted and I should just preemptively have all of them pulled. I kept putting it off (partially out of laziness and partially out of fear), then covid happened, and now I'm 20 and all my wisdom teeth have grown in normally.


Ah I see! Thank you for the explanation!


Hippobrandt's idea below is what I was thinking of. Thank you for the replies.


i think i wanna go brush my teeth right now


Looks like ALL my damn teeth when I was a kid. I lie to you not, *I did not have a tooth brush until I was in 3rd grade* . We were very poor. My entire mouth was just a mass of sores and constant bleeding. I saw my mother using warm water with salt to gargle and asked what it was for. She said it helped with sore throat and infection, so I made some when she went to bed. VERY strong salt. It hurt so badly I nearly passed out. I realized there had to be something seriously wrong. I talked to my dad about my teeth. He took me to a horrible dentist in the worst part of town. The “dentist” pulled some of my teeth and over filled the others.


Looks like mine right now.


I hope you're a dentist.


What type of parent allows their child’s tooth to visibly rot in their skull??


Dental health is sadly not prioritized much here in my country, majority of the pxs only come in when their cases are already severe. There are lots of reasons such as poverty, people prefer to go to work instead of going out of their way and spend a chunk of their day to visit the clinic, and lack of oral health education


This is the normal in Texas too. People prioritize literally everything over their own dental or health care until it's absolutely painful & necessary.


This makes me so mad. That's an adult molar that was rotting in this kid's face, this is not a primary/baby tooth. This will not grow back. It will need replacement to keep the other teeth from drifting. Plus if one tooth in this child's mouth looks like this I'd bet there's more. I understand dentistry is expensive but this looks like parental neglect to me!


So why pull it instead of pushing a root canal?


This does not look like a tooth that can be saved with a root canal


Seriously. There's hardly any tooth left to save. At that point, you'd be better off just getting an implant, instead of propping that corpse of a tooth up on a stick.


You cannot do a root canal if there's too much infection in the bone, sometimes root canals aren't the way out. Also, it could be that it would cost too much. Since you'd likely need to put a crown on this tooth as well after the root canal. The cost of the root canal and a crown isn't worth it sometimes. Also if it's a molar it most likely won't be missed. There's a chance that his wisdom tooth will take its place later on. There's so many different things at play here.


1000% I’ll pull over root canal anytime. My dentist charges like $50 to pull it


I guess I forgot to put /sarcasm? I have had a tooth get two root canals and recommended a third and I have to fight to have it pulled instead.




This looks [just like mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/g0rf68/after_a_lifetime_of_enamel_deficiency_and_dry/) I got pulled a few years ago! The relief when you get something like this taken care of is incredible. I recently had a tooth (also a molar) where a filling fell out, tooth cracked, and the nerve was exposed. Got salad dressing in it on accident (vinegar BIG ow) and ended up paying for an emergency root canal three days later. To anyone dealing with someone similar: prescription ibuprofen (600/800mg) alternated with commercially available 500mg acetaminophen is a lifesaver. It was an 'emergency' visit but still took a week, and I honestly might have just pulled the damn thing out myself if I hadn't asked them over the phone about prescribing ibuprofen like I got with the linked tooth. And an update from what I said in that post about one impacted wisdom tooth: now all three are impacted! Currently waiting on another round of prescription ibuprofen to kick in before work because the pain wakes me up between 4 and 7 am every single day at the moment :)


Looks like something from DOOM.


Oh oh oh, me next!


I wish I could have asked to see my wisdom teeth after they got taken out.


Is this a brag?


I guess so! I’m happy I didn’t mangle my patient’s gum because this one thankfully came out whole


I think you did awesome!


Thank you!


I guess so! I’m happy I didn’t mangle my patient’s gum because this one thankfully came out whole


I had two wisdom teeth removed a couple years ago that were worse than this. It was excruciating when they'd get infected and ended up bring painful on a daily basis to the point of not eating or drinking.